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Sediments from the Belgian North Sea (BNS), the Western Scheldt Estuary (SE) and freshwater watercourses from the Scheldt basin were analysed for eight PBDE congeners, namely BDEs 28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183 and 209. Previously analysed biological samples from the same locations in the BNS and the SE have been shown to contain large amounts of PBDEs. Surprisingly, PBDE concentrations in the sediments were below the LOQ for samples from the BNS (except BDE 209), while in those from the SE the sum of PBDEs (not including BDE 209) were higher and ranged from 0.20 to 0.41 ng g(-1) dw. BDE 209 could be detected in 83% of the samples from the BNS and in all the samples from the SE. Concentrations up to 1200 ng g(-1) were hereby measured in the SE. Compared to the marine and estuarine locations, the sediments from the freshwater watercourses were relatively more polluted with the lower brominated PBDEs (<0.20-19 ng g(-1) dw). BDE 209 concentrations up to 320 ng g(-1) dw were measured in those sediments. However, the contribution of BDE 209 to the total amount of PBDEs varied much more at the freshwater locations than in the SE, which suggests a different input of pollutants. PBDE profiles observed in biological samples do not match the profiles of the sediments. BDE 183 and 209 could not be quantified in biota, although these congeners were undoubtedly present in the sediments. This raises questions about the bioavailability of these congeners in the environment.  相似文献   

Concentration of ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds were determined in liver of four fish species from different trophic levels (Aurigequula fasciata, omnivore; Alepes djedaba, carnivore; Liza abu and Sardinella albella, phytoplanktivores). In all the species, similar distributions were observed in which pyrene predominated and followed by naphthalene and acenaphthylene. L. abu accumulated the highest concentration of ΣPAH, followed by S. albella, A. fasciata, and A. djedaba. No correlation between PAH content in fish liver and fish size has been found at the level of individual compounds, except for benzo[a]pyrene (p?r?=??0.704). Female fish exhibited significantly lower mean ΣPAH concentrations than male in all the species, except for L. abu.  相似文献   

Heavy metals residues (i.e. Cu, Zn, Mn, and Pb) were determined in seven chosen tissues of two fish species (Esox lucius and Carassius auratus) from Anzali wetland. The impact of feeding habit on metal accumulations in different tissues as well as the respective contribution of water and food to matel uptake by fishes were considered. No tendency for bioamplification was observed for the metals along the wetland trophic levels. Generally, there was no statistically significant relationship between the metal content of the tissues and the fish length for both species. In all cases, except for lead, the mean amounts of the metals in the flesh of the species were higher than those in commercially important fishes from the Caspian sea. However, they were below the recommended levels for human consumption.  相似文献   

The elemental contaminants in water and fish samples from Aba river were studied. The elements studied were Zn, Ni, As, Hg, Co and Mn. Three water samples and three samples of different fish species were collected from different locations in the river. The water and fish samples were analysed for elemental contaminants using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The elemental toxicants Zn and Mn were identified in appreciable amounts in fresh fish species namely, Lates niloticus and Oriochronis niloticus, of mean values 8.012 ppm and 0.861 ppm, respectively. The analysis also shows arsenic concentration of mean value 0.01 ppm in Lates niloticus. The analysis of frozen fish samples purchased from the Waterside market located near the river shows Ni and Hg levels of mean values 0.83 ppm and 0.02 ppm, respectively. The levels of elemental contaminants As, Zn, Hg and Mn from the water samples have mean values 0.082 ppm, 11.284 ppm, 0.201 ppm and 1.024 ppm, respectively. There are five industries that discharge waste products into Aba river. In view of this, there is a need to determine the level of pollution of the river, since the inhabitants depend on the river for their drinking water, fishing and other domestic uses. This study is aimed at determining the level of heavy metal toxicants in fish and water samples from the river. The effect of these elemental contaminants and the associated health hazards were examined.  相似文献   

The concentrations of fifteen PAH compounds in samples of sediment and blue mussel tissue (Mytilus trossulus) were measured. In addition, the biliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites present in flounder (Platichthys flesus) were analysed. Two methods were used in the analysis of PAH metabolites; high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fixed wavelength fluorescence (FF). The major PAH metabolite which could be measured using the HPLC method was 1-OH pyrene. It was possible to detect 1-OH Phe and 3-OH B[a]P in 70 and 24 samples respectively, of the 87 samples analysed. However, the concentrations of 1-OH Phe and 3-OH B[a]P were below or near to the LOQ (0.002 μg ml(-1) bile). The bile of flounder samples from the Gulf of Gdańsk had 1-OH Pyr concentrations which ranged from 0.019 to 0.066 μg ml(-1) bile. The high linear correlation observed between the quantity of 1-OH pyrene determined by the HPLC-F method and the content of the sum of pyrene-type PAHs obtained by the FF method indicated the FF method of determination of pyrene-type PAH metabolites can be used as a screening method. The content of ∑(15)PAHs in sediments collected in the Gulf of Gdansk, in 2008, ranged from 29.3 to 103 μg kg(-1) dw. In mussel tissue ∑(15)PAHs concentrations were between 173.2 μg kg(-1) dw and 237.7 μg kg(-1) dw. All concentrations measured in the current study, in mussel tissue, were below the OSPAR toxicity threshold values.  相似文献   

