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The levels of heavy metals in water and stream sediments in Jamaica are presented and compared to levels in soils and environmental standards. Heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc) appear to be less of a problem to Jamaica's freshwater environment than might be expected given the concentrations in soils. This can be explained by taking into account the dynamics of the Jamaican water environment and the relative absence of anthropogenic sources. The dynamics of the freshwater system on the other hand, could pass any environmental threat to the coastal environment. Because the stream sediments are relatively coarse and contain little organic material the bio-availability of micropollutants such as heavy metals from the sediments can be expected to be relatively high.  相似文献   

Summary Preference behaviour patterns of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) towards odours in their home-stream water were measured in laboratory experiments. Stream-dwelling, sexually mature trout were captured by electrofishing in different sections of a stream, transferred to a hatchery, and exposed to water sampled from various stream sections and to neutral water, scented by fish captured in the same stream sections. The fish preferred stream water originating from their home stream over that from a neighboring stream. Among water samples from their home stream, they preferred water from the home sections over water from distant sections both upstream and downstream. In most cases they also preferred neutral water scented by other mature fish captured in their home section over water scented by fish from the distant sections. Trout from two neighboring stream sections showed indifferent responses towards water and fish from the adjacent section. The attractive properties of stream water sampled from home sections coincided with those obtained with neutral water scented by fish from the same sites. Accordingly, the attractive components in stream water may be intraspecific odours derived from separate spawning demes of fish present in local areas of the stream.  相似文献   


The east Jilin Province in China, Jingyu County has been explored as a potential for enriching mineral water. In order to assess the water quality and quantity, it is of crucial importance to investigate the origin of the mineral water and its flow paths. In this study, eighteen mineral springs were sampled in May and September of 2012, May and September of 2013, and May 2014 and the environment, evolvement, and reaction mechanism of mineral water formation were analysed by hydrochemical data analysis, geochemical modelling and multivariate statistical analysis. The results showed that the investigated mineral water was rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, fluoride, nitrate, total iron, silicate, and strontium, and mineral water ages ranged from 11.0 to more than 61.0 years. The U-shape contours of the mineral ages indicate a local and discrete recharge. The mineral compositions of the rocks were olivine, potassium feldspar, pyroxene, albite, and anorthite and were under-saturated in the mineral water. The origin of mineral water was from the hydrolysis of basalt minerals under a neutral to slightly alkaline and CO2-rich environment.


Riparian land use remains one of the most significant impacts on stream ecosystems. This study focuses on the relationship between stream ecosystems and riparian land use in headwater regions. Four riparian land types including forest, grassland, farmland, and residential land were examined to reveal the correlation between stream water and fish communities in headwater streams of the Taizi River in north-eastern China. Four land types along riparian of 3 km in length were evaluated at 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 m widths, respectively. Generally, the results found a significant relationship between riparian land uses and stream water quality. Grassland was positively correlated with water quality parameters (conductivity and total dissolved solids) at scales from 100 to 500 m riparian width. Farmland and residential land was negatively correlated with water quality parameters at scales from 25 to 500 m and from 50 to 200 m riparian widths, respectively. Although the riparian forest is important for maintaining habitat diversity and fish communities, the results found that only fish communities were significantly correlated with the proportion of riparian farmland. Farmland had a positive correlation with individual fish abundance within a riparian corridor of 25 to 50 m, but a negative correlation with fish diversity metrics from 25 to 100 m. This study indicates that effective riparian management can improve water quality and fish communities in headwater streams.  相似文献   

The distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in the dissolved and particulate phase and their discharge from the river Elbe into the North Sea were studied. The PFCs quantified included C4-C8 perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSAs), 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTS), C6 and C8 perfluorinated sulfinates (PFSiAs), C4-C12 perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), perfluoro-3,7-dimethyl-octanoic acid (3,7m2-PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonamide (FOSA), and n-ethyl perfluroctane sulfonamidoethanol (EtFOSE). PFCs were mostly distributed in the dissolved phase, where perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) dominated with 2.9–12.5 ng/L. In the suspended particulate matter FOSA and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) showed the highest concentrations (4.0 ng/L and 2.3 ng/L, respectively). The total flux of ΣPFCs from the river Elbe was estimated to be 802 kg/year for the dissolved phase and 152 kg/year for the particulate phase. This indicates that the river Elbe acts as a source of PFCs into the North Sea. However, the concentrations of perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) and perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) in the North Sea were higher than that in the river Elbe, thus an alternative source must exist for these compounds.  相似文献   

