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结合国内外对航空安全文化定量和定性的研究结果,定义了航空安全文化,并阐述航空安全文化的内涵,介绍国内外航空安全文化研究的进展情况,指出了国内外航空安全文化研究的差距,进而给出我国航空安全文化的研究方向。目的在于使以后的研究越来越关注实证角度,为从人为因素角度加强航空安全提供可靠、可信的数据支持,提高飞行绩效,创造安全飞行周期新记录,最终提高航空公司的经济及社会效益。  相似文献   

安全氛围测量量表研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
旨在编制利于企业使用的安全氛围测量量表(SCSS),提出SCSS的编制原则和程序,确定安全氛围10维度框架和26个层面构成,并归纳分析事故原因,编写具体项目。初步确定288个项目内容,经归类合并和预试分析等,编制成92个项目的SCSS量表。通过某煤矿180名样本员工试验,分析信度、效度和层面划分的合理性,验证了所设计量表的有效性。该量表编制突出了原创性和互动性,能够成为进行安全氛围研究的有效工具。  相似文献   

论述了企业安全文化的作用,以及企业安全文化与安全教育的关系,提出安全教育是安全文化建设最根本、最有效途径。  相似文献   

中国民航的安全文化建设(之一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全是民航永恒的主题 ,民航安全的重要基础是民航安全文化。首先 ,笔者论述了安全文化建设对民航安全的决定性作用 ;回顾了中国民航 5 0年安全思想的发展历程 ,揭示了中国民航安全形势的长期、中期和短期趋势与安全文化建设波动的对应关系。又从现代系统科学的角度 ,对中国民航安全文化建设的实践作了进一步的理论概括。最后 ,针对中国民航当前存在的认识问题 ,论述了东、西方文化特征在民航安全文化中的体现 ,并提出了大力弘扬东方文化传统 ,积极吸取西方安全科学技术成果 ,推进民航安全文化建设的原则建议。  相似文献   

促进企业安全文化系统化发展的思路   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
为了实现企业安全文化由低级向高级不断发展的目的 ,笔者提出 :应该在我国大力开展“企业安全文化促进计划 (ESCPP)”的研究和推广应用。ESCPP是一种有效促进企业安全文化持续发展而建立的系统化方法和工作体系。完整的ESCPP至少应该包括 :①建立科学合理的企业安全文化的评价指标体系 ;②利用评价指标体系对企业的安全文化现状进行评估 ;③确定企业安全文化发展的目标 ;④制定企业安全文化改进方案 ;⑤进行员工培训 ;⑥实施已制定好的企业安全文化改进方案 ;⑦评估改进方案实施效果 ,持续改进。笔者对ESCPP的这 7个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

Introduction: This study identifies determinants of safety climate at agricultural cooperatives. Methods: An extensive survey was designed to build upon past research done in collaboration with DuPont (Risch et al., 2014). In 2014 and 2015, the survey was administered to 1930 employees at 14 different agricultural cooperatives with 154 locations. Injury incidence data were also collected from each location to better understand the overall health and safety environment in this sector. An ordered probit model is used to identify variables that are associated with better safety climates. Results: Safety system components such as discipline programs, inspection programs, modified duty programs, off-the-job safety training programs, and recognition programs are positively related to individual safety climate for both managerial employees and nonmanagerial employees. Variables representing an employee’s agricultural background, distance between their workplace and childhood home, and formal education are not associated with managerial safety climate. However, agricultural background and childhood home distance are associated with nonmanagerial safety climate. Conclusions: Improving occupational health and safety is a priority for many agricultural cooperatives. Lower safety climate emerges as nonmanagerial employees have more experience with production agriculture and work nearer to their home community. Practical applications: Employees of agricultural cooperatives face a host of health and safety challenges that are likely to persist into the future. The safety system components associated with safety climate indicate that continuous feedback is important for improving occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety programming should also acknowledge that many employees have experiences that influence their attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

