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The wind-driven flow patterns and the dispersion of vehicle exhaust pollutants released at street level has been simulated with the three-dimensional (3-D) dispersion model ADREA-HF (Andronopoulos et al., 1993), for idealised two-dimensional urban fetches occupied by buildings with slanted roofs. The simulation used oncoming atmospheric boundary layer characteristics corresponding to realistic above-town wind characteristics, as measured in reference wind tunnel experiments (Rafailidis, 1997). At that stage, analysis was limited to neutral stability conditions only. Firstly, the quality assurance of the numerical model was investigated in terms of the sensitivity to different grid allocations. The modelling results were corroborated by comparison with wind tunnel measurements in a similar two-dimensional domain (Pavageau et al., 1997). The numerical modelling replicated well the high degree of non-uniformity in the dispersion field in the test street, and the results agreed satisfactorily with the experimental measurements. The reasons for the differences observed have been investigated. With the model thus validated, three different exhaust release scenarios have been tested, keeping the same overall emission rate but different spatial patterns of street-release. The effect of the different street-release scenarios was found to be only marginal, with the dispersion patterns on the sidewalls affected only locally, close to the street level.  相似文献   

The dominating source of particles in urban air is road traffic. In terms of number concentration, its main contribution is within the range of ultrafine particles (Dp < 100 nm). The dispersion conditions, i.e. transport and dilution, of the submicrometer particles are expected to be like for gases and therefore the particle concentrations in a street canyon can be calculated using gaseous pollutants dispersion models. Such processes, like coagulation or condensation, are less important due to the short residence time within the street canyon environment.Two extensive measuring campaigns were conducted in the street Jagtvej in Copenhagen, Denmark. The particle size distributions were measured by a Differential Mobility Analyser (DMA) coupled to a particle counter, providing high time resolution data (1/2 hourly) on a continuous basis. Measurements of NOx, CO and meteorological parameters were also available. The measured particle number concentrations, especially below 100 nm, reveal very similar dependence on the meteorological conditions as the NOx concentrations. This underpins the conclusion that dilution properties are similar for particles and NOx. For particle sizes over 100 nm, somewhat different behaviour is observed. This points toward existence of additional particle sources, not related to traffic emissions within the street canyon. A significant contribution is believed here to be attributed to long-range transport. The total particle emission from traffic, including daily variation and size distribution, has been calculated using the OSPM dispersion model. Results are in accordance with a previous analysis based on statistical modelling.  相似文献   

During the Nantes'99 experiment, pollution concentrations, temperature, flow and turbulence conditions were measured at several locations in Rue de Strasbourg, Nantes, France. Traffic was measured by vehicle counters at different places within the street. Traffic speed was monitored as well. The measuring campaign was conducted in the period June–July 1999 but only data from a selected intensive observation period are used in this study. This period was selected to suit conditions required for study of the traffic produced turbulence and the thermal effects and is characterised by quite low wind speeds. The data are used here for examination of concentration distributions in the street. Measurements are compared to model results calculated by a simple parameterised model, the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) and a 3-D CFD model MISKAM. Both models reproduce reasonably well the observed distribution of pollutants in the street. Due to predominantly low wind speed conditions, such effects as the traffic produced turbulence play a quite significant role. The model results provided by MISKAM are scaled using a velocity scale depending on the traffic produced turbulence. Application of a scaling velocity depending on wind speed only, provides unrealistic results.  相似文献   

Microscale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models havebecome an efficient and common simulation tool forassessment and prediction of air quality in urban areas.The proper validation of such a model is a crucialprerequisite for its practical application. Within theframework of the European research network TRAPOS a workinggroup on computational fluid dynamics modelling wasestablished and model intercomparison exercises werelaunched. Different Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes wereapplied for simulating the wind flow and pollutantconcentration patterns in several test cases. The aim ofthe present model intercomparison is (1) to assess andallocate the source of differences that appear whendifferent CFD codes using the same turbulence model areapplied to well defined test cases and (2) to improve theknowledge base for model development and application.Throughout the series of model applications coveringmanifold urban configurations, the overall agreementbetween the various models and experimental data is fair.In spite of quantitative differences between the variousnumerical results, the models are capable of reproducingthe flow patterns and dispersion characteristics observedin urban areas but they show significant differences forthe turbulent kinetic energy field that controls thedispersion of pollutants.  相似文献   

Since October 1998 two DOAS instruments were installed at the level of the first floor and at the top of a building located in St. Petersburg at Pestelya Street. The collected datacovers the time period of December 1998–March 2001, and include concentrations of benzene, toluene, NO and NO2, ozone and SO2. There is also an additional information about the traffic intensity and meteorological conditions. The results of the analysis of this data set, using the OSPM model, are presented here with the goal to understand the features of the air pollution dispersion in this street canyon and to analyse the information about the emission factors of the vehicles. In particular, the model results are used for the solution of the inverse problem of reconstructing the emission factors from measured concentrations. The results obtained indicate that most of the concentrations are well inside the Russian standards with the only exception of NO2 (mean and 98-th percentile are equal to 57.8 and 119.2 g m-3 for the street level). The same values for benzene are 18.5 and 62.6, respectively. Emission estimates show that there is a possibility that the NOx and benzene basic emission factors recommended by the Russian national guidelines could result in overestimating the traffic emissions. These considerations are supplemented with the model sensitivity tests carried out in connection with the problem of predictability of NO2 concentrations in the street canyon. Tests indicate that NO2 concentrations are not very sensitive to NOx emissions because of the usually low urban background ozone levels.  相似文献   

A wind tunnel study has been undertaken to assess theinfluence of solar-induced wall heating on the airflowpattern within a street canyon under low-speed windconditions. This flow is normally dominated by large-scalevortical motion, such that the wind moves downwards at thedownstream wall. In the present work the aim has been toexamine whether the buoyancy forces generated at this wallby solar-induced heating are of sufficient strength tooppose the downward inertial forces and, thereby, changethe canyon flow pattern. Such changes will also influencethe dispersion of pollutants within the street. In theexperiments the windward-facing wall of a canyon has beenuniformly heated to simulate the effect of solar radiation.Four different test cases, representing different degreesof buoyancy (defined by a test Froude number, Fr), havebeen examined using a simple, 2-D, square-section canyonmodel in a wind tunnel. For reference purposes, the neutralcase (no wall heating), has also been studied. The approachflow boundary layer conditions have been well defined, withthe wind normal to the main canyon axis, and measurementshave been taken of canyon wall and air temperatures andprofiles of mean velocities and turbulence intensities.Analysis of the results shows clear differences in the flowpatterns. As Fr decreases from the neutral case there arereductions of up to 50% in the magnitudes of the reverseflow velocities near the ground and in the upward motionnear the upstream wall. A marked transition occurs at Fr 1, where the single dominant vortex, existing at higher Fr values, weakens and moves upwards whilst a lower region of relatively stagnant flow appears. This transition hadpreviously been observed in numerical model predictions butat a Fr at least an order of magnitude higher.  相似文献   

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