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近年来 ,安全生产形势较为严峻 ,重大伤亡事故频频发生 ,并有上升趋势 ,尤其是私营和个体企业发生的重大伤亡事故较多。通过事故的调查分析 ,私营和个体企业在安全生产上主要存在以下问题 :安全生产责任制不落实相当一部分私营、个体企业没有安全生产责任制或安全生产责任制不健全。有的企业不设安全管理人员 ,对安全生产工作没有明确要求 ;一些地方政府的领导和管理部门对这些企业安全生产的职责不明确 ,缺乏有效的安全管理和监督 ;有的地方政府的主要领导片面追求经济效益 ,存在地方保护主义现象 ,有关部门缺少必要的监督检查 ,一些企业急…  相似文献   

安全与生产是什么关系?有的企业领导人对这个问题还存在着一些糊涂观念,如认为要生产难保安全,搞安全会影响生产等。因此,把这两者的关系问题彻底弄清楚,与其说是安全工作的需要,勿宁说更是生产的需要。 我认为,安全与生产的关系可以简单地概括为七个字,即“下不来就上不去”。这就是说,人身伤亡和机器设备事故如果降不下来,那么生产的增长速度就上不去。把事故的发生率降下来,是把生产的速度增上去的前提条件。这也就是我们平常所说的生产必须安全,安全促进生产。这种情况在一切经济部门和企业里都是存在的,在煤炭、电力、交通等部门表现尤…  相似文献   

思想是行动的种子。一些地方、一些部门和一些单位,重生产、轻安全的思想倾向依然存在,对安全生产工作,依然是讲起来重要,做起来次要,忙起来不要。如果不从思想深处认识问题,深刻吸取教训,事故发生后我们只能得到一个流于形式的表态。  相似文献   

今年以来,安全生产形势十分严峻,重大、特大事故连续发生,其中煤矿、道路交通和火灾事故尤为突出。搞好安全生产工作,已成为我国经济建设中一个亟待解决的问题,也是各级政府和有关部门的当务之急。 创建良好的安全生产环境要从两方面入手,一方面要加强企业内部管理工作,保证必需的投入,改善企业内部环境,必须坚持企业领导对安全生产负第一责任,管生产必须管安全的原则;另一方面要在全社会开展广泛深入的安全生产宣传教育,提高全社会的安全生产意识。 企业安全生产工作,关键在领导,企业领导要真正树立“安全第一,预防为主”的思想,负起安全生…  相似文献   

安全生产工作容不得半点虚假,安全检查更不能弄虚作假.这些年,各级领导都高度重视安全生产工作,许多领导在百忙中抽出时间亲自下基层检查指导安全生产工作,有力地促进了安全生产工作的开展.但是,也存在一些走过场的现象.有些领导干部和机关下基层检查安全生产工作,人车未动,电话先行,被检查单位早早得至通知,有充分时间做准备;有的走马观花,身入心不入;还有的对安全要求不懂不会,看不出问题和隐患,起不到应有的检查效果.从这个意义上说,安全生产检查走过场,在一定程度上危害了安全生产工作.  相似文献   

黄毅 《劳动保护》2001,(7):14-15
中共中央宣传部与国家安全生产监督管理局联合下发的《关于加强安全生产宣传教育工作的通知》中 ,明确提出 :“必须把安全生产宣传教育作为全党和全社会的一项重要工作 ,动员各方面的力量抓紧抓好 ,努力营造全社会关注安全、关爱生命的舆论氛围”。这标志着国家对安全生产宣传教育上的深化。一、宣传教育工作在安全生产上具有特殊功能目前 ,在一些领导同志的思想上 ,并没有认识宣传教育在安全生产上的特殊作用 ,因而在安全生产工作中 ,程度不同地存在着“三多三少”的现象 :一是谈到安全生产管理 ,往往在硬件上考虑的多 ,对安全生产宣传教育…  相似文献   

笔者自从事浙江省安全生产许可证行政审批工作5年来,常常遇到一些企业的安技部门领导在申报安全生产许可证行政审批时,存在着不符合安全生产法律法规与规章规定的问题,笔者根据多年来的工作经验,对这些问题进行了归纳和思考,在此仅供同行们参考。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院领导近期就外商投资企业和私营企业劳动安全工作多次作出重要指示,要求重视这方面的工作,不能以劳动者的致残来换取外资引入和经济增长,要加强外商投资企业和私营企业劳动安全的管理和监督,做好维护劳动者合法权益的工作。  根据党中央、国务院领导的重要指示精神,全国总工会、国家经贸委等有关部门最近对一些地区进行了安全检查,并于5月13日发出通知,要求采取积极有效的措施,推动外商投资企业和私营企业进一步做好劳动安全工作。  通知指出:各地政府有关部门和企业要充分认识安全生产的重要性,正确处理安全…  相似文献   