One of the most important ways to prevent accidents is to consider safety climate or culture. Moreover, some studies suggest that behavior contributes to 86%-96% of all injuries. This cross-sectional study took place in an Iranian petrochemical company in 2010. Vinodkumar and Bhasi’s safety climate questionnaire and an ergonomic behavior sampling checklist were the data collection tools. Cronbach’s a for questionnaire reliability was .928. With reference to the results of a pilot study, a sample of 1755 was determined for behavior sampling. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to derive the coefficient of paths in the path model and the Anderson-Rabin method to calculate factor scores. The results showed that safety climate was an effective predictor of ergonomic behavior (p < .01). They also showed the importance of decreasing the number of workers with negative safety climate. Moreover, it is necessary to promote workers’ ergonomic behaviors in the workplace.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Universities and colleges serve to be institutions of education excellence; however, problems in the areas of occupational safety may undermine such goals. Occupational safety must be the concern of every employee in the organization, regardless of job position. Safety climate surveys have been suggested as important tools for measuring the effectiveness and improvement direction of safety programs. Thus, this study aims to investigate the influence of organizational and individual factors on safety climate in university and college laboratories. METHOD: Employees at 100 universities and colleges in Taiwan were mailed a self-administered questionnaire survey; the response rate was 78%. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that organizational category of ownership, the presence of a safety manager and safety committee, gender, age, title, accident experience, and safety training significantly affected the climate. Among them, accident experience and safety training affected the climate with practical significance. RECOMMENDATIONS: The authors recommend that managers should address important factors affecting safety issues and then create a positive climate by enforcing continuous improvements.  相似文献   

安全生产是中国可持续发展的重要组成部分   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
安全生产往往被认为仅是企业和政府主管部门的工作 ,人们论及可持续发展 ,只提到资源、环境、人口 ,却忽略了安全生产。笔者强调了安全生产是可持续发展的重要组成部分 ,要使社会各界都重视安全生产工作 ,才能保障生产活动中人的安全 ;同时提出了如下观点 :同一切事物一样 ,可持续发展本身也是一个发展的过程 ,这个过程是有阶段性的 ,每个阶段都有具体的发展目标 ,不同时期、不同国家和地区发展的内容和重点也是有差别的。鉴于现阶段我国严峻的安全生产形势 ,安全生产应作为我国可持续发展的重点内容。笔者还探讨了可持续发展观的起源和内涵 ;用人的需求层次理论 ,论述了安全生产与可持续发展的关系 ;从中国安全生产形势严峻的角度 ,分析了安全生产对中国可持续发展的影响 ;从坚持以人为本 ,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观出发 ,对做好安全生产工作提出了 7个方面的对策和建议。  相似文献   

安全文化对安全行为的影响模式   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
从分析文化对人的行为的影响方式出发 ,阐述了安全文化对人的安全行为的影响模式 ,提出了运用安全文化塑造人的安全行为的途径 ,同时为推动安全文化建设 ,以预防人的不安全行为的观点提供了理论依据 ,笔者所提出的建设安全文化的途径 ,对减少意外伤亡事故的发生具有现实指导意义和积极预防作用  相似文献   

安全科学与社会可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
笔者介绍了安全科学的兴起和内涵 ;认为安全科学的定义应是保护人类安全健康的、促进社会可持续发展的、跨门类综合性的交叉科学 ;论述了安全生产是我国的一项基本国策及全国安全生产现状 ,说明了伤亡事故的严重性和重大损失对我国社会发展的负面影响。还对安全科学促进社会可持续发展提出了 1 0项建议 ,其中包括 2 1世纪初期 2 0年内的重大科技问题的攻关内容的建议 ,可供国家有关部门战略决策的参考。  相似文献   



The often applied engineering approach to safety management in the construction industry needs to be supplemented by organizational measures and measures based on how people conceive and react to their social environment. This requires in-depth knowledge of the broad preconditions for high safety standards in construction. The aim of the study was to comprehensively describe the preconditions and components of high safety standards in the construction industry from the perspective of both experienced construction workers and first-line managers.


Five worker safety representatives and 19 first-line managers were interviewed, all strategically selected from within a large Swedish construction project. Phenomenographic methodology was used for data acquisition and analysis and to categorize the information. Nine informants verified the results.


The study identified four main categories of work safety preconditions and components: (1) Project characteristics and nature of the work, which set the limits of safety management; (2) Organization and structures, with the subcategories planning, work roles, procedures, and resources; (3) Collective values, norms, and behaviors, with the subcategories climate and culture, and interaction and cooperation; and (4) Individual competence and attitudes, with the subcategories knowledge, ability and experience, and individual attitudes.


The results comprehensively describe high safety standards in construction, incorporating organizational, group, individual, and technical aspects. High-quality interaction between different organizational functions and hierarchical levels stood out as important aspects of safety. The results are discussed in relation to previous research into safety and into the social-psychological preconditions for other desired outcomes in occupational settings.

