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A simple algebraic model is proposed to estimate the transport of a volatile or soluble chemical caused by oscillatory flow of fluid in a porous medium. The model is applied to the barometric pumping of vapors in the vadose zone, and to the transport of dissolved species by earth tides in an aquifer. In the model, the fluid moves sinusoidally with time in the porosity of the soil. The chemical concentration in the mobile fluid is considered to equilibrate with the concentration in the surrounding matrix according to a characteristic time governed by diffusion, sorption, or other rate processes. The model provides a closed form solution, to which barometric pressure data are applied in an example of pore gas motion in the vadose zone. The model predicts that the additional diffusivity due barometric pumping in an unfractured vadose zone would be comparable to the diffusivity in stagnant pore gas if the equilibration time is 1 day or longer. Water motion due to the M2 lunar tide is examined as an example of oscillatory transport in an aquifer. It is shown that the tidal motion of the water in an aquifer might significantly increase the vertical diffusivity of dissolved species when compared to diffusion in an absolutely stagnant aquifer, but the hydrodynamic dispersivity due to tidal motion or gravitational flow would probably exceed the diffusivity due to oscillatory advection.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of removal of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) from the entrapment source zone of the subsurface has been limited by soil heterogeneity and the inability to locate all entrapped sources. The goal of this study was to demonstrate the uncertainty of degree of source removal associated with aquifer heterogeneity. In this demonstration, source zone NAPL removal using surfactant-enhanced dissolution was considered. Model components that simulate the processes of natural dissolution in aqueous phase and surfactant-enhanced dissolution were incorporated into an existing code of contaminant transport. The dissolution modules of the simulator used previously developed Gilland-Sherwood type phenomenological models of NAPL dissolution to estimate mass transfer coefficients that are upscaleable to multidimensional flow conditions found at field sites. The model was used to simulate the mass removal from 10 NAPL entrapment zone configurations based on previously conducted two-dimensional tank experiments. These entrapment zones represent the NAPL distribution in spatially correlated random fields of aquifer hydraulic conductivity. The numerical simulations representing two-dimensional conditions show that effectiveness of mass removal depends on the aquifer heterogeneity that controls the NAPL entrapment and delivery of the surfactant to the locations of entrapped NAPLs. Flow bypassing resulting from heterogeneity and the reduction of relative permeability due to NAPL entrapment reduces the delivery efficiency of the surfactant, thus prolonging the remediation time to achieve desired end-point NAPL saturations and downstream dissolved concentrations. In some extreme cases, the injected surfactant completely bypassed the NAPL source zones. It was also found that mass depletion rates for different NAPL source configurations vary significantly. The study shows that heterogeneity result in uncertainties in the mass removal and achievable end-points that are directly related to dissolved contaminant plume development downstream of the NAPL entrapment zone.  相似文献   

Conventional methods to measure the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer on a relatively large scale (10-100 m) require extraction of significant quantities of groundwater. This can be expensive, and otherwise problematic, when investigating a contaminated aquifer. In this study, innovative approaches that make use of tandem circulation wells to measure hydraulic conductivity are proposed. These approaches measure conductivity on a relatively large scale, but do not require extraction of groundwater. Two basic approaches for using circulation wells to measure hydraulic conductivity are presented; one approach is based upon the dipole-flow test method, while the other approach relies on a tracer test to measure the flow of water between two recirculating wells. The approaches are tested in a relatively homogeneous and isotropic artificial aquifer, where the conductivities measured by both approaches are compared to each other and to the previously measured hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. It was shown that both approaches have the potential to accurately measure horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity for a relatively large subsurface volume without the need to pump groundwater to the surface. Future work is recommended to evaluate the ability of these tandem circulation wells to accurately measure hydraulic conductivity when anisotropy and heterogeneity are greater than in the artificial aquifer used for these studies.  相似文献   

