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科研力是什么? 科研力是从事科学研究者的能力。而衡量科研力最重要的标准就是创新。没有创新的学者,很难有强健的学术活力。科研力建设的路径是推陈出新。  相似文献   

中国的自然保护地具有生态和文化双重价值,文化景观作为自然与文化的交界面,如何识别其价值对中国自然保护地的管理至关重要。以泰山为例,通过古籍文献和实地勘察等方法,从历时性角度对泰山的文化景观价值演变进行剖析。研究发现,泰山文化景观价值经历了山岳崇拜的自然价值、君权神授的政治价值、佛道信仰的宗教价值、祭祀游居的民俗价值及保护利用的综合价值五个阶段。结论认为:自然保护地文化景观价值的演变具有一定的规律性:名山自然保护地的文化景观价值演变是从自然到文化再到综合、从御到民、从单一到多元、从分离到融合的过程;自然保护地文化景观价值的构成要素包括思想基础、环境条件、行为方式及空间结果四部分,具有鲜明的完整性、系统性和动态性特征。文章还对自然保护地文化景观价值的识别策略进行了讨论,为相应类型的国家公园和其他类型自然保护地建设提供参考。  相似文献   

何为稀土? 近一个时期中国的稀土矿产开采、冶炼加工、外贸出口成为社会关注的热门话题。国际上一些国家也在密切注视着中国稀土的生产、出口动向。刚刚发布的国务院《关于促进稀土行业持续健康发展的若干意见》更是提高了这一话题的热度。  相似文献   

美国保护地体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)提出的保护地体系是世界性的保护地管理体系,而美国以国家公园系统为代表的保护地管理体系,是世界上最为科学、完善的体系之一.本文结合文献,介绍IUCN体系的定义、分类及美国保护地体系的管理现状,分析IUCN体系在美国的应用情况.研究美国的保护地体系建设,对于同样是世界自然文化遗产资源大国的中国,有其积极的意义和作用.  相似文献   

在介绍中国环境保护标准体系发展概况的基础上,对国家污染物排放(控制)标准的体系结构、内容设置进行了研究,探讨了新时期国家污染物排放(控制)标准的发展趋势,结合实例分析了水污染物特别排放限值、有毒污染物的监控等在新颁布的排放(控制)标准中的适用要求。  相似文献   

我国水污染物排放标准体系调整的比较探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从我国水污染物排放标准现状出发,分析其结构特点,剖析了现行排放标准执行过程中的若干问题,并与美国水污染物排放标准体系进行比较,提出适应我国21世纪环境管理需要的水污染物排放标准体系调整的基本设想。主要包括:水污染物排放标准建立在经济可行的技术基础上,脱离与功能区对应的关系,采用吨产品排放限值,缩小综合排放标准扩大行业排放标准,逐步按工艺、产品种类制定排放标准。  相似文献   

本文总结、综述了我国现有的空气净化器相关标准,包括直接、间接和引用相关标准,分析了现有标准体系的特点和存在的问题,对我国空气净化器标准体系的建设和完善,提出了一些制修订建议,希望借此建议推动规范空气净化器产品市场,从而更好地为消费者服务。  相似文献   

基于《全球跨界自然保护区名录》中涉及中国的16组名录中的10个国家87个保护地,分析其空间分布规律,应用德尔菲法和层次分析法,选取生态完整性、治理结构匹配、制度文化差异和空间距离交通4个层面的9个指标,建立中国与周边国家边境地区保护地跨境合作潜力指标体系,并进行验证。结果表明:黑龙江省与俄罗斯毗邻边境地区保护地分布最集中,喀喇昆仑山—喜马拉雅山脉地区生态系统完整性较好。通过评价结果遴选出中国(兴凯湖)—俄罗斯、中国(西双版纳)—老挝、中国(塔什库尔干)—巴基斯坦、中国(珠穆朗玛峰)—尼泊尔与印度、中国(长白山)—朝鲜与俄罗斯5组未来跨境合作潜力较高的地区,并针对跨境合作存在的难点提出建议措施。研究可为中国边境保护地跨境合作提供方法参考和借鉴依据。  相似文献   

