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工业机器也属职业事故的重要危险源之一,在其设计时,有效地进行安全性分析是消除和控制工业机器中存在的固有危险的最佳途径。为此,推荐了一种用于工业机器的安全分析模式,并对已的安全分析方法进行了重点选择,将供设计使用的安全分析方法从百余种减少到11种,还对这些方法进行了分类,保供设计人员在设计工业机器时,较方便地选择和系统地应用。  相似文献   

HAZOP、LOPA和SIL方法的应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过概括介绍危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP)、保护层分析(LOPA)和安全完整性等级分析(SIL)三种方法的特点,总结三种分析方法之间的关系.LOPA分析是HAZOP分析的继续,可以解决HAZOP分析中残余风险不能定量化的不足,是对HAZOP分析结果的丰富和补充;SIL分析则在LOPA分析的基础上,进一步对需要增加的安全仪表系统(SIS)进行设计,并对LOPA分析结果进行验证,即HAZOP、LOPA分析是SIL分析的前期准备工作.因此,在详细介绍SIS的组成、安全生命周期阶段、SIL的选择确定方法以及SIL分析流程之前,也简要介绍了HAZOP、LOPA分析方法,梳理了两种方法的分析流程.最后通过引入示例来展示三种分析方法之间的关系.  相似文献   

公众聚集场所火灾疏散性能化分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对公众聚集场所人员密集的特点和现行规范适用上的局限性问题,本文就公众聚集场所火灾条件下的人员疏散性能化分析方法进行研究,构建了以安全疏散为主线的性能化分析技术体系,确定了保障人员生命安全的总体目标和人员安全疏散的性能指标可接受阈值。通过火灾场景设计和烟气蔓延模型的运用,归纳总结可用疏散时间的计算模型;通过分析现有疏散需要时间计算模型的不足,提出利用当量疏散速度解决疏散模型中火灾对疏散过程影响的问题。研究结果对建筑火灾疏散安全性分析具有重要的指导意义,为我国的安全疏散性能化分析方法体系的建立和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

性能化防火分析方法在大型地下商场中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地下建筑火灾具有散热性差、烟气量大、人员疏散困难的特点,需要在消防设计和安全分析时予以足够的重视。该文利用性能化防火分析方法研究某大型地下商场在发生设定火灾条件下的烟气运动以及人员疏散特性,并通过安全疏散时间判据来评估人员能否全部安全疏散。  相似文献   

工艺安全分析方法种类繁多,各有优势和局限性,企业在选择和应用具体工艺安全分析方法时,应掌握所应用分析方法的优缺点、适用性。选择合适的分析方法,可以更加全面和深入地分析存在的风险,并加以控制。本文主要针对危险和可操作性研究(HAZOP)、失效模式和影响分析(FMEA)、故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis,FTA)与事件树分析(Event Tree Analysis,ETA)、保护层分析(Layer of Protection Analysis,LOPA)等几种常用分析方法的优势、局限性及适用性进行简单阐述,以方便读者进行比选。  相似文献   

正工业革命后,工人开始专门操作和维护机器设备,但很快,越来越多的人在工作期间受伤或死亡。事故让安全设备的设计得以改进,成功将作业人员与风险隔离。美国职业安全管理委员会(NSC)之类的机构,早期做了大量工作,提高了人们对机器安全防护装备的重视,降低了事故率。但取下防护装备对机器进行维修时,依然会发生许多事故。设备突然启动,或是释放危险物或危险能量,  相似文献   

首先,分析"以机器为本"和"以人为本"的两种设计思想,指出设计过程的各个阶段都要高度重视"以人为本"并对该理念加以应用;其次,通过大量的文献资料查阅和对多家机械企业的实地事故情况调查,总结出多家机械企业几年来发生的24项事故,23项不良设计和11项良好设计,从工业设计专业以及人机工程学角度对其进行了过程总结、基本原因分析,提出"以机器为本"的设计思想是许多工业产品设计不良的根本原因,而工业产品设计不良或者工作环境设计不佳则导致多种事故的发生,因此,"以人为本"的设计思想必须深入到产品设计的全过程中,以创造出无危险的安全技术保障;最后,笔者再次强调,企业的安全生产和事故控制,必须坚持"以人为本"的基本策略和理论,同时呼吁社会各界要对"以人为本"的设计思想充分理解并加以应用,共创安全的和谐社会。  相似文献   

