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为评估生态胶凝材料生产过程对环境的影响,利用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,从生命周期角度定量分析生态胶凝材料生产的全过程,包括原材料及能源消耗等上游污染、加工制造以及现场排放所造成的环境影响。结果表明:生态胶凝材料生产过程对海洋生态毒性方面的影响程度最高,其次是淡水生态毒性、人类致癌毒性、人类非致癌毒性和陆地生态毒性。原材料消耗及辅助材料消耗是最主要的污染来源,其中原材料消耗所带来的污染对近18种环境影响类型的贡献达50%以上。敏感性分析表明,降低原材料消耗是减少人类致癌毒性污染的最有效措施,降低辅助材料消耗在海洋生态毒性以及全球变暖上产生最明显的环境效益。此外,通过与传统硅酸盐水泥生产过程对比发现生态胶凝材料生产过程具有更良好的环保性能,尤其针对全球变暖、陆地生态毒性以及海洋生态毒性方面,体现出明显的环境优越性。  相似文献   

<正>二恶英特性及危害二恶英类有机化合物(Dioxin,以下简称二恶英),又称二氧杂芑,它是一种含氯的强毒性有机化学物质,在自然界中不能自然生成。主要在人类日常工业生产活动中,通过固体废弃物焚烧、化工合成、化工漂白及金属回收冶炼等特定行业产生并随废气、废水及灰渣排入环境。二恶英类的化学性质非常稳定,在自然界中不易被微生物降  相似文献   

焚烧具有减量化、资源化和无害化等优势,已经成为很多城市解决垃圾问题的首选方案。垃圾焚烧是环境中二恶英的一个重要来源,这也成为了焚烧技术推广最主要的限制问题。垃圾焚烧中,会不可避免地通过前驱物分子解构或重组生成和"de novo"合成二恶英,可以通过燃烧前控制、燃烧中控制和燃烧后控制等手段实现二恶英生成与排放的综合控制。  相似文献   

在工业生产中,对人体有毒害作用的物质,叫工业毒物。 一、工业毒物及其危害 (一)工业毒物的来源及分类 工业生产的原料、工艺过程、产品种类繁多。归纳起来可以分为以下几方面: 1. 原料、辅助材料或夹杂物──工业生产中所使用的原料本身就是有毒物质。例如,金属热处理中的表面氰化处理所用的氰化物;油漆中的溶剂(苯及其同系物);压铸铅字时用的铅等。 2.成品、半成品或副产品──在冶炼工业及化学工业中尤为多见。例如铅、汞的开采和冶炼、氯、氨、二氧化碳、二硫化碳、敌敌畏等的生产。它们的产品或者随之而来的副产品具有毒性。 3.废气、…  相似文献   

<正>前言二恶英,素有"世纪之毒"之称,为一级致癌物,它包括210种化合物。二恶英为脂溶性的有机污染物,常吸附在颗粒物表面,存在于大气、土壤和水中。随着经济的高速发展,相继多城市出现灰霾天气,PM2.5首当其冲的成为众矢之的,成为人们茶余饭后的重点话题,而深究PM2.5背后,隐含的深层次问题,不乏包括二恶英在内的半挥发性有机物以及挥发性有机物污染问题,因此,大气污染防治,同样需要密切关注二恶英  相似文献   

二恶英类物质污染及综合防治措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对二恶英类物质的结构及毒理学的描述,分析了二恶英类物质的主要污染来源,从系统论的角度出发提出了综合的技术及管理防治措施。  相似文献   

通过BP神经网络模型对石油开采区土壤重金属的部分缺失试验数据进行补齐,并采用主成分分析法对石油开采区土壤中重金属进行源解析。结果表明,土壤中重金属的来源包括自然来源、农业来源、交通来源和燃煤来源。以不同来源重金属作为输入条件、土壤生物毒性作为输出条件构建不同来源重金属土壤发光菌生物毒性神经网络模型,模型验证结果表明,在0.05显著性水平下,25组验证样本模拟值和试验值之间的相关系数r为0.396,满足模型验证要求。结合相对灵敏度计算,获得不同来源重金属对土壤生物毒性的贡献率分别为自然来源26.68%、农业来源52.71%、交通来源4.67%、燃煤来源15.94%,即农业来源为石油开采区土壤中发光菌生物毒性的最主要来源。  相似文献   

博弈:安全投入与经济效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从人类有了生产经济活动以来,安全生产就与其相伴相生,渗透到社会经济生活的各个角落,覆盖了整个社会的劳动过程,包括工业、建筑、交通、商贸以及农业与服务业等各行各业.  相似文献   

放射性污染土壤生物修复的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤中放射性核素主要为天然来源和人为来源.而人为来源主要包括核试验、核武器制造、核能生产、核事故、放射性同位素的生产应用和矿物的开采冶炼等.综述了放射性核素污染土壤的植物修复、菌根修复、微生物修复等生物修复技术的研究进展,侧重探讨了这3种修复技术的协同作用,并对其研究的发展方向及今后的应用前景进行了讨论.  相似文献   