Canadian and US marine conservation law, and other related law, was analyzed to determine if it reflected ecological criteria needed to implement connectivity among marine protected areas of the northeast Pacific in the proposed trilateral Baja to Bering Sea (B2B) initiative. The analysis included both nations’ federal laws and those of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and British Columbia. While legal provisions exist already to implement marine protected areas for varying reasons, there is little capacity in most laws to create connectivity among them for conservation purposes. Only California's legislation contained explicit provisions for all the criteria. Other federal, state, and provincial laws, while containing provisions for species at risk and vulnerable habitats, generally lacked explicit provisions for the vital criteria, size of area, migratory patterns, and recruitment patterns. Implementation, future management, and protection of the proposed B2B marine network would be facilitated by amendment of both Canadian and US laws. Some of the ecological criteria are already implied implicitly or vaguely, but they need to be made explicit in the amended law. The legislative model of California could serve as a template for amending the laws of other jurisdictions in the B2B venture.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly regarded as socio-ecological systems. In addition to their reported ecological effects, MPAs may have important social, economic and cultural effects on local communities and marine and coastal stakeholders. Those effects should be considered within an ecosystem approach to MPA planning, designation and management. Here we present a new framework to monitor and assess the socioeconomic effects of MPAs saliently and soundly: the Integrated MPA Socio-Economic Assessment (IMPASEA). The IMPASEA considers and analyses those factors deemed most important for marine and coastal stakeholders in a spatially referenced, sound and cost-effective manner. The development of the IMPASEA followed a mixed-methods research design in 3 phases: literature review, stakeholder survey and geo-statistical analysis using a Multiple-Paired-Before-After-Control-Impact design (MPBACI). The framework was tested on a set of 6 multiple-use MPAs on the French side of the English Channel. Of the eight socioeconomic variables analysed at the scale of ‘commune’ in the geo-statistical phase, only one variable (‘number of hotel rooms’) might have been affected by the designation of MPAs. Factors such as MPA designation category and management status are likely to have contributed to the non-significant differences shown at the scale of commune for the selected MPAs. In contrast, most of the six variables related to fishing showed differences between ports inside and outside MPAs, although these results need further ground truthing to discriminate attribution of effects. The characteristics of the IMPASEA make it a sound monitoring and assessment framework that could be applied in different contexts and to different types of sustainability assessments involving protected areas or other spatially-defined entities under certain conditions: existence of consistent time series of fine-scale socioeconomic data and avoidance of overlap of designation categories over single spaces.  相似文献   

IntroductionWetlandisoneoftherichestbiodiversityareasintheearth .Biodiversityshouldincludefourlevels:hereditydiversity ,speciesdiversity ,ecosystemdiversityandlandscapediversity .Speakingfromcertainangles,theprotectionofecosystemdiversityandlandscapediver…  相似文献   

Wetland is one of the richest biodiversity areas in the earth. The main purpose of establishing wetland protected area is to protect biodiversity, and the protection of ecosystem diversity and landscape diversity is the key to protect biodiversity. In order to protect regional ecosystem and landscape, it is a good way to establish wetland comprehensive protected area which connected wetland nature reserves by habitat corridors. The Sanjiang Plain as a study area, its landscape evaluation index system on wetland protected area was studied, and some problems on landscape planning and ecology construction were further approached in this paper. It showed that establishing wetland comprehensive protected area is very important to protect regional wetlands, to maintain ecological balance,and to improve the sustainable development of agriculture and industry in this region.  相似文献   

在国家公园体制改革背景下,“建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系”对我国自然保护地优化整合提出了系列要求。福建省正在进行自然保护地优化整合,泰宁县是全省自然保护地交叉重叠最复杂的区域之一。以泰宁县为例,基于实地调研和专家意见,构建了三个优化整合的情景规划方案:(1)维持现状,不整合;(2)以泰宁国家地质公园为主体的整合;(3)以泰宁国家公园为主体的整合。基于对方案的成本效益比较,结果显示:方案3的存在和使用价值最高,成本持中;方案1的价值保护持中,成本最低;方案2价值最低,成本最高。研究为福建省县市尺度开展自然保护地优化整合提供思路和技术支持,亦为国内外自然保护地的边界优化提供参考。  相似文献   

