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论述了余热利用高效节能电除尘技术的定义、工作原理,介绍了燃煤电站采用烟气余热利用高效节能电除尘技术的几种典型布置方式。重点介绍了该技术在宁德电厂600MW燃煤锅炉上的工程应用情况,通过烟气余热利用高效节能电除尘技术达到了"提效"和"节能"的双重目的。  相似文献   

阐述了黄磷电炉尾气深度净化与资源化利用技术的原理、工艺流程和技术的主要特点,介绍了该技术的工程案例及推广前景,指出应用该技术是解决黄磷电炉尾气重污染和废弃物资源化利用的有效措施。  相似文献   

介绍了"五水分流"清洁生产技术、铬液灰液循环利用技术、制革高氨氮废水稳定达标排放技术、MicrowaterTM环境治理微生物技术体系、四相废水深度达标治理专利技术、膜处理回用技术、含铬污泥资源化利用技术等制革行业污染治理集成技术的概况;通过分析应用实例,指出该技术体系在达标治理的前提下,通过清洁生产、高效处理、中水回用、铬泥资源化利用等手段,可有效降低污染治理成本,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

回收与降解聚驱采出水的工艺探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含聚污水的处理是困扰石油行业的难题之一。基于聚驱采出水的特点,围绕聚合物的回收利用和降解理论及技术,探讨国内外含聚污水处理技术的研究与应用现状,对比分析现有处理技术存在的问题及适应性,提出采用化学混凝、气浮和水质改性等技术来回收利用PAM(聚丙烯酰胺)的新思路,打破了降解PAM的传统思维,同时分析含聚污水处理与利用技术的可行性与应用前景,有望实现含聚污水的循环利用。  相似文献   

针对微生物处理、热脱附、热清洗、焚烧和萃取等含油钻屑处理技术存在普适性差、资源浪费、技术不成熟或投资较高等问题,探究更为高效、性价比高的含油钻屑处理技术。分析了国内外含油钻屑处理的法律法规,对目前国内外常用的含油钻屑常规处理技术、资源化利用技术,及其应用现状进行了综述,通过对各类技术的对比分析,提出含油钻屑处理技术高效低成本、"高价值"基础油回收与固相残渣的资源化利用、工厂化和随钻化处理的双极发展趋势,对油基钻井液中的基础油、水进行回收利用,处理后的固相可以转化为可利用的资源。  相似文献   

论述了目前国内对于生活垃圾焚烧飞灰处理处置及利用的情况,介绍了一种垃圾焚烧飞灰资源化技术的工艺流程、特点以及应用情况,为改善生活垃圾焚烧飞灰利用技术水平有限的局面,避免其造成二次污染环境风险提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

针对页岩气开发过程中产生的油基钻屑在堆放、运输和处理过程中均有可能对环境造成危害的问题,研究油基钻屑脱油灰渣的处置和资源化利用现状。在实际应用中,各种资源化利用技术由于政策、环保标准、经济性等原因,除水泥窑协同处置技术外,很多技术还不能大量推广应用。文章通过系统调研,阐述了各项技术的原理、优缺点及资源化利用所面临的政策障碍、实际应用及二次污染等问题,指出了资源化利用技术在开发过程中需要加强过程污染控制、开展相关政策和标准制定、提高产品高附加值等方面研究。  相似文献   

在2060年碳中和目标的要求下,碳捕集、利用与封存技术将扮演重要角色。目前碳捕集、利用与封存技术在中国尚处于工业示范阶段,面临技术成熟度不足、经济成本高、融资渠道单一、应用领域有限、盈利能力差等障碍,迫切需要建立合理的商业模式以推进技术部署。本文梳理了国际上现有的碳捕集、利用与封存商业化项目和相关支持政策,基于商业模式画布的研究框架,分析了碳捕集、利用与封存商业化部署的现状、特点与障碍,并在此基础上提出了相应建议,包括加强技术研发、完善政策体系、布局基础设施和促进集群建设。  相似文献   

