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At a time when future sources of energy are under close scrutiny, both in terms of availability and suitability, geothermal energy ranks among the candidates for inclusion in any appraisal of alternative forms of supply. The use of geothermal energy for the production of electricity and for supplying domestic and industrial heat is a comparatively recent phenomenon, and its application remains closely constrained by favourable geological conditions. Yet exploration in several countries shows that geothermal energy may emerge as an important adjunct to total energy supply in many localities. McNitt outlines some of the economic and technological parameters of this energy source. Small scale geothermal power stations are more economic and less capital intensive than conventional plants, which make them of particular interest for developing countries with small electricity systems and competing demands on limited capital resources. The principal capital expenditures in the development of geothermal sources include exploration, steam production, installation of generating plant and the cost of effluent disposal. The wider use of low grade geothermal heat is also examined, in addition to the environmental problems occurring to the development of geothermal energy. The scope for technical co-operation in the development of geothermal energy is substantial, and it is likely that this source of energy will undergo more intensive development on the local scale in the future.  相似文献   

文章分析了油气能源现状、油气开发与环境的关系、油气开发与环境安全的关系,油气开发中的环境保护对策与环境监理。得出:油气开发既要做到和谐生产,又要保护环境;在油气开发中,对环境有影响的应加大修复力度,采取相应的环境保护措施,确保有效、长效的环境保护目标。  相似文献   

硫化氢是油气田伴生气中的有害组分。在含硫油气田的采出水中,硫化氢的存在对于安全生产和和油田环境均会产生危害。采出水经处理后通常需作为地层回注水使用,由于油气生产的特殊性,常用的硫化氢脱除方法在使用中受到限制,探索适合于油气田生产的水处理方法十分必要。本文探讨了通常可用于油田水中硫化氢脱除的各种方法,对比了各类方法的优缺点,提出以次氯酸钠为主要脱硫剂的水处理方法,通过对模拟采出水的室内试验,证明次氯酸法可以快速有效地去除采出水中的硫化氢,并提出了消除过量氧化剂的后续处理方法。实验表明经处理后的水质可以达到油气田回注水质要求,处理成本较低。  相似文献   

通过对目前已出台油气田含油污泥处理相关标准的解析,针对标准之间存在着适用范围不一致、检测项目名称及限值不一致、检测方法不统一以及计算基础不统一等,造成油气田环保工作者和管理者认识上的混乱,对含油污泥处理技术的选用和治理市场的管理带来诸多问题。为加快促进油气田含油污泥处理减量化、资源化、无害化技术的发展,建议尽快出台有针对性、普适性强、统一的油气田含油污泥污染控制标准,确保含油污泥处理既科学合理,又经济可行;同时制定针对性强的含油污泥污染物检测方法,检测方法统一、计算公式一致,保证结果真实可靠,具有可比性。  相似文献   

We propose a new method of cost-benefit analysis to investigate whether the new air pollution control equipment-electrocyclone vis-a-vis cyclone has the potential for practical use. When the flow rate of waste gas is 1000 m3/min, the cost of cyclone is then compared with that of electrocyclone provided that the benefit side is being fixed. The results show that the capital cost of electrocyclone is higher than that of cyclone, but the operating cost of electrocyclone is much lower than that of cyclone. Straight-line depreciation method is used to calculate the depreciation of capital cost per year. The total cost of electrocyclone is NT$ 160 290 per year which is cheaper than that of cyclone NT$ 225 356.  相似文献   

The Arctic is subject to considerable pressure from a rapidly expanding world tourism industry and increasing demands for oil and gas resources. The archipelago of Svalbard in the Norwegian high arctic contains the most accessible islands in the entire Arctic, but despite extensive use of the resources, they still contain some of the last true wilderness lands in Europe. The growth in tourism with visitors from all parts of the world combined with coal mining and oil and gas exploration call for a coordinated environmental policy. A research-based management plan for tourism and recreation has now been developed. Some management problems were encountered in designing a recreation opportunity spectrum plan for this extremely vulnerable environment. Although Svalbard in many ways is a unique area, the challenges to management are comparable to those found in regions further south.  相似文献   

介绍了长庆油田生态油气田的建设目标,阐述了具体做法:健全生态环境保护责任体系,依法合规抓项目建设,分步分类解决油田突出环境问题,打造生态文明示范样板,强化环境风险防控,建立生态环境考核体系。得出:坚持正确的保护理念是建设生态油气田的前提,打造生态油气田示范工程,持续推进生态建设、丰富生态保护内涵是促进生态油气田建设向纵深发展的重要因素。坚持开发与保护并重的思想、不触碰生态红线、积极履行生态油气田建设与保护的职责,是企业促进绿色、文明发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

