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Summary.  ((no summary.))A corrected version of the appendix is available for free download from  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine the toxicity of some selected pesticides on fresh water fish in a tropical environment. The uptake of the pesticides lindane, pentachlorophenol (PCP), and propoxur, which are frequently used by farmers and industrialists were studied in concrete ponds at the University of Cape Coast, in Ghana. The fishes used for the study were Oreochromis niloticus, Clarias gariepinus, and Chrysicthys nigrodigitatus, and were obtained from cultured ponds in the Cape Coast District and Mankessim in the Central Region and Weija Dam, in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. Single high lethal concentration (SD) or acute treatment and cumulative/chronic (or multiple minor) lethal concentration (CD) treatment were employed in administering the pesticides to the fishes via water. Gas chromatograph (GC) Electron Capture Detector (ECD) analysis was done on the dead fishes to see the extent of ingestion. The LC50 values obtained for lindane on the three fish samples were as follows: Chrysicthys?–?0.38?mg?L?1; Oreochromis?–?0.42?mg?L?1, and Clarias?–?1.2?mg?L?1. Mortalities occurred in fish within 3–5 days of application. For the PCP on Chrysicthys, Oreochromis, and Clarias species the LC50 values were 0.42, 0.32 and 0.64?mg?L?1, respectively for over a 2–3 day period. For a three-time influx period of propoxur the LC50 for Chrysicthys, Oreochromis, and Clarias, were 22.0, 30.40, and 45.04 (all in mg?L?1), respectively. The results obtained indicated that the pesticides had adverse effects on the general growth and reproduction of fishes. Gonadosomatic indices also showed that the pesticides affected the development of the body, the gonads, and their reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary.  Tannins are plant defense compounds that exhibit antibiotic (e.g. toxic) and antixenotic (e.g. repellent) effects against an array of plant pests. They are broadly divided into two major groups, hydrolysable tannins (gallotannins and ellagitannins) and proanthocyanidins, each with an undetermined number of compounds. We investigated constitutive levels of hydrolysable tannins and proanthocyanidins in the leaves and stems of American (Castanea dentata Marshall) (Fagales: Fagaceae) and Chinese (C. mollissima Blume) chestnut. American chestnut contained more proanthocyanidins in leaves and stems than Chinese chestnut, but Chinese chestnut contained more foliar hydrolysable tannins. Regardless of these differences, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L, Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) performance did not differ when fed American and Chinese chestnuts. We also investigated the effects of jasmonic acid (JA) treatment on differential tannin induction in American and Chinese chestnut leaves and stems. JA treatment increased proanthocyanidins in American chestnut stems and hydrolysable tannins in both tissue types of American chestnut, but did not influence tannin concentrations in Chinese chestnut leaves or stems. HPLC-ESI-MS analysis of pooled samples suggested that hydrolysable tannins in each tissue were qualitatively comprised primarily of ellagitannins, and JA generally increased the number of hydrolysable tannins that could be detected by ESI-MS. Third, we investigated the performance of gypsy moths on JA treated and untreated American and Chinese chestnut. Caterpillar relative growth was not influenced by JA treatment on Chinese chestnut, but decreased in response to JA application on American chestnut. Our results indicate that JA-dependent defenses differ between these chestnut species. This study improves our understanding of ecologically important differences in tannin induction and herbivore susceptibility in Castanea, and has important implications in efforts for American chestnut restoration and commercial chestnut production.  相似文献   

Cypermethrin (CY) is an active cyano pyrethroid effective against a wide range of pests encountered in agriculture and forestry. Although CY is not mutagenic in in vitro assays for gene mutation, in vivo assays showed conflicting results. In vivo genotoxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid CY in erythrocytes of Odontophrynus americanus tadpoles was examined. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) was recorded in blood smears obtained from tadpoles exposed in vivo to four different nominal concentrations 5, 10, 20 or 40?µg?L?1 of the compound and fixed at two sampling times 48 and 96?h. As a positive control larvae were exposed to 40?mg?L?1 of cyclophosphamide (CP). Tadpoles exposed to all CY treatments showed a significant increase in single small MN compared to the negative control group after 48?h and at 5 and 10?µg?L?1 of CY at 96?h. Results obtained here demonstrated the genotoxic effects of the commercial formulation CY in the anuran larvae analyzed. Thus, data suggest that measurements of MN and other erythrocytes morphological aberrations performed in circulating blood samples of O. americanus tadpoles is a method for detecting cytogenetic damage in other native species.  相似文献   

