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Mussel samples were collected at 4 to 6 wk intervals throughout 1987 from two hybridMytilus edulis/M. galloprovincialis populations, at Croyde Bay and Whitsand Bay, in southwest England. These were analyzed at two polymorphic loci which are diagnostic for allozyme differences which typifyM. edulis andM. galloprovincialis. Dry mantle weight as a function of shell length was determined for all individuals of each sample. Size-frequency data for the two populations was obtained in September 1987 and March 1988. For all genotypes at both sites, fecundity was a function of shell length, and in both populations the frequency ofM. galloprovincialis alleles was positively correlated with shell length. At both sites, allozyme genotype explained a significant amount of variation in mantle weight either when assessed as a main effect or when assessed as an interaction with shell length or time of collection. At Croyde,M. galloprovincialis mussels had greater estimated fecundity per unit length than theM. edulis mussels. Differences in the timing of spawning activity between theM. edulis and theM. galloprovincialis mussels were inferred, and these differences might act to reduce the amount of interbreeding at Croyde. At Whitsand, a reduced level of variability in the timing of spawning activity and fecundity between the genotypes was observed and explained by a higher degree of genetic mixing. Because theM. galloprovincialis mussels had (1) a greater estimated fecundity at any length, and (2) a greater mean length than theM. edulis mussels, the mean genotypic annual fecundity perM. galloprovincialis mussel was 2.8 times greater than an individualM. edulis mussel at Croyde, and 2.2 times greater than an individualM. edulis mussel at Whitsand. This evidence thatM. galloprovincialis mussels have an advantage in fecundity, and thus perhaps in fertility, taken together with the evidence thatM. galloprovincialis also has a higher viability, indicates directional selection in favour of theM. galloprovincialis phenotype. Because of the observed temporal stability of the population it seems likely that this selection is counterbalanced by a massive imigration ofM. edulis spat from neighbouring populations.  相似文献   

Mussel (Mytilus californianus) populations were studied throughout California to determine changes over the past few decades, and, in particular, to determine if declines reported for southern California have occurred outside of the region. We compared mussel cover, biomass, and bed thickness reported in historic studies in the mid-1970s to 1980s with measurements made in 2002. Mussel cover and biomass in southern California declined markedly over the past few decades with a mean cover loss of 31.2% (40.2% loss) and biomass loss of 25.1 kg m−2 (51.3% loss). Changes in mussel bed thickness were not as strong as cover and biomass, but also appeared to decline over time. Declines were limited to the southern California region, since mussel cover, biomass, and bed thickness remained unchanged or increased at sites in central and northern California. Causes for mussel declines in southern California are unknown, but may include human visitation, increased sea surface temperatures, and pollution.  相似文献   

In several marine bivalve species, biochemical genetic variation at a leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) locus is associated with environmental variability, primarily salinity fluctuation. Population genetic variation at a LAP locus was investigated here in two sympatric mussel species (Mytilus galloprovincialis and Perna canaliculus) from three locations along a salinity gradient in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. The data for M. galloprovincialis and P. canaliculus do not support the hypothesis that the LAP polymorphism in either species is associated with salinity variation among adult mussels. Due to the absence of small mussels among the samples it is not possible to discount the hypothesis that selection acts primarily against juveniles, as it does for M. edulis in Long Island Sound, USA. Wellington Harbour populations of M. galloprovincialis exhibited large and often highly significant heterozygote excesses at the LAP locus, whereas populations of P. canaliculus from the same locations exhibited large and highly significant heterozygote deficiencies. The reason for this inter-specific difference in population structure is unknown. If it is the result of selection, this suggests that selection acts differentially upon the two species, because demographic attributes and reproductive biology are very similar in the two species. For both M. galloprovincialis and P. canaliculus, significant levels of population genetic heterogeneity were recorded among three locations separated by only 8 to 12 km. Neither species exhibited shell length-dependent genetic variation at the LAP locus, suggesting that for these two species the LAP polymorphism is not associated with variation in shell length. Received: 30 December 1996 / Accepted: 6 January 1997  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozyme variation were analysed in samples of mussels collected in 1984 and 1985 from four localities in South West England and one locality in South Wales, a region of Britain where the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) occurs sympatrically and hybridises with the Mediterranean mussel (M. galloprovincialis). Significant differences in mtDNA genotype frequencies for three restriction enzymes (BstEII, XbaI, and EcoRI) were observed between mussels from M. galloprovincialis populations (Padstow and Bude) and those from an M. edulis population (Swansea). Some mtDNA genotypes at high-frequency in M. galloprovincialis were not observed in M. edulis, although there was no indication that mtDNA variation provides greater overall diagnostic power than allozyme variation in distinguishing between the two forms of mussel. Construction of a phylogenetic tree of multiple mtDNA genotypes revealed small mutational distances between the genotypes characterising M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. The results were consistent with predominant mtDNA flow from M. edulis to M. galloprovincialis. This can be explained by the dispersal of larvae to South West England from M. edulis regions to the north and east, but little dispersal in the opposite directions. Samples from two hybrid populations (Whitsand and Croyde) were analysed. mtDNA genotype frequencies at Croyde were in line with predictions made on the basis of two partially diagnostic allozyme loci (Est-D and Odh), mtDNA frequencies at Whitsand were not. Frequencies of some mtDNA genotypes at Whitsand were characteristic of M. edulis, others of M. galloprovincialis. Differential selective mortality or flow of different mtDNA genotypes and allozyme variation are proposed as possible causes of these results.  相似文献   

