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在某种意义上说,人文素质比专业知识和专业技能更能反映高职院校人才培养的质量.因此,高职院校应通过加强领导、重视人文知识师资队伍的建设、推行人文课程学分制、提倡教师课后指导、开展人文素质教育活动、建立人文课程学习的评价机制等途径来加强人文素质教育.  相似文献   

基于适应"调结构转方式"社会经济发展要求,基于行业企业人才需求的新趋势,基于高职人文素质教育的自身缺陷,在高等职业教育大力推进内涵建设的背景下,高职人文素质教育课程改革必须在更新教育理念树立立科学素养与人文素养融合的文化氛围基础上,结合高职教育特点构建多元化的文化素质教育平台,不断丰富课外文化活动,构筑具有职业人文特色的校园文化,提高教师人文素质,建立高素质的高职师资队伍,才能达到"育人为先"的高等职业教育目标,才能培养出高素质全面发展的人才.参9.  相似文献   

王长永 《农村生态环境》2000,16(1):53-55,59
转基因生物风险评估和管理的国家能力建设的内容,包括机构,机制,专家知识,环境监测以及信息收集和交流等。,风险评估和管理的能力建设必须本国生物技术研究和应用水平,资金、信息以及人员数量和素质来确定其优先领域,行动和项目。  相似文献   

信息素养是信息社会高等教育的重要内容.全文从信息素养的内涵着手,分析了当前大学生信息素养教育的现状与存在的问题,提出了要加强大学生信息素养教育,必须构建我国大学生信息素养教育标准,建立和完善大学生信息素养教育课程体系和教育模式,整合高校图书馆信息资源、技术和科学课程,同时提高教师的信息素养.参2.  相似文献   

为加强学生应用能力的培养及综合素质的提高,进行药理学课程的教学改革.从药物应用与临床关系入手建立了校企联合办学机制.在教学中增加了临床知识与药理学相结合的内容,即结合药物作用机制讲授临床知识,并引入病例教学,使药理与临床有机结合、互相渗透,相互助长.在教学方面开展"药理学"知识竞赛、制作并应用能传递临床知识与药理学结合的课件,活学活用药理学,同时及时的带学生到药品超市实习,了解现在超市的销售方式和职员的素质现状,在课堂上引入学生参与教学和讨论,达到了预期目标,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育结构的逐步调整及职业教育层次的日益提升,高职校园文化建设在高等职业教育体系中显示出越来越重要的作用.实践证明,主体性德育观作为思想政治教育的先进内容,不仅为新时期下高职校园文化建设提供了理论支撑,还指明了科学方向.参4.  相似文献   

观光农业生态园的规划设计   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
发展观光农业是“绿色经济”大背景下的一种自然选择。许多观光农业生态园因为缺乏科学的规划设计和经营管理,造成旅游形象定位模糊,观光性、生态示范作用以及科普教育和农业科技示范性不强。文章提出观光农业生态园规划时应遵循因地制宜、培植精品、效益兼顾的原则,结合实例探讨了具体规划方案,将生态园建成一个“生态农业示范园”、“观光农业旅游园”、“绿色食品生产园”及“科普教育和农业科技示范园”,最终实现生态园生态、经济和社会效益的统一和可持续发展。  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染严重威胁农产品质量安全和人体健康,开展重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作对重金属污染农田土壤治理修复和保障农业绿色发展具有重要意义。文章在实地调研考察和专题研讨的基础上,系统地总结了湖南省重金属污染地区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作进展和成效,分析了存在的问题,并提出相应的对策建议,为开展中国重金属污染地区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作提供决策依据。试点工作取得如下的进展:2016年长沙、株洲、湘潭等3市13县区实施治理式休耕面积10.01万亩(0.667 3×10~4 hm~2),2017年以整村推进方式新增并落实10万亩(0.666 7×10~4 hm~2)中度至重度重金属污染休耕耕地。通过治理式休耕,大面积水稻(Oryza sativa)镉含量达标,农产品降镉效果明显,土壤酸化得到有效缓解,土壤有效态镉含量总体上呈现降低的趋势。建立了轮作休耕模式,包括实行分区治理,形成"休治培"三融合技术模式,建立以农艺调控为主、边生产边修复的非工程性技术路径,探索了水稻与绿肥的轮作模式。建立了建设机制与体制:突出政府责任主体,强化绩效管理;突出补贴政策保障,强化资金落实;突出农民自愿休耕,强化过程监管;突出组织模式探索,强化产业培育。试点工作中也发现了若干问题:农产品质量安全与耕地质量下降的矛盾仍然十分突出;重金属污染区休耕制度的科技支撑明显不足,体制机制还不够完善。文章提出了若干对策建议:加强重金属污染区轮作休耕制度顶层设计;加强重金属污染区轮作休耕的科学技术研究;加快推进重金属污染区轮作休耕制度的体制机制建设,如资金保障机制、生态补偿制度和管理机制等。  相似文献   