Coastal marine ecosystems in many parts of the world are under unrelenting stress caused by urban development, pollutants and other ecological impacts such as building of infrastructure, land reclamation for port and industrial development, habitat modification, tourism and recreational activities. The present work is a first extensive field study using the marine sponge, Sigmadocia fibulata as a bioindicator to detect metal pollution between inshore and offshore environment of the ‘Gulf of Mannar’, India. Samples of S. fibulata were collected from different places of inshore (0.1–0.5?km) and offshore (3–5?kms) locations. Metal concentrations in water and bioaccumulation in sponges were determined by ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry). Enrichment of metal contamination was more in the inshore, when compared to offshore environment. Higher concentrations of metals Fe, Al, Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ba, Zn, V, Pb and Cd in inshore waters (3–6.4 times than offshore) may be due to the discharge of monsoonal rains, carrying a discharge of industrial and agricultural wastes and sewage directly into the coast. This is substantiated by a highly significant positive correlation between concentrations of metals in the water and accumulation in sponges. The bioaccumulation of metals in sponge tissue were in order of Fe?>?Al?>?Ni?>?Mn?>?Cu?> Cr?>?Co?>?Ba?>?Zn?>?V?>?Cd?>?Pb in both the inshore and offshore regions. Apparently, the macromolecule composition (sugars, proteins and lipids) was significantly reduced by the accumulation of metals in inshore sponges. The current findings indicated that the frequent monitoring is necessary to assess the eco-health of the marine environment by choosing bio-indicator species like S. fibulata, which provide accurate, reliable measurements of environmental quality.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Slope Consortium (ASC) is a project designed to develop and test a set of indicators in coastal systems that are ecologically appropriate, economically reasonable, and relevant to society. The suite of indicators will produce integrated assessments of the condition, health and sustainability of aquatic ecosystems based on ecological and socioeconomic information compiled at the scale of estuarine segments and small watersheds. The research mandate of the ASC project is the following:
Using a universe of watersheds, covering a range of social choices, we ask two questions:
  • ? How “good” can the environment be, given those social choices?
  • ? What is the intellectual model of condition within those choices, i.e., what are the causes of condition and what are the steps for improvement?
As a basis for compiling ecological indicators, a watershed classification system was required for the experimental design. The goal was to develop approximately five categories of watersheds for each physiographic province, utilizing landscape and land use parameters that would be predictive of aquatic resource condition. All 14-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic region would then be classified according to the regime. Five parameters were utilized for the classification: three land cover categories, consisting of forested, agricultural, and urban, median slope or median elevation, and total variance of land covers in 1-km-radius circles positioned on all stream convergence points in a specified 14-digit?HUC watershed. Cluster analysis utilizing these five parameters resulted in approximately five well-defined watershed classes per physiographic province. The distribution of all watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic region across these categories provides a unique report on the probable condition of watersheds in the region.  相似文献   

Summary.  There is an increased interest for the use of GM trees in forestry and several commercially promising lines are now available. However, the ecological implications of the use of GM trees, e.g. effects on non-target natural enemies, have rarely been explored. The aim of this study was to determine if modification of non-defensive traits in GM poplars unintentionally can influence plant chemistry in a way that has consequences for palatability to voles. In a greenhouse experiment, we used two lines, SPS33A and SPS26, of GM hybrid poplars (Populus tremula x tremuloides) with 1.5 and 4 times, respectively, over-expression sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS). This enzyme plays a central role in sucrose synthesis, affecting cold acclimation, mesophyll sucrose content and biomass production. As a control we used the isogenic unmodified wild type. Stems of these poplars were presented to bank voles and field voles in cafeteria experiments. The concentration of condensed tannins was higher in leaves of lines SPS33A and SPS26 than in the isogenic wild-type and the concentration of nitrogen was higher in line SPS33A than in both the wild-type and line SPS26. Although the bank voles consumed slightly less bark from SPS33A, there were no significant differences in the preference of bank vole or field vole for the different poplar lines. This indicates that the changes in plant chemistry were insufficient to produce any strong herbivore response or that alteration in tannins and nitrogen counteracted each other. Still, changes in the interactions between mammalian herbivores and GM trees are important to consider in future cost-benefits analyses of GM trees.  相似文献   

