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Fungi were isolated from soil samples corresponding to pesticide-contaminated soil (CS) and noncontaminated soil (NCS) in the Annaba vicinity (Algeria) and identified. The number of isolates obtained from CS and NCS were 263 and 288, respectively. The most frequent species (Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, A. terreus, Absidia corymbifera, and Rhizopus microsporus var microsporus) were not sensitive to the pesticides. The growth of the genus Trichoderma was inhibited by the pesticides, while genera Absidia and Fusarium were stimulated. The 53 species isolated were assayed for their ability to remove metribuzin from liquid medium. Only Botrytis cinerea from NCS and Sordaria superba and Absidia fusca from CS removed more than 50% of the compound after 5 d. Metamitron was very resistant. Among the 21 species tested, only Alternaria solani (from NCS), Drechslera australiensis (from CS and NCS), and Absidia fusca (from CS) reduced the concentration in the medium more than 10% (10-16%). Twelve species were grown with linuron, seven of them were inefficient in removing this compound. The two strains of Sordaria macrospora yielded 22 to 25% depletion, while Botrytis cinerea depleted linuron almost completely. Among the 31 species assayed for their ability to eliminate metobromuron, Botrytis cinerea (from CS and NCS) depleted almost completely the chemical from the medium. Rhizopus oryzae and Absidia fusca from CS removed 40 and 47% of the compound, respectively. No systematic relationships were observed between the soil contamination and herbicide elimination capacities of soil fungi. Absidia fusca and Botrytis cinerea were particularly interesting for bioremediation purposes because they were able to transform efficiently three of the four compounds assayed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the extent of Pb absorption into young rats (Rattus norvegicus var. Sprague-Dawley) fed untreated Pb-contaminated soil or Pb-contaminated soil treated with two different sources of P and P + Mn oxide. Data were compared from an in vitro, physiologically based extraction test (PBET) with the animal data to support the validity of the in vitro test to assess bioavailable Pb from a treated Pb-contaminated soil. Soil with a total Pb concentration of 2290 mg kg(-1) was used. Rats were fed 19 different test diets for 21 consecutive days. The test diets represented 95 g AIN93G rat meal kg(-1) diet with varying proportions of silica sand or soil to provide low, medium, or high doses of Pb from either Pb acetate, treated, or untreated soil. Blood, liver, kidney, and bone Pb concentrations were examined. For all four tissues, Pb concentrations for the Pb acetate groups were significantly higher than concentrations for all the soil groups. In general, either triple superphosphate (TSP) or phosphate rock (PR) treatments resulted in significant reductions in tissue Pb concentrations compared with untreated soil. Blood and kidney Pb concentrations for the PR + Mn oxide group were significantly lower than those of the PR group at the low and high doses. Relative bioavailability of Pb, as measured in all tissues, was significantly reduced when comparing untreated with amended soil. Correlation between the in vitro and in vivo tests, based on bone and liver tissue, showed that the in vitro test is successful at predicting Pb bioavailability.  相似文献   