CBE教学模式与高职教育模式的比较及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国现行高职教育模式还没有脱离普通高等教育的学科型教育桎梏,存在不能解决高职教育对理论知识“必需”、“够用”、教与学的矛盾、职业能力的培养等问题.CBE是近年流行于北美的较为成功的职教模式,它能较好地解决我国学科型教育模式运用于高职教育的问题,值得借鉴与应用,本文运用CBE的理论方法对高职园林专业的能力模块和教学计划进行了整合与设计.  相似文献   

不同木豆品种耐铝性的基因型差异及其机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以6个品种的木豆为材料,探讨了木豆品种间耐铝性的基因型差异及其机制。铝对根伸长的抑制大小及苏木精对根尖的染色模式的研究结果表明,不同品种木豆的耐铝性基因型差异明显。在铝胁迫条件下,去除根尖吸附的粘胶,耐铝的基因型MD2和敏感的基因型MD5根的伸长率均减少,而根尖被苏木精染色程度加深;去除粘胶对MD2的影响大于MD5,说明粘胶对根尖的保护是木豆抵御铝毒的一个重要机制。虽然铝胁迫可诱导木豆根系分泌柠檬酸和苹果酸,但根系苹果酸的分泌量在MD2和MD间无显著差异,MD2柠檬酸的分泌量甚至低于MD5。  相似文献   

对高职创业教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代科学技术的发展和社会经济结构、就业结构的变化,急切呼唤各类职业技术院校开展创业教育,培养创业型人才.创业教育是培养学生的创业意识、创业个性品质、创业能力,使其具有创业者人格的教育.在实施教育过程中,让学生具有正确的思想动力是前提,提高创业能力是根本、方法得当、措施得力是保证.开展创业教育,有助于素质教育的全面推进.  相似文献   

中国环境基准理论与方法学研究进展及主要科学问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境基准是指环境介质中的环境要素对特定保护对象不产生不良或有害效应的最大限值,是环境标准制修订的科学依据。环境基准理论与方法学一直是国际环境科学和环境保护科学研究领域的前沿,也是国家环境管理的重大科技需求。本文在总结国际和我国环境基准研究成果的基础上,较为系统地阐述了环境基准的基本概况、理论方法学及重要进展。同时,结合学科特点和环境基准科技需求,综合分析了与环境基准理论方法学密切相关的系列关键科学问题。  相似文献   

We examined features of citizen science that influence data quality, inferential power, and usefulness in ecology. As background context for our examination, we considered topics such as ecological sampling (probability based, purposive, opportunistic), linkage between sampling technique and statistical inference (design based, model based), and scientific paradigms (confirmatory, exploratory). We distinguished several types of citizen science investigations, from intensive research with rigorous protocols targeting clearly articulated questions to mass-participation internet-based projects with opportunistic data collection lacking sampling design, and examined overarching objectives, design, analysis, volunteer training, and performance. We identified key features that influence data quality: project objectives, design and analysis, and volunteer training and performance. Projects with good designs, trained volunteers, and professional oversight can meet statistical criteria to produce high-quality data with strong inferential power and therefore are well suited for ecological research objectives. Projects with opportunistic data collection, little or no sampling design, and minimal volunteer training are better suited for general objectives related to public education or data exploration because reliable statistical estimation can be difficult or impossible. In some cases, statistically robust analytical methods, external data, or both may increase the inferential power of certain opportunistically collected data. Ecological management, especially by government agencies, frequently requires data suitable for reliable inference. With standardized protocols, state-of-the-art analytical methods, and well-supervised programs, citizen science can make valuable contributions to conservation by increasing the scope of species monitoring efforts. Data quality can be improved by adhering to basic principles of data collection and analysis, designing studies to provide the data quality required, and including suitable statistical expertise, thereby strengthening the science aspect of citizen science and enhancing acceptance by the scientific community and decision makers.  相似文献   

