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Yong Liu  Zhongguo Lin 《Ambio》2014,43(3):395-405
The present study employed a quantitative survey to ascertain whether the external pressure of environmental risk management (ERM) on commercial banks was a contributing factor to their ERM behavior. Data was obtained using questionnaires from 204 branches of commercial banks located in the Yangtze River Delta of China. The relationship between external pressure and behavior was tested using a linear structural relations model through path analysis. The results revealed that external pressure of ERM was significantly and positively related to the behavior and that pressure from governmental regulations was the most important contributing factor in the passive feedback behavior and preventive behavior of commercial banks. The pressure from markets was the most important contributing factor in banks’ active participation behavior; the pressure from community and NGOs was the most important contributing factor in their enthusiastic behavior.  相似文献   


The Clean Air Act mandates that sensitive subpopulations be considered in setting standards to protect the public's health. The purposes of this paper are to point out different conceptualizations of susceptibility, examine how it is approached in risk-related processes, and recommend ways it may be more explicitly framed for risk assessment and management purposes. We studied the traditional risk assessment paradigm, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines and revised PM standard, discussions from recent interdisciplinary meetings, and peer-reviewed literature. Areas of controversy include what factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the host should be incorporated in susceptibility, what health endpoints are of concern, whether susceptibility is deterministic or stochastic, and whether it should be defined on an individual or population scale. Recent discussions about susceptibility applied to PM indicate that it needs to be more clearly defined and evaluated for scientific and policy purposes. We conclude that varying concepts of susceptibility can affect risk-related processes such as PM standard setting. We recommend that susceptibility be clearly defined in the problem statement of risk assessments and be addressed in a specific subsection of risk characterization, integrating all susceptibility findings from the prior three  相似文献   

Marfil-Vega R  Suidan MT  Mills MA 《Chemosphere》2011,82(10):1468-1474
A study using 17β-14C4-estradiol (14C-E2) was performed to confirm and characterize the catalytic transformation of estrogens in the presence of a model vegetable matter (namely rabbit food) as a surrogate material for vegetable wastes found in sewage. Results corroborated the occurrence of an abiotic transformation. Unknown transformation byproduct(s) accounted, respectively, for 38% and 9% of the initial radioactivity in liquid and extractable solid phases after 72 h; on the other hand, only 15% and 7% of this radioactivity corresponded to 14C-E2 in those same matrices. Mass balance was closed including the radioactivity irreversibly bounded to the solid phase. Formation of 14C4-estrone was monitored by Liquid Chromatography with tandem Mass Spectrometry detection; negative results were found in all sampling events. This process could be harnessed to optimize sustainable technologies for the removal of phenolic microcontaminants from wastewater.  相似文献   

