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Sustainable production and biodiversity conservation can be mutually supportive in providing multiple ecosystem services to farmers and society. This study aimed to determine the contribution of agroforestry systems, as tested by family farmers in the Brazilian Rainforest region since 1993, to tree biodiversity and evaluated farmers’ criteria for tree species selection. In addition, long-term effects on microclimatic temperature conditions for coffee production and chemical and biological soil characteristics at the field scale were compared to full-sun coffee systems. A floristic inventory of 8 agroforests and 4 reference forest sites identified 231 tree species in total. Seventy-eight percent of the tree species found in agroforests were native. The variation in species composition among agroforests contributed to a greater γ-diversity than α-diversity. Monthly average maximum temperatures were approximately 6 °C higher in full-sun coffee than in agroforests and forests. Total soil organic C, N mineralization and soil microbial activity were higher in forests than in coffee systems, whereas the chemical and biological soil quality in agroforests did not differ significantly from full-sun coffee after 13 years. Given its contribution to the conservation of biodiversity and its capacity to adapt coffee production to future climate change, coffee agroforestry offers a promising strategy for the area.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships of bird and small mammal species richness, composition, and abundance to vegetation structure and economic profitability across a coffee intensification gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico. We conducted 2 years of point count censuses for summer resident birds, 2 years of Sherman live trapping for small mammals, and gathered vegetation structure data at 147 sampling points distributed over 16 sites spanning a cultivation intensification gradient. We calculated net annual revenue per hectare as an index of profitability from economic and management data collected during interviews with plantation owners/managers. Both the species richness and abundance of forest-affiliated birds were significantly greater in floristically and structurally diverse ‘bajo monte’ coffee and forest compared with commercial polyculture coffee, which was, in turn, significantly richer than statistically indistinguishable specialized shade and sun coffee. Mammal capture rates were extremely low at all but two sites. Forest bird species richness and abundance were explained by multiple linear regression models that included statistically significant effects of shade cover, percent of trees with epiphytes, and canopy height. We found no clear relationship between profitability and biodiversity, with biodiverse bajo monte coffee plantations ranking among the most profitable under all price scenarios. The high profitability of biodiverse bajo monte coffee systems was not dependent on the inclusion of long-term environmental costs or premium pricing systems. Our results demonstrate that high-biodiversity coffee cultivation can be compatible with high profitability, and has significant potential for conserving biodiversity in coffee-growing regions, but only as a substitute for low-biodiversity coffee cultivation, not forest.  相似文献   

Considerable numbers of arthropods were intercepted by Malaise traps at the interface of abandoned, organic and sprayed apple orchards with adjacent woodlands. Low exchange of arthropods was registered between the abandoned orchard and its margins. The data suggest that arthropods invaded the orchards from the surrounding woodlands and subsequent colonization of trees was influenced by orchard management intensity, vegetational diversity and distance of trees from borders. More natural enemies established and remained in the organic orchards than in the sprayed orchard, whereas more rosy apple aphids and several species of leafhoppers invaded the sprayed orchard. A declining gradient in predator abundance on the apple trees was observed from abandoned to sprayed orchards, paralleling a decrease in vegetational diversity and an increase in management intensity. Predators were more abundant on trees close to the woodlands than in the centers of the managed orchards. Herbivores exhibited an opposite trend. The rates at which predators removed prey that were placed on cards in the trees and on the ground were higher in the field margins than in the centers of the organic and sprayed orchards. Predation was highest in the abandoned orchard and in the organic orchard with cover crop.  相似文献   

The influence of management intensity on the richness, abundance and composition of land snail species was examined in 21 calcareous, nutrient-poor cattle pastures in the northwestern Jura mountains, Switzerland. Grazing intensity was positively correlated with the extent of fertilization of the pastures. Pastures without fertilizer application and with low grazing intensity harboured more snail species and more threatened snails than pastures with annual addition of manure or pastures with manure and nitrogen fertilizer and higher grazing intensity. Fewer snail individuals, open-land species and open-land individuals were found on pastures with high than on pastures with low management intensity. To preserve the threatened snail species in dry, nutrient-poor grasslands, a network of pastures should be managed without fertilization and grazing intensity should not exceed 180 LU ha−1 d (product of livestock units per hectare and grazing days).  相似文献   