何天荣 《安全》2004,25(5):21-22
1小氮肥生产工艺 小氮肥生产是根据我国国情,在特定的历史条件下发展起来的化肥工业.它一般是指年产10000t以下的合成氨的氮肥厂. 小氮肥的生产过程包括氨合成和氨加工两部分.其中氨合成大体包括三个工艺过程:①原料气的制造;②原料气的净化;③氨的合成.氨加工是在生产出氨以后再根据需要加工成碳铵、尿素等.  相似文献   

Global warming, high-energy demand and availability of new technologies are among the factors catalyzing the search for alternative sources of energy. Currently, there is renewed interest in obtaining energy from wastes hitherto meant for disposal. Increased costs of disposal and their attendant problems of heavy environmental loading are some aspects making the disposal option unattractive. These wastes are sources of energy and among the several sources of generating this energy are the waste-to-energy (WTE) categories with potentials for useable fuel production. The WTE materials are mainly used domestic waste oils (UDWOs), municipal solid waste (MSW), agricultural and industrial wastes. However, the latter wastes are not attractive as they consist of innumerable hazardous contaminants. The UDWOs are arguably a safe and cost effective source of useable fuel. Their conversion offers the merits of a reduction in greenhouse gas emission (GHG), enhancing fuel diversification and a qualitatively comparable energy output to fossil diesel fuels. Thus, UDWOs could significantly contribute towards achieving the 2020 and 2030 goals of substituting approximately 20% and 30% of petro-diesel with biofuels in US and EU, respectively. Moreover, attaining the forecasted annual production rate of 227 billion liters of biofuel by most active stakeholders in the biodiesel industry could be easily achieved.This review aims to analyze the performance of biodiesel fuels obtained from UDWO and to demonstrate the suitability of applying these fuels as substitutes to mineral diesel in various industries. Benefits of UDWO as a biodiesel feedstock were as well highlighted.  相似文献   

采用超声/Fenton技术处理三氯吡啶醇钠生产过程中产生的高浓度有机废水。通过正交试验确定超声/Fenton氧化最佳操作参数为H2O2投加量0.7 mol/L、Fe2+投加量1.39 g/L、反应时间90 min,此时COD降解率达95.3%。结果表明,Fe2+投加量是影响CODCr去除率最主要的因素。结合气相色谱-质谱联用仪检测,分析了超声/Fenton反应前后产物,初步探讨了超声/Fenton氧化法处理三氯吡啶醇钠废水的反应历程:在·OH作用下,氯苯与苯环转化为氯乙烯等小分子物质;氯乙烯发生加氢反应,进而转化为氯乙烷、氯甲烷。氯原子能够被·OH氧化为Cl·,并通过氢原子取代反应,将氯乙烯转化为1,1-二氯乙烯。  相似文献   

The applications of chlorine have been broadly used in many industrial products, such as bleaching agents, synthetic rubbers, plastics, disinfectants, iron chlorides, fire refractory materials, insecticides, and anti-freezers, etc. According to the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA), more than 30 thousand tons were used in the year 2000. In addition, there were more than 12 reported incidents from 2000 to 2003—mostly on using chlorine as disinfectants (five) and as process agents (four).

This study investigated 15 chlorine operation plants in central Taiwan. These chlorine usages included bleaching agents, disinfectants, iron chloride, synthesizing rubber plastics, and others. Thirteen plants were located in the industrial parks and two were in or near residential zones. The consequence analysis were used three different methods to analyze the worst-case scenarios (WCSs) and alternative release case scenarios (ACSs) in order to compare impact zones for applying various active and passive mitigation systems, such as confined space, scrubber, water-spray, and so no. For two plants in or near residential zones, multi-layers mitigation systems and operation limits should be implemented in order to enforce more stringent protection measures. However, there was no specific regulation for chlorine plants operated at different locations, such as industrial parks or residential zones. In order to reduce chemical accidents and their impacts on public safety, our results suggest that source mitigation/management and warning systems should be adopted simultaneously.  相似文献   

Spent ion exchange resins are radioactive process wastes for which there is no satisfactory industrial treatment. Supercritical water oxidation could offer a viable treatment alternative to destroy the organic structure of resins and contain radioactivity. IER degradation experiments were carried out in a continuous supercritical water reactor. Total organic carbon degradation rates in the range of 95–98% were obtained depending on operating conditions. GC–MS chromatography analyses were carried out to determine intermediate products formed during the reaction. Around 50 species were identified for cationic and anionic resins. Degradation of polystyrenic structure leads to the formation of low molecular weight compounds. Benzoic acid, phenol and acetic acid are the main compounds. However, other products are detected in appreciable yields such as phenolic species or heterocycles, for anionic IERs degradation. Intermediates produced by intramolecular rearrangements are also obtained. A radical degradation mechanism is proposed for each resin. In this overall mechanism, several hypotheses are foreseen, according to HOO radical attack sites.  相似文献   