Few effective strategies exist for remediating and restoring metal-contaminated soils. We have evaluated the potential of two environmentally compatible, nondestructive, biological soil-washing agents for remediating aged, lead-contaminated soils. Two contaminated soils were washed with 10 mM rhamnolipid biosurfactant and 5.3% carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin (CMCD). The metal removal efficiency of these agents was compared with 10 mM diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) and 10 mM KNO3. Lead removal rates by both soil-washing agents exceeded the removal by KNO3, but were an order of magnitude less than removal by the synthetic chelator, DTPA. Analysis of soil extractions revealed that the Pb in the first soil (3780 mg kg(-1)) was primarily associated with the soluble, exchangeable, oxide, and residual fractions while the Pb in the second soil (23 900 mg kg(-1)) was found in the soluble, exchangeable, carbonate, and residual fractions. After 10 consecutive washes, rhamnolipid had removed 14.2 and 15.3% of the Pb from the first and second soils, respectively, and CMCD had removed 5 and 13.4% from the same two soils. The Pb removal rate by both agents either increased or was consistent throughout the 10 extractions, indicating a potential for continued removal with extended washing. Significant levels of Cu and Zn in both soils did not prevent Pb removal by either agent. Interestingly, the effectiveness of each agent varied as a function of Pb speciation in the soil. Rhamnolipid was more effective than CMCD in removing Pb bound to amorphous iron oxides, while both agents demonstrated similar potential for removing soluble, exchangeable, and carbonate-bound Pb. Neither agent demonstrated potential for the complete remediation of metal-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Lead phytoextraction from contaminated soil with high-biomass plant species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this study, cabbage [Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt cv. Xinza No 1], mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek var. radiata cv. VC-3762], and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Altas 66) were grown in Pb-contaminated soils. Application of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (3.0 mmol of EDTA/kg soil) to the soil significantly increased the concentrations of Pb in the shoots and roots of all the plants. Lead concentrations in the cabbage shoots reached 5010 and 4620 mg/kg dry matter on Days 7 and 14 after EDTA application, respectively. EDTA was the best in solubilizing soil-bound Pb and enhancing Pb accumulation in the cabbage shoots among various chelates (EDTA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid [DTPA], hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid [HEDTA], nitrilotriacetic acid [NTA], and citric acid). Results of the sequential chemical extraction of soil samples showed that the Pb concentrations in the carbonate-specifically adsorbed and Fe-Mn oxide phases were significantly decreased after EDTA treatment. The results indicated that EDTA solubilized Pb mainly from these two phases in the soil. The relative efficiency of EDTA enhancing Pb accumulation in shoots (defined as the ratio of shoot Pb concentration to EDTA concentration applied) was highest when 1.5 or 3.0 mmol EDTA/kg soil was used. Application of EDTA in three separate doses was most effective in enhancing the accumulation of Pb in cabbage shoots and decreased mobility of Pb in soil compared with one- and two-dose application methods. This approach could help to minimize the amount of chelate applied in the field and to reduce the potential risk of soluble Pb movement into ground water.  相似文献   

The effects of adding a crushed cotton gin compost (CCGC) and a poultry manure (PM) on the enzymatic activities of a Typic Xerofluvent soil polluted with Pb were studied in the laboratory. Three hundred grams of sieved soil (<2 mm) were mixed with PM at a rate of 10% or CCGC at a rate of 17.2%, applying to the soil the same amount of organic matter with each organic amendment. Urease, protease-BBA, beta-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, and arylsulfatase activities were measured at four different incubation times (1, 7, 15, and 45 d) in soils containing seven concentrations (100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, and 8000 mg kg-1) of Pb, and in the same soils amended with CCGC and PM. In all treatments and incubation times, the inhibition percentage of soil enzyme activities by Pb was lower in soils amended with the PM and CCGC than in nonamended soils, and it differed with the organic amendment. In this respect, the in the 8000 mg Pb kg-1 treatment at the end of the incubation period, the protease-BBA activity inhibition percentage was lower (14.7 and 33.9% lower, respectively) in CCGC- than in PM-amended soils. Since the adsorption capacity of Pb was higher in CCGC- than the PM-amended soils, the addition of organic wastes with higher humic acid concentration is more beneficial for remediation of soils polluted with Pb.  相似文献   