设立保护地是保护生物多样性的最有效举措。“半个地球”愿景提出将50%的面积纳入保护地,并有效保护85%的物种,是全球生态保护的目标。IUCN保护地分类系统是国际通用的标准,一系列优先保护模块研究则对保护地的识别进行着探索。本文旨在通过对这些模块的保护目标、识别标准等进行分析,为保护地科学识别提供合理参考。主要结论如下:(1)物种、栖息地与人类活动是各模块的主要考虑要素,识别标准包括物种丰富度、生境转变率、人类活动强度等;(2)各模块对生境转变率的考虑有“亡羊补牢”和“未雨绸缪”两种思路,对人类活动强度的考虑有直接和间接之分;(3)各模块分布面积占比在5.77%~25.32%之间,总范围占全球陆表的55.59%,超过了“半个地球”愿景的目标比例。  相似文献   

Nutrient criteria provide a scientific foundation for the comprehensive evaluation, prevention,control and management of water eutrophication. In this review, the literature was examined to systematically evaluate the benefits, drawbacks, and applications of statistical analysis,paleolimnological reconstruction, stressor-response model, and model inference approaches for nutrient criteria determination. The developments and challenges in the determination of nutrient criteria in lakes and reservoirs are presented. Reference lakes can reflect the original states of lakes, but reference sites are often unavailable. Using the paleolimnological reconstruction method, it is often difficult to reconstruct the historical nutrient conditions of shallow lakes in which the sediments are easily disturbed. The model inference approach requires sufficient data to identify the appropriate equations and characterize a waterbody or group of waterbodies, thereby increasing the difficulty of establishing nutrient criteria. The stressor-response model is a potential development direction for nutrient criteria determination, and the mechanisms of stressor-response models should be studied further. Based on studies of the relationships among water ecological criteria, eutrophication, nutrient criteria and plankton, methods for determining nutrient criteria should be closely integrated with water management requirements.  相似文献   

地形是影响土地利用的重要地理因素,山区土地资源禀赋及其开发利用方式深受地形条件限制。以井冈山市为例,采用1995-2015年多期遥感数据,选取坡度、高程、地形位指数等多项因子,通过定性分析与定量评价相结合的方法,深入探讨地形对土地利用类型分布、土地利用动态变化,以及土地利用景观格局的作用机制。研究表明:井冈山市土地利用空间分布具有明显的地形梯度效应,林地、草地多分布在海拔>400 m、坡度>15°的山地和高丘陵区,耕地、水域、建设用地多分布在海拔<400 m、坡度<15°的平原和低丘陵区。研究期内,井冈山市土地利用动态变化主要表现为林地减少和建设用地增加,其中林地净减少992 km2,建设用地净增加352 km2,土地利用方式的改变主要发生在海拔<800 m、坡度<15°、人类活动密集的平原和低缓丘陵地区。土地利用景观格局亦受地形因素影响,在平原和低缓丘陵区,斑块密集分布,景观多样性指数、散布与并列指数、斑块密度及土地利用结构信息熵呈高值分布;而在高海拔、坡度大的山地丘陵区,优势斑块明显,最大斑块所占景观面积的比例以及蔓延度指数呈高值分布。优化山区土地资源配置,促进贫困山区减贫发展,应充分考虑地形因素的影响作用,遵循因地制宜、因势利导和优势开发原则,重视优化土地利用结构与布局,加快推进山区精准脱贫、绿色发展和乡村振兴。  相似文献   

以南方丘陵红壤区典型小流域为例,构建了基于R语言的流域非点源颗粒态磷污染指数并进行应用.结果表明,(1)流域土壤侵蚀模数在0.7~15244.2t/(km2·a)之间,超出南方丘陵红壤区容许土壤侵蚀量的区域占流域面积59%;平均非点源颗粒态磷产生强度为0.86kg/hm2,超出非点源磷流失阈值的区域占流域面积14%.流...  相似文献   

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