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We have observed the effect of copper and zinc on the biology of Euglena gracilis. The cells displayed different sensitivities to these metals, as the apparent LC50 for Cu2+ was 0.22 mM, and for Zn2+ it was 0.88 mM. While Zn2+ was able to increase cell proliferation even at 0.1 mM, the minimal CuCl2 concentration tested (0.02 mM) was sufficient to impair cell division. Higher concentrations of these metals not only inhibited cell division in a concentration-dependent manner, but also interfered with the metabolism of E. gracilis. A higher accumulation of proteins and lipids per cell was observed at the DI50 concentration for metal-treated cells. These results suggest that the test concentration of both metals leads to a failure in completing cell division. Ultrastructural analysis indicated a chloroplast disorganization in copper-treated cells, as well as the presence of electron dense granules with different shapes and sizes inside vacuoles. Microanalysis of these granules indicated an accumulation of copper, thus suggesting a detoxification role played by the vacuoles. These results indicate that E. gracilis is an efficient biological model for the study of metal poisoning in eukaryotic cells. They also indicate that copper and zinc (copper being more poisonous) had an overall toxic effect on E. gracilis and that part of the effect can be ascribed to defects in the structure of chloroplast membranes.  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) mimic passive diffusive transport of bioavailable hydrophobic organic compounds through biological membranes and their partitioning between lipids and environmental levels. Our study was developed on a surface water treatment plant based in Turin, Northern Italy. The investigated plant treats Po River surface water and it supplies about 20% of the drinking water required by Turin city (about one million inhabitants). Surface water (input) and drinking water (output) were monitored with SPMDs from October 2001 to January 2004, over a period of 30 days. The contaminant residues, monthly extracted from SPMDs by dialysis in organic solvent, were tested with the MicrotoxTM acute toxic test and with the Ames mutagenicity test. Same extracts were also analyzed with gaschromatography—mass spectrometry technique in order to characterise the organic pollutants sampled, especially Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Although the PAHs mean concentration is about one hundred times lower in the output samples, the mean toxic units are similar in drinking and surface water.

Our data indicate that the SPMD is a suitable tool to assess the possible toxicity in drinking water.  相似文献   

Embryos, unlike adults, are typically sessile, which allows for an increase in the available metrics that can be used to assess chemical toxicity. We investigate Daphnia magna development rate and oxygen consumption as toxicity metrics and compare them to arrested embryo development using four different techniques with potassium cyanide (KCN) as a common toxicant. The EC50 (95 % CI) for arrested development was 2,535 (1,747–3,677) μg/L KCN. Using pixel intensity changes, recorded with difference imaging, we semi-quantitatively assessed a decrease in development rate at 200 μg/L KCN, threefold lower than the arrested development lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC). Respirometry and self-referencing (SR) microsensors were two unique techniques used to assess oxygen consumption. Using respirometry, an increase in oxygen consumption was found in the 5 μg/L KCN treatment and a decrease for 148 μg/L, but no change was found for the 78 μg/L KCN treatment. Whereas, with SR microsensors, we were able to detect significant changes in oxygen consumption for all three treatments: 5, 78, and 148 μg/L KCN. While SR offered the highest sensitivity, the respirometry platform developed for this study was much easier to use to measure the same endpoint. Oxygen consumption may be subject to change during the development process, meaning consumption assessment techniques may only be useful only for short-term experiments. Development rate was a more sensitive endpoint though was only reliable four of the six embryonic developmental stages examined. Despite being the least sensitive endpoint, arrested embryo development was the only technique capable of assessing the embryos throughout all developmental stages. In conclusion, each metric has advantages and limitations, but because all are non-invasive, it is possible to use any combination of the three.  相似文献   