Solute transport is investigated in a heterogeneous aquifer for combined natural-gradient and well flows. The heterogeneity is associated with the spatially varying hydraulic conductivity K(x, y, z), which is modelled as a log-normal stationary-random function. As such, the conductivity distribution is characterized by four parameters: the arithmetic mean K(A), the variance sigma(Y)(2) (Y=lnK), the horizontal integral scale I of the axisymmetric log-conductivity autocorrelation and the anisotropy ratio e=I(v)/I (I(v) is the vertical integral scale). The well fully penetrates an aquifer of constant thickness B and has given constant discharge QB, while the background aquifer flow is driven by an uniform mean head-gradient, - J. Therefore, for a medium of homogeneous conductivity K(A), the steady-state capture zone has a width 2L=Q/(K(A)|J|) far from the well (herein the term capture zone is used to refer both to the zone from which water is captured by a pumping well and the zone that captures fluid from an injecting well). The main aim is to determine the mean concentration as a function of time in fluid recovered by a pumping well or in a control volume of the aquifer that captures fluid from an injecting well. Relatively simple solutions to these complex problems are achieved by adopting a few assumptions: a thick aquifer B>I(v) of large horizontal extent (so that boundary effects may be neglected), weak heterogeneity sigma(Y)(2)<1, a highly anisotropic formation e<0.2 and neglect of pore-scale dispersion. Transport is analyzed to the first-order in sigma(Y)(2) in terms of the travel time of particles moving from or towards the well along the steady streamlines within the capture zone. Travel-time mean and variance to any point are computed by two quadratures for an exponential log-conductivity two-point covariance. Spreading is reflected by the variance value, which increases with sigma(Y)(2) and I/L. For illustration, the procedure is applied to two particular cases. In the first one, a well continuously injects water at constant concentration. The mean concentration as function of time for different values of the controlling parameters sigma(Y)(2) and I/L is determined within control volumes surrounding the well or in piezometers. In the second case, a solute plume, initially occupying a finite volume Omega(0), is drawn towards a pumping well. The expected solute recovery by the well as a function of time is determined in terms of the previous controlling parameters as well as the location and extent of Omega(0). The methodology is tested against a full three-dimensional simulation of a multi-well forced-gradient flow field test ([Lemke, L., W.B. II, Abriola, L., Goovaerts, P., 2004. Matching solute breakthrough with deterministic and stochastic aquifer models. Ground Water 42], SGS simulations). Although the flow and transport conditions are more complex than the ones pertinent to capture zones in uniform background flow, it was found that after proper adaptation the methodology led to results for the breakthrough curve in good agreement with a full three-dimensional simulation of flow and transport.  相似文献   

Different methods for the field-scale estimation of contaminant mass discharge in groundwater at control planes based on multi-level well data are numerically analysed for the expected estimation error. We consider "direct" methods based on time-integrated measuring of mass flux, as well as "indirect" methods, where estimates are derived from concentration measurements. The appropriateness of the methods is evaluated by means of modelled data provided by simulation of mass transport in a three-dimensional model domain. Uncertain heterogeneous aquifer conditions are addressed by means of Monte-Carlo simulations with aquifer conductivity as a random space function. We investigate extensively the role of the interplay between the spatial resolution of the sampling grid and aquifer heterogeneity with respect to the accuracy of the mass discharge estimation. It is shown that estimation errors can be reduced only if spatial sampling intervals are in due proportion to spatial correlation length scales. The ranking of the methods with regard to estimation error is shown to be heavily dependent on both the given sampling resolution and prevailing aquifer heterogeneity. Regarding the "indirect" estimation methods, we demonstrate the great importance of a consistent averaging of the parameters used for the discharge estimation.  相似文献   

Microbial reactions play an important role in regulating pore water chemistry as well as secondary mineral distribution in many subsurface systems and, therefore, may directly impact radionuclide migration in those systems. This paper presents a general modeling approach to couple microbial metabolism, redox chemistry, and radionuclide transport in a subsurface environment. To account for the likely achievement of quasi-steady state biomass accumulations in subsurface environments, a modification to the traditional microbial growth kinetic equation is proposed. The conditions for using biogeochemical models with or without an explicit representation of biomass growth are clarified. Based on the general approach proposed in this paper, the couplings of uranium reactions with biogeochemical processes are incorporated into computer code BIORXNTRN Version 2.0. The code is then used to simulate a subsurface contaminant migration scenario, in which a water flow containing both uranium and a complexing organic ligand is recharged into an oxic carbonate aquifer. The model simulation shows that Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides may vary significantly along a flow path. The simulation also shows that uranium(VI) can be reduced and therefore immobilized in the anoxic zone created by microbial degradation.  相似文献   