Geophagy or deliberate ingestion of soils was observed among Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in the Udawalwe National Park, Sri Lanka, for several years. The geochemical and mineralogical composition of the clayey soil layers which are purposefully selected and eaten by elephants in the park were studied, in order to identify the possible reasons for elephant geophagy. The concentrations of major and trace elements were determined by means of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in 21 soil samples from eight geophagic sites and six soil samples collected from four non-geophagic sites. The mineralogical composition of selected soil samples was investigated using X-ray diffractometry (XRD). These geochemical analyses revealed that geophagic soils in the study areas are deeply weathered and that most of the elements are leached from the soil layers under extreme weathering conditions. The XRD data showed that the soils of the area consisted mainly quartz, feldspar, and the clay minerals kaolinite, Fe-rich illite, and smectite. Although no significant geochemical differences were identified between geophagic and non-geophagic soils, a clear difference was observed in their clay mineralogical content. Soils eaten by elephants are richer in kaolinite and illite than non-geophagic soils, which contain a higher amount of smectite. It is suggested that elephants in Udawalawe National Park ingest soils mainly not to supplement the mineral contents of their forage but to detoxify unpalatable compounds in their diet.  相似文献   

Summary.  Several freshwater invertebrate and vertebrate prey species rely on chemosensory cues, including non-injury released disturbance cues, to assess and avoid local predation threats. The prevailing hypothesis is that a pulse of ammonia released by disturbed or stressed prey functions as the disturbance cue. Here, we test this hypothesis in two phylogenetically distant freshwater prey fishes, convict cichlids and rainbow trout. In our first experiment, we measured NH4 + concentration in tanks containing shoals of cichlid or trout before and after exposure to a realistic model predator (or left undisturbed). We failed to find an increase in ambient NH4 + concentration for either cichlids or trout. In our second experiment, we exposed cichlids or trout to NH4 + at 0.1 or 0.5 mg L−1 (or a distilled water control) and measured the change in antipredator behaviour (time moving, foraging rate and area use). We found no consistent increase in antipredator behaviour in response to NH4 +. In our third study, we exposed cichlids and trout to the disturbance cues of cichlids or trout (versus the odour of undisturbed donors). We found significant increases in antipredator behaviour, regardless of donor species, for both cichlids and trout. Thus, the results of our first two experiments do not support the hypothesis that ammonium functions as a disturbance cue in prey fishes. However, the results of our final experiment do confirm the use of disturbance cues in convict cichlids and rainbow trout and support that hypothesis that the disturbance cue is indeed some generalized metabolic byproduct.  相似文献   

The impact of bisphenol A (BPA) on Gammarus fossarum and Lumbriculus variegatus was studied in four artificial indoor streams (0, 5, 50 and 500?µg?L?1 BPA, nominal) over 103 days in a pulse–dose exposure scenario (weekly BPA application). For G. fossarum populations at day 103, the proportions of juveniles and of breeding females from the highest BPA treatment were in tendency reduced. For individually exposed gammarid pairs an EC10 of 17?µg?L?1 BPA (nominal) for the proportion of reproductive females in the fourth brood was determined. During the first three broods, the largest brood size occurred at the highest BPA concentration, whereas in the fourth brood it decreased concentration-dependently (fourth brood EC10?=?5?µg?L?1 BPA, nominal). Effects on L. variegatus were a reduced population growth (103?d-EC10 of 2?µg?L?1 BPA, nominal) and an increase in dry weight and the number of segments in large, complete worms.  相似文献   

Summary.  Chemical structures of 27 ellagitannins were systemically compared in respect of their in vitro oxidative activity at high pH found e.g. in lepidopteran insects. The analysis revealed over six-fold differences in the oxidative activities of individual ellagitannins which could be explained by the chemical divergences of the ellagitannins. These findings allowed the formulation of a simple equation that can be used to estimate the oxidative activities of other ellagitannins with known structures. The results suggest that, in future studies of plant-herbivore interactions, ellagitannins should be (1) taken into account as possible oxidative stress -based defences of plants against herbivores, (2) chemically characterized from the study plants, and (3) quantified individually, not as chemically ill-defined group. These actions together with the utilization of the created equation would allow the clarification of the role of ellagitannins in plant-herbivore interactions as natural pro-oxidants.  相似文献   