The levels and distribution of PBDEs in zebra mussels and several freshwater fish species (eel, carp and gibel carp) were investigated for different sites in Flanders, Belgium. In parallel, other organohalogenated contaminants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), p,p[prime or minute]-DDE and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were also measured and their relationship with PBDEs was investigated. At most sites, individual PBDE congeners were present at detectable levels in mussel tissue, with the mean [summation operator]PBDE concentration ranging from 0.15 to 1.8 ng g(-1) wet weight (ww). The PCB concentrations in mussels ranged from 6.2 to 102 ng g(-1) ww. HCB and p,p[prime or minute]-DDE could be measured in mussels from most sites, mean values ranging from below the limit of quantification (LOQ) to 0.58 ng g(-1) ww and from 0.66 to 6.5 ng g(-1) ww, respectively. Except for one site (Blokkersdijk, Antwerp) where PBDEs were below the LOQ in carp muscle, all fish samples from other sites contained detectable PBDE levels, with the highest concentrations (14 +/- 14 ng g(-1) ww) being measured in eel liver from Watersportbaan (Ghent). The sampled sites covered a broad concentration range of organohalogenated pollutants with the highest values being consistently measured in eel liver. With few exceptions, all correlations between PBDEs and organochlorine pollutants for each species were low (r < 0.50) and most were statistically not significant (p > 0.05). This suggests that the exposure to contaminants arises from local sources possessing different signatures of PBDEs and organochlorine pollutants.  相似文献   

The concentrations of HCB, PCB, and PAH in epiphytic mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) and forest humus were used to study the atmospheric exposure of conferous forests in a region in central Sweden. Air concentrations of HCB and PCB were monitored around an expected source. Moss contamination was used as a short-term exposure indicator, and humus contamination was assumed to indicate long-term exposure to HCB, PCB, and PAH.The level of HCB in mosses (0.4–1.7 ng/g, by dry weight, DW) complied well with background values. The levels of PCB measured as a sum of 7 identified PCB-congeners varied between 2–28 ng/g DW, with the highest levels in moss from the western part of the region, and decreasing concentrations from west to east. Around an expected PCB source in the southeastern part of the region the concentrations of PCB declined with increasing distance from the source area. The identified PAH concentrations in mosses varied between 39 and 730 ng/g DW. The PAH content in the mosses consisted mainly of nonvolatile PAH while the more volatile PAH were below the detection limit. The levels of HCB in humus were slightly more than in mosses (0.4–3.3 ng/g DW), and complied well with the background values. Sum PCB in the humus varied between 2 and 28 ng/g DW. The PAH in the humus were mainly nonvolatile PAH. The PAH concentrations in humus varied between 99 and 2600 ng/g DW. The air concentrations of PCB around the expected source (radius <1.5 km) were higher than background levels, and most likely caused the raised levels of PCB measured in the moss nearby.  相似文献   

Organochlorine chemical residues and elemental concentrations were measured in piscivorous and benthivorous fish at 111 sites from large U.S. river basins. Potential contaminant sources such as urban and agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, mine drainage, and irrigation varied among the sampling sites. Our objectives were to provide summary statistics for chemical contaminants and to determine if contaminant concentrations in the fish were a risk to wildlife that forage at these sites. Concentrations of dieldrin, total DDT, total PCBs, toxaphene, TCDD-EQ, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium, and zinc exceeded toxicity thresholds to protect fish and piscivorous wildlife in samples from at least one site; most exceedences were for total PCBs, mercury, and zinc. Chemical concentrations in fish from the Mississippi River Basin exceeded the greatest number of toxicity thresholds. Screening level wildlife risk analysis models were developed for bald eagle and mink using no adverse effect levels (NOAELs), which were derived from adult dietary exposure or tissue concentration studies and based primarily on reproductive endpoints. No effect hazard concentrations (NEHC) were calculated by comparing the NOAEL to the food ingestion rate (dietary-based NOAEL) or biomagnification factor (tissue-based NOAEL) of each receptor. Piscivorous wildlife may be at risk from a contaminant if the measured concentration in fish exceeds the NEHC. Concentrations of most organochlorine residues and elemental contaminants represented no to low risk to bald eagle and mink at most sites. The risk associated with pentachloroanisole, aldrin, Dacthal, methoxychlor, mirex, and toxaphene was unknown because NOAELs for these contaminants were not available for bald eagle or mink. Risk differed among modeled species and sites. Our screening level analysis indicates that the greatest risk to piscivorous wildlife was from total DDT, total PCBs, TCDD-EQ, mercury, and selenium. Bald eagles were at greater risk to total DDT and total PCBs than mink, whereas risks of TCDD-EQ, mercury, and selenium were greater to mink than bald eagle.  相似文献   