Summary Non-random mating by size (NRMS) plays a central role in the study of sexual selection and the evolution of mating systems. Theory suggests that NRMS should be influenced by conflicting demands (e.g., predation risk, hunger); few experimental studies, however, have addressed these effects. We used a factorial experiment to examine the influence of predatory green sunfish and food deprivation on NRMS in male and female stream water striders, Aquarius remigis. As predicted by theory, food deprivation decreased the large-male mating advantage. The influence of predation risk, however, went against existing theory; that is, risk increased the large male mating advantage. The degree of large-male mating advantage was negatively related to a measure of the rate of male harassment of females. A behavioral mechanism that can explain these patterns emphasizes the contrasting effects of different competing demands on male harassment rates, female resistance and the role of male size in overcoming female resistance. Females usually resist male mating attempts. Successful mating occurs when males overcome female resistance. If harassment rates (of females by males) are low, larger males have a mating advantage over smaller males perhaps because females resist heavily and thus only larger males can overcome female resistance. If, however, male harassment rates are very high, female resistance might be swamped; mating should then be more random with respect to male size. Food deprivation increases gerrid activity and thus increases harassment rates which should then reduce NRMS. In contrast, risk decreases gerrid activity, thus decreasing harassment rates and increasing NRMS. Females did not show significant NRMS. Females did, however, show a pattern of change in NRMS that is consistent with male choice for larger females. Correspondence to: A. Sih  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to estimate the sorption of pyrene from water solutions on mineral substrates, e.g., alumina, silica, and oil shale ash, from the Estonian thermal plant. Results obtained from this study indicate that the sorption of pyrene on mineral oxides and oil shale ash particles from water can be described with a linear equation. The sorptive capacity per weight of oil shale ash in aqueous systems was significantly lower compared with mineral adsorbents. The distribution coefficient (Kd) for pyrene in the system with particles of oil shale ash was 10–12 times lower as than for mineral adsorbents.  相似文献   

Streams, as low-lying points in the landscape, are strongly influenced by the stormwaters, pollutants, and warming that characterize catchment urbanization. River restoration projects are an increasingly popular method for mitigating urban insults. Despite the growing frequency and high expense of urban stream restoration projects, very few projects have been evaluated to determine whether they can successfully enhance habitat structure or support the stream biota characteristic of reference sites. We compared the physical and biological structure of four urban degraded, four urban restored, and four forested streams in the Piedmont region of North Carolina to quantify the ability of reach-scale stream restoration to restore physical and biological structure to urban streams and to examine the assumption that providing habitat is sufficient for biological recovery. To be successful at mitigating urban impacts, the habitat structure and biological communities found in restored streams should be more similar to forested reference sites than to their urban degraded counterparts. For every measured reach- and patch-scale attribute, we found that restored streams were indistinguishable from their degraded urban stream counterparts. Forested streams were shallower, had greater habitat complexity and median sediment size, and contained less-tolerant communities with higher sensitive taxa richness than streams in either urban category. Because heavy machinery is used to regrade and reconfigure restored channels, restored streams had less canopy cover than either forested or urban streams. Channel habitat complexity and watershed impervious surface cover (ISC) were the best predictors of sensitive taxa richness and biotic index at the reach and catchment scale, respectively. Macroinvertebrate communities in restored channels were compositionally similar to the communities in urban degraded channels, and both were dissimilar to communities in forested streams. The macroinvertebrate communities of both restored and urban degraded streams were correlated with environmental variables characteristic of degraded urban systems. Our study suggests that reach-scale restoration is not successfully mitigating for the factors causing physical and biological degradation.  相似文献   

选用我国北方地区近年来选育或推广应用的29个花生品种(系),采用全生育期内人工控水盆栽试验,设置正常供水(控制整个生育期土壤含水量为田间持水量的75%~80%)和中度干旱胁迫(控制土壤含水量为田间持水量的45%~50%)2个水分处理。收获后分析籽仁中铁、锌、锰、铝、镉等微量元素和钙、镁、钾、磷、氮等主要矿物质元素含量。结果表明,花生籽仁中铅、铬含量极低,未能检测出;品种间各微量和其他矿质元素含量均存在明显差异,微量元素中,铝平均含量最高,锰含量最低,铁和锌含量居中。干旱使花生籽仁中除铝之外的铁、锌、镉、锰微量元素含量显著增加,尤其是铁,其含量是浇水条件下的2.9倍,其次是镉,为浇水条件下的2.4倍,锌也达1.6倍;但干旱使籽仁中钙、镁含量降低,氮、磷、钾3元素的变化不大,两处理间差异不明显;两处理中除锌元素外其余矿质元素含量间的相关系数间均呈显著或极显著相关关系,镁、锰和镉三元素间的相关系数最大,均在0.95以上,钙次之,磷最小。表明土壤干旱可提高花生籽仁中铁、锌、镉、锰微量元素含量,且微量矿质元素协同效应明显;土壤湿润降低花生籽仁中磷、钾元素与其他矿质元素间的相关关系。  相似文献   