Given the wide industrial use of chromium (Cr) and its environmental contamination, chromium represents a risk to humans exposed to the metal. Considering that Cr(VI) is a potent oxidizing agent that increases intracellular oxidation and DNA damage, it would be worth considering the pretreatment of cells with antioxidants as a means of preventing Cr(VI)-induced toxicity. The objective of this study was to pretreat yeast cells with the water-soluble vitamin E analogue Trolox in an effort to increase cell tolerance against reactive chromium and reactive oxygen species formed during Cr(VI) reduction. Results revealed a decrease in Cr(VI)-induced cytotoxicity and mitotic gene conversions in Trolox-pretreated cells. The protective effect of Trolox in Cr(VI) induced genotoxicity was confirmed also with the prokaryotic Salmonella typhimurium SOS/umu test. Pretreatment of cells with Trolox (1) increased total Cr bioaccumulation, (2) decreased Cr(VI)-induced intracellular oxidation, (3) decreased Cr(V) persistence and (4) increased OH? formation in yeast extracts. These findings might be useful in directing future investigations concerning the use of Trolox as a human antioxidant supplement, and in clinical applications related to Cr-induced genotoxicity in occupational and environmental situations where chromium is a problem.  相似文献   

Summary.  We conducted a series of experiments with the white-spotted longicorn beetle Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson), and its host plant, Citrus unshiu, to examine the origin of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (SHCs; including β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, α-farnesene, and several unidentified compounds) that are contained in the elytra of the beetles and act as an attractant. In the laboratory, mechanically wounded citrus branches, as well as those fed upon by A. malasiaca, attracted males more frequently than intact branches. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) and subsequent analyses by gas chromatography (GC) analyses detected measurable SHCs from the air around both mechanically wounded and beetle-infested branches, as well as trace amounts from intact branches. The SHCs were also detected for a certain time from beetles that had fed on the citrus branches, but the amounts decreased rapidly after they were removed from the host. This decrease generally corresponded with a reduction of attractiveness of the beetles in a behavioural assay. Isolated females acquired the SHCs after exposure to, but not upon contact with, other females that had fed on C. unshiu branches. We hypothesize that the citrus SHCs are adsorbed in, retained on, and released from the wax layer of the beetle elytra. Since these compounds are released from branches when beetles feed, they may indirectly signal the presence of beetles to others in the field. The high response rate to SHCs by males is likely representing mate searching behavior. The SHCs act as kairomones with a releaser effect in the communication system of A. malasiaca. Hiroe Yasui, Toshiharu Akino, Midori Fukaya: These authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

Summary.   Rhabdophis tigrinus obtains defensive steroids (bufadienolides) from its diet and sequesters those compounds in specialized structures on its neck known as nuchal glands. Hatchling snakes lacking these steroids must acquire them from toads consumed as prey. Here we show that females provision bufadienolides to their offspring in amounts correlated to the quantity in their own nuchal glands; thus, chemically protected mothers produce defended offspring. Bufadienolides can be provisioned to embryos via deposition in yolk and by transfer across the egg membranes within the oviducts. Maternally provisioned bufadienolides persist in the nuchal glands of juvenile snakes from the time of hatching in late summer until the following spring, when toads of ingestible size become abundant. Therefore, maternal provisioning may provide chemical protection from predators for young R. tigrinus in the absence of dietary sources of bufadienolides.  相似文献   