Graduate education programs in conservation science generally focus on disciplinary training and discipline‐specific research skills. However, nonacademic conservation professionals often require an additional suite of skills. This discrepancy between academic training and professional needs can make it difficult for graduate students to identify the skills and experiences that will best prepare them for the conservation job market. We analyzed job advertisements for conservation‐science positions and interviewed conservation professionals with experience hiring early‐career conservation scientists to determine what skills employers of conservation professionals seek; whether the relative importance of skills varies by job sector (government, nonprofit, and private); and how graduate students interested in careers in conservation science might signal competency in key skills to potential employers. In job advertisements, disciplinary, interpersonal, and project‐management skills were in the top 5 skills mentioned across all job sectors. Employers’ needs for additional skills, like program leadership, conflict resolution and negotiation, and technical and information technology skills, varied across sectors. Our interview results demonstrated that some skills are best signaled to employers via experiences obtained outside thesis or dissertation work. Our findings suggest that graduate students who wish to be competitive in the conservation job market can benefit by gaining skills identified as important to the job sector in which they hope to work and should not necessarily expect to be competent in these skills simply by completing their chosen degree path. Guía para el Estudiante de Grado de las Habilidades Necesarias para Carreras de Conservación Académicas  相似文献   

The Truth About Science is a 40-lesson middle school curriculum module that teaches the process of scientific research, integrating mathematics and science concepts and skills. The goal of the curriculum is to teach students to think systematically and statistically about science inquiry. Students participate in each step of the scientific inquiry process, from asking testable research questions, designing unbiased experiments, and collecting their own data, to analyzing these data via graphical representations and statistical summaries, and communicating their research results as both poster and oral presentations. While the necessary statistical skills depend on difficult and abstract mathematical concepts, middle school students have been successful in applying them to their own research projects. The curriculum meets local and national standards in science and mathematics education and fills a gap in available educational materials. It has been piloted and revised through multiple iterations and published by the National Science Teachers Association Press. Feedback from teachers and students has been extremely positive.  相似文献   

Scientists in higher education institutions around the globe recognize the importance of engaging with public stakeholders to share their enthusiasm, explain their science, and encourage primary and secondary students to enter the sciences. However, without direct consideration of students’ and teachers’ perspectives and interests, scientists may design activities around their own goals, limiting the impact on school stakeholders (i.e., students, teachers, paraprofessional staff, students’ parents, and other caregivers). We drew from natural and social science research to describe how expanding the conception of place beyond the biophysical can help engage school stakeholders in meaningful ways. We describe the multidimensional PLACE framework that we developed to integrate perspectives, knowledge, and values of all stakeholders in engagement programming. The framework is organized around topics that stakeholders should discuss early on to ensure successful partnerships. We recommend that scientists identify and use pedagogy that is inclusive; language framed around dialogic communication methods; aims and motivations centered on engagement; cultural funds of knowledge of place (i.e., disciplinary, personal, or experiential knowledge); and evaluation of engagement based on meaningful metrics. Two case studies are presented to illustrate how the PLACE framework components, when addressed, can lead to robust, successful partnerships between scientists and schools.  相似文献   

对现代科学技术所出现的“生态化”现象进行了初步探讨。首先,对生态学涵义的扩展和生态化研究方法进行了研究,认为其涵义已从生态学的生物学含义发展到现代生态学的新涵义,其方法就是研究在科学技术中的“对象”与“环境”的关系问题;在此基础上,对科学技术研究目标作了生态化表述,即要建设生态-经济-社会优质复合群;然后,对科学技术所出现的生态化理论与方法进行了初步研究,并对建设普遍优质的生态-经济-社会复合群理论及其应用进行了分析;最后,对生态化的研究方法进行了总结。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,为什么要大力发展高等职业教育?文章认为,发展高等职业是市场经济发展和科教兴国的客观要求,并通过对高职教育的定位分析,阐明了发展高职教育的重要性.文章从高等教育的特点和“三改一补”的发展途征两方面论述了高职教育的发展方向.  相似文献   

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