The National Lake Fish Tissue Study (NLFTS) was the first survey of fish contamination in lakes and reservoirs in the 48 conterminous states based on a probability survey design. This study included the largest set (268) of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals ever studied in predator and bottom-dwelling fish species. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) implemented the study in cooperation with states, tribal nations, and other federal agencies, with field collection occurring at 500 lakes and reservoirs over a four-year period (2000–2003). The sampled lakes and reservoirs were selected using a spatially balanced unequal probability survey design from 270,761 lake objects in USEPA’s River Reach File Version 3 (RF3). The survey design selected 900 lake objects, with a reserve sample of 900, equally distributed across six lake area categories. A total of 1,001 lake objects were evaluated to identify 500 lake objects that met the study’s definition of a lake and could be accessed for sampling. Based on the 1,001 evaluated lakes, it was estimated that a target population of 147,343 (±7% with 95% confidence) lakes and reservoirs met the NLFTS definition of a lake. Of the estimated 147,343 target lakes, 47% were estimated not to be sampleable either due to landowner access denial (35%) or due to physical barriers (12%). It was estimated that a sampled population of 78,664 (±12% with 95% confidence) lakes met the NLFTS lake definition, had either predator or bottom-dwelling fish present, and could be sampled.  相似文献   

The sequential weight loss-on-ignition (WLOI) method for determination of organic and carbonate or inorganic carbon (C) content was evaluated on sediments from diverse sources with a great range of C contents. The sediments were collected from canal, wetland, river, estuary, lake, and marine sites. The organic and inorganic C contents of these samples ranged from 1 to 430 g kg???1 and from 4 to 97 g kg???1, respectively. Combinations of the combustion time and temperature and optimal weight ranges of representative samples were tested, and comparisons of the WLOI method with other methods, including dry combustion and wet combustion, were made. These methods were (1) use of the carbon?Cnitrogen?Csulfur (CNS) autoanalyzer with normal and reduced temperatures for total and organic C, (2) thermogravimetry for both organic and inorganic C, (3) use of the CNS autoanalyzer after removal of inorganic (carbonate) C by fumigating samples with concentrated HCl for organic C, (4) Walkley?CBlack wet combustion method for organic C, and (5) pressure-calcimeter associated with subtraction method (total C minus inorganic C) for organic C determinations. The results of analyzing samples of sediments of diverse origins showed that the optimal combination of temperature and time of WLOI depended mostly on the sources of the analyzed sediment. The WLOI analysis of sediment samples for organic C from wetlands, canal, estuary, or river sites needed a relatively low temperature but that of sediment samples from lake and marine sites required a relatively high temperature. Overall, to obtain reliable analysis results of samples from widely varied sediment sources except marine sediments, 500°C for 12 h was optimal for organic C content determination, and 800°C for yet another 12 h was optimal for inorganic C content determination. The temperature could even be reduced to 475°C if only wetland and stream sediments were included, but for marine sediments, 550°C for 12 h was necessary. Precise C content determinations for most sediment sources could be obtained by WLOI when sample quantities ranged from 2.0 to 4.0 g. The WLOI method, when conducted properly, resulted in precise measurements of C contents in ??standard samples?? used for calibration, and these values were closely comparable to results obtained with other dry combustion methods (R 2????0.96). We conclude that WLOI, which has advantages of simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and no waste disposal over other methods, can provide precise measurements of organic and inorganic C contents in sediments from a wide range of sources, but the selection of heating temperature and exposure time should be carefully considered based on sediment sources.  相似文献   

