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介绍了环保餐具的类型及其优势和缺点,对就环保餐具替代一次性发泡塑料餐具,从管理、生产流通、消费等方面,提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

随着一次性包装品在日常生活中的广泛使用,白色污染已成为制约人类生存与发展的社会公害。大量的生产和使用不可降解的泡沫塑料餐饮具,不仅造成资源浪费,而且严重污染了环境。1999年,国家经贸委明确提出到2000年底前全面禁止生产销售和使用一次性发泡塑料餐饮具,代之以可降解的新型环保餐具。在这样的形势下,许多有识之士纷纷致力于环保餐具的开发和研究。这是我国在一次性包装餐饮具领域中的一次革命。可以相信,经过这场革命,环保餐具将遍及茫茫华夏的城镇和乡村。为使广大读者全面认识和了解可降解餐饮具,值此“六·五”世界环境日前夕,  相似文献   

有消息说,近一个月来,由于非典的传染性影响了许多餐饮企业的经济效益,同时也改变了很多人的卫生习惯和餐饮观念。为了防止病从口入,不少单位纷纷要求使用质量好的一次性环保餐饮具,因此出现了难得的环保餐具供不应求的局面,而一些价格便宜、质量差的劣质环保餐具正在失去市场。“祸兮福所倚”。抗击非典的严峻挑战,给了环保餐饮具一个难得的施展本事的机会。卫生部门和医院不仅同意接受一次性环保餐饮具,而且感谢这个义举来得及时,这表明环保餐具的优势在一个特殊的时刻,以一种特殊的方式被认可。以此为契机,更多的人将有机会了解环保餐具,信赖环保餐具。从参与的企业  相似文献   

随着一次性发泡餐具的禁用,各种所谓的环保餐具市场泛滥(详情可上《中国环保餐具网》http://www.dongjins.com.cn 了解)。为了维护消费者利益,减少资源浪费与环境污染,北京10多家环保餐具企业在北京凯发环保中心的组织下,于2002年10月成立了“北京环保餐具企业联合组织”,加强行业自律,通过与政府、新闻媒体等的配合对假冒产品进行打假,对不合格产品的生产企业进行曝光,为正规企业的健康发展起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

从2003年5月10日到6月10日,在北京凯发环保技术中心的组织下,全国数家环保餐具生产企业向北京十多家非典定点医院捐赠价值15万元的各种一次性环保餐具近80万套,既是义举也是智举。以下是中华人民共和国卫生部颁发给环保餐具捐赠企业的荣誉证书:  相似文献   

世界环境日当天,海淀工商分局市场科对北三环附近两家大型商品批发市场内销售一次性餐盒的情况进行了彻底清查,当场扣留不合格一次性餐具近4000个。据介绍,鉴别伪劣餐盒的方法一是从味道上辨别,伪劣餐具会有刺鼻的异味;二是从手感上辨别,伪劣餐盒手感上发涩;三是从韧性上辨别,伪劣餐盒轻轻一撕就能撕坏,而真正的环保餐具韧性大,不易撕坏。与此同时,丰台工商分局也对辖区内的华垦岳各庄市场的一次性餐具进行了突击检查,  相似文献   

由新疆巴州海纳科技开发有限公司开发、新疆维吾尔自治区环保局推荐的易降解复合植物纤维一次性餐具适用于食品、饮食快餐业包装。主要技术内容一、基本原理使用农作物副产物如玉米秆、谷壳、棉花秆、麦秸、甜菜渣等为主要原料,科学配入食品用粘合剂,采用先进的热压成型、冷压定型技术制成。复合植物纤维制品分为不可降解和可降解两大类,产品均属于无毒、无害、无污染、无苯、无甲醛、无丙酮释放的环保产品,一次性可降解餐饮具。外型美观、强度高,使用后自然降解,不会对环境造成污染,是一次性发泡塑料和纸餐具的理想替代品,符合GB18006.1-1…  相似文献   

北京环保餐具联合组织4月份对北京市一次性餐具市场进行了抽查,产品合格率仅为33%。本次抽查共抽取了18家不同类型的产品送检,其中塑料类17家(合格6家),纸浆模塑类1家(不合格),总的合格率为33%;送检产品在北京地区的市场占有率达到80%以上,抽查样品基本覆盖北京市场上销售的各种餐具品牌。这次主要抽查的地点有大钟寺农贸市场、金五星批发市场风味小吃城、北京万通小商品批发城五层美食城、阜成门华联超市以及北京鱼米楚乡酒家等。在检查中发现,农贸市场的一次性餐具合格率较低,只有约20%,而超市、饭店等  相似文献   

