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上海市在用车监测与维修制度探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘昶  屠莹 《上海环境科学》2003,22(6):373-378
根据上海市机动车辆的管理现状,提出上海市在用车I/M制度体系网络、监测方法、数据收集网络与“通过/不通过”排放限值方面的基本设想,为建立一个真正有效的在用车监测与维修制度提供依据。  相似文献   

在用车推行I/M制度的检测方法的成本效益分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从检测性能和成本效益两方面对几种检测方法进行分析比较,并结合国内外I/M制度的实施情况和上海市的特点,建议上海市实施I/M制度时,初期对轻型汽油车采用VMAS,后期采用IM240进行检测;对轻型柴油车可采用瞬态简易工况法和Lugdown系统。  相似文献   

通过对昆明市机动车尾气治理诸多问题的思考,提出应建立I/M制度和排污收费制度来完善机动车污染控制管理体系,并进一步提出建立I/M制度和排污收费制度的具体想法。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车保有量的快速增长,机动车排放对城市大气的污染日益严重,通过分析国内外实施I/M制度现状,指出我国加强推行实施I/M制度有利于防治在用车排放污染.  相似文献   

分析了机动车排气检测与维修的现状及存在问题 ,并提出建设有中国特色的I/M管理制度。  相似文献   

2011年6月1日广州市正式实施在用车排气污染定期检查与强制维护制度(简称I/M制度)。本文通过对广州市机动车污染现状的分析,以及简易工况法3个月的运行情况,说明I/M制度的实施有效控制机动车尾气污染,其检测方法的优点主要表现在三方面:1、增加了检测项目,从源头控制机动车尾气中影响环境空气质量的污染物排放;2、检测方法通过模拟汽车在道路上实际行驶的状况进行排气检测,具有先进性;3、对排气超标车辆实施在用车强制维护制度。  相似文献   

北京市轻型汽车尾气排放检测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对北京市566辆在用轻型车排放尾气进行了BASM检测,对不同厂牌的化油器车、化油器改造车和电喷车排放的HC、CO和NO平均浓度进行了比较,结果表明,化油器改造车3种污染物平均浓度比化油器车低50%左右,电喷车3种污染物平均浓度可比化油器车低80%左右。同时对几种车型的劣化规律进行了分析,发现化油器车的劣化关系离散性大,而另外两种技术的车辆的劣化关系呈收敛性,说明化油器车的污染物排放和保养关系密切,电喷车劣化规律明显优于化油器车和化油器改造车。实验结果为I/M实施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

上海市在用车推行I/M制度中检测方法的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对在用车实施I/M制度,采用底盘测功机模拟道路工况检测汽车排放污染物,按美国国家环保局(EPA)推荐的方法有3种:瞬态短工总法(IM240)、稳态加速模拟工况法(ASM)和瞬态短工部简易质量分析检测法(VMAS)。根据上海市的试验结果,对上述3种方法的检测精度、设备投资以及运行维护诸方面进行分析比较,阐明上海市采用VMAS方法的依据和应注意的问题,并对应采用的模拟道路工况提出了看法。  相似文献   

日前,上海市环保局召开了中美机动车污染控制研讨会。研讨会邀请了美国国家环保局资深专家和高级官员,为来自上海市高校、环科院、监测中心、交通办等单位的专家作了有关美国机动车I/M计划的学术报告。会后大家就上  相似文献   

机动车尾气遥测技术代表了车辆尾气快速检测的发展方向,具有快速高效、费用低和代表性好等诸多优点。本文详细介绍了尾气遥测技术的原理和发展历程,综述了该技术在机动车排放规律分析、区域机动车污染评估、I/M制度实施效果评价以及路上实时检测等领域的应用现状,并比较了该技术在我国和美国的应用差距,提出了在我国充分利用该技术进行机动车污染控制的建议。  相似文献   

In an earlier analysis of the Phoenix Enhanced I/M program, we found that the effectiveness of the program decreased in the few months following final I/M testing. In this analysis we tracked individual cars over two successive I/M cycles. We find that 60% of cars that failed their initial I/M test and eventually passed a retest (presumably after repairs) passed their next biennial I/M test. However, 40% failed their next biennial test. Half of these repeat failures failed for the same combination of pollutants in each I/M cycle, suggesting that repairs were never made or were somehow deficient. More importantly, emissions of cars that passed their initial test in the first cycle increased dramatically over the two years between I/M tests; most of this increase came from older cars. This suggests that more frequent testing of older vehicles could make I/M programs more effective. The net result is that the overall emission reductions from a given fleet of cars over two biennial I/M cycles appear to have been rather small, less than 10% for each pollutant. These emission reductions are the minimum attributable to the program; reductions from what emissions would have been without the I/M program would likely have been greater. In addition, large numbers of failing cars did not appear to be completing program requirements, further limiting program effectiveness. And cars immigrating into the area from other states appeared to have slightly higher emissions than the native car fleet. I/M program managers should conduct similar analyses to determine how effective their programs are in reducing emissions, and how to address identified shortcomings.  相似文献   