中低品位磷矿的合理开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国磷矿资源的分布和利用现状,总结了目前国内外利用中低品位磷矿制取磷酸的新技术,其中包括窑法磷酸技术、盐酸法处理磷矿技术和新型湿法磷酸技术的工艺概况、特点及其优势所在.在此基础上,对我国磷化工行业合理开发利用中低品位磷矿资源提出了建议.  相似文献   

长庆油田作业废水的处理与回用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了长庆油田石油开发过程中的井场措施作业废水处理与回用技术应用现状和管理制度,并对下一步节水和资源化利用的研究方向进行了展望,通过技术引领和管理创新,促进石油开发与水资源利用的可持续发展。  相似文献   

废弃SCR催化剂回收利用项目建设格局的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述并分析了我国即将大量产生的烟气脱硝SCR废催化剂,及回收利用状况,列举出了适宜的SCR废催化剂回收利用项目建设格局模式。  相似文献   

废钻井液对环境影响分析及处理方法   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
废钻井液是当前油田急需解决的环保问题之一。实验分析了废钻井液浸出液有害成分以及对生物的影响。对比分析了几种废钻井液处理方法,得出结论:在焉耆盆地最佳的处理方法是固化法。  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰制作新型建筑材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉煤灰不仅占用大量耕地,而且严重污染环境。针对东营地区粉煤灰的产生现状,积极开发粉煤灰的废物利用。通过对粉煤灰生产空心砌块的原料配比和生产工艺实施的调查,结果表明,利用粉煤灰生产新型建筑材料是减少占地和建材工业征地的有效途径,能变废为宝、化害为利,达到保护环境的目的。  相似文献   

The lack of a particular use associated with abandoned farmland provides real opportunities with respect to the various land-use pressures occurring in productive territories. These environments remain generally poorly known and, because of this, require in-depth studies on the feasibility of management options, on biological as well as social grounds. This study, based on research on the biophysical potential and the perceptions by the owners of abandoned farmlands, analyzes the feasibility of silvicultural management options to improve forestry potential. Using a questionnaire, we surveyed abandoned farmland owners on different aspects of the status of their abandoned farmland in order to determine their willingness toward the management of these private lands. The land owners were also asked to express their interests and their constraints toward various types of interventions, with an emphasis on silvicultural work. The data were analyzed using multivariate methods to establish relationships between the questionnaire data and the characteristics of the land owners (socioeconomic profile and value system toward the environment). The results show that, in general, abandoned farmland is an unwanted space, is generally little used, is poorly known, and has little importance in the plans of its owners. We have found three types of owner profiles; the owners with a farmer’s profile are those who are the most interested in managing their abandoned farmland, whether for agriculture or silviculture. The desire to improve abandoned farmland seems less important to owners with an ecocentric profile (high awareness of the environment) and to older owners. Finally, by associating the type of abandoned farmland owned and the characteristics of the owners, it is possible to propose different management options that reconcile the wishes of the owners as well as the biophysical potential of their abandoned farmland.  相似文献   

The Yellow River Delta, one of China’s three major river deltas, is becoming a major region for the development of agriculture and fisheries. Protecting the delicate ecology of newly formed aquatic systems as well as the evolution of soils, natural vegetation, and fauna on older upland environments in the delta is a priority in planning for the wise use of the delta’s resources for future agricultural development. In this article, we use a Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze relationships between land-use/land-cover characteristics in the Dongying municipality, one of the most intensely developed areas of the delta, and spatial variations in soil salinity and landforms. This analysis reveals that soil salt content decreases from regionally high values in isolated depressions to relatively moderate values in embanked former back swamps, with the lowest values occurring in abandoned river courses. Comparing the present land use on this soil salinity–landform pattern shows that it is basically at odds with general concepts of land suitability for agricultural utilization of saline soils. Crop-based agriculture in the region is probably overdeveloped, whereas more appropriate agricultural development, like cattle and forest production, is underrepresented. Future development should focus on converting farmland in embanked former back swamps and abandoned river courses into grasslands and forests. Crop-based agriculture (up to 151,000 ha) could be planned at the low-salinity terrace uplands and flood plains. The article provides guidelines for decision-makers regarding agricultural land use and wetland protection in the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