孙婧  李黎丽 《火灾科学》2014,23(2):116-121
高层建筑人员竖向疏散途径选择与人的生理特征、文化背景、行为习惯等人员特征密切相关,因此开展针对我国高层建筑人员疏散途径选择特征的数据采集和分析工作十分重要。设计并开展了高层建筑竖向疏散途径选择的问卷调查。对人员在日常和紧急条件下高层建筑竖向疏散途径的选择进行了统计分析,分别针对距离因素、排队因素、群体因素影响的不同条件下人员选择电梯进行上下楼层的期望值进行了对比分析。利用Pearson相关性检验和多重对应分析方法,保障电梯疏散可行前提下,研究了人员性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、身型特征、生理和心理状态、日常行为习惯等人员特征因素和竖向疏散途径选择之间的相关关系。  相似文献   

在役柴油加氢装置HAZOP分析技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
柴油加氢装置属甲类火灾危险生产装置,为了保障其安全生产,实现事故早期预防,对其进行风险分析和安全评价势在必行.HAZOP分析方法是流程工业广泛使用的一种危险辨识和分析方法,具有较好的系统性和完备性.首先介绍了HAZOP分析方法的由来及应用情况,其次分析了在役装置HAZOP分析的难点,并提出了相应的建议,然后详述了在役装置HAZOP方法的分析流程.最后以中石油某石化公司在役柴油加氢装置为例进行了HAZOP分析,辨识出可能存在的安全隐患和潜在危险,对较高风险提出了必要的安全保护措施和合理的改进建议.结果表明,HAZOP分析是提高在役装置安全性的一种有效手段,其结果为装置安全管理提供了可靠的依据.  相似文献   

HAZOP是一种基于“引导词”的、由各专业人员组成的分析小组通过一系列的分析会议来完成的,对系统工艺或操作过程中存在可能导致风险的各种偏差的一种系统化识别的定性分析方法。为提高煤矿通风系统安全风险分析效果,将HAZOP分析方法应用于煤矿通风系统中。通过对煤矿通风系统进行分析,证实了HAZOP分析方法在煤矿通风系统应用的可能性和充分性。分析结果不仅反映出了导致煤矿通风安全风险(或通风安全事故)的人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态等现场因素,而且还评审出煤矿通风系统的设计和管理缺陷,为煤矿如何更好的管理通风系统提供了有力依据。  相似文献   

机械安全性评估方法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
针对目前机械安全和机械安全性概念模糊不清的问题,阐述机械安全、机械安全性及可靠性相关概念的区别,并进一步分析现有的机械安全性定性、定量及其他评估方法各自的优缺点,并最终得出结论:目前机械安全性定性评价主观性较强、定量评价部件多态性、非单调性、共因失效问题没有解决以及部件关键度计算过程复杂、不利于工程人员直接应用。针对存在的问题,最后给出了机械安全性定性评估模型和定量评估模型的设计方案。  相似文献   

Young practicing chemical engineers must be able to operate safely in an industrial setting. Therefore, chemical process safety education is essential for undergraduate chemical engineers and ABET (the University Accreditation Board) supports this initiative by requiring that university graduates understand the hazards associated with chemical processes. One way to understand the hazards associated with processes is to conduct a process hazard analysis. This analysis can be conducted in an experiential learning environment by collaborating with an industrial partner or by utilizing facilities on the university campus. In this environment students are able to see and interact with the processes under normal operating conditions. Utilizing industrial or research mentors allows students to receive formative feedback as they analyze the process. In addition, these process hazard analyses require students to practice “soft skills” such as teamwork, problem solving, and oral and written communication which are essential work place skills. This paper reviews teaching hazard analysis methods to chemical engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Covered are examples of how students are introduced to the checklist and bowtie analysis methods, and the conduction of a HAZOP. Examples of the different resources that can be utilized are described. Ultimately, from these experiences, students are more prepared to enter the chemical process industries with first-hand knowledge of how to conduct various hazard analyses before reaching their place of employment.  相似文献   

