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有效、可靠的数据和信息是环境管理的基础和主线,是政府部门确定环境管理目标、衡量进展以及同所有利益相关方共享信息的基础。美国环保局(EPA)从整体视角和跨学科观点提出环境信息生命周期模型,能够更好地理解环境信息的生产者、管理者、提供者和使用者等不同角色的作用。本文介绍了环境信息生命周期模型的各环节和要素,包括政策、规划和项目,数据采集和管理,信息交换和共享,信息管理,发现、获取信息,理解、使用信息,用户/公众反馈等,用于评估环境管理业务的数据和信息需求,帮助提高数据质量,增强公众获取环境信息的能力。环保部门需要关注数据质量的不确定性以及不同部门之间缺乏信息共享的问题,将环境信息生命周期的方法融入中国的环境管理和信息化建设,将提高环境数据的质量和政府透明度。本文针对中国的环保信息化建设提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

为了满足水环境数据高效服务于我国水环境管理、问题分析、可视化模拟及综合决策等需求,总结当前我国水环境综合管理及信息化平台建设存在的主要问题,提出平台建设的必要性;基于"多元集成、统一管理、综合服务"模式的总体框架,进而设计平台逻辑层次、功能体系和数据接口,构建我国水环境综合管理平台,提供水环境综合管理的一体化服务。  相似文献   

本文阐述了省级环境信息中心数据整合平台的建设与应用情况,包括平台建设背景、平台建设的几个阶段、平台架构、软硬件环境建设概况、平台特点、平台现状等。平台不仅能够满足现行环保业务的运行,更能够满足以后环保业务的发展,同时平台能够满足海量数据、数据挖掘,同时为数据安全、环境分析、环境预测提供依据和条件,为环境管理部门提供了海量型数据存储、安全型数据存储、节约型数据存储,为后期行业私有化的建设提供了基础。  相似文献   

本文介绍了主流的运维管理ITIL框架体系,通过对吉林省环保专网的梳理和优化流程,以信息化手段提升环境管理水平,实现以环保业务为中心,提高行政服务效率,同时降低运维风险。  相似文献   

本文结合现代管理思想,对如何促进环境信息化与环保业务相互融合进行思考,通过对两者关系的比较论证与作用分析,指出业务流程管理、管理模式创新以及环境信息化是实现环境管理转型、促进环保事业发展、推进环境保护现代化的有效途径。  相似文献   

基于环境监测行业信息化建设现状和近年来国内众多环境监测站信息化实际应用情况,浅析环境监测站实验室信息管理系统的应用,力求为今后监测站信息化系统更好的服务于业务、服务于管理指明适合的方向。  相似文献   

环境信息是国家基础性、战略性、公益性的资源,在加强环境管理和公共服务、促进环境保护和优化经济发展、提升环境风险防范能力、积极探索环境保护新道路和推进生态文明建设方面具有重要的支撑作用。由于缺乏环境信息共享管理制度,导致环境信息资源不共享、应用系统不互通、环境业务不协同、信息化成效不明显。针对这些问题,必须站在环境保护全局的高度,加强环境信息共享管理机制研究,建立完善的环境信息管理制度,确保全国环境信息化"一盘棋",实现环境信息资源共享,业务协同。  相似文献   

本文介绍了洛阳电光设备研究所试验检验管理系统(TCM)的建设背景、建设目标、系统组成功能。对光电所试验检验业务特点进行分析,指出TCM系统建设的关键在于试验检验业务管理思想与信息化系统的融合!系统平台建设应以管理为核心,以满足试验检验业务管理要求为目标,充分收集、整理、优化业务需求,提取业务关键所在,抽象形成业务模型,对试验检验业务进行精细化管理、过程进行标准化控制、资源进行统一管控和调度、数据进行全所协同、知识进行积累与快速重用,在变与不变之间寻求中庸之道,打造柔性试验检验业务信息化综合管理平台,实现对试验检验业务质量、进度的管控,试验检验知识的积累。最后总结了系统建设与应用的几点建议。为科研生产一体化、多项目、多品种、小批量的制造型企业试验检验业务的科学管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对油气田企业对环境保护信息的管理需要,进行系统功能结构设计,开发了以环境保护一张图、环保信息填报、生态环境风险管控为核心的油气田企业环境保护信息管理平台,利用大数据、信息化等先进技术,实现从前端接入、后端分析、辅助决策的全过程智能化管理;实现对管线、井站等重要管理对象的实时监控,关键指标的动态掌握;实现日常管理工作的流程化、标准化、信息化。  相似文献   

浅谈城市环境信息系统的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施城市环境保护管理工作需要大量环境信息的支持。环境信息是一个涉及许多领域的综合信息,其中包括城市自然地理、社会经济、环境质量监测数据、污染源信息、环境管理信息(包括项目规划、环保产业、污染控制、生态保护、环境监理等方面)、法规标准、环境宣教、环保系统基本情况等。环境信息内容极为丰富,其来源也十分广泛。环境监测部门所产生的环境监测的信息数据在环境信息中占重要地位,与环境管理密切相关。环境质量、污染源状况、环保法规和标准是环境管理过程中必不可少的依据。环境管理各职能部门在管理工作中也产生各自的管理信…  相似文献   