Correct interpretation of tracer test data is critical for understanding transport processes in the subsurface. This task can be greatly complicated by the presence of intraborehole flows in a highly dynamic flow environment. At a new tracer test site (Hanford IFRC) a dynamic flow field created by changes in the stage of the adjacent Columbia River, coupled with a heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distribution, leads to considerable variations in vertical hydraulic gradients. These variations, in turn, create intraborehole flows in fully-screened (6.5m) observation wells with frequently alternating upward and downward movement. This phenomenon, in conjunction with a highly permeable aquifer formation and small horizontal hydraulic gradients, makes modeling analysis and model calibration a formidable challenge. Groundwater head data alone were insufficient to define the flow model boundary conditions, and the movement of the tracer was highly sensitive to the dynamics of the flow field. This study shows that model calibration can be significantly improved by explicitly considering (a) dynamic flow model boundary conditions and (b) intraborehole flow. The findings from this study underscore the difficulties in interpreting tracer tests and understanding solute transport under highly dynamic flow conditions.  相似文献   

Measuring contaminant flow rates at control cross sections is the most accurate method to evaluate natural attenuation processes in the saturated subsurface. In most instances, point scale measurement is the method of choice due to practical reasons and cost factors. However, at many field sites, the monitoring network is too sparse for a reliable estimation of contaminant and groundwater flow rates. Therefore, integral pumping tests have been developed as an alternative. In this study, we compare mass flow rates obtained by integral pumping test results and point scale data. We compare results of both methods with regard to uncertainties due to estimation errors and mass flow estimations based on two different point scale networks. The differences between benzene and groundwater flow rate estimates resulting from point scale samples and integral pumping tests were 6.44% and 6.97%, respectively, demonstrating the applicability of both methods at the site. Point scale-based data, especially with use of cost efficient Direct-Push technique, can be applied to show the contaminant distribution at a site and may be followed by a denser point scale network or an integral method. Nevertheless, a combination of both methods decreases uncertainties.  相似文献   

Assessment of chemical contamination at large industrial complexes with long and sometimes unknown histories of operation represents a challenging environmental problem. The spatial and temporal complexity of the contaminant may be due to changes in production processes, differences in the chemical transport, and the physical heterogeneity of the soil and aquifer materials. Traditional mapping techniques are of limited value for sites where dozens of chemicals with diverse transport characteristics may be scattered over large spatial areas without documentation of disposal histories. In this context, a site with a long and largely undocumented disposal history of shallow groundwater contamination is examined using principal component analysis (PCA). The dominant chemical groups and chemical "modes" at the site were identified. PCA results indicate that five primary and three transition chemical groups can be identified in the space of the first three eigenvectors of the correlation matrix, which account for 61% of the total variance of the data. These groups represent a significant reduction in the dimension of the original data (116 chemicals). It is shown that each group represents a class of chemicals with similar chemo-dynamic properties and/or environmental response. Finally, the groups are mapped back onto the site map to infer delineation of contaminant source areas for each class of compounds. The approach serves as a preliminary step in subsurface characterization, and a data reduction strategy for source identification, subsurface modeling and remediation planning.  相似文献   

