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燃料燃烧过程是大气污染物的重要来源之一,对人体健康,空气质量和气候变化具有非常重要的影响;管理控制是控制污染物排放的重要手段.以85台小型燃油锅炉(≤10.5 MW)燃料特性分析数据和污染物排放实测数据为基础,通过统计分析方法,分析了中国在用燃油品质以及大气污染物的排放现状,讨论了小型燃油锅炉大气污染物排放管理控制的潜力与可行性.结果表明,对燃油品质的管理控制是有效控制燃烧过程大气污染物排放的重要措施,分别有95%和98%燃油的灰分和含硫量符合国家相关规定;所有测试锅炉PM排放浓度远低于<锅炉大气污染物排放标准>(GB/T 13271-2001)规定的最高允许排放限值,有90%以上的锅炉达到GB/T 13271~2001中SO2最高允许排放限值,有84%的锅炉达到GB/T 13271-2001中NOx最高允许排放限值;与其他国家相比,中国对小型燃油锅炉常规大气污染物排放的管理控制处于中等水平,应当适时开展对有害空气污染物的管理控制.  相似文献   

在分析超净排放技术和脱硫、脱硝及除尘中各污染物的作用机制基础上,研究了不同工况条件下SO_2、NO_x、烟尘的排放特性。结果表明:(1)脱硝工艺烟气温度控制在377~407℃,总风量控制在1 100~1 500t/h,出口NO_x质量浓度能够达到《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2011)超净排放(50mg/m~3)的脱硝标准,比改造前NO_x平均脱除效率提升6百分点。(2)改造后,出口烟气SO_2质量浓度为28.7 mg/m~3,低于35 mg/m~3;出口烟尘质量浓度为3.4 mg/m~3,低于5 mg/m~3,均达到了GB13223—2011超净排放的标准。(3)电厂完成改造后每年可减少SO_2及NO_x排放量分别为2.7万、1.3万t,年缴纳的SO_2和NO_x排污费用可减少2 526.3万元,具有显著的节能及经济效益。  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置技术能够有效地缓解危险废物(以下简称危废)的处置压力,是一项很有发展前景的危废处置技术。通过监测两座典型的新型干法水泥窑在协同处置危废时窑尾烟气中烟尘、SO2和NOx等污染物的排放浓度,评价两条水泥生产线在协同处置危废时污染物排放浓度能否达标。监测结果表明,水泥窑协同处置危废时烟气污染物浓度均低于《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 4915—2013)和《水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准》(GB 30485—2013)规定的排放限值。同时,两座水泥窑烟气中烟尘、SO2、NOx和HF等污染物的排放因子均低于我国新型干法水泥窑污染物排放的平均值,表明两条水泥生产线窑尾烟气净化系统运行良好。此外,还研究了水泥窑协同处置危废前后二噁英排放毒性当量浓度的变化情况。  相似文献   

正环境保护部会同国家质检总局日前发布了《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13271—2014)、《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》(GB 18485—2014)、《锡、铺、汞工业污染物排放标准》(GB 30770—2014)和《非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》  相似文献   

随着环境保护要求的日渐提高,按照GB13223—2003火电厂大气污染物排放标准,电除尘设备已不能满足火电厂锅炉烟尘排放浓度的要求。因此,在全国火电厂推广应用的环保领域中高效袋式除尘设备,已成"十一五"节能减排的重要课题。文中根据火电厂循环流化床锅炉飞灰的特点,对电除尘器和布袋除尘器进行了技术经济比较,阐述了火电厂发展袋式除尘器设备的可行性。  相似文献   

随着炼焦技术、污染治理水平的进步,中国炼焦行业的整体格局和水平已发生重大变化,现行污染物排放标准已不能适应炼焦发展新形势的需要,《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB 16171-2012)于2012年10月1日开始实施,同时不再执行《钢铁工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 13456-92)和《炼焦炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB 16171-1996).从适用范围、包含范围、排放限值以及污染物控制因子变化4个方面对比分析了炼焦行业新旧污染物排放标准的差异.最后从焦炉类型选择和环保措施选择两方面提出了炼焦行业应对新污染物排放标准的建议.  相似文献   

