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为了解典型煤矿城市居民区室内灰尘中汞(Hg)含量的季节差异及其健康风险,采集淮南市居民区室内灰尘样品116个(每个季节29个),利用AFS-820测定灰尘中Hg含量.结果显示,淮南市居民区不同季节室内灰尘中Hg平均含量均超出了土壤背景值,春、夏、秋、冬4个季节室内灰尘中Hg平均含量分别是背景值的21、5、6、27倍,冬季和春季室内灰尘中Hg含量显著高于夏季和秋季.淮南市居民区室内灰尘中Hg主要受燃煤影响,尤其冬季和春季.Hg富集水平和污染程度的季节差异规律均表现为:冬季春季秋季夏季,且4个季节室内灰尘中Hg的污染程度均超过了中度污染.Hg的4种暴露途径的暴露量和健康风险均呈现出:Hg蒸汽吸入手-口摄入皮肤接触呼吸吸入,Hg蒸汽吸入和手口摄入暴露途径的暴露量和非致癌风险要高于其他途径3~4个数量级,且儿童和成人4个季节的总非致癌风险总和达到了0.248和0.135,存在着一定潜在风险.  相似文献   

于2014年12月—2015年11月收集了浙江北部地区4个采样点的PM2.5样品,利用高效液相色谱-串联质谱仪分析获得真菌气溶胶示踪物阿糖醇和甘露醇的浓度,研究了浙北地区真菌气溶胶的季节性变化特征及其来源.观测结果显示,浙北地区阿糖醇和甘露醇的年均浓度分别为(5.6±0.7)和(5.7±1.3)ng·m-3.真菌气溶胶示踪物夏季浓度最高,可能是由于当地夏季频繁的生物质燃烧和温暖湿润的气候条件促进了真菌孢子的释放;另外,在该地区真菌孢子对气溶胶中有机碳(OC)的贡献并不显著(1%).主成分分析显示,真菌气溶胶示踪物(阿糖醇、甘露醇)和生物质燃烧示踪物(左旋葡聚糖、甘露聚糖、半乳聚糖、nss-K+)在整个采样过程中都包含在同一个因子中,表明浙北地区大气中真菌气溶胶持续受到生物质燃烧排放源的影响.  相似文献   

以宁芜北火山岩覆盖区南门头工区为例,利用地质、物探等综合找矿方法进行深部矿勘查方法技术的探索。通过研究岩石物性特征,综合分析研究区重力、航磁异常、1:10000面积性高精度磁法测量和重力测量、电法(CR法)综合剖面测量资料,对异常进行综合分析和解释,并对成矿有利部位进行钻探验证,辅以井中物探,取得了较好的应用效果。以南门头工区勘查工作为例,总结了火山岩覆盖区勘查过程中制约找矿的干扰因素,为今后类似覆盖区开展深部找矿工作提供参考。  相似文献   


为了切实改善区域大气环境质量,中国在北方地区大规模开展以煤改电、煤改气为主的农村清洁取暖改造工程,如何选择技术可行、经济上可接受的清洁取暖技术路径是清洁取暖改造可持续的关键问题。基于北京农村地区实地调研数据,从经济性和舒适性2个维度对4种农村清洁取暖技术进行适用性评价,总结出各种技术的适用条件,提出农村清洁取暖技术路径选择建议。结果表明:空气源热泵运行费用较低,舒适性较好,适合冬季温度不低于−20 ℃的各类区域;燃气壁挂炉运行费用略高于空气源热泵,舒适性较好,适合距离燃气管线或燃气站较近的平原、半山区地区,不同气候温度范围均适用;蓄能式电暖器运行费用较高,舒适性较差,适合冬季温度接近于城区的农村或城乡接合部、农宅面积较小的区域;地源热泵取暖最好结合政府资金支持项目实施,运行费用较低,舒适性较好,适合地质结构适宜建井,有足够空间进行地埋管的区域。建议农村清洁取暖工作立足长远,因地制宜地选择清洁取暖技术,着力降低农户清洁取暖运行成本,同时提高农村清洁取暖电力和天然气供应的可靠性。