Biochemical genetic variation at a leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) locus is related to salinity variation in several marine bivalve molluscs. This paper details an investigation of the Long Island Sound model of LAP selection (LAP genotype-dependent mortality occurring among newly settled Mytilus edulis mussels) carried out in 1997 among three M. galloprovincialis mussel populations along the salinity gradient of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. Significant LAP genotypic heterogeneity was observed at the LAP locus between small (<25 mm shell length) and large (>25 mm shell length) M. galloprovincialis from Petone and Eastbourne (the two sites experiencing the greatest salinity variation), whereas genotypic heterogeneity was not significantly different between small and large mussels from Seatoun (the site experiencing the least salinity variation). The Lap 3 allele decreased in frequency and the Lap 4 allele increased in frequency at Petone and Eastbourne, whereas the Lap 3 and Lap 4 allele frequencies remained effectively constant at Seatoun. Both these findings are consistent with the Long Island Sound model of selection. At all three locations, the Lap 3,3 genotype decreased in frequency from small to large mussels, whereas the Lap 3,4 genotype increased in frequency from small to large mussels. All other LAP genotypes occurred at low frequencies (<0.10) at all three locations and showed no evidence of frequency change from small to large-size mussels nor evidence of clinal change among the three locations. These genotype frequency data possibly indicate that the Lap 3,3 genotype is at a selective disadvantage compared to the Lap 3,4 genotype at all three locations, and that this selective disadvantage is related to the extent of salinity variation which exists at each location. Further investigation is required before it can be determined if the Long Island Sound model of selection best describes the size-dependent and location-specific changes in LAP allele and genotype frequencies along this salinity gradient. Comparison of the population genetic structure at the LAP locus in 1995 and in 1997 revealed a profound change from heterozygote excesses to heterozygote deficiencies for all three M. galloprovincialis populations. The reason for the change is unknown, but the change indicates that population genetic structure at the LAP locus is highly variable in time, but consistent in space, among these M.␣galloprovincialis populations. Received: 5 February 1998 / Accepted: 27 May 1998  相似文献   

Loglinear analysis of electrophoretic data from two hybrid Mytilus edulis x galloprovincialis populations in southwest England revealed non-significant associations between genotypes at four allozyme loci, each of which is partially diagnostic for differences between the two taxa. Significant non-random genotypic associations within the context of the non-significant model involved all four assayed loci equally, consistent with their occurrence in a relatively tight linkage group. Multivariate analyses were used to examine electrophoretic variation from the two hybrid populations, and morphometric variation in the hybrid populations and in four allopatric (two M. edulis and two M. galloprovincialis) populations from western Europe While the number of hybrid mussels is high at both sites (22% at Croyde, 53% at Whitsand) the two taxa have largely maintained the genetic differences which exist between them in allopatry. However, morphological differences between the taxa have been eroded for mussels within the hybrid zone, whereas these differences are quite pronounced for mussels from allopatric populations. It is proposed that each taxon within the genus maintains its genetic identity, despite high dispersal potential, widespread hybridization, and high levels of introgression, as a result of adaptation to different environments. The worlwide occurrence of all four Mytilus hybrid zones at ecotones between recognized biogeographical provinces which are characterized by differences in temperature and salinity is consistent with such an interpretation.  相似文献   