This study presents a meta-analysis of a collective dataset describing the succession from abandoned fields to semi-natural grassland and heathland vegetation over the past century. The study objectives were to develop a method for statistical discrimination between abandoned fields and semi-natural habitats and to analyze the probability that an abandoned field had developed into a semi-natural habitat. A statistical classification model was developed, based on lists of vascular plants from 2059 plots from Danish semi-natural grasslands and heathlands, and abandoned fields of varying age. This model was shown to discriminate effectively between abandoned fields and semi-natural habitats, and it was found to be potentially useful for the detection of abandoned fields approaching semi-natural vegetation. We suggest that the model may help clarify restoration targets and assess biological condition in formerly cultivated areas. Statistical modeling revealed that succession age, period of abandonment and succession trajectory had significant effects on the probability that abandoned fields reached the semi-natural phase. Our study indicates that restoration projects targeting grassland and heathland should take local species pools and soil fertility into account. Nomenclature: Species names follow Flora Europaea (Tutin and others 1964–1993).  相似文献   

绿色矿山建设是矿业领域践行"绿水青山就是金山银山"的重要体现。本文从矿山生态修复的内涵到外延,从问题识别到任务措施,从单一治理修复目标到生态系统功能修复目标,从矿山生态修复系统到与经济社会发展系统相结合等多个方面,系统地梳理矿山生态修复的解决路径,围绕矿业绿色发展提出一系列建议。  相似文献   

海洋平台及海底管线会随着海上油气田的开采完成而结束其使命,并置于废弃状态。文章论述了废弃平台管线结构由于废弃失效、清洗及拆除对海洋环境所造成的不良影响及其对海洋环境的持续性影响,并从完善规章制度、严格执行环评管理程序、加强海洋环境监测、合理选择弃置方案、再利用等五方面,对海洋环境的可持续发展,有针对性地提出了科学、可行的建议。  相似文献   

Comparative studies on plant species richness, endemism, floristic composition, and structure between protected and unprotected forests are few in the Eastern Arc Mountains, one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in Africa. This study from one mountain range, the East Usambaras, examines floristic and structural tree data from 41–0.5 ha plots in four types of Eastern Arc forest: active agroforests, recently abandoned agroforests, mature secondary forest, and natural forest. Active agroforests had significantly lower tree species richness, endemic species richness, and stand density compared to natural and mature secondary forest. Recently abandoned agroforests contained a higher tree species richness, density, and tree height than active agroforests. Active and abandoned agroforests were dominated by an invasive tree, Maesopsis eminii. This tree species makes up a large percentage of the stems in active agroforests (26%), recently abandoned agroforests (32%), and in the canopy of mature secondary forests ∼ 30 years post logging (30%). Through time the increasing dominance of this non-native tree in active agroforests is a concern when considering the role of agroforests in a landscape scale conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Poterium spinosum, competitive under conditions of overgrazing and fire, accounted for 70%–85% of the total plant cover in all sites, except Santorini, where participation of spiny species was very low. In the recently abandoned sites, annuals accounted for 50%–60% of the standing biomass, but constituted only a tiny fraction in those abandoned for 30 years or more. This was not paralleled by any remarkable increase of the total plant cover. In fact, the yearly produced green biomass decreased with the years after abandonment. The productivity of old fields abandoned for a long time is insufficient to support the grazing animals present. This shortfall, given the animals' requirements, is most dramatic in Symi. The nonrecovering vegetation in the old fields of these mountainous islands constitutes a severe environmental threat; remedial measures appear imperative.  相似文献   

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