Cao S  Chen L  Zhu Q 《Ambio》2010,39(5-6):439-442
The life of impoverished people can be damaged by adverse environmental conditions, but these people can also be harmed by environmental conservation programs, particularly when the guiding policy ignores their needs. To improve the social and economic effectiveness of environmental protection, governments must understand that the ultimate goal of environmental protection is to improve human livelihoods, not just restore vegetation. The elimination of poverty by the development of sustainable, long-term enterprises is a precondition for successful ecological restoration.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the effect of oxygen in the abiotic transformation of estrogens when they are contacted with a surrogate of the vegetable wastes found in sewage. 17β-Estradiol (E2) and 17β-14C4-estradiol (14C-E2) were utilized as model compounds. Batch experiments were run under both oxic and anoxic conditions. In order to accomplish an accurate mass balance of the target estrogen, two analyses were performed simultaneously: first, radioactivity counting, and second, quantitation of E2 and 14C-E2, as well as their transformation product estrone and 14C4-estrone, by Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry. Under oxic conditions, the total concentration of 14C-E2 was found to decrease by 78% in 72 h (15% and 7% remained in the liquid and solid phases, respectively). Conversely, when the estrogens were contacted with the synthetic influent under anoxic conditions, E2 was quantitatively recovered after 72 h (70% and 22% in aqueous and solid matrices, correspondingly). These results suggest that when the concentration of dissolved oxygen is null or limited, catalysis through an oxidative coupling mechanism is halted. Moreover, it was confirmed that the catalytic reaction occurred solely in the presence of the solid phase of the model vegetable matter.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the level of 26 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at parking garages and to provide the necessary annual information based on occupational inhalation exposure and non-occupational inhalation exposure, which carry risks for the environment. For this purpose, 22 samples were collected continuously from both gas and particulates phase PAHs from two parking garages at Konya City Center, Turkey. The exposure-based risk of these samples was evaluated using concentrations of the carcinogenic PAH compounds. None of the 26 PAHs measured had values exceeding the recommended exposure limits (RELs) standard values for inhalation rate recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Exposure levels of gas and particulate PAHs for the occupational group and the public (children and adults who spend time in shopping centers) were found to be 0.07–28.24 μgm?3 and 0.05–5.753 μgm?3, respectively, representing levels two to four times higher than those at the control site. Maximum daily inhalation of B[a]Py was estimated at 1.33 ngd?1 for exposure of the public and as 274 ngd?1 for the occupational group. It is believed that traffic makes a substantial contribution to the PAH profile, which had relatively high concentrations of naphthalene (Napth) and coronene (Coro). Highly carcinogenic dibenzo(a,l)pyrene (B[al]Pyre) was found in the ambient air at two parking garages. Napth and phenanthrene (Phen) were the main compounds found in nearly all the tested samples. In this study, benzo[e]pyrene (B[e]Py) was used as a reference for PAHs because its concentration is stable and does not change seasonally. Considering the importance of these compounds in relation to human health, the aim of this work was to characterize and quantify the more toxic PAHs in parking garages. Conducting PAH sampling and their chemical analysis is very costly and labor intensive. This study produced data that can be a powerful tool for environmental forensics.  相似文献   

Hughes M  Weiler B  Curtis J 《Ambio》2012,41(7):709-719
This paper invokes the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a diagnostic tool to explain an existing public education program's limited success at improving river water quality in the City of Perth, Western Australia. A reflective, client-driven research approach was used. A facilitated expert workshop defined an environmental problem (excess nutrients leaving gardens and entering waterways) and a desired behavior (residents purchasing environmentally sensitive fertilizer) to address the problem. A TPB-based belief elicitation survey captured respondents' beliefs regarding the desired behavior. The findings suggest respondents were aware of the links between purchasing environmentally sensitive fertilizer and river water quality. However, this behavior is compromised by the challenges in identifying appropriate products, product quality concerns, and cost. Viewing the content of a public education program through the lens of the TPB reveals insights into how and why the program fell short in achieving one of its key behavioral change goals.  相似文献   

The general objective of this work was to develop a monitoring and management model for aquatic plants that could be used in reservoir cascades in Brazil, using the reservoirs of AES-Tietê as a study case. The investigations were carried out at the reservoirs of Barra-Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promiss?o, and Nova-Avanhandava, located in the Tietê River Basin; Agua Vermelha, located in the Grande River Basin; Caconde, Limoeiro, and Euclides da Cunha, which are part of the Pardo River Basin; and the Mogi-Gua?u reservoir, which belongs to the Mogi-Gua?u River basin. The main products of this work were: development of techniques using satellite-generated images for monitoring and planning aquatic plant control; planning and construction of a boat to move coating plant masses and an airboat equipped with a DGPS navigation and application flow control system. Results allowed to conclude that the occurrence of all types of aquatic plants is directly associated with sedimentation process and, consequently, with nutrient and light availability. Reservoirs placed at the beginning of cascades are more subject to sedimentation and occurrence of marginal, floating and emerged plants, and are the priority when it comes to controlling these plants, since they provide a supply of weeds for the other reservoirs. Reservoirs placed downstream show smaller amounts of water-suspended solids, with greater transmission of light and occurrence of submerged plants.  相似文献   