Compared to the environmental and conservation value as refuges for biodiversity, less is known about the social and economic value of shaded coffee systems. The agroforestry system can serve as a source of non-coffee products for diverse purposes. This study focuses on the role of shade trees in smallholder coffee farms, examining the wood products derived from the shaded coffee system. Data presented from surveys with 185 growers in Peru and 153 growers in Guatemala show that the consumption and sale of all non-coffee products account for a fifth to a third of the total value realized from the agroforestry system. Fuelwood and construction materials account for much of this value. Differences seen between countries can be traced to agricultural intensification – the degree to which the coffee agroforestry system is “technified” (i.e., managed with a reduced shade tree cover and diversity, high-yielding cultivars, agrochemical inputs, etc.) – as well as the relative demand for wood resources and farmers’ access to natural forest systems.  相似文献   

Bird and land-use surveys were conducted along the agricultural gradient covering from pure croplands through mixed-farming to pure pastoral-farming scenario in the Pampean region of Argentina. Simple regression analyses were performed to analyse the responses of bird abundance to the percentage of land devoted to crop-production. The specific variables associated to bird abundance within both the crop and pastoral-farming landscapes were identified by running redundancy analyses (RDA). The abundance of 20 out of 43 species (47%) was significantly related to the percentage of cropland, finding negative (65%), positive (25%) unimodal (5%) and bimodal (5%) responses of birds to increasing intensity of crop production. The results showed three types of negative and two types of positive responses of bird abundance to the agricultural gradient. RDA revealed the importance of crop-field types in the crop-production scenario and of cattle presence and grass height in the pastoral-farming scenario for the structuring of the grassland bird community. As most species were negatively affected by crop production, the current land-use homogenisation towards high-intensity croplands will most likely result in population decline of many birds in the region.  相似文献   

Plant communities are affected by land-use and landscape heterogeneity and can be used as indicators of environmental change. At small-scale, species composition and species richness of plant communities are influenced by local environment and by diaspores from the surroundings. Thus, they reflect the influence of both land-use type and land-use diversity. Plant community composition was studied along a gradient of agricultural disturbance in the Morvan Regional Natural Park (Burgundy, France). Six landscape units of 1 km2 were selected along a range of increasing land-use intensity. Sixteen 0.2 m2 sampling plots per unit were selected according to a grid-based design to estimate the percent cover of all plant species. Pattern analysis showed that local species richness increased from woodland to crop to grassland, and also increased with land-use diversity. Local plant biodiversity was maximized under intermediate disturbance intensity and minimized at low (woodland) and high (crop) disturbance levels.  相似文献   

Data on birds occurring in farmland in the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were related to the spatial organisation of farmed habitats in three different agricultural landscape types. Species richness, abundance, and diversity of farmland bird communities, as well as abundance of the most frequently observed species were positively related to the number of residual non-cropped elements within farmland, the local mixture of annual crop and grass fields, and the variety of field types. The positive association of the species richness and abundance of the farmland bird community with richness in residual habitats and crops was most prominent in open landscapes. The results suggest that, by simplifying farmland structure and making it more homogenous, EU agricultural policies will have a detrimental effect on farmland bird populations in Eastern Europe. Ways of better targeting of the agri-environment schemes are suggested.  相似文献   

The mortality of cacao fruits caused by early fruit abortion or insect and pathogen attacks was investigated in differently managed agroforestry systems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Nine agroforestry systems shaded by three different types of tree stands were selected, which represented a decrease in structural heterogeneity: forest remnants, diverse planted trees and one or two species of planted leguminose trees. After standardized manual cross-pollination, the development of 600 fruits on 54 trees (6 trees per agroforest) was followed during 18 weeks of fruit development. In total, 432 of all fruits were lost before maturity, which seriously undermined yields. The proportion of harvested fruits per tree (overall average: 27 ± 4%) was not affected by canopy type. Although shade cover did not have a significant effect, losses due to fruit abortion were most likely under forest shade, where nitrogen-fixing leguminose shade trees were absent. Fruit losses due to pathogenic infections and insect attacks increased with the homogenization of the agroforests, supporting the hypothesis that agricultural homogenization increases risks of pest outbreaks. In conclusion, shade management may be improved to increase yields from cacao using highly diversified natural shade agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