Because many secondary metabolites in plants act as defense against herbivores it has been postulated that these compounds have evolved under selective pressure by insect herbivores. One explanation for the within-species variation in metabolite patterns in a particular species is that different populations are under selection by different herbivores. We tested this hypothesis, using Arabidopsis thaliana plants that originated from dune and inland areas. We analyzed Arabidopsis thaliana leaves using NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. Major differences in chemical composition were found in water-methanol fractions and were due to higher concentrations of sinigrin and fumaric acid in dune plants. Inland plants showed lower levels of glucose. Quantitative analysis of glucosinolates was performed with HPLC. Individual plants and populations demonstrated differences in glucosinolate composition and concentration. In growth chamber experiments, the generalist herbivore, Spodoptera exigua grew significantly better on the inland plants, while the specialist herbivore Plutella xylostella performed equally well on plants of both origins. Aliphatic glucosinolate as well as total glucosinolate concentrations negatively correlated with larval mass of Spodoptera exigua. No significant correlations, however, were found between larval mass of Plutella xylostella and glucosinolates in the leaves. A specialist and a generalist herbivore were responding differently to plant secondary chemistry, as was also found in several other studies. This is an important indication that differences in glucosinolate concentrations among populations may result from differential selection by different guilds of herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary.  Beetles of the family Lycidae have long been known to be chemically protected. We present evidence that North American species of the lycid genera Calopteron and Lycus are rejected by thrushes, wolf spiders, and orb-weaving spiders, and that they contain a systemic compound that could account, at least in part, for this unacceptability. This compound, a novel acetylenic acid that we named lycidic acid, proved actively deterrent in feeding tests with wolf spiders and coccinellid beetles. Species of Lycuscommonly figure as models of mimetic associations. Among their mimics are species of the cerambycid beetle genus Elytroleptus, remarkable because they prey upon the model lycids. We postulated that by doing so Elytroleptus might incorporate the lycidic acid from their prey for their own defense. However, judging from analytical data, the beetles practice no such sequestration, explaining why they remain relatively palatable (in tests with wolf spiders) even after having fed on lycids. Chemical analyses also showed the lycids to contain pyrazines, such as were already known from other Lycidae, potent odorants that could serve in an aposematic capacity to forestall predatory attacks. David Utterback: Deceased  相似文献   

The sublethal effect of silver and chromium on some biochemical constituents was studied in the green mussel Perna viridis. The results revealed an overall reduction in total protein, total DNA, total RNA, glycogen, protein bound sugars and total lipid in the gill, hepatopancreas, and ovary of the mussels exposed to metals individually and in combination when compared with control. It was apparent that mussels exposed to mixtures of metals exhibited highly significant (P?P?P?相似文献   

Plants and sediments were collected at three sites along Calabar River (CR), Upper Town Creek (UCC) and Lower Town Creek (LCC). The CR is a major tributary of Cross River, Nigeria. The concentrations of 10 heavy metals were determined and results for Fe, Mn and Zn at almost all the sites showed that the levels of these metals exceeded the amounts present in non-polluted areas. Fe was found in the highest concentration at all three sites in both plants and sediments. Correlation analysis between levels of heavy metals in plants and sediments were also determined. The occurrence of higher concentrations of heavy metals in plants and coastal sediments at CR, UCC and LCC is an indication of anthropogenically induced pollution rather than contributions from natural sources.  相似文献   

Till Tolasch 《Chemoecology》2008,18(3):177-180
Summary.   Ectinus aterrimus (L.) is a fairly common European click beetle species which develops mainly in forests. In pheromone gland extracts of female E. aterrimus, examined using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS), one single compound was present. This was identified as 7-methyloctyl 9-methyldecanoate by comparison with a synthetic sample. Field trapping trials revealed a highly significant attraction of male E. aterrimus towards this ester. The structure of the compound differs remarkably from the pheromones of the closely related Agriotes spp., which exclusively use terpene esters.  相似文献   

Fish of species Parachanna obscura are exposed to four concentrations of cadmium (Cd) (0.02, 0.06, 0.18, or 0.54?mg?L?1). Acute toxicity test results after 96?h showed marked hematological, histological, and behavioral changes. Quantitative blood analysis revealed that white blood cell (WBC), packed cell volume (PCV), and platelets counts were linearly correlated with increasing Cd concentrations; however, blood haemoglobin (Hb) showed an inverse relationship, with higher Hb levels at lower Cd concentrations. Histological changes of the liver showed hepatic separation, bloody appearance, and deposition of a brownish-yellow substance, which increased with rising concentrations of metal. Behavioral changes observed included reduced activity, avoidance response, and deposition of a slimy-whitish film on the body of the fish, which increased with concentration and exposure time.  相似文献   

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