We have observed the effect of copper and zinc on the biology of Euglena gracilis. The cells displayed different sensitivities to these metals, as the apparent LC50 for Cu2+ was 0.22 mM, and for Zn2+ it was 0.88 mM. While Zn2+ was able to increase cell proliferation even at 0.1 mM, the minimal CuCl2 concentration tested (0.02 mM) was sufficient to impair cell division. Higher concentrations of these metals not only inhibited cell division in a concentration-dependent manner, but also interfered with the metabolism of E. gracilis. A higher accumulation of proteins and lipids per cell was observed at the DI50 concentration for metal-treated cells. These results suggest that the test concentration of both metals leads to a failure in completing cell division. Ultrastructural analysis indicated a chloroplast disorganization in copper-treated cells, as well as the presence of electron dense granules with different shapes and sizes inside vacuoles. Microanalysis of these granules indicated an accumulation of copper, thus suggesting a detoxification role played by the vacuoles. These results indicate that E. gracilis is an efficient biological model for the study of metal poisoning in eukaryotic cells. They also indicate that copper and zinc (copper being more poisonous) had an overall toxic effect on E. gracilis and that part of the effect can be ascribed to defects in the structure of chloroplast membranes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two alternative toxicity assessment methods to determine wastewater toxicity and predict treatment plant process upsets. The toxicity of two synthetic organic compounds (triclosan and 4-n-nonylphenol), which are commonly detected in municipal wastewater, and municipal and industrial wastewaters with different heavy metals content were evaluated by the nitrification inhibition assay and bioluminescence toxicity test. Comparison between both assays confirmed that Vibrio fischeri is generally more sensitive than autotrophic bacteria, and, if not calibrated, the bioluminescence method tends to overestimate toxic effects on activated sludge biomass. The nitrification inhibition assay appears to predict plant process upsets more accurately. Both methods showed a significant toxicity decrease through treatment that could be partially attributed to the significant heavy metals removal obtained by primary and secondary treatment. A good correlation for the two assays was obtained, as indicated by a high correlation coefficient (r2 = 0.80).  相似文献   


Sensitivity of 24 isolates of Colletotrichum destructivum O’Gara, collected from alfalfa plants in Serbia, to eight selected fungicides, was investigated in this study. Molecular identification and pathogenicity test of isolates tested were also performed. Fungicide sensitivity was evaluated in vitro, using mycelial growth assay method. All isolates exhibited significant pathogenicity, causing necrosis at the alfalfa seedling root tips two days after inoculation. Using the primer pair GSF1-SR1 and by comparing the amplified fragments of the tested isolates with the marker (M), the presence of the amplicon of the expected size of about 900?bp was determined for all isolates. The isolates tested in this study showed different sensitivity towards fungicides in vitro. Mycelial growth was highly inhibited by QoI (quinone outside inhibitors) fungicide pyraclostrobin (mean EC50=0.39?µg mL?1) and by DMI (demethylation-inhibiting) fungicide tebuconazole (mean EC50=0.61?µg mL?1), followed by azoxystrobin (mean EC50=2.83?µg mL?1) and flutriafol (mean EC50=2.11?µg mL?1). Multi-site fungicide chlorothalonil and MBC (methyl benzimidazole carbamate) fungicide thiophanate-methyl evinced moderate inhibition with mean EC50=35.31 and 62.83?µg mL?1, respectively. Thirteen isolates were sensitive to SDHI (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors) fungicide boscalid and fluxapyroxad, (mean EC50=0.49 and 0.19?µg mL?1, respectively), while the rest of isolates were highly resistant.  相似文献   

Due to uncertainties as to appropriate procedures and dilution materials, most sediment tests are conducted only with undiluted, whole samples. Hence, it is not possible to use conventional concentration-response approaches to quantify toxicity of samples that elicit a 100% effect (e.g., mortality) at a preset test interval (typically 10 d). An alternative approach to quantifying the relative toxicity of test sediments is to determine time-to-effects. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of a time-to-effects approach for quantifying toxicity of freshwater sediments to the invertebrates Hyalella azteca and Chironomus tentans. Survival of both species and growth of C. tentans was determined using five sediments (four test samples and a control sediment) by destructively sampling replicate test chambers over the course of a "standard" 10-d assay. Studies with the control sediment and a non-toxic test sample indicated excellent recovery of test animals, even early in the test (e.g., <24 h) when individuals of both species are relatively small. Reasonable, typically monotonic, time-to-death relationships were observed for both H. azteca and C. tentans exposed to three comparatively toxic test sediments, all of which caused significant mortality by 10 d. Use of the time-to-effects approach allowed expression of toxicity of the three samples relative to one another, as well as documentation of decreases in toxicity of one of the sediments with increased storage time. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of use of time-to-effects as a basis for quantifying the relative toxicity of contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the past decades, the type of chemicals has gradually increased all over the world, and many of these chemicals may have a potentially toxic effect...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to link toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics (TK/TD) and bioavailability-based metal uptake kinetics to assess arsenic (As) uptake and bioaccumulation in three common farmed species of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), milkfish (Chanos chanos), and freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea). We developed a mechanistic framework by linking damage assessment model (DAM) and bioavailability-based Michaelis?CMenten model for describing TK/TD and As uptake mechanisms. The proposed model was verified with published acute toxicity data. The estimated TK/TD parameters were used to simulate the relationship between bioavailable As uptake and susceptibility probability. The As toxicity was also evaluated based on a constructed elimination?Crecovery scheme. Absorption rate constants were estimated to be 0.025, 0.016, and 0.175?mL g?1 h?1 and As uptake rate constant estimates were 22.875, 63.125, and 788.318?ng g?1 h?1 for tilapia, milkfish, and freshwater clam, respectively. Here we showed that a potential trade-off between capacities of As elimination and damage recovery was found among three farmed species. Moreover, the susceptibility probability can also be estimated by the elimination?Crecovery relations. This study suggested that bioavailability-based uptake kinetics and TK/TD-based DAM could be integrated for assessing metal uptake and toxicity in aquatic organisms. This study is useful to quantitatively assess the complex environmental behavior of metal uptake and implicate to risk assessment of metals in aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