一只环保餐盒,不值几个钱,可谓“小”产品,但就是这样一个小产品,却引来了一个“大喜”场面。近一个月来,由于“非典”的影响,许多餐饮企业的经济效益下滑,然而却改变了很多人的卫生习惯和餐饮观念。为了防止病从口入,不少单位纷纷要求使用质量好的一次性环保餐饮具,因此出现了环保餐具供不应求的大好局面,一些环保餐具企业始终处于超饱和生产状态。与此同时,价格便宜质量差的劣质环保餐具失去了市场。餐盒,盖因其“小”,值不了几个钱,使用起来极其随意,管它是不是环保餐具,管它会不会对环境造成污染,随手而丢却没有什么觉察。所以,你一只,我一只,众“手”难掩,最终从“小”成“大”,以致造  相似文献   

一次性可降解餐具研究开发已有10多年历史,但一直无章可循,国家级产品质量标准不健全甚至空白,检测引用标准非常混乱,检测报告五花八门,有些企业不明白,有些检测单位装糊涂,加上质量监督不严,企业为了降低成本,偷工减料,造成送检合格率高,而实际销售产品合格率低下的混乱局面。现在已有了新型环保餐具国家正式标准 GB18006.1—1999和 GB/T18006.2—1999以及环境产品技术要求 HBC1—2001(北京凯发环保中心发行,两套标准共40元),全面科学检测工作已经展开,北京  相似文献   

Land management is a complex process which involves the interaction of biophysical and social variables. New demands are being placed on biophysical researchers working in land management to communicate more effectively with the public and to involve the public in the research process. The catalysts for change in the practice of land management research are clearly outlined with respect to pressures from new government policies, from institutions funding research, from communities in which the research is occurring and from within the academic environment itself. In order to meet these new demands, collaborative efforts – incorporating different academic disciplines and between researchers and communities – must occur. Traditional scientific approaches can benefit from the incorporation of techniques and approaches used within participatory research. The concept of participation and its relevance to biophysical research in land management is discussed, as well as the key characteristics of participatory research. Examples, predominantly from Australia, are provided; however the global scope of the changes is highlighted.It is increasingly recognized that agriculture is a complex social process, not simply a complex, diverse and risky technical activity. This implies new theoretical as well as methodological challenges..(present author's emphasis) (Scoones and Thompson, 1994, p. 5).  相似文献   

从生态文明视角来解读政府环保工作,并结合沧浪区生态的特点,分析其生态文明建设现状,以科学发展观为指导,总结沧浪区的生态文明建设经验,并对加强沧浪区生态文明的创建工作提出了"三着力"和"三提升"的对策建议。  相似文献   

Summary This paper focuses on the characteristics of sustainable development as manifested in localized contexts and situations. It examines the KASHA project in Botswana, and suggests an important conceptual link between the community and sustainable development. To convey the message that there is hope and that "Sustainable Development" is possible, the paper suggests the need to document, share, describe and talk about successful programmes like KASHA.Dr Stephen Ameyaw is currently Assistant Professor of Planning in the Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary. His research interests are focused on women and development, community development, regional planning, policy and institutional development. He has conducted research in Canada, Ghana and Botswana.  相似文献   

Wetland environmental characteristics are examined to determine their spatial and temporal relationships. Two very different Oregon freshwater wetlands provided a range of wetland types. Results are evaluated to determine the possible use of environmental characteristics in defining wetlands and their boundaries. Representative physical, hydrological, and edaphic properties were periodically measured in microplots along upland/wetland transects. A multivariate approach is stressed in the data analysis; correlation, cluster analysis, and principal components analyses were used. The results indicate the environmental characteristics change in a quantifiable manner both spatially and temporally. The controlling mechanism is moisture, spatially in terms of the upland/wetland transect and temporally with respect to seasonal response. These changes do not correlate well with vegetation. Several hypotheses are offered as an explanation. Correlation within environmental characteristics is variable but definite patterns are discernible. These data suggest both single and combinations of environmental characteristics that could serve as keys in wetland identification and boundary determination. However, before extensive use is made of this information additional long-term monitoring of wetland environmental characteristics will be required.  相似文献   

The US National Park Service must map forest cover types over extensive areas in order to fulfill its goal of maintaining or reconstructing presettlement vegetation within national parks and monuments. Furthermore, such cover type maps must be updated on a regular basis to document vegetation changes. Computer-aided classification of small scale aerial photography is a promising technique for generating forest cover type maps efficiently and inexpensively. In this study, seven cover types were classified with an overall accuracy of 62 percent from a reproduction of a 1120,000 color infrared transparency of a conifer-hardwood forest. The results were encouraging, given the degraded quality of the photograph and the fact that features were not centered, as well as the lack of information on lens vignetting characteristics to make corrections. Suggestions are made for resolving these problems in future research and applications. In addition, it is hypothesized that the overall accuracy is artificially low because the computer-aided classification more accurately portrayed the intermixing of cover types than the hand-drawn maps to which it was compared.  相似文献   