Irrigation effects on biodiversity are poorly known, particularly in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. In this study we analyzed irrigation effects on butterfly species richness, abundance and diversity as well as on species composition in a farmed landscape under Mediterranean climate. The study area consisted of four contiguous agricultural sub-areas with a decreasing degree of intensification: irrigated, mixed (dry and irrigated), dry and environmentally protected (i.e. Special Protection Area, SPA) dry farmland. Forty one km-transects (ten per sub-area) were searched for butterflies in 2008 and 2009. Contrary to expectations, species richness (alfa, beta and gamma diversity) was highest in both years in the most intensified sub-area (i.e. irrigated) followed by SPA, dry and mixed sub-areas. Landscape characteristics accounted for most of the between-subareas differences in species richness. Species richness was negatively related to mean field size at the landscape level and positively related to the number of trees and large shrubs along transects. Therefore, the higher number of butterfly species recorded in the irrigated farmland could be due to a more complex landscape. In contrast, butterfly abundance was highest in cereal steppes (i.e. dry and SPA sub-areas), with abundance being negatively affected by mean field size. Inter-annual change in butterfly abundance was much sharper in rainfed (i.e. dry and SPA) than in irrigated (i.e. irrigated and mixed) sub-areas. Irrigated farmland may provide more favorable conditions for butterflies by buffering the (year-to-year and summer) drought periods characterising Mediterranean climate. Species composition differed among sub-areas, with differences being partly explained by field size and number of trees and shrubs along transects. Our study suggest an important role of landscape characteristics in boosting butterfly biodiversity in intensively managed irrigated croplands and emphasizes the importance of encouraging studies on farmland butterfly diversity in different (bioclimatic) regions allowing the design of region-specific agri-environmental schemes.  相似文献   

Structurally complex landscapes may enhance local species richness and interactions, which is possibly due to a higher species pool in complex landscapes. This hypothesis was tested using cereal aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) by comparing 12 winter wheat fields in structurally complex landscapes (>50% semi-natural habitats; n = 6) and structurally simple landscapes dominated by agricultural lands (>80% arable land; n = 6). Surprisingly, landscape structural complexity had no effect on aphid parasitoid species diversity. In complex landscapes 12 and in simple landscapes 11 species were found; 9 species occurred in both landscape types. Hence, arable fields in high-intensity agricultural landscapes with little non-crop area can support a similar diversity of cereal aphid parasitoids as structurally complex landscapes. This finding suggests that cereal aphid parasitoids may find necessary resources even in simple landscapes, making generalisations concerning the relationship between landscape composition and biodiversity in arable fields difficult.  相似文献   

Agricultural development to meet rapidly growing demands for food and biofuel and the abandonment of traditional land use have had major impacts on biodiversity. Habitat diversity is one of the most important factors influencing biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. In this study we propose an ecological index of ecosystem or habitat diversity in agricultural landscapes – the Satoyama Index (SI) – that is discernible under appropriate spatial units (e.g., 6 km × 6 km) from 1 km × 1 km gridded land-cover data available from an open-access web site. A high SI value is an indicator of high habitat diversity, which is characteristic of traditional agricultural systems, including Japanese satoyama landscapes, while a low value indicates a monotonic habitat condition typical of extensive monoculture landscapes. The index correlated well with the spatial patterns of occurrence of a bird of prey (Butastur indicus) and species richness of amphibians and damselflies in Japan. The values of the SI also corresponded well to the spatial patterns of typical traditional agricultural landscapes with high conservation value in other countries, for example, the dehesas of the Iberian Peninsula and shade coffee landscapes in Central America. Globally, the pattern of East/South-East Asian paddy belts with their high index values contrasts markedly with the low values of the Eurasian, American, and Australian wheat or corn belts. The SI, which correlates landscapes with biodiversity through potential habitat availability, is highly promising for assessing and monitoring the status of biodiversity irrespective of scale.  相似文献   

Plantations of short-rotation coppice (SRC) have a potential for being a useful measure to stop the ongoing impoverishment of farmland biodiversity by increasing structural diversity, and decreasing cultivation intensity and use of pesticides in intensively managed farmland landscapes. The aim of this study was to investigate the relative importance of the structure of the plantation and composition of adjacent habitats for breeding birds in 41 SRCs (meansize±S.E.=9.4±1.6 ha). Mean number of species per ha in the SRCs was 2.8±0.3 species and there were more farmland birds (32 species, 808 territories) than forest birds (22 species, 400 territories). A major result of the present study was the strong influence of adjacent habitats on bird community composition (18 of 22 analysed species affected). There were large differences in bird communities between forest-bordered and open-bordered sites, but occurrence of residual habitats (i.e. other habitats than forest, pastures, shrub areas and arable fields) was also associated with occurrence of several species. The second factor of major importance for the bird fauna was the height of the plantations. Most species (14) were associated with tall plantations (>2 m), seven species were associated with plantations of intermediate (1–2 m) height, and six species were associated with plantations of low height (<1 m). A comparison of ecological traits between species classified as preferring SRC and species classified as avoiding SRC suggests that nest height was the only ecological character associated with a preference for Salix habitats, i.e. species with nests on the ground or in shrubs were more abundant in Salix habitats than in farmland landscapes in general. However, a broad spectrum of species was found in the SRCs and many of these seemed to be dependent on habitat features outside the plantations. Planting of Salix in intensively managed farmland plains will have positive effects on bird diversity by increasing the structural diversity of the landscape. In contrast, plantations on infields in forest-dominated landscapes will have negative effects, since the mosaic structure (i.e. mixture of open and forested habitats) positive for most farmland birds will disappear, and Salix plantations favour relatively few forest species. Additionally, Salix could be planted along sharp edges between coniferous plantations and open farmland in order to increase the complexity of the ecotone in intensively managed forest-farmland landscapes.  相似文献   