An area where a free-product accumulation of trichloroethylene (TCE) dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) occurs at the bottom of a 10-m-thick surficial sand aquifer was studied to determine the integrity of the underlying, 20-m-thick, clayey silt aquitard formed of glaciolacustrine sediment. TCE concentration-versus-depth profiles determined from aquitard cores collected at five locations indicated penetration of detectable TCE 2.5 to 3.0 m into the aquitard. Two of the profiles show persistent DNAPL at the aquitard interface, while two others indicate that DNAPL, present initially, was completely dissolved away producing concentration declines at the aquitard interface. The fifth profile suggests shallow DNAPL penetration (<0.5 m) into the aquitard, however, this penetration, which was likely caused by cross-contamination during core collection or cone penetrometry (CPT) of the aquitard interface, did not increase the maximum depth of TCE penetration. Combining the field profiles with one-dimensional model simulations, downward migration of the aqueous TCE front, defined as the EPA MCL of 5 microg/l, which was below the analytical detection limit, was projected to a distance between 4 and 5 m below the top of the aquitard. Using a single set of estimated aquitard parameter values, simulations of aqueous TCE migration into the aquitard provided a good fit to four of the field profiles with a migration time of 35 to 45 years, consistent with the history of TCE use at the site. These simulations indicate aqueous TCE migration is diffusion-dominated with only small advective influence by the downward groundwater velocity of 2 to 3 cm/year or less in the aquitard due to pumping of the underlying aquifer to supply water to the facility in the past 50 years. The applicability of the parameter values was confirmed by in situ diffusion experiments of 1-year duration, in which stainless steel cylinders containing DNAPL were inserted into the aquitard. The diffusion-dominated nature of the profiles indicates that the aquitard provides long-term protection of the underlying aquifer from contamination from this DNAPL zone. Simulations of long-term migration of the TCE solute front indicate breakthrough to the lower aquifer at 1200 years for the no advection scenario and at 500 years if the strong downward hydraulic gradient persists. However, even after breakthrough, the mass flux through the aquitard to the underlying aquifer remains relatively low, and when considered in terms of potential impacts to pumping wells, concentrations are not expected to increase significantly above present-day MCLs. The use of contaminant profiles of different time and distance scales, in addition to hydraulic data, dramatically improves the ability to assess aquitard integrity, and provides improved transport parameter values for estimating contaminant arrival times and fluxes. The apparent lack of deep preferential pathways for TCE migration, such as open fractures, is probably due to the softness of the silty aquitard deposit and minimal physical or chemical weathering of the aquitard provides long-term protection of the underlying aquifer from contamination from this DNAPL zone. Simulations of long-term migration of the TCE solute front indicate breakthrough to the lower aquifer at 1200 years for the no advection scenario and at 500 years if the strong downward hydraulic gradient persists. However, even after the breakthrough, the mass flux through the aquitard to the underlying aquifer remains relatively low, and when considered in terms of potential impacts to pumping wells , concentrations are not expected to increase significantly above present-day MCLs. The use of contaminant profiles of different time and distance scales, in addition to hydraulic data, dramatically improves the ability to assess aquitard integrity, and provides improved transport parameter values for estimating contaminant arrival times and fluxes. The apparent lack of deep preferential pathways for TCE migration, such as open fractures, is probably due to the softness of the silty aquitard deposit and minimal physical or chemical weathering of the aquitard.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) schemes using MnO4- have been effective in destroying chlorinated organic solvents dissolved in ground water. Laboratory experiments and field pilot tests reveal that the precipitation of Mn oxide, one of the reaction products, causes a reduction of permeability, which can lead to flow bypassing and inefficiency of the scheme. Without a solution to this problem of plugging, it is difficult to remove DNAPL from the subsurface completely. In a companion paper, we showed with batch experiments that Mn oxide can be dissolved rapidly with certain organic acids. This study utilizes 2-D flow-tank experiments to examine the possibility of nearly complete DNAPL removal by ISCO with MnO4-, when organic acids are used to remove Mn oxide. The experiments were conducted in a small 2-D glass flow tank containing a lenticular silica-sand medium. Blue-dyed trichloroethylene (TCE) provided residual, the perched and pooled DNAPL. KMnO4 at 200 mg/l was flushed through the DNAPL horizontally. Once plugging reduced permeability and prevented further delivery of the oxidant, citric or oxalic acids were pumped into the flow tank to dissolve the Mn oxide precipitates. Organic ligands removed the Mn oxide precipitates relatively quickly, and permitted another cycle of MnO4- flooding. Cycles of MnO4-/acid flooding continued until all of the visible DNAPL was removed. The experiments were monitored with chemical analysis and visualization. A mass-balance calculation indicated that by the end of the experiments, all the DNAPL was removed. The results show also how heterogeneity adds complexity to initial redistribution of DNAPL, and to the efficiency of the chemical flooding.  相似文献   

Groundwater remediation evaluations typically include cleanup time projections. Current batch flushing-rate equations and analytical models often used to estimate groundwater cleanup rates typically underestimate cleanup times, with a major factor the flawed assumption of aquifer homogeneity. Numerical modelling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport is a time-intensive and costly alternative. An analytical modelling approach has been developed to quickly and cost effectively approximate realistic contaminant cleanup rates, factoring aquifer heterogeneity into the process. The mathematical relationships predict residual dissolved concentrations and average pumped concentrations over time, and also the time required to meet a concentration standard.  相似文献   