In December 2003, the USEPA released an amended list of 15 "candidate pollutants for exposure and hazard screening" with regard to biosolids land application, including Ba. Therefore, we decided to monitor soil Ba concentrations from a dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow agroecosystem experiment. This experiment received 10 biennial biosolids applications (1982-2003) at rates from 0 to 26.8 dry Mg ha(-1) per application year. The study was conducted on a Platner loam (Aridic Paleustoll), approximately 30 km east of Brighton, CO. Total soil Ba, as measured by 4 M HNO(3), increased with increasing biosolids application rate. In the soil-extraction data from 1988 to 2003, however, we observed significant (P < 0.10) linear or exponential declines in ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable Ba concentrations as a function of increasing biosolids application rates. This was observed in 6 of 7 and 3 of 7 yr for the 0- to 20- and 20- to 60-cm soil depths, respectively. Results suggest that while total soil Ba increased as a result of biosolids application with time, the mineral form of Ba was present in forms not extractable with AB-DTPA. Scanning electron microscopy using energy dispersive spectroscopy verified soil Ba-S compounds in the soil surface, probably BaSO(4). Wet chemistry sequential extraction suggested BaCO(3) precipitation was increasing in the soil subsurface. Our research showed that biosolids application may increase total soil Ba, but soil Ba precipitates are insoluble and should not be an environmental concern in similar soils under similar climatic and management conditions.  相似文献   

The optimum conditions for the recovery of copper from a contaminated soil by using the soil flushing technique are evaluated. Tests on a soil artificially contaminated with copper chloride were carried out in order to evaluate the influence of the speed of percolation and of the chelating agent concentration (aqueous solution of an ethylendiaminotetraacetic acid di-sodium salt Na2-EDTA). At pH=7.3 an efficiency up to 93.9% for copper extraction was achieved by flushing 500 ml of Na2-EDTA 0.05 M solution and 100 ml of pure water at 0.792 cm/h. At these operating conditions the formation of EDTA complexes with other competitive cations (calcium and iron) was negligible. The experimental results were in agreement with the ones obtained using a model describing the chemistry of metal extraction. This model assessed that above pH=6 the formation of calcium and iron EDTA complexes was excluded and only the chelation of copper was allowed. The recovery of 91.6% of EDTA was also achieved by evaporating and acidifying the extracted solution: after filtration, solid EDTA was obtained, through the addition of sodium hydroxide Na2-EDTA. About 99.5% of the extracted copper was finally precipitated under alkaline conditions from the liquid phase.  相似文献   

This work aimed at defining the optimal conditions for a novel ecotoxicological test designed for evaluating the bioavailability and phytotoxicity of metals to plants. This biotest, which provided easy access to roots, shoots, and rhizosphere soil, was applied to a vineyard calcareous soil that had been contaminated by the application of Cu fungicides. A preliminary hydroponic experiment comparing various levels of solution Cu concentration enabled us to determine the no observable adverse effects concentration (NOAEC), which was in the range 5 to 20 microM total Cu (0.01-0.06 microM free Cu ion) for rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Goeland). For the biotest, rape was grown in hydroponic conditions for 21 d in pots designed so that plants developed a planar mat of roots at the surface of a polyamide mesh. By then, the plants were transferred for 4 or 8 d onto a 1- or 3-mm-thick soil layer that was separated from the root mat by the mesh and connected to a reservoir of nutrient solution or deionized water via a filter paper wick. An 8-d period was the best option as it enabled plant growth to be significant. The use of 1-mm soil thickness was recommended if the biotest aimed at investigating root-induced changes in the rhizosphere. Although it may cause some artifacts, compared with deionized water, nutrient solution provided better standardized conditions for comparing widely differing soil samples. The studied soil did not induce any Cu phytotoxicity in spite of its fairly large total Cu content.  相似文献   

Speciation of copper-humic substances (HS) in the electrokinetic remediation (EKR) of a contaminated soil was studied by in situ extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopies. The least-square fits of the XANES spectra suggested that the main Cu species in the contaminated soil were Cu-HS (50%), CuCO(3) (28%), Cu(2)O (11%), and CuO (11%). The Cu-HS in the contaminated soil possessed equatorial and axial Cu-O bond distances of 1.94 and 2.17 A with coordination numbers (CNs) of 3.6 and 1.4, respectively. In the EKR process, the axial Cu-O bond distance in the Cu-HS complexes was increased by 0.15 A, which might be due to a ligand exchange of the Cu-HS with H(2)O molecules in the electrolyte. After 180 min of EKR, about 50% of the Cu-HS complexes (or 24% of total Cu) in the soil were dissolved and formed [Cu(H(2)O)(6)](2+) in the electrolyte, 71% (or 17% of total Cu in the soil) of which were migrated to the cathode under the electric field (5 V/cm). This work exemplifies the use of in situ EXAFS and XANES spectroscopies for speciation studies of Cu chelated with HS in the contaminated soil during EKR.  相似文献   