在油气田开发过程中,尤其是干旱缺水地区,处理好生产用水与产出废水之间的关系是油气田企业可持续发展的重要问题。油气田开发水资源高效利用的最终目的是减少淡水的消耗量,主要体现在新鲜水的合理使用及产出废水的回收再利用两个方面。提出应以产出废水为生产水源,研发适合其水质特征的工作液体系,实现产出废水"免处理"再利用;建立油气田开发水管理体系,根据水的不同用途,科学调配新鲜水和产出废水,实现水资源的高效利用。  相似文献   

文章阐述了陆梁油田在开发过程中采用油气混输技术、天然气发电机橇技术、锅炉烧湿气等技术,将伴生气回收率提高至92.10%;油气混输技术能够实现边缘区块油气全密闭输送;集中处理站锅炉燃烧湿气技术可增加处理站天然气外输气量,降低运行成本;小型活动天然气发电机橇的应用,可以充分利用富裕天然气降低生产成本,同时减少富裕天然气火炬放空燃烧量,收到了良好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

针对目前国家对绿色矿山建设的要求和环境保护面临的新形势,结合国内油气勘探与生产业务绿色发展的相关要求,阐述了油气田绿色矿山建设的发展历程、重点内容、建设标准;总结了绿色矿山建设形成的具体成果和经验,这些经验主要包括注重依法合规、提升绿色理念、科技创新、责任落实、多部门协作等,为下一步建设指导方向,进而提升国内油气勘探与生产业务整体绿色发展水平。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, successive Governments in Peru have sought to expand the exploration and production of the country's oil and gas resources. This economic agenda poses significant opportunities and risks which are usually considered at the macro‐level and framed by debates regarding the so‐called “natural resource curse”. While risks such as “Dutch disease” are important to consider, a worrying set of short‐term issues surrounds the impacts of rapid changes brought on by oil and gas industrial development at the micro‐level, namely, those that affect local communities and the environment. In the case of Peru, this is especially relevant to the vast areas of ecologically sensitive and previously under‐developed Amazonia that are now under concession to oil and gas companies. Low levels of industry transparency combined with a lack of uniform free, prior and informed consent are exacerbating community‐level grievances, and the conflicts to which they can lead. As the oil and gas industry expands in the Peruvian Amazon, the risk of conflict is likely to prove far harder to minimize or ameliorate than are the challenges of managing industry revenues and the risk of currency appreciation most often associated with the natural resource curse.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the roles of governments of developing countries in the oil exploration area; roles ranging from passive tax collectors to production sharers to full State ownership and control. The historical failure of governments to take full control of this key area is seen as partially due to myths: that only the big international oil companies have the necessary technology and capital and can afford the risk of oil exploration and development. Three case studies showing the large benefits to a developing country from full State control are examined: Mexico, India and Vietnam. It is concluded that only full State control can ensure that the riches of oil can be harnessed for a developing country, and governments are urged to develop greater knowledge both about the international oil industry and their country's potential resources.  相似文献   

页岩气开发面临的环保挑战及建议   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
我国的页岩气勘探开发处于起步阶段,还未建立完善的环保政策,大规模开发将面临诸多环保挑战。我国页岩气主要分布在四川、重庆等南方地区,结合该区域地少人多、地质灾害多发等特点,文章从页岩气压裂作业所需水资源、大量压裂返排液和地层水无害化处理、勘探开发过程中噪声污染以及开发用地与耕地之间的矛盾等方面探讨了页岩气开发面临的主要环境风险,并提出了页岩气开发的环保对策建议。  相似文献   

油气田开发对湿地的影响及保护措施   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
湿地环境和生态系统的保护及合理利用,在当今国际已普遍受到重视。我国石油勘探开发活动对湿地的影响,大体可分为直接和间接两类。直接影响主要由污染物排放;机械和人类活动对野生动植物的影响;油田设施占用地面;围湖或围海等构成。间接影响主要指影响湿地的水文条件及油气田开发带动其它资源的开发和当地经济的发展。为了减少油气田开发对湿地不利的影响,编制了《中国石油天然气总公司湿地保护行动计划》,建立了湿地保护的专门管理机构,并进而采取了一系列保护措施。  相似文献   