贵州喀斯特地区土壤中微生物量碳的季节性变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对于贵州喀斯特地区土壤中微生物量碳,气温,土壤水份和土壤可溶性有机碳的为时一年的研究结果表明,土壤微生物量碳与气温和土可溶性有机碳之间均存在负的相关性。夏季频繁的土壤干湿循环加快了土壤微生物量碳转换成可溶性有机碳的速度,并不断地消耗微生物量碳,从而使微生物量碳含量降低,而可溶性有机碳含量增加。冬季的情况则与此相反。  相似文献   

北京部分地区大气PM10中多环芳烃的季节性变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
采集了北京城乡结合部和郊区 2003 年 4 个季节大气 PM10样品,用超声萃取-GC/MS 技术分析了其多环芳烃的组成.结果表明,17 种母核多环芳烃总量在8.46~296.57ng/m3之间,城乡结合部的浓度是郊区的1.02~1.58倍.PAHs总量的季节性变化与采样时环境温度显示出较好的负相关性,即冬季>秋季>春季>夏季.郊区和城乡结合部冬季 PAHs 总量分别是夏季的 22.25 倍和 34.41 倍,显示了燃煤取暖对北京冬季大气 PAHs 污染的贡献极为显著.运用多种多环芳烃比值综合判断,北京大气 PM10中 PAHs 主要以燃煤和机动车尾气混合来源为主,石油源和木材燃烧源的贡献较小.  相似文献   

填埋是我国垃圾处理的主要途径。处于不同气候条件的垃圾堆体对周边环境影响程度不同,在治理过程中要充分考虑填埋场特征选择适宜的污染防治及修复措施。以北方干旱地区典型非正规垃圾填埋场为研究对象,通过垃圾堆体理化性质、填埋气组成以及微生物群落结构的检测分析,研究干旱条件下垃圾堆体的特性。结果表明:场内垃圾呈弱碱性,有机质浓度为5.9%~17.4%,含水率为5.4%~7.8%;填埋气组成与准好氧填埋场相近,垃圾堆体中有机质浓度对CH4、CO2和CO生成量起到决定性作用;堆体内优势降解菌为Firmicutes(厚壁菌门)、Proteobacteria(变形菌门)、Actinobacteria(放线菌门)以及Bacteroidetes(拟杆菌门),物种丰度与垃圾降解进程及有机质浓度密切相关;在北方干旱地区垃圾填埋场渗滤液产生量小,堆体对周边环境影响较小;对于有机质浓度低于20%,pH呈弱碱性的垃圾堆体,在制定封场方案时可因地制宜地采用简易覆盖方式进行差异化治理修复。  相似文献   

为了解沉积物磷释放对水体磷污染的影响,以嘉兴市北部湖荡区为研究对象,结合薄膜扩散梯度技术(DGT)对湖荡区(汾湖、莲泗荡、北官荡)沉积物磷释放通量进行研究,分析磷释放影响因素,并对沉积物磷释放对上覆水体的影响进行了评估。结果表明:汾湖、莲泗荡和北官荡采样点沉积物-上覆水界面DGT-P(溶解性有效态磷)浓度总体表现为莲泗荡(0.735 mg∕L)>北官荡(0.154 mg∕L)>汾湖(0.077 mg∕L)。垂向分布上,3个湖荡采样点表层沉积物中DGT-P浓度均高于上覆水,但在沉积物-上覆水界面±10 mm范围内表现各不相同,其中汾湖采样点沉积物-上覆水界面DGT-P没有明显的浓度梯度,说明沉积物向上覆水释放磷能力较弱,而莲泗荡采样点呈现明显的浓度梯度,沉积物有较强的释放磷能力,北官荡采样点介于二者之间。各湖荡采样点沉积物-上覆水界面磷释放通量对上覆水体的影响有限,其中莲泗荡采样点磷释放通量最高,为0.490 mg∕(m 2·d),对上覆水体的贡献率也最大(1.93%),表现为磷“源”;其次为北官荡采样点,其磷释放通量为0.047 mg∕(m 2·d),对上覆水体的贡献率为0.24%;汾湖采样点磷释放通量接近0,表现为磷“汇”。相关性分析结果表明,铁氧化物还原溶解对沉积物-上覆水界面磷的迁移转化过程具有重要影响,同时有机质矿化过程对沉积物磷释放的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   