To determine seasonal variability in mineralization dynamics of mussel biodeposits, we applied a multiple-element approach measuring mineralization rates of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and silicate (Si) during three periods (March, August and November). The results of this study showed that mineralization rates vary between seasons and between elements and that mineralization dynamics were influenced by both temperature and biodeposit nutrient composition. Mineralization rates were 3.2 ± 0.4 mmol C, 0.17 ± 0.04 mmol N, 0.06 ± 0.02 mmol P and 3.91 ± 3.75 mmol Si per gram biodeposit (DW) per day, which represented 24 % of the particulate organic C and 17 % of the particulate organic N in mussel biodeposits. Seasonal variability was largest for Si mineralization with 60–80-fold higher rates measured in March compared to August and November. This difference is most likely related to the difference in biodeposit nutrient composition. It was furthermore shown that the labile fraction of biodeposits became mineralized after, respectively, 18, 9 and 13 days during the experimental periods in March, August and November. This indicates that temperature enhances biodeposit decomposition with approximately 2–3 times faster turnover at a 10 °C temperature interval (Q 10 ).  相似文献   

M. Lardies  J. Castilla 《Marine Biology》2001,139(6):1125-1133
The pinnotherid crab Pinnaxodes chilensis is a common commensal of the edible sea urchin Loxechinus albus along the Chilean coast. Several aspects of the reproductive biology of P. chilensis were examined between April and June 1999, along temperature and salinity gradients, at three sampling sites along the Chilean coast (23°45'S-39°24'S). Results demonstrated significant differences in egg number, egg volume, dry egg weight, and reproductive output of ovigerous females, between the studied populations of northern and central-southern Chile. Egg volume, egg dry weight, and reproductive output of females decreased from high to low latitudes, while egg number increased from high to low latitudes, exhibiting a clear trade-off with egg volume. It has been shown that changes in environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, salinity) along a latitudinal gradient, can generate clines in reproductive characteristics in both free-living and parasitic species.  相似文献   

Radl  A.  Culik  B. M. 《Marine Biology》1999,133(3):381-393
Marine Biology - During the breeding season 1996/97 we compared the foraging and diving behaviour of adult Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus), growth rates of their chicks and their...  相似文献   

Variation amongst wild populations of Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link is shown to be of a continuous nature, and the species cannot be readily segregated into distinct subspecific taxa on the basis of morphological characteristics. Zoospores derived from plurilocular sporangia developed asexually into cylindrical thalli under long and short days at 16°C. The progeny of some cylindrical thalli included microthalli bearing plurilocular sporangia or unilocular sporangia. Cylindrical forms of S. lomentaria were obtained in culture from wild microthalli of two kinds, bearing either plurilocular or unilocular sporangia. The microthalli differ morphologically from the ralfsioid stages commonly known to be plethysmothalli and sporophytes of S. lomentaria, but closely resemble the microthalli derived from cultures of wild S. lomentaria.  相似文献   

Gracilaria chilensis exhibits noticeable intraclonal variation, some of which is presumed to result from mitotic recombinations or other types of DNA turnover associated with replication activities during cellular division. To test this, genetic variability (determined by multilocus fingerprinting markers using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA technique, RAPD) and total growth were simultaneously measured over time in clonal replicates of G. chilensis incubated under controlled laboratory conditions. The results suggest that genetic variability increases as growth occurs and biomass accumulates, supporting the hypothesis of growth-related increases in genetic heterogeneity. For species massively propagated by thallus fragmentation in either naturally or farmed populations, growth-dependent genetic changes may constitute a powerful means of generating intra-population variation without thalli becoming reproductively mature, and, as a consequence, bypassing meiosis and/or sexual recombination. Received: 6 May 1998 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

