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随着经济的高速发展,环境污染事故也呈现出上升的势头,环境污染事故不仅造成了环境危害,而且对人民群众的安全产生了重大威胁。鉴于环境污染事故的多发性、危害性,应急处置显然非常重要,而构建强大的应急处置信息系统有助于应急处置和分析决策的顺利进行。本文分析了环境应急处置需求,提出了建立环境污染应急管理信息系统的设计框架。 相似文献
赵玉华 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》1999,(2)
海岸带环境资源综合管理,是对海岸带资源可持续开发利用模式下的现代综合管理。本文在对区域海岸带环境资源综合管理的内涵及管理目标进行分析的基础上,以秦皇岛海岸带环境资源实施综合管理为例,提出了区域海岸带环境资源综合管理的评价过程及模式。 相似文献
对环境信息的定义进行了表述。环境信息具有空间性、时间性、整体性、科学性、不确定性的特点,可用系统法、用途法和公开法进行分类。环境信息公开中的环境信息经过收集、评估、整理、分析、公开(传播)、使用六个环节形成环境信息循环。 相似文献
本文阐述了省级环境信息中心数据整合平台的建设与应用情况,包括平台建设背景、平台建设的几个阶段、平台架构、软硬件环境建设概况、平台特点、平台现状等。平台不仅能够满足现行环保业务的运行,更能够满足以后环保业务的发展,同时平台能够满足海量数据、数据挖掘,同时为数据安全、环境分析、环境预测提供依据和条件,为环境管理部门提供了海量型数据存储、安全型数据存储、节约型数据存储,为后期行业私有化的建设提供了基础。 相似文献
连云港市环境信息中心为落实国家环保总局“数字环保”战略,创造性地开展工作,积极实施项目建设,组织技术人员研究攻关,较好地完成了22项考核指标,在全省率先通过江苏省环保厅的验收,推动了全省环境信息管理机构规范化建设步伐。本文介绍了连云港加强环境信息机构建设,推进环境管理工作信息化的作法和经验。 相似文献
在对地市级大气环境信息化建设现状、存在问题进行分析的基础上,结合大气环境质量信息建设实际需求,设计和构建了常州市大气环境质量信息平台.信息平台设置了感知层、基础设施层、数据资源层、应用支撑层和业务应用层,为实现区域空气污染科学防控和精准调度提供了有效的信息化支撑. 相似文献
环境信息能力建设评估研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
环境信息能力建设评估可发挥导向作用,促进我国环境信息能力建设长效可持续发展。本文从环境信息能力建设评估体系和评估模型两方面对环境信息能力建设评估做了透彻的分析,并为环境信息能力建设评估体系的应用提出了相关建议,为国内开展环境信息能力建设评估指明了方向。 相似文献
/ Achieving successful and well-integrated environmental management depends on principled and orderly assignment of responsibilities within and between public sector organizations. Guidelines for making these assignments can be found by considering different modes of public response in light of a framework based on some distinguishable patterns in the complexity they exhibit. The basic dimensions of environmental problems can be used to identify these patterns. Two examples from current environmental problems in Taiwan are given, illustrating how this framework can be put to use. 相似文献
The purpose of this research was to explore the concept of an environmental racism claim through the use of several environmental
management tools. The EPAs Toxics Release Inventory, Cumulative Exposure Project, and the Los Angeles County Department of
Health Services' Hot Zone Census Tract Assessment were combined with racial and socioeconomic data to test claims that minorities
in South Central Los Angeles are disproportionately exposed to environmental lead. Multivariate analysis indicated that race
is strongly associated with the number of cases of elevated blood lead levels in South Central, irrespective of poverty status.