The possibility of finding new medicines from natural sources is one of the more commonly cited reasons for preserving biodiversity, and employing indigenous knowledge of traditional healing remedies greatly increases the likelihood of discovering these hidden medicinal compounds. The main difficulties in using natural products as a source for pharmaceutical lead compounds involve separating the plethora of compounds from the original extract, as well as the gamble of time and money invested in an activity that may not yield a novel compound. However, while these difficulties exist, the potential of natural products still far outweighs the limitations of the simple structures and known modes of action of synthetic lead compounds. As such, the production of novel medicines, particularly for cancer and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatments as well as the inhibition of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, now requires the utilization of natural products. This paper provides a review of the current methods used in elucidating pharmaceutical lead compounds from natural sources, focusing on plant samples in particular.  相似文献   

A field test was conducted to determine the ability of three plant species to extract 137Cs and 90Sr from contaminated soil. Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.], and tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) were planted in a series of spatially randomized cells in soil that was contaminated in the 1950s and 1960s. We examined the potential for phytoextraction of 90Sr and 137Cs by these three species. Concentration ratios (CR) for 137Cs for redroot pigweed, Indian mustard, and tepary bean were 2.58, 0.46, and 0.17, respectively. For 90Sr they were substantially higher: 6.5, 8.2, and 15.2, respectively. The greatest accumulation of both radionuclides was obtained with redroot pigweed, even though its CR for 90Sr was the lowest, because of its relatively large biomass. There was a linear relationship between the 137Cs concentration in plants and its concentration in soil only for redroot pigweed. Uptake of 90Sr exhibits no relationship to 90Sr concentrations in the soil. Estimates of time required for removal of 50% of the two contaminants, assuming two crops of redroot pigweed per year, are 7 yr for 90Sr and 18 yr for 137Cs.  相似文献   

Earthworms in general are tolerant to many chemical contaminants including heavy metals and organic pollutants in soil and can bio-accumulate them in their tissues. Earthworms species like Eisenia fetida, Eisenia tetraedra, Lumbricus terrestris, Lumbricus rubellus and Allobophora chlorotica have been found to remove heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Hg, etc.) pesticides and lipophilic organic micropollutants like the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from the soil. They ‘absorb’ the dissolved chemicals through the moist ‘body wall’ in the interstitial water and also ‘ingest’ by mouth while the soil passes through the gut. They either ‘bio-transform’ or ‘biodegrade’ the chemical contaminants rendering them harmless in their bodies. Meanwhile the quality of the soil is improved significantly in terms of physical, chemical and biological properties as the worms thoroughly upturn and disperse the soil, ingest large volumes of soil and excrete nutritive materials (NKP and micronutrients) in the form of ‘vermicasts’ along with millions of beneficial soil microbes including nitrogen fixers.  相似文献   

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to submit national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, together with information on methods used in estimating their emissions. Currently agricultural activities contribute a significant portion (approximately 20%) of global anthropogenic GHG emissions, and agricultural soils have been identified as one of the main GHG source categories within the agricultural sector. However, compared to many other GHG sources, inventory methods for soils are relatively more complex and have been implemented only to varying degrees among member countries. This review summarizes and evaluates the methods used by Annex 1 countries in estimating CO2 and N2O emissions in agricultural soils. While most countries utilize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default methodology, several Annex 1 countries are developing more advanced methods that are tailored for specific country circumstances. Based on the latest national inventory reporting, about 56% of the Annex 1 countries use IPCC Tier 1 methods, about 26% use Tier 2 methods, and about 18% do not estimate or report N2O emissions from agricultural soils. More than 65% of the countries do not report CO2 emissions from the cultivation of mineral soils, organic soils, or liming, and only a handful of countries have used country-specific, Tier 3 methods. Tier 3 methods usually involve process-based models and detailed, geographically specific activity data. Such methods can provide more robust, accurate estimates of emissions and removals but require greater diligence in documentation, transparency, and uncertainty assessment to ensure comparability between countries. Availability of detailed, spatially explicit activity data is a major constraint to implementing higher tiered methods in many countries.  相似文献   