Four populations of the predatory gastropodNucella lapillus were sampled at sites around the South West Peninsula of England in 1986, and analysed for allozyme variation at 18 enzyme loci. Two of these loci, Gpd-1 andHk-1, exhibited sex-specific phenotypes. An absolute locus association was observed between two other loci,Mdh-1 andEst-3. This association was only found at one site (Prawle), and it is suggested that the presence of chromosomal polymorphisms could explain this finding. As a measure of overall similarity, Nei's genetic identity statistic,I, was calculated; the mean for all populations was 0.989, with values ranging from 0.981 to 0.997. Although similar on this gross level, considerable interpopulation variation was evident. Observed mean heterozygosity (per locus) ranged from 0.043 to 0.104 (mean 0.074). Populations differed also in the loci at which significant heterozygote deficits were seen (of the seven deficits recorded only those at thePep-1 locus were consistent across sites) and in the presence of rare alleles undetected elsewhere. The variation observed showed no correlation to shell morphology or geographical distance and confirmed the conclusion that species of the genusNucella show considerable disjunct variation.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the balance between physiological mechanisms of feeding and digestion are considered among 45 to 57 mm shell length Mytilus edulis L. from southwest England. Mussels had been acclimated to standardised conditions of food availability in March, June and October, 1981. Results indicate that despite showing a negative relationship (P<0.001) with the efficiency of 15N absorption, coincident alterations of both ingestion rate (0.17 to 0.54 mg total Phaeodactylum tricornutum h-1) and organic gut content (1.00 to 1.80 mg) represent significant mechanisms effecting the seasonal regulation of nutrient acquisition. Concurrent changes in absorption efficiency alone clearly exerted a relatively minor influence upon seasonal rates of absorption. Associated gut residence times of 15N-labelled material varied between 4 and 10 h. Furthermore, despite the ensuing deleterious effects, together with increased gut contents, absorption efficiencies among mussels that had been starved throughout acclimation were consistently maintained equivalent to those among individuals feeding normally. Such constancy was at least partially achieved by an increased residence time of material within diverticulae, relative to the digestive system as a whole. Finally, comparison of isotopic absorption efficiencies with those recorded for total organics and organic nitrogen has demonstrated differences of as much as 30% between gross and net uptake due, we suggest, to excretion of metabolically derived material within the alimentary canal.  相似文献   

Physiological responses of suspended cultured mussels, Mytilus edulis L., in two Scottish sea lochs (Lochs Etive and Leven) were investigated in their native and transplanted environments, after 15 d, 4.5 mo and 1 yr acclimatization, during the main growing season of May to September 1992. These measurements were integrated by means of the balanced energy equation, and scope for growth was calculated to assess the performance of each stock. Transplanted mussels showed clear signs of stress during the first 15 d after transfer, with low clearance rates and energy retention and high rates of respiration and nitrogen excretion. There were significant differences in some of the physiological responses (clearance, respiration and excretion rates), scope for growth and growth efficiency between the native populations, with the responses of mussels in Loch Etive being more favourable than those in Loch Leven. With newly transplanted mussels after 15 d acclimatization, almost all these measurements also differed significantly from native mussels in their host site and the original stocks but, with the exception of ammonia excretion rates, all the variables of cross-transplanted mussels after 4.5 mo acclimatization were the same as those of the native stock at the host site. Good agreement between observed long-term growth rates and estimated scope for growth suggests that, like growth rate, differences in physiological responses are mainly controlled by environmental factors; i.e., stock or origin had no significant influence on variations in physiological response (except ammonia excretion). The results further indicate that scope for growth estimated during the main growing season can be used to assess the actual growth rate and to compare sites for on-growing.  相似文献   

The striped mullet, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758, is one of the few species of marine shore fish with a worldwide circumtropical distribution. Because of this distribution and the dependency of M. cephalus on coastal waters during various phases of its life cycle, as well as nearshore living habits, questions have been raised regarding levels of genetic divergence and gene flow among transoceanic populations. To cast more light on this, allozyme variation at 27 presumptive gene loci was investigated in ten globally diverse populations. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.018 (Hawaii) to 0.081 (Florida), averaging 0.050. The proportion of polymorphic loci showed a similar trend. Several populations were characterised by fixed allelic differences. Estimated gene diversities were very high, the allele frequency variation among populations was found to be 68%; genetic distances reached 0.242, with an average of 0.117. Estimated rates of gene flow were high among Mediterranean populations (Nm = 7.26), and between Mediterranean and East Atlantic populations (Nm= 2.86), but extremely low between non-contiguous populations within the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, where Nm ranged from 0.03 to 0.05. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 February 1998  相似文献   