Xu X  Thomson NR 《Chemosphere》2007,69(5):755-762
Hydrogen peroxide is a widely used in situ chemical oxidation reagent which relies on catalysts to generate the suite of reactive species that are required to aggressively remediate contaminated soils and groundwater. In the subsurface environment these catalysts are usually transition metals that are added to the injected solution, or are naturally occurring. Chelating agents are widely used to maintain an adequate dissolved transition metal concentration in near-neutral pH conditions; however, they can also be used to improve the persistence of H(2)O(2) in situations when the aquifer solids have sufficient transition metal content. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) have been considered to be the most effective chelants and therefore are the most widely used. While previous research efforts have focused on the chelating agent efficiency, the long-term fate of these chelants in the natural subsurface environment is a concern since both EDTA and NTA are non-readily biodegradable. The focus of this investigation was to evaluate the potential of using the environmentally friendly or green chelating agent ethylenediaminedisuccinate (EDDS) as an alternative to EDTA or NTA to suppress the catalytic activity of naturally-occurring transition metals. A series of batch reactor and column experiments were performed using five different aquifer materials and the results demonstrate that EDDS has a comparative chelating efficiency to that of EDTA. The addition of EDDS was able to reduce the H(2)O(2) decomposition rates in the presence of the aquifer materials used in this investigation by 24-97% in well-mixed batch systems, and by 20% and 38% in the column trials where H(2)O(2) was detected in the effluent.  相似文献   

A matrix of batch, column and two-dimensional (2-D) box experiments was conducted to investigate the coupled effects of rate-limited solubilization and layering on the entrapment and subsequent recovery of a representative dense NAPL, tetrachloroethylene (PCE), during surfactant flushing. Batch experiments were performed to determine the equilibrium solubilization capacity of the surfactant, polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80), and to measure fluid viscosity, density and interfacial tension. Results of one-dimensional column studies indicated that micellar solubilization of residual PCE was rate-limited at Darcy velocities ranging from 0.8 to 8.2 cm/h and during periods of flow interruption. Effluent concentration data were used to develop effective mass transfer coefficient (Ke) expressions that were dependent upon the Darcy velocity and duration of flow interruption. To simulate subsurface heterogeneity, 2-D boxes were packed with layers of F-70 Ottawa sand and Wurtsmith aquifer material within 20-30 mesh Ottawa sand. A 4% Tween 80 solution was then flushed through PCE-contaminated boxes at several flow velocities, with periods of flow interruption. Effluent concentration data and visual observations indicated that both rate-limited solubilization and pooling of PCE above the fine layers reduced PCE recovery to levels below those anticipated from batch and column measurements. These experimental results demonstrate the potential impact of both mass transfer limitations and subsurface layering on the recovery of PCE during surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation.  相似文献   

On the hydro-dispersive equivalence between multi-layered mineral barriers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the context of municipal solid waste and hazardous waste disposal, the notion of "equivalence" between different barrier designs appears in regulatory documents from several industrialized countries. While in the past, equivalence has been thought of mainly in terms of contaminant travel times, in recent years it has been defined more in terms of the magnitude of a disposal site's potential impact on groundwater resources. This paper presents some original analytical solutions to the problem of contaminant migration through a multi-layered mineral barrier. The solutions account for the two major mechanisms of subsurface contaminant migration, namely, advection and diffusion-dispersion. An example application using the proposed solutions and a numerical model illustrates how one multi-layered mineral barrier can be considered superior to another from a strictly hydro-dispersive viewpoint. The influence of partial saturation of the mineral barrier is investigated using a numerical solution to the Richards equation for unsaturated flow. It is emphasized that conclusions relative to the superiority of one multi-layered barrier, with respect to another, should not only consider hydro-dispersive aspects, but also other processes such as the mechanical and chemical evolutions of the different barrier components. Although such phenomena are poorly addressed by existing models, failure to take them into account, at least in a qualitative fashion, may lead to unconservative conclusions with respect to barrier equivalence.  相似文献   

To determine if an aquifer contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has potential for natural remediation, all natural processes affecting the fate and transport of VOCs in the subsurface must be identified and quantified. This research addresses the quantification of air-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) leaving the unsaturated zone soil gas and entering the atmosphere-including the additional flux provided by advective soil-gas movement induced by barometric pumping. A simple and easy-to-use device for measuring VOC flux under natural conditions is presented. The vertical flux chamber (VFC) was designed using numerical simulations and evaluated in the laboratory. Mass-balance numerical simulations based on continuously stirred tank reactor equations (CSTR) provided information on flux measurement performance of several sampling configurations with the final chamber configuration measuring greater than 96% of model-simulated fluxes. A laboratory device was constructed to evaluate the flux chamber under both diffusion-only and advection-plus-diffusion transport conditions. The flux chamber measured an average of 82% of 15 diffusion-only fluxes and an average of 95% of 15 additional advection-plus-diffusion flux experiments. The vertical flux chamber has the capability of providing reliable measurement of VOC flux from the unsaturated zone under both diffusion and advection transport conditions.  相似文献   

