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5月27日,别开生面的"绿色力量城市对抗高校"环保主题竞技比赛活动在贵州贵阳拉开序幕,这一活动为青年学子提供了一个参与环保、发挥才能、展示自我的平台,激发出了青年的环保激情,碰撞出青年对环保事业更具创造力的灵感。中国移动杯"绿色力量,城市对抗"高校环保主题竞技活动是贵州省基于环境保护部、国家发改委、教育部等八部委发起的"青年环境友好使者行动"的一个创新项目,"使者行动"通过调动青年志愿者保护环境的热情,鼓励和支持他们积极投入到环境保护的实际行动中来,发挥 相似文献
2011年千名青年环境友好使者华北地区培训10月15日在北京启动,来自北京、天津、内蒙古、山西、河北、山东、青岛等省市的236名90后青年环保志愿者在接受专家的系统培训后,郑重宣誓我承诺将以一传千,至少再培训一千名公众,动员公众参与节能减排活动。他们将成为新一批青年环境友好使者。千名青年环境友好使者行动项目是由环境保护部 相似文献
继《巴西环保之窗》微博直播后,贾峰总编再次尝试利用新媒体来增强环境宣传的影响力。本期我们从其百余条相关微博中精选了24条来与读者分享使者赴美交流的瞬间和感悟。此外,我们专门与新浪和腾讯合作,在代表团出发前分别作了一期微访谈来吸引网友关注,短短一周新增粉丝数量超过10万。 相似文献
2013年7月,盛夏,一群充满朝气的年轻人从全国齐聚香江河畔,参观香港先进的环保设施,学习香港先进的环保理念,和香港的同龄人飙创意、话环保,共同探讨环境保护话题,共建美丽中国.这是荣获"2013千名青年环境友好使者行动项目年度创新奖"的20名获奖代表赴港参加颁奖典礼,并参加"青年环境友好使者领袖训练营"等活动的片段.本次赴港活动,通过行为塑造与心理激励,提升青年使者的领袖思维和思想,培养沟通能力,提高环保创造力、创新力和领导力,充分发挥青年环保先锋作用. 相似文献
目前,中国正在进行一场绿色的变革!中国青年富有朝气和梦想,敢于拼搏、勇于创造,蕴含着推动时代发展和社会进步的强劲能量.中国青年环境友好使者作为这场绿色变革的实践者和未来的领导者,他们扎根于国家大力提倡的建设生态文明、共建美丽中国的沃土里,他们用行动凝聚青春正能量,他们的脉搏和"环境友好"的核心一起跳动,他们有着极大的生命力.因为年轻,就意味着希望,意味着梦想能够不断实现,80后、90后的热情,彰显了青年人的创新与追求,践行着绿色中国梦.中国青年环境友好使者通过改变中国,正在改变整个世界. 相似文献
Integration of environmental science in society is impeded by the large gap between science and policy that is characterised by weaknesses in societal relevance and dissemination of science and its practical implementation in policy. We analyse experiences from BONUS, the policy-driven joint Baltic Sea research and development programme (2007–2020), which is part of the European Research Area (ERA) and involves combined research funding by eight EU member states. The ERA process decreased fragmentation of Baltic Sea science and BONUS funding increased the scientific quality and societal relevance of Baltic Sea science and strengthened the science-policy interface. Acknowledging the different drivers for science producers (academic career, need for funding, peer review) and science users (fast results fitting policy windows), and realising that most scientists aim at building conceptual understanding rather than instrumental use, bridges can be built through strategic planning, coordination and integration. This requires strong programme governance stretching far beyond selecting projects for funding, such as coaching, facilitating the sharing of infrastructure and data and iterative networking within and between science producer and user groups in all programme phases. Instruments of critical importance for successful science-society integration were identified as: (1) coordinating a strategic research agenda with strong inputs from science, policy and management, (2) providing platforms where science and policy can meet, (3) requiring cooperation between scientists to decrease fragmentation, increase quality, clarify uncertainties and increase consensus about environmental problems, (4) encouraging and supporting scientists in disseminating their results through audience-tailored channels, and (5) funding not only primary research but also synthesis projects that evaluate the scientific findings and their practical use in society – in close cooperation with science users − to enhance relevance, credibility and legitimacy of environmental science and expand its practical implementation. 相似文献
随着中国环境污染与破坏的加剧,因公害而产生的环境侵权与民事救济将成为中国的一大社会问题。本文分析了传统民事侵权的区别,讨论了环境侵权的归责原则、因果关系推定与举证责任等问题,并提出环境侵权的民事救济应实行预防性的排除侵害与损害、赔偿并重的救济制度,实行利益衡量原则与公害赔偿社会化。最后,作者就如何完善中国环境侵权与民事救济立法提出几点建议。 相似文献
This article investigates how a mix of energy-users from Denmark perceives energy and environmental issues such as the affordability of electricity and gasoline, the seriousness of climate change, and preferences for different energy systems. Its primary source of data is a pilot survey and energy literacy test distributed in English and Danish to 328 respondents spread across the country. The survey results are used to test four propositions about energy prices, being “green,” public knowledge and competence about energy issues, and self-sufficiency and sustainable technology. The data supports the propositions that Danes identify with “being green” and prefer national and local policies that endorse sustainable technology and being self-sufficient. However, the data also challenges the propositions that Danes would prioritize low energy prices and affordability as key energy concerns and that they are knowledgeable about energy and environmental issues. In this way, a problematic gap may exist between what many academic articles (and previous surveys) report Danish attitudes to be and what this study suggests they are. Given Denmark's ambitious low-carbon goals, these findings have clear relevance to other communities and countries seeking to decarbonize their own energy sectors. 相似文献