机动车排放检测和维修制度实施效果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实施检测和维修制度是机动车污染控制的重要措施 ,机动车排放检测是检测和维修制度的主要内容 .本研究利用累积分布曲线 ,通过双怠速检测排放限值对各类型高排放车辆的识别率 ,从检测数据、现行标准、上线合格率 3个角度对北京市检测和维修制度的排放限值制定、组织形式和实施效果进行分析 ,提出各受检物排放限值的匹配原则 .  相似文献   

We are deeply indebted to the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk for the generous financial support to conduct a detailed research program on ancient Egyptian pigments in time and space. We are grateful to the Egyptian Antiquities Organization specifically to its former Presidents Dr. Ahmed Kadry and Dr. Abdel Halim Nour El Din for their support and for the permission to collect pigment samples from various archaeological sites. During the course of this study we enjoyed the continuous encouragement of Dr. Ahmed Kadry and Dr. Abdel Halim Nour el Din and their deep understanding for the importance of the link between scientific research and Egyptology in solving archaeological problems. We also enjoyed constructive discussions with Dr. Ali Radwan Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University. We are also grateful to the following Directors, officials, and inspectors of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization: Dr. M. Abdel Razeq, Dr. Ali Hassan, Mr. M. Balbush, Dr. M. El Sughair, Dr. M. Saleh, Mr. M. Nasr, Mr. Ismail El Masri and other colleagues at various sites in Egypt. We are also grateful to Dr. Shawki Nakhla, Director of the Conservation Center of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. This work has benefited from discussions with Dr. E. Martin-Pardey, Mrs. I. Blom, and Dr. A. Eggebrecht. Specifically Dr. E. Martin-Pardey laid the sampling plan for and participated in the field campaign in March 1988 and we enjoyed her egyptological support.  相似文献   

广州市实施I/M简易瞬态工况检测方法的环境效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用简易瞬态工况法对在用车进行检测,能够更为有效地筛选高排放车辆.2007—2009年广州市轻型汽油车的简易瞬态工况法的初检数据表明,国Ⅰ排放标准实施以前(简称"国Ⅰ前")车辆和国Ⅰ及以后排放标准车辆排放超限值比例分别为20.1%和17.6%.简易瞬态工况法复检数据得到的国Ⅰ前和国Ⅰ及以后车辆经维护后能够达标的比例分别为76.0%和64.7%,且经过有效维护后超标车辆的平均排放水平有较大比例的削减.同时,采用修正的MOBILE5模型对广州市轻型汽油车排放进行模拟.结果发现,广州市2009年轻型汽油车的CO、HC和NOx排放量分别为24.4×104、3.8×104和1.8×104 t.如果考虑I/M制度实施及实际执行率,复检不达标车辆在全部淘汰情景下,2009年广州市轻型汽油车排放的CO、HC和NOx分别能削减4.20×104、0.58×104和0.15×104 t,占全部轻型汽油车的削减比例分别为17.2%、15.3%和8.2%;而在全部置换为国Ⅳ新车情景下,3种污染物分别能削减4.12×104、0.57×104和0.14×104 t,削减比例分别为16.9%、15.0%和8.0%.国Ⅰ前及国Ⅰ车辆对CO和HC削减量的贡献达到90%左右,对NOx削减量的贡献也在85%左右.  相似文献   

包权 《环境科学与管理》2010,35(12):160-164
在进一步加强对空气质量自动监测站现场开展质控检查的同时,建立了以市、区县两级约50个空气质量自动监测站点为基础,以上海市环境监测中心为管理核心的自动监测数据审核体系,制定了相应的数据审核制度,开展了每年约300万以上自动监测数据的有效性审核。自今年以来,利用中美合作-上海市环境空气质量发布系统示范项目(AIRNOW-International)提供的DMS数据自动审核模块,实现了每日约1万个小时浓度监测数据的自动审核,从而大大提高了上海市环境空气质量自动监测系统数据的有效性和数据质量。  相似文献   

Various federal regulations require states to evaluate the effectiveness of their vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs in reducing in-use emissions. One method to evaluate program effectiveness is to compare initial and final program test results of individual vehicles. Unscheduled emissions measurements, from remote sensing measurement or roadside pullover testing, can also be used to provide an independent assessment of program effectiveness. We compared emissions reductions from the Arizona IM240 program measured by program data and a large set of remote sensing measurements. Remote sensing measurements indicate smaller emission reductions from the program than those calculated directly from program test results. We discuss some possible causes of the differences obtained from the two sets of measurements.  相似文献   

上海市以燃煤作为主要能源的工,商业大城市,大气污染以煤烟污染为主,燃煤排放的烟尘达到19.8万t/a,SO2为39.6万t/a;市区的燃煤密度相当高,在市区135个街道地区的燃煤密度>2.0万t/km^2·a,占26%。为此,本文提出在实施近,远期环境保护规划时,应进一步加强监督管理措施,制定燃煤污染防治和定量管理目标考核方法,修订烟尘污染管理方法,并建议制定《上海市大气污染防治管理条例》。  相似文献   

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