针对生物质成型燃料锅炉烟气中的颗粒物(PM)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放浓度高的问题,采用布袋除尘技术与生物炭吸附技术相结合的工艺技术,集成通风直接冷却技术,设计了颗粒物和挥发性有机物一体化脱除装置,并开展了脱除效果验证实验。结果表明:装置对颗粒物去除率87.8%~90.7%,VOCs去除率69.1%~72.0%,颗粒物和VOCs的排放浓度远低于《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13271-2014),表明该装置对生物质锅炉烟气中的颗粒物和VOCs具有较好的脱除效果,研究可为生物质成型燃料锅炉烟气净化工艺提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为探讨《燃煤电厂大气污染物排放标准》(DB33/2147—2018)实施所来带的影响,对比分析了DB33/2147—2018与现行的《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2011)中燃煤发电锅炉的大气污染物控制要求,详细分析了DB33/2147—2018的主要特点,如加严了污染物的有组织排放限值,增加了排放绩效要求和无组织排放控制要求等。DB33/2147—2018实施后将有利于燃煤电厂的监督执法,同时也会大幅减少燃煤电厂的污染物排放;更会对燃煤电厂、监测单位等产生重要影响。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂是颗粒物重要的排放源之一。"超低排放"后,部分工况下烟气处于低温高湿条件,对烟尘测试工作带来挑战,尤其是低浓度时。选择某典型低温高湿的测试环境,比对研究了《固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法》(GB/T 16157—1996)和《固定污染源的排放在低浓度时颗粒物质(粉尘)的质量浓度的测定手工重量分析法》(ISO 12141:2002)两种烟尘测试方法,并依据国际标准化组织的"测量不确定度描述指南"(简称GUM)测量不确定度,评估了不同方法的测量不确定度。结果表明:低温高湿环境下,ISO 12141:2002测试数据的准确度、精密度均好于GB/T 16157—1996,同时ISO12141:2002测量不确定度明显低于GB/T 16157—1996;采用高等级天平、增加烟气采样体积和烟尘采样测试数量,可有效降低烟尘排放值测量不确定度。  相似文献   

某新型炼焦炉烟尘治理装置在焦炉炉顶设导烟车(配套皮带小车),并采用拦焦集尘罩进行高温烟气的收集。在装煤、出焦过程中产生的烟尘、粉尘等污染物经炉顶导烟车转送至烟气输送风管,再经管道输送到地面除尘系统,经净化处理后排放。经实际运行监测,出口烟气浓度符合《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB 16171—2012)。  相似文献   

Zhang HJ  Ni YW  Chen JP  Zhang Q 《Chemosphere》2008,70(4):721-730
Optimizing the operating parameters to minimize polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDD/F) emission is the common interest of the municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration industry. In this study, we investigated the distribution of tetra- to octa-CDD/F along the flue gas line in a full-scale reciprocating grate incinerator and evaluated the effects of temperature control and O(2) level on PCDD/F formation. Six runs were laid out and all performed under sufficient burning conditions, in which the combustion efficiency of MSW was more than 99.9%. The total concentration of tetra- to octa-CDD/F measured at the boiler outlet showed an increasing tendency with the increase of boiler outlet temperature (T(B)) from 214 degrees C to 264 degrees C. When flue gas ran across the semi-dry scrubber and cyclone precipitator, in which the temperature varied from 264 degrees C to 162 degrees C, the concentrations of the lower chlorinated dioxins and furans were significantly raised, especially for the TCDF. Increasing O(2) supply from 6.0% to 10.5% essentially led to a higher yield of tetra- to octa-PCDD/F, suggested that under sufficient burning conditions the lower O(2) level was favorable for reducing PCDD/F formation and emission. The variation of O(2) level did not give rise to a systematical change of PCDD/F homologue pattern. For all measurements, the isomer distributions of tetra- to hepta-PCDD/F were more or less the same, nearly independent of variations in the operating conditions and sampling positions. Only the significant increase of the sum of 1,3,7,8-TCDF and 1,3,7,9-TCDF was found in the zone after the boiler section.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to conduct an integrated analysis of the energy, greenhouse gas, and air quality impacts of a new type of boiler briquette coal (BB-coal) in contrast to those of the raw coal from which the BB-coal was formulated (R-coal). The analysis is based on the source emissions data and other relevant data collected in the present study and employs approaches including the construction of carbon, energy, and sulfur balances. The results show that replacing R-coal with BB-coal as the fuel for boilers such as the one tested would have multiple benefits, including a 37% increase in boiler thermal efficiency, a 25% reduction in fuel demand, a 26% reduction in CO2 emission, a 17% reduction in CO emission, a 63% reduction in SO2 emission, a 97% reduction in fly ash and fly ash carbon emission, a 22% reduction in PM2.5 mass emission, and a 30% reduction in total emission of five toxic hazardous air pollutant (HAP) metals contained in PM10. These benefits can be achieved with no changes in boiler hardware and with a relatively small amount of tradeoffs: a 30% increase in PM10 mass emission and a 9-16% increase in fuel cost.  相似文献   