生物碳是有机垃圾热解的产物。生物碳具有多孔性、高比表面积、高度芳香化结构,充当土壤活性调理剂能增加土壤微生物吸附性能,保水、保肥,促进作物生长,同时还具有贮碳功能。综述了近年来有机垃圾热解及热解生物碳的研究进展,着重介绍了生物碳的形成条件、特征结构、在土壤中的生物与非生物氧化过程,以及对全球气候变化和土壤环境效益等研究动态。展望了有机垃圾热解生物碳技术用于城镇有机垃圾处理的发展前景,提出应重点加强的几个研究方向:1)实现不同混合垃圾制取相似结构的生物碳;2)垃圾热解过程中污染物的控制;3)有机垃圾生物碳的土壤环境行为与环境效益。  相似文献   

现代卫生填埋工程研究与分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
现代卫生填埋工程是一种安全、有效、有控制地处理城市固体废弃物的方法,其涉及众多学科,属于环境安全、生态安全、工业安全、卫生安全共同关注的问题。城市及工业废料的卫生填埋工程目的是实现减量化、无害化和资源化,形成一个安全、有效、严格控制、环境生态保护,经济化、无害化、资源化科学发展的循环体系。笔者介绍国内外现代卫生填埋工程的研究概况,详细论述现有填埋场的研究内容,指出其中存在的主要问题与不足,并在此基础上探讨了该领域的发展趋势及研究方向。  相似文献   

In the last decade, the use of renewable resources has increased significantly in order to reduce the energetic dependence on fossil fuels, as they have an important contribution to the global warning and greenhouse gasses effect. Because of that, research on biofuels has been increased in the last years as its characteristics of use match those of the conventional fuel's: solid biomass can be used instead of coals, and biodiesel could replace diesel. Research on solid biomass ignition properties has been considerably developed because of the amount of industrial accidents related to the treatment and use of solid biomass (self-ignition, dust explosions, etc.). On the other hand, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is becoming and important characterization technique as it can be used to determine a wide spectrum of properties, such as kinetics, composition, proximate analysis, etc. This research aims to combine thermal analysis and ignition properties, by using the TGA to obtain the elemental composition of lignocellulosic biomass and compare those results to Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) values test output, so a relation between composition and MIE can be found.To achieve this aim, biomass samples from different origins have been used: oil palm wastes (empty fruit bunches, mesocarp fiber and palm kernel shell), agricultural wastes (straw chops) and forestry wastes (wood chips and wood powder). Also, raw materials and torrefied biomass were compared. The hemicellulose/cellulose ratio was calculated and compared to different flammability properties, finding out that the greater the ratio and the lower the onset temperature (temperature at which the pyrolysis reaction accelerates), the lower was the minimum ignition energy. From this basis it was possible to define “tendency areas” that grouped the samples whose MIE values were similar. Three tendency areas were found: high minimum ignition energy, medium minimum ignition energy, and low ignition energy.  相似文献   

采用Fenton法对某合成制药废水进行了预处理试验研究,考察H2O2、Fe2+投加量及反应时间对废水CODCr、色度、NH4+-N去除效果的影响,重点分析了反应体系中有毒难降解有机污染物的变化情况。结果表明,当H2O2(30%)投加量为2%(体积分数),FeSO4.7H2O投加量为400mg/L,反应时间为60min时,废水CODCr、色度的去除率分别为67.73%和40.05%。通过GC-MS分析发现,该废水中含有多种脂类和苯环类等难降解有机污染物质,Fenton反应过程中出现了醇、酯、有机酸等较易降解的中间产物,随着反应的进行废水中苯环类、脂类等大分子有毒有机物得到大幅削减,废水的生物毒性大大降低,BOD/COD值由0.18上升至0.48,可生化性明显提高。  相似文献   

针对以煤为原料的合成氨企业现状,提出了合成氨、尿素、碳铵、甲醇、三废处理设施等工序的现场环境监察技术要点,为环境监察工作提供技术指南。重点监察COD、氨氮、SO2与烟尘的达标排放、危险固废安全处置及环境风险应急预案与应急措施到位情况。  相似文献   

介绍二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)、甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)这两种最常见的主要异氰酸酯的生产工艺技术概况;分析其生产过程中异氰酸酯、光气、氯气泄漏事故和存在的危险有害因素;辨识出异氰酸酯生产过程中的主要危险有害因素为毒性危害、火灾、爆炸危险等;提出相应的国际5层次安全防护措施,即选择合适的工艺路线、采用严格的设计条件、增加快速高效的在线监测、切实可行的监控和减缓措施、组织机构和安全管理措施,提出异氰酸酯生产和生产装置设计应严格遵守《光气及光气化产品生产安全规程》的要求。  相似文献   

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