To determine the possible contributions of point and non-point sources to carbon and nutrient loading in the Ganga River, we analyzed N, P, and organic carbon (OC) in the atmospheric deposits, surface runoff, and in the river along a 37-km stretch from 2013 to 2015. We also assessed the trophic status of the river as influenced by such sources of nutrient input. Although the river N, P, and productivity showed a declining trend with increasing discharge, runoff DOC and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) increased by 88.05 and 122.7% between the Adpr and Rjht sites, indicating contributions from atmospheric deposition (AD) coupled with land use where agriculture appeared to be the major contributor. Point source input led to increased river concentrations of NO3 ?, NH4 +, DRP, and DOC by 10.5, 115.9, 115.2, and 67.3%, respectively. Increases in N, P, and productivity along the gradient were significantly negatively correlated with river discharge (p < 0.001), while river DOC and dissolved silica showed positive relationships. The results revealed large differences in point and non-point sources of carbon and nutrient input into the Ganga River, although these variations were strongly influenced by the seasonality in surface runoff and river discharge. Despite these variations, N and P concentrations were sufficient to enhance phytoplankton growth along the study stretch. Allochthonous input together with enhanced autotrophy would accelerate heterotrophic growth, degrading the river more rapidly in the near future. This study suggests the need for large-scale inter-regional time series data on the point and non-point source partitioning and associated food web dynamics of this major river system.  相似文献   

运用GC MS等多种有机分析技术对河南省主要城市的23个水源水中的有机物进行了分析研究,共检出740种有机物,初步筛选出261种有毒污染物;多环芳烃类和酞酸酯的污染非常突出;各点位检出物浓度较低,绝大部分化合物远低于国标;但检出种类多,均受到不同程度的有机污染,而地下水污染相对较轻。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to evaluate the impacts of a middle-sized Finnish urban area on the quality of sediments in an adjacent boreal lake. We investigated the sources and distribution of organic pollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)) in the sediments from urban stormwater traps and from Lake Vesijärvi. Grab surface sediment samples were taken from Lake Vesijärvi at various distances (25–2,000 m) from four major stormwater drainage outlets and at 15 urban stormwater traps in areas with different degrees of urbanization. These samples were analysed for 16 PAHs and 28 PCBs with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The concentrations of pollutants in the lake sediments were elevated in the vicinity of the urban shore (∑PAH 3–16, ∑PCB up to 0.02–0.3 mg/kg dw) and decreased as a function of distance (∑PAH 0.1–2.5, ∑PCB 0.01–0.3 mg/kg dw at a distance of more than 500 m from the shore), whereas contamination levels in suburban areas were notably lower (∑PAH 0.1–3, ∑PCB?<?LOQ–0.03 mg/kg dw; did not decline with distance). Possible sources and pathways of contamination were also investigated. The majority of stormwater trap sediments contained predominantly asphalt-derived PAHs due to pulverized pavement. PAHs in lake sediments were of pyrogenic origin, including the combustion of gasoline, diesel and coal. Suggested pathways of lake contamination are urban runoff discharge, boat traffic and atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

The paper reports the concentrations and patterns of CBs in sediments of the Belgian part of the southern North Sea and the Scheldt estuary for the period 1991-2001. The long-term analytical performance was well within the quality assurance boundaries set at the outset of the study and is consistent with the state of the art for this type of analysis. The CB concentrations (given as the median of the sum of IUPAC Nos 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) vary between 0.1 microg kg(-1) and 50 microg kg(-1) dry weight in the total sediment and it could be demonstrated that CB patterns in the fine fraction of the sediment were closely similar throughout the investigated area. Isolation of the fine fraction (<63 microm) by sieving can be regarded as a physical normalisation to reduce the differences in sediment granulometric composition. It allows for a better understanding of CB distribution and patterns and improves the trend analysis. A significant downward trend could not be found at any of the stations, which suggests that CB levels have not been changing in the area of interest in the past decade.  相似文献   

Metal levels in fish have been extensively studied, but little data currently exists for the Middle East. We examined the levels of metals and metalloids (aluminum, arsenic, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, and mercury) in the flesh of 13 fish species collected from three fishing sites and a local fish market in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. We tested the following null hypotheses: (1) there are no interspecific differences in metal levels, (2) there are no differences in metal levels in fishes between market and fishing sites, (3) there are no size-related differences in metal levels, and (4) there are no differences in selenium:mercury molar ratio among different fish species. There were significant interspecific differences in concentrations for all metals. There was an order of magnitude difference in the levels of aluminum, arsenic, mercury, manganese, and selenium, indicating wide variation in potential effects on the fish themselves and on their predators. Fishes from Area II, close to a large commercial port, had the highest levels of arsenic, mercury, and selenium, followed by market fishes. Mercury was positively correlated with body size in 6 of the 13 fish species examined. Mercury was correlated positively with arsenic and selenium, but negatively with aluminum, cobalt, copper, manganese, and zinc. Selenium:mercury molar ratios varied significantly among species, with Carangoides bajad, Cephalopholis argus, Variola louti, and Ephinephelus tauvina having ratios below 10:1. These findings can be used in risk assessments, design of mercury reduction plans, development of fish advisories to protect public health, and future management decision-making.  相似文献   