提高我国环境行政效率的关键是强化合作协调的环境治理理念,其核心载体是科技数据为核心的信息管理体系.科技进步与信息管理系统化决定着现代环境治理超越传统的危险防范而进入风险预防领域,也就决定了现代环境保护中合作与协调的核心理念.与环境保护的预防原则和环境许可制相适应,环境技术标准体系是现代环境科技信息体系的集中体现.同时环境法律监管体系也需要以信息系统和数据库为重点向综合环境治理发展,其中环境质量达标制(结果导向型监管)和环境治理中的规划都以环境信息综合集成管理为基础的.对于信息社会和互联网时代下、民主法治建设中、全球化进程里的中国环境治理,既有机遇又面临挑战.  相似文献   

The ISO 14000 standards for environmental management systems (EMS) are voluntary standards intended to aid companies that wish to improve their environmental performance. The standards owe their existence, at least in part, to three widely shared views: (1) that existing environmental management systems are either inadequate or ineffective; (2) that companies will want to improve environmental performance for economic or social reasons; and (3) that governments and stakeholders will require companies to exercise greater control of the impacts to the environment through new regulations. ISO 14000 offers a solution—an ?integrated”? EMS, with components designed to effect sound management in any size organization and in any country. The standards are an embodiment of both the policy and practice of environmental management. This article is a consideration of the business implications of the ISO 14000 series of standards. How will a movement toward an integrated EMS be realized? Who will be in the best position to respond? ISO 14000 is a management system, and it carries with it business consequences.  相似文献   

Companies that have the most effective environmental programs are those that have integrated environmental management into the business process. In order to take an environmental program to a higher level, we must determine a way to get business leaders to acknowledge the business benefit of environmental programs. Business integration becomes more likely when you speak the language of management and present tools that they regularly use. Most companies use business plans, therefore the use of an environmental quality business plan is a segue into the business. To catch management's attention, we must present cost improvement projects that will be part of the environmental quality business plan that affect the bottom line. Examples of the types of projects that could potentially save the company millions of dollars are reducing the cost of remediation, or pollution-prevention projects such as minimizing packaging and the elimination of chemical use and waste. Once we catch management's attention, we can get them involved in developing an environmental quality business plan and thus get more business integration and support.  相似文献   

我国环保产业处于发展的黄金时期,环保企业的商业模式决定其能否建立强大的产业基础甚至成为产业主导。文章从环保产业发展的外部政策环境、环保产业发展历程和细分产业相关企业商业模式等角度探讨了我国环保产业的现状,并分析了环保企业商业模式的发展方向。新的商业模式将培育出综合环境服务商和环境解决方案提供商。  相似文献   

Traditionally, environmental issues and concerns have been viewed as a constraint to businesses. This has resulted in environmental managers relying heavily on a reactive, compliance-based approach to justify change. Businesses are now recognizing that efficient management in the environmental arena can benefit the entire company and open new opportunities for increased profits. Managers have acknowledged that environmental issues can be integrated into daily business trends and activities. Not only does sound environmental management decrease liability, but also in current markets a “green” image can attract investors and customers. This article shows how one tool that progressive companies are focusing attention on—environmental performance indicators—is being used to convey the current status of environmental issues and improve the management of these issues for the benefit of the company as well as the environment.  相似文献   

基于GIS的自然保护区管理信息系统建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了GIS在自然保护区建设与管理中的应用,以及利用最新的组件式GIS技术开发适合保护区的管理信息系统.结合GIS的信息管理模式比传统的信息管理更能实时地表现空间数据,提高了自然保护区的科研与工作效率.介绍了自然保护区信息管理系统的设计原则、开发方式、总体构架、数据库及其主要功能.  相似文献   

Two worlds are colliding as many companies are integrating environmental management with business management. Nowhere is this more evident than in the hundreds of companies that are now working to upgrade their environmental management information systems (EMIS), which are a critical component of business integration. Building a business case for EMIS requires crossing many disciplinary boundaries—knowing the language of information systems, accounting, business management, and environmental management. Hence, it is a very valuable skill for environmental managers to develop in order to build their function and their own careers. Some environmental and information systems professionals are attempting to develop a general set of guidelines for justifying the cost of EMIS—in particular, the useful emerging work of the Environmental Health and Safety Software Development Group. This article relates the experience of an EMIS development effort at Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.  相似文献   

秦皇岛港环境保护在经营理念、管理机制、治理技术、资金保障等方面具有优势,而在港口规划、环境考核、环境信息管理、绿色理念等方面还存在问题。针对秦皇岛港环境保护的优势和劣势,通过SWOT分析,确定秦皇岛港环境发展战略思路,从制定环境规划、开展清洁生产审核、建立环境绩效考核评估机制、建立环境信息报告制度、开发环境管理信息系统、发展港口绿色物流等方面,提出实现港口环境发展战略的实施对策。  相似文献   

There is a lot of work involved in establishing an effective and useful monitoring and measurement system, but it can be a critical tool for business success. With reliable data based on important performance metrics, you can quantify environmental and business improvement; communicate success; provide valuable input to environmental objectives, targets, and programs; and make sound business decisions based on facts. This article details how companies can set up procedures, processes, and schedules using ISO 14001 to monitor regulatory compliance and help establish an integrated management system.  相似文献   

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