The spatial concentrations, seasonal trends, profiles and congener pairs of ambient polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were investigated within a seasonally active sampling scheme during Jun 2008 and Jan 2009 in Tianjin City, northern China. The PCDD/F concentrations ranged 14.2-172 fg I-TEQ/m3 (average 69.3 fg I-TEQ/m3) in summer and (89.8-1.01) × 103 fg I-TEQ/m3 (average 509 fg I-TEQ/m3) in winter, respectively, except for the E-waste dismantling site where much higher values were observed (1.04 × 103 fg I-TEQ/m3 in summer and 7.123 × 103 fg I-TEQ/m3 in winter). The results indicated a significantly seasonal trend with higher TEQ values in winter as compared with summer, which could be related to increased emission sources and seasonal variations of the atmospheric boundary layer height. 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF was the dominant contributor to the total PCDD/F toxic equivalents, and 2,3,7,8-TCDD was detected at almost all the sampling sites in winter. Most of the similarly substituted PCDD/F congener pairs exhibited high correlations, suggesting that they might have similar environmental fate or sources. But different seasonal and spatial distributions of PCDD/F concentrations indicated that the emission sources might be intermittent.  相似文献   

Deepwater rice is grown in South and Southeast Asia on 11 million hectares flooded deeply during the monsoon. Surveys for the incidence of stem borers in deepwater rice in Bangladesh from 1977 to 1980, and in Thailand during 1981 and 1982, showed that borer incidence and species composition were remarkably similar. Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) usually comprised more than 90% of the borer population and was almost exclusively present during the main flooding period. Chilo polychrysus (Meyr.) comprised 11% and Sesamia inferens (Walker) 6% of the population in the pre-flood and ripening stages.Low borer activity in the early part of the season was explained by a low nucleus population, the synchronous planting of deepwater rice, and severe moisture stress and high temperatures in the pre-flood period. In Bangladesh, a severe drought in 1979 limited Scirpophaga incertulas populations to unusually low levels until the flowering stage. In Thailand, drier conditions, the lack of an intervening rice crop in the dry season and a longer pre-flood period, appeared to severely restrict early season borer activity. The onset of flooding and stem elongation provided a more favourable environment for S. incertulas. Borer activity increased steadily during the first 3–4 months of flooding, to average 23% damaged stems (26 m?2) and 13 borer immature stages/100 stems (13 m?2) by the flowering stage. Borer activity continued at about the same level as the water receded, to reach maximum annual levels of 38–44% damaged stems (35 m?2) at the late-ripening stage. At harvest, 60% of the fields were at outbreak level (>40% damaged stems). Such high levels of damage are explained by the long growth period of deepwater rice, favourable weather during the flooding period, and the optimum habitat of the elongated stem. S. incertulas populations then crashed to low levels; the larvae entering diapause in the field stubble. Although related to actual damage, the deadheart and whitehead symptoms grossly under-estimated the extent of stem damage.  相似文献   