Until now, existing remuneration of environmental services has not sufficiently supported the goals of spending money more effectively on the environment and of motivating farmers. Only a small share of the budgets for agriculture in the EU, as well as in US and other countries, is available for buying environmental goods and services beyond the level of good farming practice (GFP). This combined with the insufficient targeting of compensation payments to areas where special measures are needed leads to an unsatisfactorily low impact of agri-environment measures compared to other driving forces that stimulate the intensification of farming. The goal of this paper is to propose a management concept that enhances the ecological and cost efficiency of agri-environment measures. Components of the concept are a comprehensive environmental information base with prioritised goals and targets (available in Germany from landscape planning) and new remuneration models, which complement conventional compensation payments that are based upon predetermined measures and cost. Comprehensive landscape planning locates and prioritises areas which require environmental action. It contains the information that authorities need to prioritise funding for environmental services and direct measures to sites which need environmental services beyond the level of GFP.Also appropriate remuneration models, which can enhance the cost efficiency of public spending and the motivation of the farmers, can be applied on the base of landscape planning.Testing of the planning methodology and of one of the remuneration models (success-oriented remuneration) in a case study area (“Fuhrberger Feld” north of Hanover, Germany) demonstrated the usability of the concept and led to proposals for future development of the methodology and its application in combination with other approaches.  相似文献   

油气田含盐水淡化和污水除盐现状及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据资料调研和现场调查,从5个方面介绍了油气田含盐水的状况,包括油气田含盐水类型、特征、淡化及处理技术,国内外含盐水淡化技术研究现状及最新发展,我国油气田含盐水淡化研究的着眼点和宜采用的技术。强调在油气田范围内,开展含盐水淡化处理技术研究,从根本上解决水资源短缺和排水造成的损失已成为油气田开发建设中不可忽视的问题。  相似文献   

为分析南海北部海域油气勘探保障建设选址的适宜性,在广泛研究备选区特征资料的基础上,基于层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)原理,以自然环境因素、开发环境因素、基础设施与投资情况以及其他因素作为一级评判准则,建立了包括12项二级评判准则的递进层次结构模型,并以永兴岛、赵述岛和晋卿岛作为3个假定备选区,来验证分析评价模型的有效性和可靠性。AHP评判结果显示,3个备选区的整体优劣指数依次为0.587 1, 0.212 1, 0.200 8;AHP模型的一致性比例CR值为0.020 3。通过分析和筛选影响远海油气勘探保障建设的选址因子,构建基于AHP原理的选址评价模型,可用于分析评价南海北部岛礁油气勘探保障建设选址的适宜性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As availability of funds in the federal budget for water development has decreased recently, pressure has increased for state and local governments to pay a larger share of the costs. In this situation a difficult question immediately arises-what is the capability of state and local governments to pay a larger share? Of course, there is no easy answer. Expenditures of public funds are policy outcomes of a government's political process in which political, economic, legal and other factors are involved in complex relationships. The traditional sources of capital funds for state and local governments include bond proceeds, tax revenues, and federal financial aid (state aid is also a major source of local government funds). The issuing of bonds is hampered by a variety of legal debt limitations, but there are means for circumventing the limitations. State and local governments vary widely in amounts of taxable resources available and in the extent to which these resources have been tapped. More effective use of revenue resources could be made in some cases. New sources of capital funds for water development ought to be considered-a fee on the use of water per se, for example. Costs associated with water use currently are imposed to cover development costs, but a state might impose additional use fees earmarked for a state water development fund.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制在石油行业的潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
系统分析了石油行业清洁发展机制项目的潜力,并提出了建议。在统计与石油行业相关的清洁发展机制方法学及其注册项目和温室气体减排量的基础上,给出了各方法学与石油行业的相关性。从勘探与生产、天然气与管道、炼油与化工三大领域,分析了石油行业潜在的清洁发展机制项目领域。最后,提出了对石油行业开展清洁发展机制相关工作的建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of a methodology to screen and rank Dutch reservoirs suitable for long-term large scale CO2 storage. The screening focuses on off- and on-shore individual aquifers, gas and oil fields. In total 176 storage reservoirs have been taken into consideration: 138 gas fields, 4 oil fields and 34 aquifers, with a total theoretical storage potential of about 3200 Mt CO2. The reservoirs are screened according to three criteria: potential storage capacity, storage costs and effort needed to manage risk. Due to the large number of reservoirs, which limits the possibility to use any pair-wise comparison method (e.g. Multi-Criteria programs such as Bosda or Naiade), a spreadsheet tool was designed to provide an assessment of each of the criteria through an evaluation of the fields present in the database and a set of scores provided by a (inter)national panel of experts. The assessment is sufficiently simple and allows others to review it, re-do it or expand it. The results of the methodology show that plausible comparisons of prospective sites with limited characterization data are possible.  相似文献   

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