Remediation by means of soil leaching with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is capable of extracting the most labile soil fractions, leaving the residual metals in biologically non-available forms. We evaluated the feasibility of the standardized earthworm (Eisenia fetida) avoidance test for assessing the efficiency of soil remediation of Pb, Zn and Cd polluted soil. Chemical extraction tests (six-step sequential extraction, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, physiologically based extraction test, diethylenediaminepentaacetic acid extraction) indicated that the mobility, oral bioaccessibility and phytoavailability of Pb, Zn and Cd were consistently reduced. However, the avoidance test showed no significant avoidance of polluted soil in favor of that which had been remediated. Pb, Zn and Cd accumulation in E. fetida mirrored the decreasing pattern of metal potential bioavailability gained by leaching the soil with increasing EDTA concentrations. The calculated bioaccumulation factors indicated the possibility of underestimating the metal bioavailability in soil using chemical extraction tests.  相似文献   

As part of a wider study examining the impacts of corn pesticides on lacertid lizards in north-western Portugal, we examined various physiological, biochemical, and histological biomarkers of exposure and effect among field populations of Podarcis bocagei. Biomarkers included body condition index, standard metabolic rate, locomotor performance, parasitization, glutathione oxidative pathways and related enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation and liver and testis histology. Few of the various biomarkers investigated provided statistically significant evidence of toxic effect. However, using a weight of evidence approach, we conclude that pesticides are affecting lizards living in the vicinity of pesticide exposed corn agriculture sites. Lizards from these locations present a profile of animals under metabolic stress with reduced condition indices, increased standard metabolic rate, lower incidence of hepatocyte vacuolation, altered iron metabolism, increased activation of GSH oxidation pathways, and even increased prevalence of hemoparasites.  相似文献   

There is currently a lack of ecotoxicity tests adapted to earthworm species of higher ecological relevance and whose endpoints could be directly related to their ecological role in the soil. We propose a new and relatively simple ecotoxicity test based on the estimation of cast production (CP) by Lumbricus terrestris under laboratory conditions. CP was found to be linearly correlated to earthworm biomass and to be greatly influenced by soil water content. Azinphos-methyl had no effect on CP at all the concentrations tested. Significant decreases were observed at the normal application rate for other pesticides with (imidacloprid, carbaryl, methomyl) or without (ethyl-parathion and chlorpyrifos-ethyl) a clear concentration-effect response. For the highest concentration tested, reduction in CP varied between 35 and 67%. CP is straightforward and rapidly measured and ecologically meaningful. We thus believe it to be of great use as an endpoint in ecotoxicity testing.  相似文献   