Yan M  Kahawita R 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):879-885
Non-point source pollution originating from surface applied chemicals in either liquid or solid form as part of agricultural activities, appears in the surface runoff caused by rainfall. The infiltration and transport of these pollutants has a significant impact on subsurface and riverine water quality. The present paper describes the development of a unified 2-D mathematical model incorporating individual models for infiltration, adsorption, solubility rate, advection and diffusion, which significantly improve the current practice on mathematical modeling of pollutant evolution in shallow water. The governing equations have been solved numerically using cubic spline integration. Experiments were conducted at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal to validate the mathematical model. Good correspondence between the computed results and experimental data has been obtained. The model may be used to predict the ultimate fate of surface applied chemicals by evaluating the proportions that are dissolved, infiltrated into the subsurface or are washed off.  相似文献   

The delineation of well capture zones is of utmost environmental and engineering relevance as pumping wells are commonly used both for drinking water supply needs, where protection zones have to be defined, and for investigation and remediation of contaminated aquifers. We analyze the probabilistic nature of well capture zones within the well field located at the "Lauswiesen" experimental site. The test site is part of an alluvial heterogeneous aquifer located in the Neckar river valley, close to the city of Tübingen in South-West Germany. We explore the effect of different conceptual models of the structure of aquifer heterogeneities on the delineation of three-dimensional probabilistic well catchment and time-related capture zones, in the presence of migration of conservative solutes. The aquifer is modeled as a three-dimensional, doubly stochastic composite medium, where distributions of geo-materials and hydraulic properties are uncertain. We study the relative importance of uncertain facies geometry and uncertain hydraulic conductivity and porosity on predictions of catchment and solute time of travel to the pumping well by focusing on cases in which (1) the facies distribution is random, but the hydraulic properties of each material are fixed, and (2) both facies geometry and material properties vary stochastically. The problem is tackled within a conditional numerical Monte Carlo framework. Results are provided in terms of probabilistic demarcations of the three-dimensional well catchment and time-related capture zones. Our findings suggest that the uncertainty associated with the prediction of the location of the outer boundary of well catchment at the "Lauswiesen" site is significantly affected by the conceptual model adopted to incorporate the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer domain in a predictive framework. Taking into account randomness of both lithofacies distribution and materials hydraulic conductivity allows recognizing the existence of preferential flow paths that influence the extent of the well catchment and the solute travel time distribution at the site.  相似文献   

We investigated groundwaters in the vicinity of a coal ash site near an electric generating station in the western U.S.A. The purpose of the study was to ascertain why fine particles or colloids appear in some subsurface water samples there. If such fine particles are merely introduced during bailing or pumping operations which suspend otherwise immobile soil colloids, we should exclude these particulate materials from the water samples before analysis intended to quantify what is moving through the aquifer. However, if the colloids were truly suspended and moving with the groundwater flow in situ, then we should includes their contribution to our assessment of the mobile loads.Application of very careful sampling techniques (slow pumping rates, no atmospheric exposure) did not cause the large quantities of colloids observed previously to disappear from well water in which they occured. Additionally, the same sampling procedures did not cause similar abundances of colloids to appear in waters collected from neighboring wells installed and developed in the same manner and in the same geologic strata. Thus we believe sampling artifacts do not explain the colloids' presence in the groundwater samples.On the other hand, the groundwater chemistry and the nature of the suspended colloids (size, composition) strongly suggest these fine particles were suspended and therefore moving with the groundwater flow. At wells exhibiting large amounts of suspended colloids (≈10–100 mg L−1), the water was enriched in CO2 and depleted in O2 relative to nearby locations. The colloids were typically between 0.1 and 2 μm in size and were primarily silicates. These results suggest to us that, where infiltrating water is percolating through a site that has been mixed with coal ash, the secondary carbonate mineral in the soils are being dissolved; removal of this cementing carbonate phase may consequently release soil silicate colloids to be carried in the flowing water.Such processes may enhance contaminant transport in groundwater by augmenting the pollutant load moving in the groundwater, and increasing the permeability of the porous medium to pollutant infiltration with water water and/or rainwater.  相似文献   

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