Natural forest re-growth reflects a decline in traditional agricultural practices that can be observed worldwide. Over the last few decades, natural forest re-growth has replaced much of the agricultural land in the Swiss mountains. This is a region where forms of traditional cultivation have preserved unique landscapes and habitats of high ecological value. This study aimed to characterise the locations in the Swiss mountains where agricultural land has been abandoned and overgrown by trees and bushes. Therefore, multivariate statistical models based on geo-physical and socio-economic variables were developed. Land-use change data were taken from two nationwide land-use surveys carried out in the 1980s and 1990s. In order to obtain reliable models, neighbourhood effects and the group structure in our data were accounted for. For the latter a robust estimation technique known as cluster-adjustment was used.Results show that forest re-growth is largely restricted to former alpine pastures, land with grass and scrub vegetation and agricultural land with groups of trees at mid to high altitudes, steep slopes, stony ground and a low temperature sum. Some relationships were not as expected, e.g. many of the new forest areas were found to be relatively close to roads. A new finding from this study was that forest re-growth is largely restricted to regions with immigration, higher proportions of part-time farms as opposed to full-time farms and high farm abandonment rates. By accounting for neighbourhood effects, the model fit was improved. The considerable residual deviance of the models was interpreted as the result of undetected local characteristics, such as poor water availability, small-scaled topographic peculiarities (e.g. small trenches, stonewalls, soil damages by cattle) and the individual's motivation to abandon or maintain cultivation. The conclusion made was that general policy measures for the whole mountain area are not suitable for the prevention of land abandonment and forest re-growth, and that policy measures must pay more attention to local characteristics and needs.  相似文献   

Effects of grassland management type and intensity on carabid species richness, number of individuals and species composition were studied in the Swiss Prealps. Carabids were censused in 2001 and 2002 in 21 mown and 20 grazed meadows by means of pitfall traps.Mean species richness was significantly higher in mown plots than in grazed plots and species composition was significantly different between these two management types. Additionally, different species characteristic for mown and grazed plots were found. These results suggest that mown meadows and grazed meadows represent two habitat types for carabid beetles.Within both habitats, management intensity was quantified by fertilizing intensity, the number of cuts, cattle density and/or grazing intensity. The relationship between management intensity and the number of individuals and species was positive. Higher fertilizing intensity was the most important factor for higher species richness and had a significant influence on species composition in both habitats. Other variables positively related to the number of individuals, were the number of cuts in mown meadows and grazing intensity and altitude in grazed meadows. Additionally to fertilizing intensity, cattle density was positively related to the number of species in grazed meadows. These results illustrate that in the extensive management systems found in the Swiss Alps and Prealps, even intensively managed meadows can sustain high carabid diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

Managing arthropod populations on farmland for conservation purposes, such as food resources for declining farmland birds, requires information on the way distributions vary between crop types, for example under varying sowing regimes. In this study arthropods were sampled during one summer from fields of winter-sown and spring-sown barley. The relative timing of crop development had a strong influence on arthropod abundance between crop types, with winter barley supporting significantly higher abundance of total counts and many individual orders in early summer, but the reverse being the case in late summer. Fields of both crop types that received higher herbicide inputs showed reduced arthropod counts.  相似文献   