焚烧秸秆对城市空气质量的影响及对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过夏收季节农民焚烧秸秆的烟尘,引起对城市环境空气质量变化的分析,结果表明:焚烧秸秆对城市环境空气质量有很大影响,使环境空气质量明显下降,而主要污染物为可吸入颗粒物PM10。有关部门应采取有效措施,禁止焚烧秸秆,同时应积极为农民寻找合理利用秸秆的途径,减少对城市空气的烟尘污染。  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) contained in the smoke generated from rice straw burning in post-harvest paddy fields in Japan were analyzed to determine their congener profiles. Both the apportionment of toxic equivalent (TEQ) by using indicative congeners and the comparison of the homolog profiles showed that the PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs present in the rice-straw smoke were greatly influenced by those present as impurities in pentachlorophenol (PCP) and chlornitrofen (CNP, 4-nitrophenyl-2,4,6-trichlorophenyl ether) formulations that had been widely used as herbicides in paddy fields in Japan. Further, in order to investigate the effects of paddy-field soil on the PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs present in rice-straw smoke, PCDD/PCDF/DL-PCB homolog profiles of rice straw, rice-straw smoke and paddy-field soil were compared. Rice-straw smoke was generated by burning rice straw on a stainless-steel tray in a laboratory. The results suggested that the herbicides-originated PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs and the atmospheric PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs contributed predominantly to the presence of PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs in the rice-straw smoke while the contribution of PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs formed during rice straw burning was relatively minimal. The major sources of the PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs found in the rice-straw smoke were attributed primarily to the paddy-field soil adhered to the rice straw surface and secondarily to the air taken by the rice straw. The principal component analysis supported these conclusions. It is concluded that rice straw burning at paddy fields acts as a driving force in the transfer of PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs from paddy-field soil to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of exposure to vegetation fire smoke are often limited by the availability of accurate exposure data. This paper describes a systematic framework for retrospectively identifying the cause of air pollution events to facilitate a long, multicenter analysis of the public health effects of vegetation fire smoke pollution in Australia. Pollution events were statistically defined as any day at or above the 95th percentile of the 24-hr average concentration of particulate matter (PM). These were identified for six cities from three distinct ecoclimatic regions of Australia. The dates of each event were then crosschecked against a range of information sources, including online newspaper archives, government and research agency records, satellite imagery, and aerosol optical thickness measures to identify the cause for the excess particulate pollution. Pollution events occurred most frequently during summer for cities in subtropical and arid regions and during winter for cities in temperate regions. A cause for high PM on 67% of days examined in the city of Sydney was found, and 94% of these could be attributed to landscape fire smoke. Results were similar for cities in other subtropical and arid locations. Identification of the cause of pollution events was much lower in colder temperate regions where fire activity is less frequent. Bushfires were the most frequent cause of extreme pollution events in cities located in subtropical and arid regions of Australia. Although identification of pollution episodes was greatly improved by the use of multiple sources of information, satellite imagery was the most useful tool for identifying bushfire smoke pollution events.  相似文献   

A field study on grass field burning was conducted in the Willamette Valley of Oregon during the summer of 1965. Approximately 230,000 acres of grass fields are burned in the valley during August and September. Serious air pollution problems result from this burning. The purposes of the study were to determine the effect of environmental variables on grass field burning and to determine if conditions exist when significant air pollution reduction can be achieved. The environmental variables investigated were time from harvest to burning, time of day, air temperature, relative humidity, soil and straw moisture, wind speed and direction, and fuel density. The dependent variables measured were particulate emission and size distribution, combustion temperature, burn rate, amount of ash, percent of organics in the particulate, and smoke appearance. The results were analyzed statistically to determine the significant variables and their relationship.  相似文献   