广东某铀废石堆周边土壤中铀污染特征及其环境有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铀(U)矿冶过程中产生了大量铀废石。通常认为其放射性核素含量低,大多沿山谷露天自然堆放,一般不对堆场做防渗漏处置,对铀废石可能产生的潜在环境影响尚未引起重视。以广东某花岗岩型铀矿山的一个废石堆周边土壤为研究对象,在废石堆上、下游方向分别采集了2条(即BP1和BP2,视作背景土壤,距离废石堆的距离分别为10和20 m)和3条土壤剖面(即WP1、WP2和WP3,视作潜在U污染土壤,距离废石堆的距离分别为50、100和180 m)。通过对剖面间U分布特征的对比,定量估算了受污染土壤中外源U的输入通量;结合逐级化学提取技术,分析了U在土壤剖面的赋存形态及其环境有效性。结果表明:1)铀废石堆对周边土壤产生了显著的放射性污染,废石堆下游方向由近及远的3条U污染剖面(WP1、WP2和WP3)中U平均质量分数比背景剖面分别富集了634.6、10和3.7倍,其外源U的平均输入通量分别为4840.36、86.72和20.46μg·g-1。距污染源(废石堆)愈近,土壤中外源U的输入通量愈大;2)在近源区,大量的外源U优先在土壤表层聚集,随着远离污染源,逐渐转变为优先在剖面的深部淀积;3)与U 污染剖面相比,背景剖面(BP2)的惰性态 U(晶质铁锰氧化物/氢氧化物结合态+残渣态)所占比例最大,活性态 U(可交换态(包括水溶态)+碳酸盐结合态)所占比例最小,说明U污染土壤的外源U输入更倾向于对活性态U的贡献,这是对植物影响最直接的部分。另外,距污染源由近及远,U污染土壤中活性态U所占比例增大,潜在活性态U(有机质结合态+无定形铁锰氧化物/氢氧化物结合态)所占比例降低;4)3条U污染剖面中,平均90%以上的U(活性态和潜在活性态)对生态系统构成了威胁。因此,铀废石堆对周边环境产生的风险应得到充分重视。本研究为开展铀矿冶地域的放射性环境影响评价和土壤修复提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The thermal mineral water of Peñón de los Baños spa (Mexico City) has been used for over 500 years starting in pre-Hispanic times and...  相似文献   

This study presents the modelling approach and impact assessment of different strategies for managing wetland water resources and groundwater dynamics of landscapes which are characterised by the hydrological interactions of floodplains and the adjacent lowlands. The assessment of such impacts is based on the analysis of simulation results of complex scenarios of land-use changes and changes of the density of the drainage-network. The method has been applied to the 198 km2 Lower Havel River catchment as a typical example of a lowland–floodplain landscape. The model used consists of a coupled soil water and groundwater model, where the latter one is additionally coupled to the surface channel network. Thus, the hydrological processes of the variable saturated soil zone as well as lateral groundwater flow and the interactions between surface water and groundwater are simulated in an integrated manner. The model was validated for several years of significantly different meteorological conditions. The comparison of lateral and vertical water balance components showed the dominance of lateral flow processes and the importance of the interactions between surface water and groundwater for the overall water balance and the hydrological state of that type of landscape.The simulation of land-use change scenarios showed only minor effects of land-use change on the water balance and groundwater recharge. Changes of groundwater recharge were particularly small within the wetland areas being part of the floodplain where interactions between surface water and groundwater are most pronounced. Alterations in vertical groundwater recharge were counter-balanced by the lateral interaction between groundwater and surface water. More significant deviations in groundwater recharge and storage were observed in the more peripheral areas towards the catchment boundaries which are characterised by greater groundwater distance from the surface and less intense of ground water–surface water interactions.However, the simulation results assuming a coarsening of the drainage network density showed the importance of drainage structure and geometry for the water balance: The removal of the artificial draining ditches in the floodplain would result in significant alterations of total groundwater recharge, i.e., less recharge from winter to early summer and an increase of groundwater recharge during summer and autumn. Furthermore the different effects of groundwater recharge alterations on the dynamics of groundwater stages within the wetland areas close to the floodplains compared to the more peripheral areas could be quantified. Finally, it will be discussed that a well-adjusted co-ordination of different management measures is required to reach a sustainable water resources management of such lowland–floodplain landscapes.  相似文献   