Twenty microfungal isolates were collected from diseased fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus sampled from Serbian mushroom farms during 2003–2007. Based on morphological characteristics and pathogenicity tests, the isolates were identified as Cladobotryum dendroides. The isolates of C. dendroides and A. bisporusF56 and U3 were tested for sensitivity to several selected fungicides in vitro. C. dendroides isolates were found to be more sensitive to prochloraz manganese and flusilazole + carbendazim than to the other fungicides tested (EC50 values were 0.09 and 0.11 mg L? 1, respectively) and weakly resistant to thiophanate-methyl (EC50 values ranged between 6.53 and 12.09 mg L? 1). Selectivity indexes of the tested fungicides on both C. dendroidesand A. bisporusindicated that thiophanate-methyl, cyproconazole + carbendazim and flusilazole + carbendazim had much less selective fungitoxicity than benomyl, carbendazim and prochloraz manganese.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils may contain toxic levels of copper (Cu) due to sewage sludge spreading or industrial pollution but chemical analyses may not be representative of Cu bioavailability, defined as the soil Cu fraction that plants can actually absorb (i.e. Cu fraction which is not strongly adsorbed to soil components). Lipid peroxidation caused by Cu in plants was investigated as a relevant bioassay of toxicity. Seven-day-old rapeseed plantlets were grown on Cu-supplemented medium in controlled conditions. Lipid-peroxidation was assessed by measuring: (1) the 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive substances; (2) the hydroperoxy acids by HPLC analysis; and (3) the alkane outputs by gas chromatography. We first verified the correlation between the results obtained by each method and then discussed their advantages and disadvantages within the context of a bioassay, showing that the volatile alkane output measurement is the most precise and easy to perform method for this purpose.  相似文献   

A computational model to predict acute aquatic toxicity to the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis has been developed. A general prediction of toxicity can be based on three consecutive steps: 1. Identification of a potential reactive mechanism via structural alerts; 2. Confirmation and quantification of (bio)chemical reactivity; 3. Establishing a relationship between calculated reactivity and toxicity. The method described herein uses a combination of a reactive toxicity (RT) model, including computed kinetic rate constants for adduct formation (log k) via a Michael acceptor mechanism of action, and baseline toxicity (BT), modelled by hydrophobicity (octanol-water partition coefficient). The maximum of the RT and BT values defines acute toxicity for a particular compound. The reactive toxicity model is based on site-specific steric and quantum chemical ground state electronic properties. The performance of the model was examined in terms of predicting the toxicity of 106 potential Michael acceptor compounds covering several classes of compounds (aldehydes, ketones, esters, heterocycles). The advantages of the computational method are described. The method allows for a closer and more transparent mechanistic insight into the molecular initiating events of toxicological endpoints.  相似文献   

N Adams  AJ Dobbs 《Chemosphere》1984,13(8):965-971
Two different test methods for assessing the toxicity of aminotriazole to Selenastrum capricornutum are compared. Growth medium composition is demonstrated to have a significant effect on the toxicity of aminotriazole.  相似文献   

Atmospheric particulate matter was collected at two sites: an Abies boressi forest in central Greece and in Giesta, a coastal-rural site in the centre of Portugal. The extractable organic material consisted primarily of aliphatic hydrocarbons, acids, alcohols, and ketones, with a predominance of molecular weights >C20, derived from vascular plant waxes. Biomarkers for vegetation sources such as phytosterols, triterpenic compounds and essential oils were also detected. Microbial components (>C20), pyrogenic aromatic hydrocarbons and petroleum residues, including hopanes, steranes and cyclic and branched hydrocarbons, were present in the various aerosol extracts. In the apportionment of the various organic fractions to sources, vegetation waxes dominated, contributing to 50–60% of the solvent-extractable material in the aerosols. Petroleum residues and microbial components comprise 25–30% and 15–25% of the organic matter, respectively.  相似文献   

Mussels, coming from an aquaculture farm located in a clean open bay, were transplanted to several stations of the bays of Nice and Cannes (NW Mediterranean) including a reference site for one month at three periods. Several biomarkers: activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST; exposure to organics), of catalase (exposure to oxidative stress) and of acetylcholinesterase (inhibited by some pesticides) and the lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances: TBARS) were measured in transplanted mussels. Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations were also measured as well as their condition index. The results demonstrated some seasonal variations in GST and catalase activities with higher levels in June compared to October. The condition index was also higher in June than in October. Principal component analyses performed with the whole set of data allowed to separate stations or groups of stations according to their responses. The mussels from the harbour of Nice were characterized by high TBARS levels and catalase activity in October 1999 whereas in the harbour of Cannes, animals presented very high copper concentrations and GST activities in June 2000. At the reference site, mussels generally presented low enzymatic activities (except AChE activity) and peroxidation levels and low heavy metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - It is increasingly being recognized that biotic ligand models (BLMs) can successfully predict the toxicity of divalent metals toward aquatic biota...  相似文献   

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