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An attempt has been made to produce stable water–diesel emulsion with optimal formulation and process parameters and to evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine using this stable water–diesel emulsion. A total of 54 samples were prepared with varying water/diesel ratio, surfactant amount and stirring speed and water separation was recorded after 24 and 48 hr of emulsification. The recorded data were used in artificial neural network (ANN)-particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique to find the optimal parameters to produce water–diesel emulsion for engine testing. The predicted optimal parameters were found as 20% water to diesel ratio, 0.9% surfactant and 2200 rpm of stirrer for a water separation of 14.33% in one day with a variation of 6.54% against the actual value of water separation. Water–diesel emulsion fuel exhibited similar fuel properties as base fuel. The peak cylinder gas pressure, peak pressure rise rate and peak heat release rate for water–diesel were found higher as compared to diesel at medium to full engine loads. The improved air-fuel mixing in water–diesel emulsion enhanced brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of engine. The absorption of heat by water droplets present in water–diesel emulsion led to reduced exhaust gas temperature (EGT). With water–diesel emulsion fuel, the mean carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbon and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions reduced by 8.80, 39.60, and 26.11%, respectively as compared to diesel.  相似文献   

In this study, several bio-source-fuels like fresh and waste vegetable oil and waste animal fat were tested at different injector pressures (120, 140, 190, 210 bar) in a direct-injection, naturally aspirated, single-cylinder diesel engine with a design injection pressure of 190 bar. Using 2k factorial analysis, the effect of injection pressure (Pi) and fuel type on three engine parameters, namely, combustion efficiency (etac), mass fuel consumption (mf), and engine speed (N) was examined. It was found that Pi and fuel type significantly affected both etac and mf while they had a slight effect on engine speed. Moreover, with diesel and biodiesels, the etac increased to a maximum at 190 bar but declined at the higher Pi value. In contrast, higher Pi had a favorable effect on etac over the whole Pi range with all the other more viscous fuels tested. In addition, the mass fuel consumption consistently decreased with an increase in Pi for all the fuels including the baseline diesel fuel, with which the engine consistently attained higher etac and higher rpm compared to all the other fuels tested.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in a single cylinder common-rail diesel engine that adopts a low temperature premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI) mode. Combustion features of dimethyl carbonate (DMC)-diesel blends under various centers of heat release (COHRs) were revealed in details. With retarding of COHR, all the peaks of pressure and pressure rise rate and bulk gas temperature are postponed and declined in sequence. Normally, the crank angle of peak pressure is quite close to the COHR, while the peak of bulk gas temperature appears about 7°CA after COHR as a rule. The prolongation can be demonstrated at every stage of combustion such as q10 and q90 with the COHR being put backward. In addition, the heat release of diesel is completely slower than that of D10 fuel at various stages. Unfortunately, retarding of COHR implies a declining thermal efficiency of engines as well as a higher cyclic variation in general. Nevertheless, D10 blend has higher thermal efficiency than diesel thanks to high oxygen content of DMC and low boiling point that prompts better fuel atomization and complete combustion. Meanwhile, the cyclical variation of D10 is greater than diesel fuel owing to the low heat value, high latent heat of vaporization, and poor flammability of DMC. As a total, a comprehensive understanding of PCCI combustion features under different COHRs can be conducive to conducting effective management of combustion process and manipulating the subsequent emission performance to a favorable level.  相似文献   

