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综合权重的集对分析模型在污水处理厂改造决策中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭良  李凡修  郭曦 《环境工程学报》2017,11(5):3327-3333
针对污水处理厂升级改造的多目标决策问题,运用集对分析理论,构建了污水处理厂运行效果综合评价模型。通过引入熵权法和层次分析法确定指标权重,构造了一种新的计算指标综合权重的方法。应用该模型对上海市11座污水处理厂进行综合评价,与模糊综合法的评价结果做了比较。结果表明:基于综合权重的集对分析模型具有更高的准确性和合理性,为污水处理厂的升级改造决策提供了一种较为可靠的评价方法。  相似文献   

Tebuconazole is a chiral triazole fungicide used as raceme in a variety of agricultural applications. Earlier studies showed that tebuconazole is toxic to many non-target aquatic organisms but relative data for tebuconazole enantiomers are lacking. Thus, goal of this study was to evaluate and compare the toxicity of rac- and S-tebuconazole with Daphnia magna at both acute and chronic levels according to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guidelines 202 and 211 respectively, to provide some guidelines for optimizing chiral pesticides application and management. The exposure concentrations were 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 mg L?1 for both rac- and S-tebuconazole and their 48-h EC50 values to D. magna were 3.53 (3.32–3.78) and 2.74 (2.33–3.10) mg L?1 respectively, indicating that these both are medium toxic to D. magna with no significant toxicity difference at acute level. In chronic test, <24-h old D. magna were exposed to 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.40 mg L?1 of rac- and S-tebuconazole with one blank and one solvent control for 21 days according to OECD guideline 211. Four developmental (molting rate, days to the 1st and 3rd brood, and body length) and five reproductive (size of the 1st and 3rd brood, number of broods, and number of neonates) parameters for each D. magna were determined. Results showed that both rac- and S-tebuconazole significantly reduced the reproduction and impacted the development of D. magna at concentrations of 0.05 mg L?1 or higher. Furthermore, S-tebuconazole was more toxic than raceme, and the difference between effects on the same parameters induced by rac- and S-tebuconazole was statistically significant. These results demonstrated that the chronic toxicity of S-tebuconazole might be underestimated in general use, and further studies should focus more on the biological behaviors of enantiomers and not just the raceme of tebuconazole and other chiral pesticides in the environment.  相似文献   

The acute and chronic toxicity of monocrotophos (MCP), the binary joint toxicity of MCP and bifenthrin (BF), and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) to Daphnia magna (D. magna) was evaluated. The 24 h-median effective concentration (24 h-EC50) and 48 h-median lethal concentration (48 h-LC50) of MCP towards D. magna were 161 and 388 μ g/L, respectively. In addition, the lowest-observed effective concentration (LOEC) and non-observed effective concentration (NOEC) of MCP to D. magna were 10 and 5 μ g/L, respectively. Furthermore, the chronic value (ChV) of MCP against D. magna was 7 μ g/L and the acute chronic ratio (ACR) was 55. The number of offspring per female and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were identified as the parameters that were most sensitive to MCP. In addition, toxic unit (TU) analysis was employed to evaluate the joint toxicities. The calculated TUmix values of binary equitoxic mixtures of MCP + BF and MCP + SDBS were 1.47 and 1.63, respectively, which suggests that both equitoxic mixtures exert a limited antagonistic effect. The results of this study revealed that the toxic threshold of MCP towards D. magna is higher than its reported highest residue (4 μ g/L) in the ordinary aquatic environment, and that concurrent exposure to BF or SDBS may exert a slight antagonistic effect.  相似文献   

为了缩短大型蚤急性毒性实验的周期,并且验证毒性实验的灵敏度和稳定性,对投加酵母提取物饲养的大型蚤的生长周期、2次产卵时间间隔、产卵数量、以及幼蚤灵敏度和稳定性进行研究,并将其应用于已知毒性物质和环境样品的毒性检测.结果表明,酵母提取物的适宜投加量为18.00~22.00 mg/L.在该浓度下饲养的大型蚤可保持较好的怀卵量,生长至成熟期和2次怀卵的时间间隔较短,幼蚤的灵敏度较好,毒性测试结果稳定.采用此方法测定的4种重金属和4种有机物的大型蚤急性毒性的24 h-EC50和48 h-LC50与已发表的实验结果比较相近,证明该方法准确、可靠.将该方法应用于城市生活污水急性毒性的测定发现,投加酵母提取物饲养的大型蚤所产幼蚤可以明显区分生活污水原水和处理后最终出水.因此,采用投加适量酵母提取物饲养大型蚤的方法可以缩短实验周期,为测定环境样品生物毒性提供方便.  相似文献   

市政污泥与不同烟煤混合燃烧特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用非等温热重法,研究了淮北烟煤和神华烟煤在6种不同市政污泥掺混比条件下对混合燃烧特性的影响,并对混合燃烧过程的动力学特性进行了分析。实验结果表明:污泥与煤的混合燃烧特性从总体上表现为污泥与煤共同作用的结果,最优的污泥掺混比受到煤种的影响。在不同煤中污泥掺烧比少于20%对煤的活性影响较小。活化性能较差的淮北烟煤在污泥掺混比为30%时,在不同的温度区间分别表现出污泥与煤的反应特征。活化性能较好的神华烟煤在污泥掺混比为40%时表现这一趋势。  相似文献   