安全生产是当前值得注意的一个问题。在经济形势比较好,生产发展比较快的时候,尤其不能忽视。我省安全生产方面,各地区和各有关部门做了很多工作,取得了一定的成绩。但总的看,安全生产情况仍然不够好,各类事故还没有得到有效的控制。要扭转各类事故多的被动局面,为“七五”计划的顺利起步创造良好条件,必须从以下三方面加强工作。 第一,要在思想上高度重视,工作中摆正位置。 我省安全生产状况不好,有多种因素,其中重要的一条,还是思想上重视不够,工作中没有放在应有的位置。有的同志把生产看作是不能放松的“硬任务”,对安全则觉得是有弹性…  相似文献   

近年来,一些地方、部门在进行重特大生产安全事故应急救援时存在的指挥不灵、处置不当、不及时而导致事故事态扩大、损失加重等问题,引起了各级领导的高度重视和社会各界的广泛关注.尽快建立生产安全应急救援体系不仅已成为各级各部门的共识和全社会的期待,也成为各级政府搞好安全生产工作、提高处置和应对重特大生产安全事故能力必须解决的一个重要课题.目前,我国一些地方、部门在建立生产安全应急救援体系上做了一些工作,也取得一定的成效,但由于多方面的原因,生产安全应急救援体系建设在理论上还有许多问题并没有进行深入的研究,在实践上也还存在基础不扎实,体系可操作性、灵活性、有效性、还不够等多方面的问题.因此,有必要对生产安全应急救援体系建设的相关问题进行必要的研究和探讨.  相似文献   

为深入探究高速公路改扩建转换区发生严重冲突的原因,使用高精度雷达采集单车实时状态数据,对单车区间初速度与加速度进行K-means聚类组合.基于聚类组合内的冲突率与路段事故率,采用Pearson系数法确定车辆的严重冲突阈值.融合转换区单车、交通流和道路因素建立二项Logistic模型,分析严重冲突因素的影响程度.结果表明...  相似文献   

IntroductionThe goals of this study were to analyze possible trends of fatal and serious injuries related to vulnerable road users in Canada (pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists) from 1990 to 2012 and the role of alcohol and drugs in these cases. Drugs have rarely been documented with respect to vulnerable road users.MethodThe Traffic Injury Research Foundation's National Fatality and Serious Injury Databases and the Public Health Agency of Canada's Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program databases were used. Numbers and rates of fatalities and serious injuries among vulnerable road users were analyzed and regression models were used to assess changes over time.ResultsThe analyses show that while the absolute number of fatalities and the rate per 100,000 population among vulnerable road users may be decreasing, no such trends are apparent when looking at the proportions of these road user fatalities out of all motor-vehicle fatalities. The trend for the proportion of motorcyclist fatalities is significantly increasing (coef. = 0.16, p < 0.001). The elderly (76 years or older) are overrepresented among pedestrian fatalities, and serious injuries (they represent 18.5% of all pedestrian fatalities but only 5.8% of the population), while those 15 years or younger are overrepresented among cyclists (they represent 23.3% of cyclist fatalities but 19.5% of the population), and those 16 to 25 years old are overrepresented among motorcyclists (27.2% of motorcyclists fatalities and 13.6% of population). Alcohol and drug use among fatally injured vulnerable road users were significant problems, especially among pedestrians. Among fatally injured pedestrians tested for alcohol and drugs, 39.7% and 43.4% tested positive, respectively.ConclusionsWith the promotion of walking and cycling as forms of exercise and the popularity of motorcycling, the safety of vulnerable road users is an important issue. The results corroborate previous research and extend our understanding about the influence of alcohol and drugs in vulnerable road user injuries.Practical applicationsThese findings can help better inform prevention and mitigation initiatives for vulnerable road users.  相似文献   

Background: The consequences of injuries in terms of disabilities and health burden are relevant for policy making. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge on this topic and discusses the health burden of serious road injuries in The Netherlands.

Methods: The overview of current knowledge on disabilities following a road crash is based on a literature review. The health burden of serious road injuries is quantified in terms of years lived with disability (YLD), by combining incidence data from the Dutch hospital discharge register with information about temporary and lifelong disability.

Results: Literature shows that road traffic injuries can have a major impact on victims' physical and psychological well-being and functioning. Reported proportions of people with disability vary between 11 and 80% depending on the type of casualties, time elapsed since the crash, and the health impacts considered. Together, all casualties involving serious injuries in The Netherlands in 2009 account for about 38,000 YLD, compared to 25,000 years of life lost (YLL) of fatalities. Ninety percent of the burden of injury is due to lifelong consequences that are experienced by 20% of all those seriously injured in road accidents. Lower leg injuries and head injuries represent a high share in the total burden of injury as have cyclists that are injured in a crash without a motorized vehicle. Pedestrians and powered 2-wheeler users show the highest burden of injury per casualty.