This study investigated dispersion and bioaccumulation of mining-related elements from an open-pit olivine mine at Seqi in Southwest Greenland (64°?N) using lichens (Flavocetraria nivalis), seaweeds (Fucus vesiculosus), mussels (Mytilus edulis) and fish (Myoxocephalus scorpius). The mine operated between 2005 and 2009, and samples were taken every year within a monitoring area 0–17 km from the mine during the period 2004–2011. A total of 46 elements were analysed in the samples. After mining began, highly elevated metal concentrations, especially nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe) and cobalt (Co), were observed in lichens relative to pre-mining levels (up to a factor of 130) caused by dust dispersion from the mining activity. Elevated metal concentrations could be measured in lichens in distances up to ~5 km from the mine/ore treatment facility. Moderately elevated concentrations of Ni and Cr (up to a factor of 7) were also observed in seaweeds and mussels but only in close vicinity (<1 km) to the mine. Analyses of fish showed no significant changes in element composition. After mine closure, the elevated metal concentrations in lichens, seaweeds and mussels decreased markedly, and in 2011, significantly elevated metal concentrations could only be measured in lichens and only within a distance of 1 km from the mine.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance of marine heterotrophic bacteria to different antimicrobials agents were evaluated in seawater, dry and wet sands from three marine recreational beaches with different pollution levels. In all studied beaches, the greatest frequencies of resistance were found in relation to penicillin. On Gonzaguinha, the most polluted beach, 72.3% of all isolated strains showed simple resistance, whilst 8.33% had multiple resistance. The values found on Ilha Porchat beach, were 70.8% and 6.9% for simple and multiple resistances, respectively. On Guaraú, the less polluted beach, only 35.3% of isolated strains had simple resistance. Multiple resistance was not observed. While samples from Gonzaguinha and Ilha Porchat beach showed isolated strains resistant to seven and six different antimicrobial agents, respectively, samples from Guaraú beach were resistant only to penicillin and erytromicin. The positive correlations obtained between the degree of seawater contamination and frequency and variability of bacterial resistance indicate that polluted marine recreational waters and sands are sources of resistant bacteria contributing thus, to the dissemination of bacterial resistance.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, selemium,and tin concentrations were measured in the feathers of Capecormorant (Phalacrocorax capensis), Hartlaubs gull(Larus hartlaubii), kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), andlesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) from the coast ofNamibia in southern Africa. Metal concentrations in feathers represent the concentrations in the blood supply at the time offeather formation. Cape Cormorants are piscivores; kelp gullsare primarily piscivores; Hartlaubs gull is an omnivore; and lesser flamingos eat primarily blue-green algae and invertebrates filtered from the water and sediment ofhypersaline lagoons. We predicted that metal concentrationswould reflect these trophic level differences. There weresignificant species differences in the concentrations of allmetals, with flamingos having the lowest levels, and cormorantshaving the highest levels of 4 metals but not mercury. The gulls hadthe highest levels of mercury, perhaps reflecting their morescavenging behavior.  相似文献   

The residual levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites (DDXs, including p,p′-DDT, DDD, and DDE) in water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediments from major rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in Haihe Plain were measured with a gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni microelectron capture detector. In the fall of 2004, the contents of the total DDXs in the water and SPM were 0.29?±?0.69 ng L?1 and 423.13?±?577.85 ng g?1 dry wt., respectively. In the spring of 2005, the total DDXs were 0.36?±?0.91 ng L?1 for water and 35.93?±?62.65 ng g?1 dry wt. for SPM. The average concentration of DDXs for sediments was 7.10?±?7.57 ng g?1 dry wt. during the two seasons. The Eastern-Hebei-Province Coastland River System was the most polluted, which was mainly attributable to the extensive use of DDT pesticide and dicofol in that system. Recent DDT inputs still occur in some regions, as indicated by DDT/(DDD + DDE) > 1 at 29–36 % of the sites for water and 55–61 % of the sites for SPM. The potential ecological risks of DDT in the water were assessed using a species sensitivity distribution model. Only shrimp and crabs were found to have potentially affected fraction values of 1.63?×?10?3 to 2.27?×?10?4, with probabilities beyond the hazardous concentration for 5 % of species (HC5) values of 1.90–2.56 %, suggesting only slight risks. DDXs in the sediments of some sites were also of potential risk to benthic organism based on consensus-based sediment quality guidelines.  相似文献   

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