Waste cooking oil (WCO) was experimentally examined to determine whether it can be used as an alternative fuel in a 3-cylinder, 4-stroke, direct injection, 48 kW power tractor engine. The test engine was operated under full load conditions using diesel fuel and waste vegetable oil from the 2400 to 1100 rpm and performance values were recorded. Tests were performed in two stages to evaluate the effect of the waste oils on the engine life cycle. When the test engine was operated with diesel fuel and waste cooking oil; engine torque decreased between at ratio of 0.09 % and 3% according to the engine speed. While no significant difference occurs in the diesel fuel tests at the end of 100 hours of operation, an important reduction was observed in the engine torque of the WCO engine between 4.21% and 14.48% according to the engine speed, and an increase in average smoke opacity ratio was also observed. In accordance with the results obtained from the studies, it was determined that the engine performance values of waste cooking oil show similar properties with diesel fuel, but in long-term usage, performance losses increased. In the SEM analysis performed on the fuel system, there were dark deposits at the nozzle tip and stem. According to an EDX analysis at the nozzle tips, the detected elements point to engine oil ash in the combustion chamber and show coking products (C and O). The other elements (Na, S, Ca, P, Cl, and K) point to used WCO.  相似文献   

The current experimental study is aimed to analyze the influence of single-walled Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) on the emission characteristics of neem biodiesel-fueled (NBD-fueled) diesel engine and the results compared with conventional diesel. Experiments were conducted in a single-cylinder, 4-stroke, diesel engine with an eddy current dynamometer at a constant speed of 1500 rpm. Two samples of CNT are characterized and dispersed into 100% of the NBD in a mass fraction of 50 and 100 ppm using ultrasonicator, and the physicochemical properties were measured. Experimental results indicated that by adding CNT nanoparticles in NBD reduces its NOx, HC, CO, and smoke emission by 9.2%, 6.7%, 5.9%, and 7.8%, respectively, at all load conditions.  相似文献   


This article aims to study the influence of the addition of graphene oxide nanoparticles (GO) to diesel/higher alcohols blends on the combustion, emission, and exergy parameters of a CI engine under various engine loads. The higher alcohols mainly n-butanol, n-heptanol, and n-octanol are blended with diesel at a volume fraction of 50%. Then, the 25 and 50 mg/L concentrations of GO are dispersed into diesel/higher alcohols blends using an ultrasonicator. The GO structures are examined using TEM, TGA, XRD and FTIR. The findings show that there is a reduction in pmax. and HRR when adding higher alcohols with diesel fuel. Regarding engine emission, there is a significant improvement in emissions formation with adding higher alcohols. The addition of GO into diesel/higher alcohols blends improves the brake thermal efficiency by 15%. Moreover, the pmax. and HRR are both enhanced by 4%. The CO, UHC and smoke formation are reduced considerably by 40%, 50 and 20%, respectively, while NOx level is increased by 30% with adding GO. Finally, adding high percentages of n-butanol, n-heptanol, and n-octanol with diesel fuel with the presence of GO has the potential to achieve ultra-low CO, UHC, and smoke formation meanwhile keeping high thermal efficiency level.  相似文献   

In this study, the top surfaces of piston and valves of a four-strokes and direct-injection diesel engine have been coated—with no change in the compression ratio—with a 100 μm of NiCrAl lining layer via plasma spray method and this layer has later been coated with main coating material with a mixture of 88% of ZrO2, 4% of MgO and 8% of Al2O3 (400 μm). Then, after the engine-coating process, ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) as base fuels and its blend with used frying cottonseed oil derived biodiesel in proportion of 20%, volumetrically, have been tested in the coated engine and data of combustion and performance characteristics on full load and at different speeds have been noted. The results, which were compared with those obtained by uncoated-engine operation, showed that thermal efficiency increased, and engine noise reduced. Cylinder gas pressure values obtained from the diesel engine which has been coated with thermal barriers have been found to be somewhat higher than those of the uncoated-engine. Also, maximum pressure values measured in both engines and under the same experimental conditions through the use of test fuel have been obtained after TDC. Moreover, heat release rate and heat release have occurred earlier in the coated-engine. NOx emissions were increased while CO and HC emissions were remained almost the same with a little bit decrease.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the US Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 303(d) listing and delisting processes, based on historical and current federal and state guidelines, to determine whether there are regional differences in water quality assessment criteria used by various states to determine impairment of a waterbody for inclusion in the 303(d) list. A review of almost 50 total maximum daily load (TMDL) and delisting documents revealed that the basis for listing or delisting a waterbody varies considerably and that, in many cases, determination of impairment was based on insufficient water quality information. Historical USEPA guidance on the 303(d) listing and delisting processes has been generally broad, resulting in wide interpretation of the assessment criteria by various states. This has led to unclear or conflicting listing methodologies among states, leading to inconsistencies in impairment determination. Common problems include inconsistent data quality and quantity, differences in frequency of monitoring, variable interpretation of narrative water quality standards, and differences in specificity of implementation and monitoring plans, resulting in significant difference in the basis for listing and delisting waterbodies. In response, several states have taken the initiative to provide much more specific guidance for their internal agencies. Listing and delisting criteria are generally clearer at the state level, but the development of differing state guidance documents has resulted in diversity in the development of the 303(d) lists and in the process of delisting a waterbody. While state guidelines are better able to address local considerations, such as variations in climate, landuse, and water quality objectives, as well as social and economic preferences, the variation in listing criteria has led to inconsistencies across state boundaries in the levels of attainment of national water quality objectives. For stakeholders that participate in the 303(d) listing process within a particular state, these types of discrepancies may not have a significant impact. However, these inconsistencies can lead to confusion for some stakeholders who participate in the process in multiples states, and must deal with differing and sometimes conflicting requirements depending on the location of their facilities.  相似文献   