Using a WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modeling framework, we investigate the impacts of smoke from prescribed fires on model performance, regional and loc al air quality, health impacts, and visibility in protected natural environments using three different prescribed fire emission scenarios: 100% fire, no fire, and 30% fire. The 30% fire case reflects a 70% reduction in fire activities due to harvesting of logging residues for use as a feedstock for a potential aviation biofuel supply chain. Overall model performance improves for several performance metrics when fire emissions are included, especially for organic carbon, irrespective of the model goals and criteria used. This effect on model performance is more pronounced for the rural and remote IMPROVE sites for organic carbon and total PM2.5. A reduction in prescribed fire emissions (30% fire case) results in significant improvement in air quality in areas in western Oregon, northern Idaho, and western Montana, where most prescribed fires occur. Prescribed burning contributes to visibility impairment, and a relatively large portion of protected class I areas will benefit from a reduced emission scenario. For the haziest 20% days, prescribed burning is an important source of visibility impairment, and approximately 50% of IMPROVE sites in the model domain show a significant improvement in visibility for the reduced fire case. Using BenMAP, a health impact assessment tool, we show that several hundred additional deaths, several thousand upper and lower respiratory symptom cases, several hundred bronchitis cases, and more than 35,000 workday losses can be attributed to prescribed fires, and these health impacts decrease by 25–30% when a 30% fire emission scenario is considered.

Implications: This study assesses the potential regional and local air quality, public health, and visibility impacts from prescribed burning activities, as well as benefits that can be achieved by a potential reduction in emissions for a scenario where biomass is harvested for conversion to biofuel. As prescribed burning activities become more frequent, they can be more detrimental for air quality and health. Forest residue-based biofuel industry can be source of cleaner fuel with co-benefits of improved air quality, reduction in health impacts, and improved visibility.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to conduct an integrated analysis of the energy, greenhouse gas, and air quality impacts of a new type of boiler briquette coal (BB-coal) in contrast to those of the raw coal from which the BB-coal was formulated (R-coal). The analysis is based on the source emissions data and other relevant data collected in the present study and employs approaches including the construction of carbon, energy, and sulfur balances. The results show that replacing R-coal with BB-coal as the fuel for boilers such as the one tested would have multiple benefits, including a 37% increase in boiler thermal efficiency, a 25% reduction in fuel demand, a 26% reduction in CO2 emission, a 17% reduction in CO emission, a 63% reduction in SO2 emission, a 97% reduction in fly ash and fly ash carbon emission, a 22% reduction in PM2.5 mass emission, and a 30% reduction in total emission of five toxic hazardous air pollutant (HAP) metals contained in PM10. These benefits can be achieved with no changes in boiler hardware and with a relatively small amount of tradeoffs: a 30% increase in PM10 mass emission and a 9–16% increase in fuel cost.  相似文献   

A simulated burning experiment was conducted in a tubular furnace system to examine the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the burning of rice and bean straw, and the influence of combustion parameters was investigated. Total emission amounts of 16 PAHs (∑PAHs) from the burning of rice and bean straw ranged from 9.29 to 23.6 μg g?1 and from 3.13 to 49.9 μg g?1, respectively, which increased with the increase of temperatures from 200 to 700 °C. The contribution of combustion to individual PAH yields was about 80.6–100%, which was generally increased with the increase of burning temperature. Moisture content in straw had a negative effect on PAH formation, especially on PAHs with low molecular weight. ∑PAHs emission amounts decreased by 78.2% for bean straw with a moisture content of 30% in comparison with that for dried straw. In addition, PAH emission amounts increased with the increase of O2 content in supplied air and then decreased, which showed a maximum emission at O2 content of 40%. The source fingerprint of PAHs in emission from straw burning was established, which showed that naphthalene accounted for 35.0 ± 7.4% of ∑PAHs. Based on the experimental data, emission amounts of ∑PAHs from the burning of rice and bean straw were estimated to be 320–357 and 32.5–76.0 tons to ambient air per year in China, respectively.  相似文献   

不同粒度飞灰中16种微量元素的含量分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了不同粒级的燃煤飞灰中的Ba、Be、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Li、Mn、Ni、Pb、Sr、Ti、V、Zn、Zr元素的含量分布,煤中元素的含量比及富集因子。  相似文献   

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