Proximity to point sources, a common focal point for studies of environmental racism, was not a contributing factor to health
outcomes. Proximity to transportation corridors was consistently the strongest indicator of environmental lead exposure, while
median home values were significantly and positively related to elevated blood lead levels. Implications for environmental
justice advocates and social and environmental scientists are discussed. 相似文献
Toward Integrated Environmental Management for Challenges in Water Environmental Protection of Lake Taihu Basin in China 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2
Lake Taihu is the third largest freshwater lake in China. It serves many social, economic, and ecological purposes in the
drainage basin. Unfortunately, the water has been heavily polluted due to rapid industrialization and urbanization during
the last two decades. Notwithstanding great efforts made so far to improve the water quality, the environmental situation
is still far from being optimistic. The basin and the lake are facing a range of severe environmental challenges: rapid socio-economic
development continues to place great pressures on the environment, current pollution control projects have many problems from
the viewpoint of effectiveness and efficiency of their implementations, and the non-point sources of pollution such as agricultural
fields, for which control is more difficult than for industrial point sources, have become the main contributors to serious
eutrophication of the lake. Considering the characteristics of the environmental challenges and problems confronting the basin
and the lake, we focus on integrated environmental management (IEM) as a promising and effective approach to overcome these
predicaments. Current practices and problems of environmental management in the basin are examined, and potential future developments
are discussed. Three aspects of the IEM are emphasized: institutional cooperation, public participation, and internalization
of environmental externalities. We think these are the most critical for not only the basin but also for the whole of China
to achieve a sustainable society. 相似文献
平台信息系统的批生产管理以往未受到足够的重视,分析了现行的批生产管理体系问题,从文件管理、质量和可靠性保障、工艺管理、组织管理和技术状态控制四个方面详细阐述了如何进行平台信息系统的批生产管理。 相似文献
Local governments in Australia, especially in large urban areas, have faced a challenge of the growing quantity of waste generated
and the diminishing space for waste disposal in recent years. The central government has demonstrated the importance of developing
strategies to make full environmental costs and impacts of waste disposal and material recovery accountable for waste management
decision-making. However, research into this field is limited. This paper investigates environmental accounting practices
in local government waste management. From a survey conducted with local government authorities in New South Wales (NSW) Australia,
it is found that overall the level of direct waste flow and activity accounting is higher than the level of hidden and external
environmental cost accounting, though local governments tend to identify and use more physical information associated with
waste flows and activities than relevant monetary information. External environmental impacts of waste disposal are often
overlooked and show the lowest level of practices. The survey results also indicate that urban local governments have taken
more environmental information into account than rural local governments, but such difference is not significant between local
governments of different sizes. The complexity of waste technical services and operations is confirmed to have a positive
and significant effect on the level of environmental accounting for waste management across local governments surveyed. 相似文献
陈海洋 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》2010,20(6):15-18
环境监察信息系统建设的项目管理,是指从开始确立项目需求到最终的系统投入运行,直至系统维护升级,在这个时间间隔内,围绕项目本身开展的相关活动,其目标是保障项目的顺利实施。从信息系统项目管理的角度出发,充分考虑政府项目管理的特点,就环境监察信息系统项目的规划、实施、验收、日常管理和升级等项目过程做了较为系统的分析。 相似文献
针对目前环境监测信息管理的薄弱环节,从监测、综合以及管理等多个角度,对环境监测管理信息系统的总体架构、基本功能及技术要求进行探讨. 相似文献
本文结合某工业园区的突发环境事件应急管理实例,初步探讨了在突发环境事件应急管理中引入SWOT分析法,从而为其应急管理指明战略目标和方向。在SWOT分析深入了解工业园区在应急管理方面所面临的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战的基础上,通过矩阵分析成功得出了该工业园区应急管理的方向、可持续策略。可见,SWOT分析法在突发环境事件应急管理方面具有一定的应用潜力。 相似文献
本研究面向循环经济企业、园区、政府和相关社会公众,以实现循环经济发展模式的小循环、中循环和社会大循环的融合为最终目标,以构建信息服务协同管理平台为主要途径,重点分析了平台建设的四方面必要性和三方面可行性。在此基础上,设计了平台的功能定位和体系架构。平台功能包括活动数据采集、活动数据不确定性分析与校准、企业绿色投入产出分析、循环经济效率指标评价、物质流与能量流可视化分析、园区循环经济协同度分析、宏观物质流分析和循环经济公共信息服务,平台的体系架构由交互层、逻辑层和数据层组成。 相似文献