Little is known about the predictive value of landscape complexity and farm specialisation for land-use intensity, although this is critical for regional agri–environmental schemes and conservation of biodiversity. Here, we analysed land-use intensity of annual crop fields of 30 farms in northern Germany that were located in 15 landscapes differing in structural complexity ranging from <15% to >65% non-crop habitats. The proportion of arable land per landscape was used as simple predictor of landscape complexity due to its close correlation with habitat-type diversity, and the proportion of arable land per farm acted as an indicator for farm specialisation due to its negative correlation with stock farming. Land-use intensity was quantified using questionnaires. Landscape complexity and farm specialisation were related to several but not all indicators of land-use intensity. Structurally simple landscapes were related to more nitrogen input and higher crop yields, and farms specialised on annual crops had reduced crop-species diversity, larger fields, higher crop yields and more pathogen species. In contrast to general expectations, pesticide use in annual crop fields was exceptionally high and not a function of landscape complexity or farm specialisation. Our results show that generalisations such as “farms specialised on annual crops and structurally simple landscapes show increased land-use intensity” may be misleading.  相似文献   

Fungus-induced galls can attract spore-feeding arthropods as well as gall-feeding ones, resulting in diverse communities. Do large fungal galls support more abundant and diverse arthropod communities than small fungal galls? To address this question, we investigated the structure of the arthropod community associated with bud galls induced by the fungus Melanopsichium onumae on the tree species Cinnamomum yabunikkei (Lauraceae) in central Japan. Thirteen species of arthropods were associated with M. onumae galls. Dominant arthropod species were represented by the larvae of a salpingid beetle (a spore feeder), a nitidulid beetle (a spore feeder), a cosmopterigid moth (a spore feeder), an unidentified moth (a gall tissue feeder), and a drosophilid species (a gall tissue feeder). Arthropod abundance and species richness were positively correlated with gall diameter. The majority of the most abundant species were more frequently found in large galls than in small ones, indicating that large fungal galls, which have more food and/or space for arthropods, could support a more abundant and diverse arthropod community.  相似文献   

Herons (Ardeidae) frequently breed in inland forests and provide organic material in the form of carcasses of prey (that they drop) and chicks (that die) to the forest floor. Such allochthonous inputs of organic materials are known to increase arthropod populations in forests. However, the exact species that show numerical responses to allochthonous inputs in heron breeding colonies remains unclear. Very few studies have clarified which factors determine numerical responses in individual species. We used pitfall and baited traps to compare the densities of arthropods between forest patches in heron breeding colonies (five sites) and areas outside of colonies (five sites) in central Japan. The density of all arthropods was not significantly different between colonies and non-colony areas. However, significant differences between colonies and non-colony areas were found in four arthropod groups. Earwigs (Dermaptera: Anisolabididae), hister beetles (Coleoptera: Histeridae), and carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were more abundant in colonies, while ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were less abundant in colonies. We detected numerical responses to heron breeding in two earwig, one histerid, five silphid, and one ant species. Chick and prey carcasses from herons may have directly led to increases in consumer populations such as earwigs, histerids, and silphids in colonies, while microenvironmental changes caused by heron breeding may have reduced ant abundance. In the Silphidae, five species showed numerical responses to allochthonous inputs, and the other two species did not. Numerical responses in individual species may have been determined by life history traits such as reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

The mountain chain of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas in southern Mexico is globally significant for its biodiversity and is one of the most important coffee production areas of Mexico. It provides water for several municipalities and its biosphere reserves are important tourist attractions. Much of the forest cover outside the core protected areas is in fact coffee grown under traditional forest shade. Unless this (agro)forest cover can be sustained, the biodiversity of the Sierra Madre and the environmental services it provides are at risk. We analyzed the threats to livelihoods and environment from climate change through crop suitability modeling based on downscaled climate scenarios for the period 2040 to 2069 (referred to as 2050s) and developed adaptation options through an expert workshop. Significant areas of forest and occasionally coffee are destroyed every year by wildfires, and this problem is bound to increase in a hotter and drier future climate. Widespread landslides and inundations, including on coffee farms, have recently been caused by hurricanes whose intensity is predicted to increase. A hotter climate with more irregular rainfall will be less favorable to the production of quality coffee and lower profitability may compel farmers to abandon shade coffee and expand other land uses of less biodiversity value, probably at the expense of forest. A comprehensive strategy to sustain the biodiversity, ecosystem services and livelihoods of the Sierra Madre in the face of climate change should include the promotion of biodiversity friendly coffee growing and processing practices including complex shade which can offer some hurricane protection and product diversification; payments for forest conservation and restoration from existing government programs complemented by private initiatives; diversification of income sources to mitigate risks associated with unstable environmental conditions and coffee markets; integrated fire management; development of markets that reward sustainable land use practices and forest conservation; crop insurance programs that are accessible to smallholders; and the strengthening of local capacity for adaptive resource management.  相似文献   

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