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以四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)为研究对象,采用平行平板流动腔装置,基于计算机视觉的藻细胞动态生长观察方法,从单细胞尺度研究不同光照强度对四尾栅藻藻细胞生长的影响.成功建立了四尾栅藻个体生长曲线模型,模型拟合效果良好.结果表明:在8000lux光照强度下,藻细胞的体积最大比生长速率最大,即四尾栅藻生长的最适光照强度为8000lux;适宜的光照条件可以增加藻细胞分裂时的大小,小于8000lux时,藻细胞分裂体积随着光照强度的增加而增加,大于8000lux时,藻细胞分裂时体积反而越来越小;较高的光照强度还有利于藻细胞适应新的环境,减少藻细胞复苏时间.  相似文献   

以四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)为研究对象,采用平行平板流动腔装置,基于计算机视觉的藻细胞动态生长观察方法,从单细胞尺度研究不同光照强度对四尾栅藻藻细胞生长的影响.成功建立了四尾栅藻个体生长曲线模型,模型拟合效果良好.结果表明:在8000lux光照强度下,藻细胞的体积最大比生长速率最大,即四尾栅藻生长的最适光照强度为8000lux;适宜的光照条件可以增加藻细胞分裂时的大小,小于8000lux时,藻细胞分裂体积随着光照强度的增加而增加,大于8000lux时,藻细胞分裂时体积反而越来越小;较高的光照强度还有利于藻细胞适应新的环境,减少藻细胞复苏时间.  相似文献   

水位对密云水库消落区土壤磷通量影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南水北调来水引起的水库水位变化导致消落区幅带变化,这直接会影响土壤中磷的转化及通量.本研究采集了陆相和水相分别离水界面1 m和2 m处的4种土柱样品,分别用来模拟消落区淹水和落干情景.在实验室内逐步模拟水位上升或下降,模拟期为9个月,并在每隔3个月的期间收集样品进行分析测试,以研究土壤中无机磷的转化规律.结果表明,密云水库受人为干扰相对较小,与三峡库区相比消落带土壤中总磷含量偏低.模拟过程中,土壤中的无机磷含量始终占总磷含量的50%以上,即无机磷为主要形态.淹水模拟过程中,不同土柱及不同深度的土壤中铁磷的变化复杂,反映了铁磷的含量易受pH、氧化还原电位、有机质等多因素影响.落干模拟过程中,土壤中铁磷和钙磷的变化最为明显,9个月的模拟期后,铁磷的含量较初始值下降了53%~71%,钙磷在土柱表层样品中的含量逐渐减小,而在中层和下层中的含量有所上升.无论是淹水还是落干过程,离水界面1 m内的陆相和水相消落区土壤中磷的转化最为活跃.在模拟的9个月期间,水库淹水期陆相1 m内消落带土壤总磷通量为82.3 kg,铁磷通量为-30.7 kg,铝磷通量为-44.8 kg,钙磷通量为222.6 kg,总无机磷通量为126.5 kg,即消落带土壤中铁磷和铝磷有所释放或转化,而钙磷、总无机磷和总磷皆有所增加.  相似文献   

浅析当前基层环境执法存在问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境执法是我国环境法制建设的一个重要组成部分.分析了当前基层环境执法存在的问题,并提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

The prevailing hypothesis, which states that the uptake of HOCs by phytoplankton is controlled by the compound's lipophilicity (Kow) was tested. The approach taken was to determine the factors that controlled the uptake of PCBs by phytoplankton under controlled laboratory conditions, and to develop a model that would describe bioaccumulation of PCBs in phytoplankton.The results demonstrate a relationship of BAF to Kow and to phytoplankton surface properties, as well as the data presented here, support the hypothesis that the mechanism of HOC uptake is a rapid surface sorption followed by a slower transfer into lipids in the cell matrix. The work on the kinetics of uptake indicates that equilibrium is reached slowly and that the rate of uptake is of similar magnitude as phytoplankton growth under normal field conditions.Thus a critical factor that controls the bioaccumulation of HOCs reach equilibrium in phytoplankton itself.  相似文献   

国土空间格局对协调区域保护与开发具有重要保障作用,其基本前提在于厘清国土空间格局内涵并构建科学有效的传导路径。由此提出国土空间格局多维度分解与传导路径研究框架,围绕生态保护、农业生产和城镇建设三个方面开展适宜性评价,基于国土空间潜在冲突识别与调解机制实现国土空间重构,运用区位熵识别优势功能分区,进而构建战略格局,并以东营市为例开展案例研究。研究发现:东营市国土空间适宜性表现为“生态保护重要、农业生产和城镇建设适宜”,潜在冲突以中度为主;国土空间重构包括农业空间、生态空间和城镇空间,地理单元的空间分异和行政单元的面积占比差别明显;优势功能分区包含重要生态功能区、农产品生产区、城市化发展区和弹性发展区,提供了分区分类的差别化管控策略;国土空间保护与开发战略格局包括“一心一屏一廊”的生态保护格局、“一圈两区”的开发利用格局和“两带”的弹性发展格局,树立了可持续国土空间利用的目标引领。研究结果可为新时期国土空间规划编制与实施以及协调区域国土资源有效配置提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