消防工程教育与课程体系探讨   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
在探讨消防工程科学研究领域的基础上 ,对消防工程教育目标及消防工程与其他学科的关系、消防工程师的基本职业技能以及消防工程学的课程体系进行了论述 ,并提出了新世纪里消防工程学进一步发展所面临的挑战。消防工程的科学研究领域主要包括火灾物理、火灾化学、建筑结构火灾特性、人与火灾的相互影响、火灾风险分析以及消防设计与管理等方面。消防工程教育的目标在于培养能够解决消防安全问题的工程师。能够进行火灾危险性分析、具备消防系统设计计算能力以及能够进行火灾风险综合分析是消防工程师的三大基本职业技能。由于消防问题的复杂性与跨学科性 ,消防工程作为一门新兴的交叉性学科 ,其发展和完善需要建立以科学原理和研究理论为基础的知识体系。  相似文献   

从安全设备工程学的观点出发 ,分析了喷丸亚光机这一特种机械的危险因素和有害因素 ,阐述了在防尘、降噪、安全、耐用等方面所采取的相应防护措施和关键技术。提出了使该设备达到安全化、无害化的设计方法 ,使机械设计制造与工业安全卫生科学紧密结合 ,不仅具有生产功能的实用性 ,而其加工性能和相关指标达到或优于国外同类设备。  相似文献   

The photoelectric, semiconductor and other high-tech industries are Taiwan's most important economic activities. High-tech plant incidents are caused by hazardous energy, even when that energy is confined to the inside of the process machine. During daily maintenance procedures, overhauling or troubleshooting, engineers entering the interior of the machines are in direct contact with the source of the energy or hazardous substances, which can cause serious injury. The best method for preventing such incidents is to use inherently safer design strategies (ISDs); this approach can fully eliminate the dangers from the sources of hazardous energy at a facility.This study first conducts a lithography process hazard analysis and compiles a statistical analysis of the causes of the fires and losses at high-tech plants in Taiwan since 1996, the aim being to establish the necessary improvement measures by using the Fire Dynamics Simulation (FDS) to solve relevant problems. The researchers also investigate the lithography process machine in order to explore carriage improvement measures, and analyse the fires' causes and reactive materials hazardous properties, from 1996 to 2012. The effective improvement measures are established based on the accident statistics. The study site is a 300 mm wafer fabrication plant located in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan.After the completion of the annual maintenance jobs improvement from September 2011 to December 2012, the number of lithography process accidents was reduced from 6 to 1. The accident rate was significantly reduced and there were no staff time losses for a continuous 6882 h. It is confirmed that the plant safety level has been effectively enhanced. The researchers offer safety design recommendations regarding transport process appliances, chemical storage tanks, fume cupboard devices, chemical rooms, pumping equipment, transportation pipelines, valve manual box (VMB) process machines and liquid waste discharge lines. These recommendations can be applied in these industries to enhance the safety level of high-tech plants, facilities or process systems.  相似文献   