基于国内外海洋生态环境质量综合评价方法,结合我国海洋生态环境调查数据,从环境和生物学要素中选取12个指标建立评价指标体系,确定5个评价等级及标准,采用层次分析法确定指标权重,构建我国海岛周边海域生态环境质量综合评价方法.选取南海北部10个代表性海岛,对其周边海域生态环境质量进行综合评价,结果表明:研究海岛中特呈岛和内伶仃岛评价等级为中,其余8个海岛均为良;离岸距离、陆源污染物排放量和海水交换能力直接影响评价结果.该方法能较好地反映海岛周边海域生态环境状况,可操作性强,可作为今后我国海岛周边海域生态环境质量评价的参考.  相似文献   

Numerous Pliocene large-mammal assemblages have been discovered in Chad over the last decade. They offer a unique opportunity to understand the settings in which important chapters of Hominid evolution took place in Central Africa. However, it is crucial to first investigate both sampling and taxonomic homogeneity for these Chadian assemblages because they occur over large sectors in a sandy desert that offers virtually no stratigraphic section. Using cluster analysis and ordination techniques, we show that the three Pliocene sectors from Chad are homogeneous and adequate sampling units. Previous stable isotope analyses on these assemblages have indicated that the environment became richer in C(4) plants between approximately 5.3 and 3.5-3 Ma. To test whether this environmental change has affected the structure of palaeo-communities, we assigned body mass, trophic and locomotor eco-variables to mammal species from the three sectors. Statistical analysis shows that the overall ecological structure of the assemblages is not linked with the opening of the plant cover, and eco-variables show no temporal trend from the oldest sector to the youngest. For example, there is no significant change in the relative diversity of grazing and browsing taxa, although mixed feeders are less diversified in the youngest sector than in the preceding one. This pattern apparently does not result from potential biases such as methodological artefacts or taphonomic imprint. Instead, it seems that local heterogeneous environmental factors have played a major role in shaping the ecological spectrum of Chadian mammal palaeo-communities during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Surface waters can be contaminated by human activities in two ways: (1) by point sources, such as sewage treatment discharge and storm-water runoff; and (2) by non-point sources, such as runoff from urban and agricultural areas. With point-source pollution effectively controlled, non-point source pollution has become the most important environmental concem in the world. The formation of non-point source pollution is related to both the sources such as soil nutrient, the amount of fertilizer and pesticide applied, the amount of refuse, and the spatial complex combination of land uses within a heterogeneous landscape. Land-use change, dominated by human activities, has a significant impact on water resources and quality. In this study, fifteen surface water monitoring points in the Yuqiao Reservoir Basin, Zunhua, Hebei Province, northem China, were chosen to study the seasonal variation of nitrogen concentration in the surface water. Water samples were collected in low-flow period(June), high-flow period(July) and mean-flow period(October) from 1999 to 2000. The results indicated that the seasonal variation of nitrogen concentration in the surface water among the fifteen monitoring points in the rainfall-rich year is more complex than that in the rainfall-deficit year. It was found that the land use, the characteristics of the surface river system, rainfall, and human activities play an important role in the seasonal variation of N-concentration in surface water.Keywords: non-point source pollution; nitrogen concentration; seasonal variation; land use; Yuqiao Reservoir Basin, China  相似文献   