A result that application of sodium selenite or fly ash to some of soilin loess plateau can increase Se content in wheat grain has been demonstrated by the pot and field experiments, and added Se in soil can last its availability for 3 years. So this is a good measure for improving the low Se soils and preventing the Kaschin-Beck disease.  相似文献   

The need to design measures for adapting to climate change is increasingly recognized as important and has encouraged research on the role of local ecological knowledge (LEK) in supporting adaptation. Studies of how LEK can help adapt to increasing climate variability remain limited. This article develops an approach through which the process of adaptation can be tracked at a community level. We describe how community residents in the Amazon floodplains incorporate natural hydrologic and ecological processes into their management systems to optimize ecosystem functioning.We describe two case studies where LEK is used as a resource by small-scale fisher-farmers in the Amazon floodplains to adapt to the increasing impacts on their livelihoods generated by changing climate patterns. This article draws on local histories and seeks to identify the critical factors that either facilitate or impede household ability to reduce their vulnerability. We found that the LEK of small fisher-farmers has facilitated the adaptation of a resource management system to optimize production across a broad range of floodplain habitats and conditions. There are, however, significant challenges to operationalizing these approaches, including an absence of systematically collected data on adaptation strategies and outcomes. In addition, local people must be integrated into policymaking processes so their knowledge can contribute to the design of locally appropriate policies for adapting to the impacts of climate related events.  相似文献   

区域差异与国家污染物排放总量分配   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
指出国家宏观污染物排放总量分配应该考虑区域差异,定量化分析了我国在经济、 人口、资源、环境方面存在的地区差异,据此提出了国家观污染物排放总量应该遵循原则。  相似文献   

采用经口摄食染毒,探讨全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)对大鼠血清与脑组织中PFOS浓度及海马细胞内钙离子浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,观察大鼠大脑皮质、海马和小脑组织病理学变化.结果表明,染毒组大鼠血清与脑组织中PFOS浓度、海马细胞内[Ca2+]i均显著高于对照组,且随着染毒剂量的升高,海马细胞内[Ca2+]i升高.大鼠血清与脑组织中PFOS浓度、脑组织中PFOS浓度与海马细胞[Ca2+]i均呈现显著的正相关关系.染毒组大鼠大脑皮质、海马和小脑组织中未见尼氏体染色变浅等病理性改变.  相似文献   

Increasing levels of pollution within water bodies can cause eutrophication and an associated rapid growth in and reproduction of phytoplankton. Although most frequently occurring in bodies of water such as lakes and dams, in recent years an increasing number of river systems in China have suffered serious algal blooms. The community structure of phytoplankton may differ, however, dependent on the hydrodynamic conditions and nutrient levels within the water body. The field investigation results obtained from a stagnant river in Suzhou City and Taihu Lake, China, showed that in water with higher concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, Chlorophyta became the predominant species and in water with lower concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, Cyanobacteria became the predominant species. Growth experiments with competitive species, Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz and Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.), were conducted at three different nutrient levels. The biomass of algae in pure and mixed cultures was measured under conditions of different N/P ratios at oligotrophic, eutrophic and hypertrophic nutrient levels. The results indicated that the most suitable state for the growth and reproduction of M. aeruginosa and S. quadricauda were eutrophic conditions in both pure and mixed cultures. Under competition, however, the lower medium nutrient levels favoured M. aeruginosa, while the higher medium nutrient levels better suited S. quadricauda. Under similar hydrodynamic conditions, the community structure of phytoplankton in the water body was determined by the dominant species in competition for nutrients.  相似文献   

气象条件对上甸子地区气溶胶散射特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
赵秀娟  张小玲  蒲维维  孟伟 《环境科学》2011,32(11):3153-3159
利用北京地区上甸子站气溶胶散射系数、PM2.5质量浓度和气象要素1 a的观测资料,研究不同天气条件下上甸子地区散射系数的变化特征,并讨论了气象条件对散射系数的影响.结果表明,散射系数在雾霾天最高608.4 Mm-1,其次为雾天500.6 Mm-1和霾天423.7 Mm-1,是一般天气散射系数的6.4~9.2倍.在各类天...  相似文献   

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