System safety is of particular importance for many industries. Broadly speaking, it refers to the state or objective of striving to sustainably ensure accident prevention through actions on multiple safety levers (technical, organizational, and regulatory). While complementary to risk analysis, it is distinct in one important way: risk analysis is anticipatory rationality examining the possibility of adverse events (or accident scenarios), and the tools of risk analysis support and in some cases quantify various aspects of this analysis effort. The end-objective of risk analysis is to help identify and prioritize risks, inform risk management, and support risk communication. These tools however do not provide design or operational guidelines and principles for eliminating or mitigating risks. Such considerations fall within the purview of system safety.In this work, we propose a set of five safety principles, which are domain-independent, technologically agnostic, and broadly applicable across industries. While there is a proliferation of detailed safety measures (tactics) in specific areas and industries, a synthesis of high-level safety principles or strategies that are independent of any particular instantiation, and from which specific safety measures can be derived or related to, has pedagogical value and fulfills an important role in safety training and education. Such synthesis effort also supports creativity and technical ingenuity in the workforce for deriving specific safety measures, and for implementing these principles and handling specific local or new risks. Our set of safety principles includes: (1) the fail-safe principle; (2) the safety margins principle; (3) the un-graduated response principle (under which we subsume the traditional “inherently safe design” principle); (4) the defense-in-depth principle; and (5) the observability-in-depth principle. We carefully examine each principle and provide examples that illustrate their use and implementation. We relate these principles to the notions of hazard level, accident sequence, and conditional probabilities of further hazard escalation or advancement of an accident sequence. These principles are a useful addition to the intellectual toolkit of engineers, decision-makers, and anyone interested in safety issues, and they provide helpful guidelines during system design and risk management efforts.  相似文献   

This paper reviews principal concepts, tools, and metrics for risk management and Inherently Safer Design (ISD) during the conceptual stage of process design. Even though there has been a profusion of papers regarding ISD, the targeted audience has typically been safety engineers, not process engineers. Thus, the goal of this paper is to enable process engineers to use all the available design degrees of freedom to mitigate risk early enough in the design process. Mainly, this paper analyzes ISD and inherent safety assessment tools (ISATs) from the perspective of inclusion in conceptual process design. The paper also highlights the need to consider safety as a major component of process sustainability. In this paper, 73 ISATs were selected, and these tools were categorized into three groups: hazard-based inherent safety assessment tools (H-ISATs) for 22 tools, risk-based inherent safety assessment tools (R-ISATs) for 33 tools, and cost-optimal inherent safety assessment tools (CO-ISATs) for 18 tools. This paper also introduces an integrated framework for coordinating the conventional process design workflow with safety analysis at various levels of detail.  相似文献   

In the current practice, safety assessment is conducted once the process design has been completed. At this stage of design, the freedom to change the conceptual design is very limited and whatever strategies to be implemented will only control the hazard. This paper reports on the development of inherent safety index known as a process stream index (PSI) for inherent safety level assessment at preliminary design stage from the perspective of an explosion. The aim for PSI is to calculate, compare and prioritize the level of inherent safety of process streams during simulation work that influences the explosion. By prioritizing the streams based on the potential for the explosion, the design engineers can easily identify the critical streams to be considered for improvement in order to avoid or minimize explosion hazards. An enhancement technique to reflect the contribution of the individual components in the mixture is introduced, which provide significant contribution to the ranking of inherent safety level of process streams. The assessment of inherent safety level using PSI is demonstrated by case studies of HYSYS simulation for Acrylic Acid Plant and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) plant.  相似文献   

为有效减少参数不确定性对安全仪表系统安全完整性水平评估结果的影响,避免数据不充分等问题可能导致的较大评估偏差,以典型冗余结构为例,引入Monte-Carlo数值仿真方法计算平均要求时失效概率值,借助Matlab仿真,对结果进行统计特性分析。再通过与常用评估方法的比较,指出采用分布区间来描述评估结果有利于工程师更好地设计和应用安全仪表系统,总结采用Monte-Carlo方法考察参数不确定性问题的优势并提出该方法尚需改进的地方。  相似文献   

矿井提升机的安全可靠性分析与设计   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
矿井提升机是井下作业提升物料和人员的关键设备 ,素有矿井咽喉之称。安全、可靠与高效是提升机设计与分析的基本准则与要求。笔者概要分析了矿井提升机的安全可靠性 ;提出了相应的设计要点 ,并对各子系统中相对薄弱环节的安全可靠性进行了探讨。以上科研成果 ,为提升机械的进一步研究与开发提供了一定的理论参考依据  相似文献   

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