Conclusion: Given their major impacts and contribution to health burden, road policy making should also be aimed at reducing the number of serious road injuries and limiting the resulting health impacts.  相似文献   

Objective: Increased numbers of people riding pedal cycles have led to a greater focus on pedal cycle safety. The aim of this article is to explore factors that are associated with fatal and a small number of serious-injury pedal cyclist crashes involving trucks that occurred in London between 2007 and 2011.

Methods: Data were collected from police collision files for 53 crashes, 27 of which involved a truck (≥3.5 tonnes) and a pedal cycle. A systematic case review approach was used to identify the infrastructure, vehicle road user, and management factors that contributed to these crashes and injuries and how these factors interacted.

Results: Trucks turning left conflicting with pedal cyclists traveling straight ahead was a common crash scenario. Key contributory factors identified included the pedal cyclists not being visible to the truck drivers, road narrowing, and inappropriate positioning of pedal cyclists.

Conclusions: Crashes involving trucks and pedal cyclists are complex events that are caused by multiple interacting factors; therefore, multiple measures are required to prevent them from occurring.  相似文献   

对一起网点房较大火灾调查的实际案例进行分析,说明了现场勘验工作对火灾认定的重要性。根据事故调查过程,分析了此类火灾的成因及预防措施,进城务工、经商人员安全防范意识薄弱,逃生自救知识缺乏是造成火灾严重后果的重要因素。并对调查工作中的经验进行总结和介绍。  相似文献   

Objective: In Germany, license restoration after serious or repeated offenses requires a positive medical psychological assessment (MPA), a test to determine the driver's aptitude. Fulfilling the conditions necessary for a positive MPA often takes longer than the period of license revocation, which is perhaps due to the involvement of different personal, organizational, and environmental factors. To optimize the rehabilitation process, the present study analyzed the key aspects of successful rehabilitation after repeated or serious driving offenses.

Methods: After participating in the MPA, 1,631 subjects completed a questionnaire about rehabilitation efforts. The selection of items for this questionnaire was made according to our own prior research, interviews with problem drivers, and the diagnostic criteria for the MPA. Participants were asked when and from whom they obtained certain information and how relevant this information was for their success. In contrast to other studies, which used reoffense rates as a criterion for successful rehabilitation, we used a positive MPA result (positive, negative, or training) as the criterion for success.

Results: Just over half (52%) of the participants considered themselves optimally informed about the rehabilitation process. The others (47.4% of participants) judged the adequacy of information received as less than satisfactory. Offenders who did not partake in counseling before the MPA achieved a successful result only about half as often (37.1%) as those who did (70%) and were around 3 times as likely to have additional courses imposed upon them (21 vs. 7.6%). Of the offenders who received crucial and helpful information at an early stage, 62.4% attained a positive MPA at the first attempt (regardless of having attended any training courses). The success rate for the first attempt rose to 81% for offenders who were well informed at an early stage and participated in counseling before their first MPA.

Conclusion: The results clearly indicate that the provision of relevant information at an early stage combined with counseling has a beneficial influence on success rates for the rehabilitation process (an increase from 37.1 to 81%). As such, we recommend the introduction of obligatory license consultations, offered by MPA experts, involving a status assessment to customize offenders' rehabilitation and thereby provide more or less intensive guidance or coaching depending on offenders' characteristics throughout their progression through the MPA system.  相似文献   

郑辑 《劳动保护》2001,(7):11-11
近3年来 ,众多官员因特大事故受到惩处 ,我们汇集如下 ,希望各级官员吸取教训 ,以免重蹈覆辙。1997年6月27日 ,北京东方化工厂特大爆炸和火灾事故死亡9人 ,伤39人 ;直接经济损失1 17亿元人民币。给予北京市化工集团总经理柴晓钟行政记过处分。1998年1月31日 ,佳木斯华联商厦特大火灾事故死亡1人 ,直接经济损失3638万元。给予佳木斯副市长曲当柏行政警告处分。1998年7月12日 ,江安县特大沉船事故。死亡5人 ,失踪88人。给予江安县长陈开鹏撤销副县长职务处分 ;副县长李尔林行政降级、免去副县长职务处分 …  相似文献   

本文主要分析了高含硫气井点火时间的影响.首先分析国内某重大高含硫井喷事故的调查结果[1],其次采用大涡模拟方法对井喷气体扩散进行模拟,并将计算结果与现场实际调查结果进行对比.通过计算不同点火时间在事故中造成的灾难后果,得出点火时间对于灾难的影响.通过计算不同的气象条件下的扩散距离,提出15min的点火时间标准.  相似文献   

不要让职业病监管留下空白   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职业病形势严峻大别山主峰金岗台脚下西北角,有一畔村落,名叫朱裴店。2007年正月初一,村里的马荣付“灯油耗尽”。他的死,使该村笼罩上厚厚的阴霾,近百口拥有和他同样病症的人心事重重,春节过得闷闷不乐。朱裴店村人口较多,人均只有4分地,村民就算精耕细作,一年到头也仅够吃饭。村中个别不甘受穷的年轻人,为此外出打工,以贴补家用,  相似文献   

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