城市污泥微波干化工艺及干化特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微波和烘箱结合及全程烘箱2种方式对城市污泥干化进行对比研究,考察了不同粒径、微波干化预处理、预处理时间及烘箱温度对污泥干燥特性的影响。结果表明,同一温度条件下,微波预处理时间越长,污泥干化速率越快。最优条件下,全程烘箱污泥达到最大干化速率的含水率为77%。微波干燥污泥具有时间短、干燥速率大的特点,微波和烘箱结合对比全程烘箱干化速率高且能耗低。  相似文献   

不同升温速率下城市污水污泥热解特性及动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用差热-热重分析法和Coats-Redfern积分法,对杭州某污水处理厂污泥在不同升温速率下的热解特性及反应动力学特征进行研究。实验结果表明,热解温度从室温升至900℃时,污泥热解过程可分为4个失重阶段;升温速率对污泥热解转化率、挥发分析出温度以及最大失重率等热解特性参数都有显著影响。升温速率越高污泥最大失重率越大;而较低的升温速率延迟了污泥热解反应时间,导致污泥失重量相对较大。根据Coats-Redfern积分法计算结果,污泥在氮气氛围下的热解反应为二级反应模式。提高升温速率可显著增加污泥热解的表观活化能和频率因子。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用餐厨废油为热交换介质,在常压下对城市污水厂污泥进行油炸干化制成固体燃料,以实现城镇两大废弃物一污泥和餐厨废油综合处置的方法。以大豆油模拟餐厨废油,研究了污泥油炸干燥特性及过程影响参数。实验结果表明,污泥经油炸干化后,干基含水率从初始的4.56kg/kg降低至0.05kg/kg,干基含油率升为0.37~0.47kg/kg,干污泥热值达到21.551~24.082MJ/kg,是一种高热值固体燃料。油温对污泥油炸干化过程影响显著,当油温从120℃升至180℃时,污泥干燥时间从28min缩短至4min。实验条件下,1t餐厨废油可处理约8.3t湿污泥。  相似文献   

Cartap and cypermethrin, which are among the most widely used pesticides in many countries, are considered safe because of their low mammalian toxicity and their low persistence in the environment. However, recent findings of endocrine-disrupting effects and developmental neurotoxicity have raised concerns about the potential ecological impacts of these pesticides. We evaluated the aquatic toxicity of cartap [S,S′-(2-dimethylaminotrimethylene) bis(thiocarbamate), unspecified hydrochloride] and cypermethrin [(RS)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1RS,3RS,1RS,3SR)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylate], both individually and combined, on different life stages of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna and a freshwater teleost, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). The 96-hr Daphnia median effective concentrations (EC50s) for cartap and cypermethrin were 91.0 μ g/L and 0.00061 μ g/L, respectively. Rapid recovery of Daphnia was observed after short-term pulsed exposure to cartap and cypermethrin; there were no adverse effects on reproduction or survival 20 d after a 24 hr exposure to cartap up to 1240 μ g/L and cypermethrin up to 1.9 μ g/L. Chronic continuous exposure (for 21 d) of 7-d-old Daphnia to cypermethrin significantly reduced the intrinsic population growth rate in a concentration-dependent manner. However, because the intrinsic population growth rates were all above zero, populations did not decrease even at the highest experimental concentration of 200 ng/L. Exposure of Daphnia neonates (< 24 hr old) to cypermethrin for 21 d caused significant, sub-lethal reproduction-related problems, such as increased time to first brood, reduced brood size, and reduced total brood number, at 0.0002, 0.002, and 0.2 ng/L cypermethrin, but the intrinsic population growth rate was not significantly affected. Oryzias latipes was relatively more resistant to both pesticides. In particular, embryos appeared to be more resistant than juveniles or adults, which may be partly due to the protective role of the chorion. The incidence of larval fish deformity was significantly higher after a 96 hr exposure to as low as 250 μ g/L of cartap or 40 μ g/L of cypermethrin. The mixture of both compounds showed no synergistic toxicity. The extremely high acute-to-chronic ratio suggests that the standard acute lethal toxicity assessment might not reflect the true environmental hazards of these frequently used pesticides. Ecological hazard assessments of long-term low dose or pulsed exposures to cartap and cypermethrin may reveal more realistic consequences of these compounds in surface water.  相似文献   

城市污泥的特性及管道输送技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市脱水污泥常见的处置方式是焚烧、燃烧发电、堆肥后土地化利用和填埋等.无论采用哪种无害化、资源化处置方法,输送环节都是必不可少的.城市污泥管道输送技术是以管道输送设备为核心,融合城市污泥的预处理和处置工艺的集成化系统.通过对城市污泥的流变特性和输送特性实验测试,其流变方程符合幂定律关系式;通过环管实验拟合出了污泥在管道中的阻力损失与输送距离和输送流量之间的关系,经验证,其理论计算和实际测定基本相符,证明管道输送方式能够成功地应用于城市污泥的远距离输送,为城市污泥管道输送系统的优化设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

对市政污泥与生活垃圾混烧进行了验证研究。结果表明,与生活垃圾单独焚烧相比,污泥与生活垃圾混烧后烟气中NOx、CO和HCl的浓度没有出现明显变化,而SO2浓度出现了下降(从82~93 mg/m3下降至41~70 mg/m3);Hg、Pb、Sn、Cr和Zn的浓度均表现为不同程度的上升,但仍然符合GB18485;二恶英从0.0087 ng TEQ/m3降至0.0047 ng TEQ/m3。掺烧半干污泥比例为10%、12%和15%时,吨物质的发电量分别为311.8 kWh/t、306.7 kWh/t和296.1 kWh/t。混烧污泥在一定程度上降低了系统的发电量,因此建议混烧污泥的比例不应大于15%。测算的污泥混烧成本约209元/t(80%含水率)。  相似文献   

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