Arsenic speciation analysis was conducted on fish samples(sardine and anchovy) collected from six areas along the Greek coastline, i.e. Artemisium Straits, Thermaikos Gulf, Amvrakikos Gulf,Strymonian Gulf, Thracian Sea, and Elefsina Gulf. Total arsenic levels ranging from 11.8 to62.6 mg As/kg dry weight were determined. Arsenobetaine, a non-toxic form of arsenic, was found to be the main arsenic species, present at 8.6 to 58.8 mg As/kg dry weight, accounting for67–95% of the total arsenic. Also detected in all fish samples was dimethylarsinic acid, although at considerably lower concentrations, ranging from 0.072–0.956 mg As/kg dry weight.Monomethylarsonic acid was detected at low levels in all anchovy samples, and only in sardines from one area. Finally, inorganic arsenic in the form of arsenate was detected only in fish at one area, indicating the possible effect of an environmental parameter on its presence at detectable amounts. Statistical analysis revealed the environmental variables, such as salinity,total organic carbon and nitrogen, ammonium, phosphate, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen and pressure index, are potentially correlated to As species concentrations. Furthermore, based on factor analysis, the biological parameters, such as fish weight, lipids, protein and ash content,that are correlated to As species concentrations of fish were also identified. The interrelationship of arsenobetaine and dimethylarsinic acid concentrations within each fish species was evaluated.  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify the dominant transport pathways, potential source areas, and their seasonal variation at sites with high inorganic nitrogen (IN) wet deposition flux in southern China. This is a long-term study (2010–2017) based on continuous deposition measurements at the Guangzhou urban site (GZ) and the Dinghushan Natural Reserve site (DHS) located in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. A dataset on monthly IN concentration in precipitation and wet deposition flux were provided. The average annual fluxes measured at both sites (GZ: 33.04±9.52, DHS: 20.52±10.22 kg N/(ha∙year)) were higher, while the ratios of reduced to oxidized N (GZ: 1.19±0.77, DHS: 1.25±0.84) were lower compared with the national mean level and the previous reported level throughout the PRD region. The dominant pathways were not always consistent with the highest proportional trajectory clusters. The transport pathways contributing most of deposition were identified in the north and north-northeast in the dry season and in the east-southeast, east, and south-southwest in the wet season. A weighted potential source contribution function (WPSCF) value >0.3 was determined reasonably to define the potential source area. Emission within the PRD region contributed the majority (≥95% at both sites) of the IN deposition in the wet season, while the contribution outside the region increased significantly in the dry season (GZ: 27.86%, DHS: 95.26%). Our results could help create more effective policy to control precursor emissions for IN fluxes, enabling reduction of the ecological risks due to excessive nitrogen.  相似文献   

根据AVHRRSST探讨中国北部海域冬季环流演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收集了中国东部陆架海北部2000年8月至2001年12月的NOAA/AVHRR数据,通过SST换算,对北黄海和渤海的温度场分布以及冬季流场的月变化进行了分析.黄海暖流进入渤海后的余脉分成两个分支:向西的渤海中心支和向北的辽东湾支.渤海中心支向西运行有两个分叉:辽东湾叉和渤海湾叉.冬季黄海暖流较强,由于北风或东北风的影响,渤海中心支和辽东湾支经历了同存-消弱-加强-同存等阶段.辽东湾南下沿岸流增强,渤海中心支暖流减弱,黄海沿岸流随之增强.这些暖流和沿岸流构成了渤海的四个环流.在黄海,黄海暖流与黄海沿岸流、辽南沿岸流、西朝鲜沿岸流组成了三个环流.  相似文献   

采用PCR-DGGE分子指纹图谱比较黄河三角洲北部互花米草盐沼湿地区与贝壳沉积区的微生物群落结构,对DGGE图谱中10个主条带进行切胶、扩增和测序.结果表明,贝壳沉积区微生物的种类相比较健康的米草区更丰富,贝壳沉积区独有的条带,菌群属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)链球菌科(Streptococcaceae)乳球菌属...  相似文献   

资源利用与资源退化在时间及空间领域上的表现有所分异。识别出那些受人为干扰严重且易于发生资源退化的区域(资源利用的热点地区),对这些区域给予重视并采取特殊的管理机制以避免资源的进一步退化和环境的恶化,对资源的可持续利用具有重要的现实意义。论文以印度北部山地小流域的研究为例,根据当地实际情况,选取4个参数作为评价指标,即资源利用的重要性、资源的需求程度、资源利用的可获取性以及人类活动造成的景观生态学的干扰指数,利用遥感技术和地理信息系统对资源利用热点地区的识别进行了初步探讨。通过研究,将该流域划分为3种区域,即高度敏感区、中度敏感区和低敏感区,分别体现了不同的资源退化在空间上的分布。  相似文献   

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