Recent strategies for simultaneously reducing NOx and soot emissions have focused on achieving nearly premixed, low-temperature combustion (LTC) in diesel engines. A promising approach in this regard is to vary fuel reactivity in order to control the ignition delay and optimize the level of premixing and reduce emissions. The present study examines such a strategy by performing 3-D simulations in a single-cylinder of a diesel engine. Simulations employ the state-of-the-art two-phase models and a validated semi-detailed reaction mechanism. The fuel reactivity is varied by using a blend of n-heptane and iso-octane, which represent surrogates for gasoline and diesel fuels, respectively. Results indicate that the fuel reactivity strongly influences ignition delay and combustion phasing, whereas the start of injection (SOI) affects combustion phasing. As fuel reactivity is reduced, the ignition delay is increased and the combustion phasing is retarded. The longer ignition delay provides additional time for mixing, and reduces equivalence ratio stratification. Consequently, the premixed combustion is enhanced relative to diffusion combustion, and thus the soot emission is reduced. NOx emission is also reduced due to reduced diffusion combustion and lower peak temperatures caused by delayed combustion phasing. An operability range is observed in terms of fuel reactivity and SOI, beyond which the mixture may not be sufficiently well mixed, or compression ignited. The study demonstrates the possibility of finding an optimum range of fuel reactivity, SOI, and EGR for significantly reducing engine out emissions for a given load and speed.  相似文献   

On June 6, 1978, President Carter presented his Federal Water Policy Initiatives to the Congress. These were based on a year-long and sometimes controversial study by the Water Resources Council, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Council on Environmental Quality. Reforms were proposed relative to cost sharing, planning procedures, project evaluation, and environmental protection. Omitted from the policy were recommendations on water pollution control, planning coordination, and water resources research.The views expressed are the author's, and not necessarily those of the Library of Congress.  相似文献   