<正>近年来,随着我国的社会转型和技术发展,各种"环境风险议题"密集出现,成为媒体的焦点,有时甚至引发民众恐慌与一定程度的社会对抗。比如各地民众反对PX项目、垃圾焚烧项目、以及反核项目就是如此。诸多环境事件以邻避运动形态出现,在一定程度上影响了公共利益的最大化,造成了政府和民众的"双输"困局。这种双输局面的根源则在于政府和民众之间缺乏更为制度化的有效沟通方 相似文献
《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(12):1117-1130
Environmental management practice in the military is a growing reality in many countries. The goal of this research was to assess Portuguese military environmental profile, as a first step towards evaluating environmental performance. This paper assesses how environmental practices have been adopted in this sector, based on a self-assessment by the services. A national survey was carried out, involving a representative sample of the armed forces and defence administration. Overall results show that the integration of environmental practices into the Portuguese military is quite new, although with a positive trend when compared with other public sectors. Among the three military branches, the air force has adopted the most environmental practices. 相似文献
Reported emissions data were collated for 35 pharmaceutical-manufacturing installations and 18 power stations holding IPPC licences in Ireland. Consistent and essentially complete sectoral emissions time-series were generated, covering 2002–2006 for the pharmaceutical sector, and 2001–2006 for the electricity-generating sector. Applying the Environmental Emissions Index (EEI) to reported emissions indicated environmental performance improvements of 35 and 30%, respectively, for these two sectors. However, considerable uncertainty was attributed to reporting of heavy metals, NOx and NMVOC emissions at the installation level, and overall NMVOC emissions from the pharmaceutical sector appeared to be considerably under-reported. The fixed average toxicity factor applied to NMVOC emissions in the EEI may deviate from potential temporal changes in the NMVOC compound mix. Overall, reporting uncertainties were found to have a greater impact on EEI outputs than assumptions made in the EEI model, and including an estimate of total sectoral NMVOC emissions reduced the pharmaceutical sector's environmental performance improvement to 24%. The EEI facilitates the comparison and visualisation of reported emissions, integrating them into environmental performance trends. It should optimise interpretation of abundant, detailed, and underutilised ‘bottom-up’ emissions data generated by IPPC installations. For Ireland's pharmaceutical sector, these data are considerably more comprehensive than EPER data. 相似文献
Stephen M. Freedman 《Agriculture, ecosystems & environment》1983,10(1):63-74
The potential biomass energy that can be derived from the harvest of rice crop residues is calculated for three methods of crop production. The potential energy available amounts to 3.70 × 1010 J ha?1 year?1 for traditional methods, 7.93 × 1010 J for the labor-intensive and 8.36 × 1010 J for the capital-intensive methods. The net energy benefits available for cooking, heating and biogasification are calculated on a per hectare basis taking into account the costs of collection, transportation and processing. The amounts of energy available for cooking and heating range from 3.70 × 109 to 8.33 × 109 J ha?1, and the amounts of energy for methanol use range from 1.85 × 109 to 4.17 × 109 J ha?1 year?1.The ecological problems associated with soil erosion, nutrient loss and pesticide use are evaluated in terms of the compensatory energy costs involved, and the resultant net energy balance for each method of rice production is calculated. The net energy available per hectare for the traditional method is 3.43 × 1010 J, for the labor-intensive method, 7.25 × 1010 J and for the capital-intensive method, 7.02 × 1010 J. The harvest of rice crop residues in the developing world could provide up to 5.80 × 1018 J year?1.The use of rice crop residues is investigated within the context of the rural village energy system. The prospects for the use of rice crop residues are evaluated in relation to alternative energy sources and it is concluded that regional residue harvest programs should be implemented cautiously, integrating soil management and environmental planning procedures where appropriate. 相似文献