Vegetation that develops spontaneously on metal-contaminated soils presents an opportunity to evaluate both metal bioavailability and the risks posed to biota. The behavior of Cd and Zn in the species of a spontaneously developed woodland, colonizing a canal embankment, has been investigated. Nitric-acid-extractable metal concentrations in the sediment-derived substrate ranged between 5.0 to 376 mg kg(-1)dry wt. Cd and 83.0 to 784 mg kg(-1)dry wt. Zn. The woodland is dominated by Willow (Salix) species. Salix caprea selectively accumulated Cd in all stem tissues, in contrast to S. viminalis, which regulated tissue Cd content. Both species showed an effective regulation of tissue Zn. Cadmium uptake by S. caprea was correlated with differences in soil pH, while Zn uptake was not. There was no relationship between tissue metal concentrations and soil metal nitric acid-extractable concentrations. Other aspects of ecosystem function appeared unaffected by the elevated Cd flux in S. caprea; leaf litter organisms present represented all major groups and there was no accumulation of organic matter. The woodland represents a potentially sustainable option for remediating a low value site with difficult access that does not involve removal of the contaminated material to a landfill or making a permanent inert cover.  相似文献   

Use of anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) to control phosphorus (P) losses from a Chinese purple soil was studied in both a laboratory soil column experiment and a field plot experiment on a steep slope (27%). Treatments in the column study were a control, and PAM mixed uniformly into the soil at rates of 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.10, and 0.20%. We found that PAM had an important inhibitory effect on vertical P transport in the soil columns, with the 0.20% PAM treatment having the greatest significant reduction in leachate soluble P concentrations and losses resulting from nine leaching periods. Field experiments were conducted on 5 m wide by 21 m long natural rainfall plots, that allowed collection of both surface runoff and subsurface drainage water. Wheat was planted and grown on all plots with typical fertilizer applied. Treatments included a control, dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha?1, dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha?1 applied together with lime (CaCO3 at 4.9 t ha?1), and dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha?1 applied together with gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O at 4 t ha?1). Results from the field plot experiment in which 5 rainfall events resulted in measurable runoff and leachate showed that all PAM treatments significantly reduced runoff volume and total P losses in surface runoff compared to the control. The PAM treatments also all significantly reduced water volume leached to the tile drain. However, total P losses in the leachate water were not significantly different due to the treatments, perhaps due to the low PAM soil surface application rate and/or high experimental variability. The PAM alone treatment resulted in the greatest wheat growth as indicated by the plant growth indexes of wheat plant height, leaf length, leaf width, grain number per head, and dried grain mass. Growth indexes of the PAM with Calcium treatments were significantly lesser. These results indicate that the selection and use of soil amendments need to be carefully determined based upon the most important management goal at a particular site (runoff/nutrient loss control, enhanced plant growth, or a combination).  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in irrigation runoff may enrich offsite water bodies and streams and be influenced by irrigation water quality and antecedent soil surface conditions. Runoff, soil loss, and P fractions in runoff using reverse osmosis (RO) water or mixed RO and well water (RO/ Tap) were studied in a laboratory sprinkler study to evaluate water source effects on P transport. A top- or subsoil Portneuf silt loam (coarse-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Durinodic Xeric Haplocalcid), either amended or not amended with manure and/or with cheese whey, with Olsen P from 20 to 141 mg kg(-1) and lime from 108 to 243 g kg(-1), was placed in 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.2-m-deep containers with 2.4% slope and irrigated three times from a 3-m height for 15 min, applying 20 mm of water. The first irrigation was on a dry loose surface, the second on a wet surface, and the third on a dry crusted surface. Surface (ca. 2 cm) soil samples, prior to the first irrigation, were analyzed for Olsen P, water-soluble P (Pws), and iron-oxide impregnated paper-extractable P (FeO-P) analyses. Following each irrigation we determined runoff, sediment, dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in a 0.45-microm filtered sample, and FeO-P and total P in unfiltered samples. Soil surface conditions had no effect on P runoff relationships. Water source had no significant effect on the relationship between DRP or FeO-P runoff and soil test P, except for DRP in RO runoff versus water-soluble soil P (r2 = 0.90). Total P in RO runoff versus soil P were not related; but weakly correlated for RO/Tap (r2 < 0.50). Water source and soil surface conditions had little or no effect on P runoff from this calcareous soil.  相似文献   