Kitchen wastes containing high amounts of carbohydrates have potential as low-cost substrates for fermentable sugar production. In this study, enzymatic saccharification of kitchen waste was carried out. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the enzymatic saccharification conditions of kitchen waste. This paper presents analysis of RSM in a predictive model of the combined effects of independent variables (pH, temperature, glucoamylase activity, kitchen waste loading, and hydrolysis time) as the most significant parameters for fermentable sugar production and degree of saccharification. A 100 mL of kitchen waste was hydrolyzed in 250 mL of shake flasks. Quadratic RSM predicted maximum fermentable sugar production of 62.79 g/L and degree of saccharification (59.90%) at the following optimal conditions: pH 5, temperature 60°C, glucoamylase activity of 85 U/mL, and utilized 60 g/L of kitchen waste as a substrate at 10 h hydrolysis time. The verification experiments successfully produced 62.71 ± 0.7 g/L of fermentable sugar with 54.93 ± 0.4% degree of saccharification within 10 h of incubation, indicating that the developed model was successfully used to predict fermentable sugar production at more than 90% accuracy. The sugars produced after hydrolysis of kitchen waste were mainly attributed to monosaccharide: glucose (80%) and fructose (20%). The fermentable sugars obtained were subsequently used as carbon source for bioethanol production by locally isolated yeasts: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida parasilosis, and Lanchancea fermentati. The yeasts were successfully consumed as sugars hydrolysate, and produced the highest ethanol yield ranging from 0.45 to 0.5 g/g and productivity between 0.44 g L–1 h–1 and 0.47 g L–1 h–1 after 24-h incubation, which was equivalent to 82.06–98.19% of conversion based on theoretical yield.  相似文献   

Biodiesel is a promising fuel for compression ignition engines instead of diesel fuel. Due to the depletion of diesel fuel, an alternative fuel can be used in an engine. The experiments were conducted on a four-stroke, single cylinder CI engine. In this present investigation, an attempt has been made to study the influence of injection pressure (IP) and injection timing (IT) on the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines by using mixed biodiesel (Thevetia peruviana, Jatropha, Pongamia, and Azadirachta indica). The injection pressure is varied from 200 to 230 bar and the injection timing is varied from 23 to 29° bTDC at an increment of 10 bar and 2° bTDC, respectively, and the results were compared with diesel. From this study, the results showed that the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) was increased by 2.4% with an increase in injection pressure and 1.5% with an increase in the injection timing for the maximum load, but lesser than diesel. Furthermore, a reduction of 5.08% of brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) has been noticed for the rise in IP and IT with loads but higher than diesel. The reduction was 34.17%, 53.85%, and 29.7% and 29.17%, 53.85%, and 21.95% of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and smoke emissions, respectively, at 230 bar injection pressure and at 27° bTDC injection timing. Also, a significant increase in nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at the maximum load was observed by increasing the injection pressure and injection timing.  相似文献   

Water reuse and pollutant removal efficiency analysis of the on-farm irrigation tanks (OFTs) was carried out in rice paddy field region of Zhanghe Irrigation District, Southern China through field experiments during the rice growing season of 2009–2011. Water flow measurements indicate that 20.6–68.9% of drainage water captured by OFTs was reused for supplemental irrigation. Rainfall was the most important factor that determines the water reuse efficiency (WRR) of OFTs, since higher rainfall resulted in higher surplus irrigation water draining out of OFTs without reuse, and thus decreased WRR. Fully using the storage capacity for storing return flow, and releasing totally for supplemental irrigation also enhanced WRR of OFTs. Water quality analysis shows that OFTs removed 47.2% of total phosphorous (TP) and 60.8% of total nitrogen (TN) of inflow and have a great effect on increasing sedimentation for return flow as the mean of removal efficiency of pollutant load (REL) for suspended solids (SS) amounted to 68.4%. For water treatment effectiveness of OFTs, high hydraulic retention time (HRT) is most beneficial to increase REL of TN whereas REL of TP is not sensitive to HRT. These results confirm that OFTs can effectively increase agricultural return flow reuse and remove pollutants. As the cascade OFTs irrigation system recycle return flow for several times, the irrigation water demand from outside of region was reduced significantly for rice production. Coupling with the effect of cyclic irrigation on the nutrients recycling by paddy fields, OFTs irrigation system also considerably mitigate the N and P off-site emission. Therefore, it is advisable to integrate the role of OFTs on water reuse and treatment for water saving irrigation and ecological management of paddy fields landscape.  相似文献   