This study compares water quality parameters, shrimp growth and mortality rates, and biomass at harvest in two ponds of equal size, seeded with the same density (7 m2) of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and Monodon Baculo Virus (MBV) negative post-larvae (PL)-20 of shrimp, Penaeus monodon in the Vellar estuary of South India. The primary difference between the ponds was the water source; one was filled from the estuary and the second with water from bore wells with high alkalinity. Temperature in both ponds was similar and reached 320C after 185 days of culture. Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels were within the acceptable range although levels in the alkaline pond were near the lower limit for the last 90 days before harvest. Salinity levels were similar in both ponds, above optimal levels, and increased over the 185 days. Alkalinity in the estuarine water was typically <50 ppm and again 200-320 ppm in the alkaline pond. In the alkaline pond, beginning on the 75th day mineral deposits was observed covering all parts of the shrimp including the eye and the inner gill chambers, and by harvest, 42% of the shrimp showed this coating. Elemental analysis identified the major constituents as calcium, phosphorus and manganese. Survival rates in the estuarine-water-fed pond was 92% with a total pond biomass at harvest of 1.65 tons ha-1 compared to survival of 79% in the alkaline pond and a biomass at harvest of 1.020 tons ha-1. When well water must be used, its alkalinity should be monitored and diluted with water from other sources.  相似文献   

This study examines the applicability of five European biotic indices and the Gammarus:Asellus ratio (G:A), compared with the measurement of physicochemical parameters, in order to determine the water quality at ten sites along the Tokat part of Cekerek stream, in Anatolia, Turkey, during the period February 2002 to January 2003. The biological and chemical results are in good agreement with respect to the water quality. In particular, the G:A ratio was calculated to be high at the first three stations and this result was correlated with the ETBI and the Chandler scores. Consequently, the water quality of Cekerek stream was classified as class I for biological and physicochemical data, except for phosphate, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate and nitrite at the last seven stations. The high concentrations of these chemicals probably result from agricultural runoff and urban sewage. In total, 55 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates were identified from the Cekerek stream during this study period.  相似文献   

The stream goby Rhinogobius sp. DA (dark color type) shows exclusive paternal care of the eggs. Males court females in the stream current and previous field observations suggest that females favor males that perform their courtship display in faster water currents, and that such males may have high parental ability because of good physical condition. To validate these observations we examined female choice under controlled laboratory conditions. Mate choice experiments indicated clearly that females preferred males that courted in the faster currents, whereas neither sexually different morphological traits, such as body size, nor the water current alone were important. The experiments with food supply treatments indicated that only males of high physical condition are able to court in the fast currents. Furthermore, males that courted in the fast currents achieved good egg survival, whereas males that were unable to court in the currents did not, due to cannibalism of their egg clutch. Thus, the maximum speed of the water current in which a male courts should be indicative of his quality and of the subsequent survival of eggs under his care. We conclude that Rhinogobius sp. DA females utilize the male courtship display in the water current as an honest indicator of parental quality.Communicated by K. LindströmAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Mineral water from the Changbai Mountain basalt area is China's most important source of drinking water. Mineral water with abundant output and enriched...  相似文献   

Abstract: There is a significant disparity in the protection of terrestrial and marine environments in the United States. Despite the considerable literature dedicated to the subject of protected areas, both terrestrial and marine, in the United States, we are not aware of work explicitly describing this dichotomy. We compared marine and terrestrial areas under federal jurisdiction to provide a quantitative assessment of the differences between the conservation of land and sea in the United States. Specifically, we compared national marine sanctuaries (including sanctuary preservation areas and ecological reserves) with national parks, national forests, and national wildlife refuges (including national wilderness preservation areas). Our results suggest that marine sanctuaries are fewer in number, smaller in total area, and smaller in percentage of area covered than are terrestrial protected areas.  相似文献   

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