The evaluation of metal contents in the environment is of vital importance for the assessment of human exposure. Thus the species Usnea amblyoclada, Ramalina celastri and Tillandsia capillaris were tested as bioaccumulators of transition metals in the urban area of Córdoba city, Argentina. The level of metals on biomonitors was compared to that of total deposition samples. All three species discriminated zones within the urban area of Córdoba city with different pollution levels; they revealed high levels of Zn in the downtown area and confirmed high levels of some transition metals in an industrial area. The correlation analysis revealed that the lichen R. celastri had the highest correlation rates with total deposition samples, suggesting it is a valuable biomonitor of atmospheric pollution. A significant relationship was also observed between respiratory diseases in children and the contents of metal accumulated in R. celastri and T. capillaris, indicating their usefulness when assessing human exposure to metals.  相似文献   

Little is known about particulate elemental carbon (EC) personal exposure levels, a key component of diesel exhaust, specifically in transport microenvironments. A method utilizing the optical properties of EC particles has been applied to personal exposure measurement filter samples. In a series of field studies carried out in London, UK, during 1999–2000 over 400 fine particle (PM2.5) personal exposure level measurements were taken for journeys in bicycle, bus, car and underground rail transport microenvironments, along three main fixed routes. The particulate EC contribution to the PM2.5 personal exposure was assessed indirectly by means of an optical technique and with the development and use of a size fraction specific and site-specific calibration curve. In this first EC personal exposure study of transport users geometric mean exposure levels in the summer field campaign were 11.2 μg m−3 (GSD=2.7) for cyclists, 13.6 μg m−3 (GSD=1.9) for bus passengers and 21.6 μg m−3 (GSD=2.1) for car drivers; corresponding exposure levels in the winter were 16.4 μg m−3 (GSD=1.8), 18.6 μg m−3 (GSD=2.3) and 27.3 μg m−3 (GSD=2.0), respectively. EC/PM2.5 ratios were approximately 0.5–0.6 for bicycle and bus modes and 0.7–0.8 for the car mode. EC/PM2.5 ratios for different routes ranged from approximately 0.7 for Route 1 to 0.4 for Route 3. Cyclists had the lowest exposure to EC, and car occupants the highest exposure. A large difference in exposure levels between a central high traffic density route and the other less central routes was observed. Particulate EC was a very significant proportion of the total PM2.5 personal exposure and EC personal exposure levels were considerably higher than reported fixed site monitor EC concentrations.  相似文献   

Altindağ A  Yiğit S 《Chemosphere》2005,60(4):552-556
The accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg and Cr) was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in water, sediment, plankton and fish samples collected from Lake Bey?ehir, which is important bird nesting and visiting areas, and irrigation and drinking water sources. In Lake Bey?ehir, the accumulation orders of heavy metals were Cd>Pb>Cr>Hg in water, Pb>Cd>Cr>Hg in sediment, Pb>Cd>Cr>Hg in plankton, and Cd>Pb>Cr>Hg in the muscles and gills of chub, carp, tench, except for the muscle of pikeperch, in which it was Pb>Cd>Cr>Hg (P<0.05). In addition to this, accumulation orders of heavy metals in the food web was also found to be water>plankton>sediment>fish tissues, except for Cr. According to international criterias and Turkish regulations, heavy metal concentrations especially Cd and Pb in Lake Bey?ehir were markedly above the permissible levels for drinking water.  相似文献   

One would hypothesize that the Common Fisheries Policy, as the umbrella framework for fisheries management in the EU would have the greatest impact on fishers’ communities across Europe. There are, however, biological, economic, social, and political factors, which vary among fishing communities that can affect how these communities react to changes. This paper explores the links between institutional arrangements and ecological dynamics in two European inshore fisheries socio-ecological systems, using a resilience framework. The Mediterranean small-scale fishers do not seem to have been particularly affected by the Common Fisheries Policy regulations but appear affected by competition with the politically strong recreational fishers and the invasion of the rabbit fish population. The inshore fishers along the East coast of Scotland believe that their interests are not as sufficiently protected as the interests of their offshore counterpart. Decisions and initiatives at global, EU, and sometimes national level, tend to take into account those fisheries sectors which have a national economic importance. A socio-ecological analysis can shift the focus from biological and economic aspects to more sustainable long-term delivery of environmental benefits linked to human wellbeing.  相似文献   