Dilute acid pretreatment and steam pretreatment were evaluated for maximum sugars release and ethanol production from sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB). The fermentation potential of the condensate and hydrolysate obtained from steam pretreatment (10 kg/cm2, 10 minutes) and dilute acid hydrolysis (1% (w/w) sulphuric acid, 25% substrate loading) respectively, was checked with Pichia stipitis NCIM 3497 and Debaryomyces hansenii sp. Ethanol production and yield using acid hydrolysate was higher with Debaryomyces hansenii sp. (28.4 g/L and 0.37 g/g respectively) as compared with Pichia stipitis NCIM 3497 (21.9 g/L and 0.29 g/g respectively).  相似文献   

GM(1.1)模型在水磨河水体污染预测中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以水磨河,搪瓷厂桥,七纺桥,联丰桥,米泉桥4个监测断面,以近6a来的BOD3、DO的环境监测值为依据,应用灰色理论建立GM(1.1)模型,对各断面冬季(10月-3月),夏季(4月-9月),全年的BOD5、DO浓度进行预测,并在此基础上进一步分析了水体污染变化的原因。  相似文献   

河(湖)长制是推进水生态文明建设的重要抓手。本文在解读河(湖)长制内涵的基础上,提出河(湖)长制推进水生态文明建设战略路径的分析框架;然后,以日本琵琶湖-淀川流域为例,分析其治理历程及实施路径;最后,借鉴日本经验,结合中央政策指引,提出河(湖)长制推进水生态文明建设的"三步走"战略路径,即加强治理体系建设、强化治理成效落实以及推进可持续发展,从而形成聚焦制度建设、促进利益相关者角色转型以及重塑社会水文化的三点政策建议,旨在为相关实践奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

通过对江苏油田6套生活污水2套医院污水处理设施进行调查,针对其工艺流程、建设投资、处理能力、运行费用、运行状况及处理效果,分析了现有处理方法存在的问题,并提出了解决办法,对今后处理设施的管理、改进和处理技术有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Melaleuca quinquenervia, is expanding rapidly throughout seasonally wet areas of southern Florida (USA), including the littoral zone of Lake Okeechobee. Natural resource managers are concerned that a lower lake level regulation schedule under consideration for Lake Okeechobee, while potentially beneficial to overall ecosystem health, might increase the rate of Melaleuca expansion. To investigate this possibility, Melaleuca saplings (harvested from the littoral zone) and 7-week-old seedlings (grown from harvested seeds) were subjected to various hydroperiod treatments in replicated mesocosms. Hydroperiod treatments were selected based on a simulation of historical water level variations. Saplings grew taller under longer hydroperiods with fluctuating water levels, including periods of submersion. Time since germination affected the response of seedlings to inundation. Submersed 7-week-old seedlings grew slower and had less biomass than submersed 12-week-old seedlings, yet mortality was low at both ages. Melaleuca's plasticity allows it to adapt to hypoxic, aquatic conditions by means of aquatic heterophylly and adventitious roots. Algae and drought also increased mortality. Based on faster growth of Melaleuca under longer hydroperiods and its adaptability to seasonal flooding, a lower lake regulation schedule may not stimulate its expansion. Therefore, water levels should not be manipulated only to control Melaleuca. Control of Melaleuca should continue using current practices such as manual removal or chemical treatment.  相似文献   

为了对甘松的人工种植提供科学依据,选择不同规格的种茎、不同播期试验,采用单因素随机设计、出苗后定期调查出苗数和抽样测定株高的方法进行了测定。结果表明,种茎和播期对出苗率、苗子长势有显著影响,长8—10cm的种茎、5月栽种有利于甘松出苗。首次报道了甘松人工种植技术研究结果。  相似文献   

目前由于日本福岛核电事故,全世界高度关注核污染,14C作为影响人体健康8个主要放射性核素之一,在核电站的运行过程中随流出物大量排入周围的环境中,因此也受到人们的关注。作者在前人工作的基础上设计了一种采样及测定水中14C的分析方法,并确定出了该方法对水中碳取样效率、NaOH溶液对CO2捕集效率、CaCO3沉淀制备效率、液闪对Ca14CO3的探测效率等的最优化条件。实际测得探测下限为0.12 mBq/L。  相似文献   

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