Impact on Industry

The results can guide construction companies in planning and executing construction projects to a high safety standard.  相似文献   

以矿区可持续发展指标体系为对象,通过对大量的调查统计数据的分类统计排序分析以及模糊聚类分析等,探讨了人们对安全在矿区可持续发展体系中的地位的认识问题,并得出一个重要子集作为矿区可持续发展的重要环节  相似文献   

企业安全文化与HSE管理体系   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
从建立健康、安全与环境 (HSE)管理体系的基本思路、现状和发展趋势 ,以及中国石油化工集团公司HSE系列标准的内容、指导原则和建立HSE管理体系的理念等方面 ,阐述了HSE管理的建立、推行和发展的过程 ,HSE管理体系的建立和发展是石油石化企业在安全文化建设方面的重要成果。无论是安全管理的理念 ,或是生产经营活动都在不断创新和发展 ,都是培育和塑造中石化集团公司安全文化的具体体现。  相似文献   

对现有安全维度研究进行总结,结合中国项目安全管理特征以及地铁工程特征,在专家调查及一轮补充调查的基础上,通过决策实验室分析法(DEMATEL)对地铁工程建设安全气候的维度进行筛选,获得可以对安全效果进行预测的安全气候的维度。结合各个维度在安全气候问卷调查中的调研要素,概括中国地铁工程建设安全气候主要调查指标。研究确定的安全气候主要因子可以为地铁工程建设中安全气候问卷调查提供基础,并通过对安全效果的有效预测指导安全管理决策。  相似文献   

Benjamin Brooks   《Safety Science》2005,43(10):795-814
An ethnographic study of safety management was conducted in a commercial lobster fishing industry, in a small fishing town in Southern Australia. The objectives were to test the utility of the ethnographic method for exploring the nature of the relationship between occupational culture, workplace social organization, and safety management.Available accident data suggests this particular fishery may not have the same high incidence of occupational trauma normally attributed to commercial fishing. Changes in licensing laws and improved management of fish stocks have significantly reduced risk exposure. Participants in this study had a good understanding of their physical workplace risks, but accepted some of these with too few defences. Wear rates of personal flotation devices (PFDs) were below 1% for the study period.The paper suggests that participants do not have a strong learning culture, and links this to occupation-wide cultural assumptions, other external issues and safety management issues. Assessment of the social and cultural context of safety management can offer policy makers a ‘road-map’ to guide their interventions. The utility of ethnographic methods for this type of analysis is significant, and will be enhanced by improving the transparency of the research method.  相似文献   

浅析企业安全文化构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业安全文化是企业文化的组成部分,是创建和谐社会的基础.介绍了企业安全文化的概念、功能和特点;提出构建企业安全文化的前提、背景和特色要求;就领导层决策、管理层强化、全员参与、目标管理等方面论述了构建企业安全文化的途径;分析了构建企业安全文化应注意的原则.  相似文献   

论国有大中型企业的安全管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出了国有大中型企业安全管理的特殊性 :从内部看 ,部分国有大中型企业政治化严重 ,安全生产的责任主体空缺 ,事故隐患整改不及时 ,安全管理手段单一 ,安全技术人才、设备不能被充分利用 ;从外部看 ,政府部门对国有大中型企业直接干预较多 ,政出多门 ,地方保护主义 ,监察不到位 ,责任追究不严。国有大中型企业应建立自我管理机制 ,积极与国际接轨 ,建设企业安全文化 ,建立现代安全管理体系 ;政府应为企业建立可预期的法治环境 ,赋予大中型企业安全技术检测检验、培训教育、评估评价组织一定的职能 ,充分利用企业安全技术人才、设备资源 ,为安全生产服务。  相似文献   

烟花爆竹生产安全问题探析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
烟花爆竹生产由于行业的特殊性,危险性很大。近年来,烟花爆竹安全生产形势严峻,事故频发,危害严重。笔者在调查研究的基础上,分析了烟花爆竹生产的危险性以及引发事故的主要原因。着重讨论了烟花爆竹安全生产的可行性途径,强调提高准入门槛,严格安全生产许可证的核发;加大监督管理力度,严格规章制度的落实;发展地方经济,从根本上防止非法生产;并通过对湖南浏阳花炮生产安全管理的分析,探讨安全文化建设在烟花爆竹这一高危行业的作用,认为烟花爆竹行业要发展,要尽可能减少事故的发生,一定要注重安全管理,注重企业安全文化建设,注重提高从业人员的安全文化素质。  相似文献   

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