Crucibulum quiriquinae (Lesson, 1830) is the only species of Crucibulum currently recognized in northern Chile. Recent analysis of three Crucibulum populations obtained in northern Chile demonstrates the existence of morphological, genetic, and reproductive differences among populations. Two populations present in Bahía Tongoy (30°15'S), one inhabiting the shells of the snail Turritella cingulata and the other shells of the pectinid Argopecten purpuratus, showed morphological differences. However, both had planktonic larval development and show low genetic divergence (D=0.002). A third population from Bahía La Herradura (29°58'S), which also inhabits the shells of T. cingulata, did not show morphological differences compared with its counterpart from Bahía Tongoy. However the Bahía La Herradura population had intracapsular development and metamorphosis, and a larger genetic distance (D=0.06) from both Tongoy populations. The results of the reproductive and genetic analyses strongly suggested that the two Tongoy populations, although showing morphological differences, are biologically the same species, Crucibulum quiriquinae, whereas the La Herradura population is a new species.  相似文献   

The growth pattern of Loxechinus albus in southern Chile was studied using size-at-age data obtained by reading growth bands on the genital plates. The scatter plots of sizes-at-age for samples collected in three different locations indicated that growth is linear between ages 2 and 10. Five different growth models, including linear, asymptotic and non-asymptotic functions, were fitted to the data, and model selection was conducted based on the Akaike information criteria (AIC) and the Bayesian information criteria (BIC). The AIC identified the Tanaka model as the most suitable for two of the three sites. However, the BIC led to the selection of the linear model for all zones. Our results show that the growth pattern of L. albus is different from the predominantly asymptotic pattern that has been reported for other sea urchin species.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic diversity among populations of the shrimp Farfantepenaeus notialis, the most abundant penaeid species around Cuba. A total of 25 allozyme loci were analyzed in samples of shrimps from seven localities at the south central platform of the island (Ana María Gulf). Samples from three of these localities and from Batabanó Gulf and Guacanayabo Gulf at the south west and south east platforms of the island, respectively, were also characterized at the mtDNA level through sequence variation of a 2027 bp segment including part of the COI and COIII genes. Of the 25 allozyme loci studied 9 were polymorphic: Akp2, Akp3, AmyB, Est3, Gdh, GP7, and Per1, 2 and 3. In contrast to mtDNA, the pattern of allozyme variation among localities revealed strong population structuring at Ana María Gulf, with significant F st in all pairwise comparisons. The magnitude of F st estimates as well as the grouping pattern obtained by a UPGMA analysis based on a distance matrix indicated that the level of differentiation was concordant with the geographical position of the localities and the hydrographic regime. Homogeneity of mtDNA suggested that differentiation of allozyme loci might be due to more recent events rather than historical isolation of the sampled populations. Ana María and Guacanayabo Gulf populations were differentiated by mtDNA from Batabanó Gulf, at the southwestern end of the island. The analysis showed three restriction site differences among them, suggesting genetic isolation of the two regions. The present results also suggest that an artificial introduction of larvae from Tunas de Zaza into Batabanó Gulf, in an effort to repopulate this fishing region, may have been ineffective. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

Starch-gel electrophoresis of allozymes was used to differentiate the two red mullet species (Mullus barbatus L. and M. surmuletus L.) in the Mediterranean Sea and, further, to investigate the genetic stock structure of M. barbatus in the eastern Mediterranean area. Twenty putative enzyme-coding loci were examined in eight M. barbatus samples caught in the Aegean and Ionian Seas (Greece) and in the Gulf of Lion (France), and two M. surmuletus samples caught in the Aegean and Gulf of Lion. A high degree of genetic polymorphism was found in both species. Species-specific electrophoretic patterns were found in PGI* and PGM*. Estimates of variance of allele frequencies among samples (F ST) and 2 analyses both revealed significant differences (P < 0.05) among the M. barbatus samples. Most of the genetic variation was among samples regardless of region. The mean value of Nei's genetic distance between the two species was 0.329. Genetic distance among M. barbatus samples was low (maximum Nei's D = 0.012), with the sample from Platania differing most from other M. barbatus samples. This is probably be due to founder effects existing at this area. These results suggest that allozyme analysis may provide important information on the genetic structure of the red mullet to ensure sustainable management of this species. Received: 7 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

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