Exposures from indoor environments are a major issue for evaluating total long-term personal exposures to the fine fraction (<2.5μm in aerodynamic diameter) of particulate matter (PM). It is widely accepted in the indoor air quality (IAQ) research community that biocontamination is one of the important indoor air pollutants. Major indoor air biocontaminants include mold, bacteria, dust mites, and other antigens. Once the biocontaminants or their metabolites become airborne, IAQ could be significantly deteriorated. The airborne biocontaminants or their metabolites can induce irritational, allergic, infectious, and chemical responses in exposed individuals.

Biocontaminants, such as some mold spores or pollen grains, because of their size and mass, settle rapidly within the indoor environment. Over time they may become nonviable and fragmented by the process of desiccation. Desiccated nonviable fragments of organisms are common and can be toxic or allergenic, depending upon the specific organism or organism component. Once these smaller and lighter fragments of biological PM become suspended in air, they have a greater tendency to stay suspended. Although some bioaerosols have been identified, few have been quantitatively studied for their prevalence within the total indoor PM with time, or for their affinity to penetrate indoors.

This paper describes a preliminary research effort to develop a methodology for the measurement of nonvi-able biologically based PM, analyzing for mold and ragweed antigens and endotoxins. The research objectives include the development of a set of analytical methods and the comparison of impactor media and sample size, and the quantification of the relationship between outdoor and indoor levels of bioaerosols. Indoor and outdoor air samples were passed through an Andersen nonviable cascade impactor in which particles from 0.2 to 9.0 um were collected and analyzed. The presence of mold, ragweed, and endotoxin was found in all eight size ranges. The presence of respirable particles of mold and pollen found in the fine particle size range from 0.2 to 5.25 um is evidence of fragmentation of larger source particles that are known allergens.  相似文献   

Headquarters managers and Regional staff in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s hazardous and solid waste programs were surveyed to determine priorities for technical information and guidance among EPA Regional staff, state hazardous waste management staff, EPA contractors, and the regulated community. The survey also examined delivery systems effective for EPA Regional staff. The fifteen highest ranked technical needs for RCRA, Superfund, and UST reflect a pervasive interest in hazardous waste remediation. Top priority technical needs focus on establishing cleanup levels, subsurface fate and transport, field monitoring and quality assurance, remedy selection, and most importantly, which remedies work and which do not in specific situations. Technical needs of non- EPA audiences are quite similar to those for EPA field staff. Preferences for technology transfer delivery systems are generally for conventional distribution methods (such as print materials and workshops) rather than electronic or video media. Regional staff report serious problems in utilizing technology transfer because of time constraints, insufficient knowledge of available products, insufficient travel funds, and limited access to and training on computers.  相似文献   

The Noise Control Act of 1972, passed by the U. S. Congress, established the Office of Noise Abatement and Control within the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. The following discussion presents the background of this legislation, a general conceptual approach to implementing the legislation, and the practical implementation of that legislation to date by the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC).  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the natural desulfurization process taking place in coal-fired units using Greek lignite. The dry scrubbing capability of Greek lignite appears to be extremely high under special conditions, which can make it possible for the units to operate within the legislative limits of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. According to this study on several lignite-fired power stations in northern Greece, it was found that sulfur oxide emissions depend on coal rank, sulfur content, and calorific value. On the other hand, SO2 emission is inversely proportional to the parameter y CO2max, which is equal to the maximum carbon dioxide (CO2) content by vol ume of dry flue gas under stoichiometric combustion. The desulfurization efficiency is positively correlated to the molar ratio of decomposed calcium carbonate to sulfur and negatively correlated to the free calcium oxide content of fly ash.  相似文献   

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