The burgeoning literature devoted to the psychology of energy consumption is categorized by specific methodological approach, is critically reviewed, and is conceptually analyzed. Three main categories of energy research are discerned, these categories corresponding to the traditional methodological typology of the survey study, the field experiment, and the laboratory investigation. For each of these major approaches, several subcategories and special topic areas are noted and discussed. The intention of these conceptual analyses is to stimulate research interest and to provide directions for future research activities. The review concludes with the encouraging observation that several directions can be generalized from the literature. More importantly, these generalizations are corroborated across experiments conducted within each major methodological approach. The importance of behavioral approaches to energy issues and the necessity for additional governmental support for these activities is also emphasized.  相似文献   

结合我国"十二五"节能规划及石油消费情况,针对装车环节产生的油气浓度高、流量大的特点,从安全、环保、节能、经济效益几个方面阐述了油气回收的必要性和重要性,在此基础上,结合国内外的油气排放标准,重点对四种常用的油气回收技术—冷凝法、吸附法、膜分离法、吸收法从工艺特点、尾气排放浓度、投资、能耗、占地面积等几个方面进行了分析,并介绍了这四种油气回收技术的发展、现状及研究方向,从而进一步提出了油气回收技术的适用性建议。  相似文献   

The capacity to sustainably govern complex socio-ecological systems (SES) has been identified as a necessary but daunting task by SES scholars, resource stewards and stakeholders. This research sought to inform the question: What are determinant capacities and functional linkages that can be incorporated into diagnostic tools for analysts seeking to improve sustainable socio-economic system SES governance? Literature was used to identify and translate determinant capacities and functional linkages into a quantifiable metric of governance quality. The tool was developed from ecological, business, governance and decision science literature. This tool recognizes the dynamic and systemic linkages between the resources and the social systems that use and govern them for improving systems thinking and SES outcomes. The tool was tested to determine its ability to capture perceived characteristics of governance quality and problem management using Michigan’s cleanup and redevelopment program. The results of this research indicated that the exploratory tool was reliable and valid. This research contributes to the evolving body of SES frameworks, specifically the study of individual and organizational capacities for improved SES outcomes. The implications of this research suggest participatory network-based governance with higher levels of resource exchange, in the form of interdependency, trust, diplomacy and reciprocity, aligns with practitioners’ perceptions of improved program performance. Further, while some capacities and related findings of this research may be context specific, concepts associated with the development and testing of this diagnostic tool, such as the use of systems thinking, participatory network-based governance, and related competencies, may have more universal application.  相似文献   

Summary In part one of this paper (The Environmentalist,1990, pp.301–309) it was shown that conventional economic accounting does not reveal the actual damage to the natural environment, although an ever-increasing share of the Gross National Product is being spent for environmental protection activities. In this, part two of the paper, on the basis of acceptable conventions, the results of an empiric research on defensive expenditures in the GNP are presented, again taking the Federal Republic of Germany as an example. The authors would like to see more research of this type in order to understand better the environmental impacts and the structural deficiencies of modern industrial society. Dr Christian Leipert and Professor Udo E. Simonis have contributed frequently toThe Environmentalist (see 1989, pp.171–183; 1990, pp.25–38; 1990, pp.301–309). Dr Leipert is research fellow, Dr Simonis is research professor at the environmental policy unit of the Science Center Berlin.  相似文献   

Summary The problems faced by business as a result of the growth of the environmental agenda are described. The consequence this has on investment decisions is outlined and the trend, largely induced by present day investment appraisal techniques, for adopting end-of-pipe rather than Clean technology solutions is explained. A solution to this reactive investment approach is described by way of the Paras model. This adopts a holistic and practical approach and considers the special nature of environmental investments throughout all stages of the analysis. By objectively incorporating a measure for uncertainty within the analysis it adds considerable value and rationality to the decision-making process. The collaborative research project between the University of Surrey and Paras Ltd is described. This is run under the Engineering Doctorate programme and aims to develop a multicriteria decision tool to support the parallel quantification of the environmental and financial performance of investment projects.Graham Earl is a research engineer with the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programme and is sponsored by the University of Surrey and Paras Ltd. Tuula Moilanen is a senior consultant with Paras Ltd at 120A, High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, P030 ITP, UK. Paras are a technology and engineering consultancy and the developers of the Paras financial model for the evaluation of environmental investments. The authors are currently actively seeking companies who would be interested in contributing to further research through a test case, be it in the form of past or planned environmental investment decision.  相似文献   

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