Four soil profiles located near a copper smelter in Poland were investigated for the distribution and chemical fractions of Cu, Pb, and Zn and their mobility in relation to soil properties. Contamination with heavy metals was primarily restricted to surface horizons and the extent of contamination was 7- to 115-fold for Cu, 30-fold for Pb, and 6-fold for Zn as compared with subsurface horizons. In the less-contaminated fine-textured soil, the metals were distributed in the order: residual > Fe-Mn oxides occluded > organically complexed > exchangeable and specifically adsorbed, while the order for sandy soils was: residual > organically complexed > Fe-Mn oxides occluded > exchangeable and specifically adsorbed. The contaminated surface horizons of these profiles showed no consistent pattern of metal distribution. However, the common features of highly contaminated soils were very low percentage of residual fraction and the dominance of the NH4OAc extractable fraction. The sum of mobile metal fractions was generally < 10% in subsurface horizons, while in the contaminated surface horizons these fractions made up 50% of the total metal contents. Soil properties contributed more to the relative distribution of the metal fractions in the studied profiles than did the distance and direction to the source of pollution. The amounts of metal extracted by 0.01 M CaCl2 accounted for only a small part of the same metals extracted by NH4OAc. The mobility indexes of metals correlated positively and significantly with the total content of metals and negatively with the clay content.  相似文献   

Measuring bioavailability: from a scientific approach to standard methods   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biological effects are not related to the total concentration of a contaminant in the soil and soil-like materials. Organisms respond only to the fraction that is biologically available. The bioavailable fractions of contaminants are dependent on soil properties and various processes varying with time and on the behavior or the target organism. Bioavailability may be assessed in two complementary ways: (i) by chemical methods (e.g., extraction methods), which determine a defined available fraction of a well defined class of contaminants; and (ii) by biological methods, which expose organisms to soil or soil eluates to monitor effects. Although there is scientific discussion on the concept of bioavailability, the literature gives enough evidence to recognize bioavailability as a promising tool in risk assessment. A large number of methods are available. Under regulatory aspects of soil protection, a risk assessment should be based on the same common concept of determination and assessment of exposure and measuring and assessment of effects. A harmonized framework on bioavailability is necessary to promote the development and introduction of workable (international) standard methods to be used in soil and site assessment. The working group 'Bioavailability' of ISO/TC190-Soil Quality has developed a guidance document for development and selection of methods to assess bioavailability for different target species with regard to several classes of contaminants. The way to this standard, on the border of science and regulation, is described in this article.  相似文献   

This study examined o-nitrophenol removal from aqueous solutions by electrochemical oxidation employing a modified electrode. The modified electrode was produced by electrodepositing lead oxide onto a titanium substrate. Following electrochemical oxidation of o-nitrophenol-containing solutions, the remaining o-nitrophenol concentration and chemical oxygen demand (COD) values were determined. The optimum parameters were current density of 40 mA cm(-2), pH of 2.47, 60 min of electrolysis time, 4 g L(-1) NaCl electrolyte solution and temperature of 30 degrees C. Under these optimum conditions of electrochemical degradation using a lead oxide/titanium modified electrode complete removal of o-nitrophenol and COD was achieved.  相似文献   

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