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武汉东湖水环境污染状况及控制和恢复对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据东湖水环境污染的来源、水环境污染状况,结合国内外有关湖泊治理、水生生态系统恢复及再发展研究和应用的方法、技术及其进展,提出了东湖水环境污染控制和恢复的措施及对策,为其工程实施和进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

武汉东湖风景名胜区可持续发展障碍与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
武汉东湖风景名胜区可持续发展的主要障碍是湖泊水体的水质恶化,文章分析了城市污水的大量注入和湖泊水动力条件的改变是主因;提出了加快东湖截污与城市污水治理的工程建设、从单纯的点源治理转向综合治理、重新开启通江调节闸门恢复通江湖泊功能、实施环湖绿色生态保护工程建设意见。  相似文献   

<正> 最近,省人民政府召集省和武汉市有关部门开会研究了东湖污染治理问题,批准了东湖综合治理规划,第一期工程将于明年动工。东湖是素享盛名的游览胜地,又是武汉地区的重要水产基地,沿湖八个水厂供应着几十万人口及大批工厂企业的用水需要,湖  相似文献   

东湖外源控制一期工程及其效益简述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
论述了外源污染引起武汉东湖富营养化的主要原因;简述了采用“截流——二级生化处理”技术及其工程实况;分析了一期工程的治理效果及社会效益;证明了这是解决东湖污染的有效技术路线,为国内富营养化湖泊、水库等水体治理积累了经验,提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

引水冲污工程治理东湖磷污染   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
东湖的污染主要体现在氮磷的污染 ,以及由此而导致的水体富营养化 ,而目前正在实施的截污和清淤工程只能截取和清除部分磷污染源 ,对于剩余部分的污染源则有必要通过引水冲污工程来治理。在距沙湖最近的长江岸边设取水点 ,引长江水注入沙湖 ,随后将长江江水引入东湖。同时 ,并将部分受到污染的湖水通过青山港、武丰闸冲出东湖、排入长江 ,从而减少东湖污染物的总量 ,降低东湖的污染程度 ,增强东湖水体的自净能力 ,提高东湖水体的环境质量  相似文献   

武汉东湖的现代沉积速率及其与扰动的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
<正> 湖泊沉积物的沉积状况记载着湖泊发育的历史过程。用~(210)Pb年代学方法研究东湖的沉积速率,就是给东湖的沉积过程一个时间尺度,为研究东湖的环境变化及富营养化治理工程提供基础资料。本工作取样时间为1990年3月30日。  相似文献   

东湖各湖区水质营养与水域功能优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面调查东湖的点、面源污染和水质营养状况的基础上,提出了各湖区水域功能的优化以及饮用水功能与养殖功能兼容的设想与方案,调查结果显示,东湖的汤林湖,牛巢湖,菱角湖和后湖等4湖区的水质尚能维持在Ⅲ类标准,属于中营养向富营养过渡型水体;其余湖区部分水质指标波动在IV-V类之间,个别指标达到V类,均已进入富营养阶段,甚至达到极富营养的水平,从污染治理与生态环境保护考虑,必须采取有效措施控制和治理东湖污染。  相似文献   

治污工程对武汉东湖生态恢复的研究与探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对武汉东湖水域水质污染现状的调查 ,东湖已成为浮游植物响应型的城市富营养湖泊。对东湖入湖污水几乎全部截流 ,并通过长江补充新水 ,辅之换水 ,挖除部分底泥 ,污水处理 ,利用水浮莲的作用及生态调整等措施 ,湖水经大约 2 3~ 2 4a时间 ,随着东湖水质的改善 ,必将促进其水生生物的良性演替 ,使湖泊生态功能较迅速得以恢复 ,不断增进湖泊生态经济效益  相似文献   

阐述晋华宫国家矿山公园生态恢复治理的必要性,分析了生态恢复治理的内涵,总结了利用煤矿废弃工业场地建设国家矿山公园,恢复矿区生态的实践与成效,指出在公园建设中存在的问题,研究提出加强生态恢复治理的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文以抚顺市闭坑矿山环境恢复治理为研究对象,通过对闭坑矿山现状的调查以及环境破坏情况,确定了闭坑矿山环境存在的问题,主要有:地质灾害、占用和破坏土地资源、土壤和水体污染、地貌景观及植被破坏,针对这些环境问题,分别提出治理措施,制定恢复治理方案。  相似文献   

羌宁  史天哲  缪海超 《环境科学》2020,41(2):638-646
当前,中国挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)的污染控制工作已进入深水区,VOCs污染控制措施费用效能的高低将决定其减排工作的环保意义,筛选出费用效能高的措施也是VOCs减排工作能够持续稳定进行的必要基础.本文从排放浓度、排放风量及连续还是间歇排放等污染源排放特征角度确定出12种典型的VOCs排放情景,针对这些典型情景估算了目前主流减排方案的运行费用,并以减排单位质量VOCs的运行费用(unit abatement cost,UAC,元·kg~(-1),以VOCs计)为费用效能指标进行了技术经济比较,以期为依据VOCs排放特征选择适宜的减排方案提供参考.分析结果表明,对于低浓度VOCs排气,其减排UAC总体达8元·kg~(-1)以上,浓缩工序可有效减少UAC,通过合理地气体收集方式减少排放风量并提高排气浓度对后续处理的费用效能影响巨大.强化VOCs排放过程的按质分类收集以提高得到VOCs液体的资源化属性,也是今后提高VOCs控制费用效能的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法和多分类Logistic回归模型,以舟山普陀金三角旅游区为案例地,对自驾游客对低碳旅游交通的意愿及其影响因素进行了研究.结果表明:在支持低碳旅游交通的939位自驾受访游客中,有25.77%的受访游客愿意选择旅游交通碳减排方式一(长途汽车),有35.46%的受访游客愿意选择旅游交通碳减排方式二(火车),有38.77%的受访游客愿意选择旅游交通碳补偿方式(交纳碳排放增量税用于植树造林).自驾游客旅游交通碳减少(碳减排和碳补偿)效果显著.各客源地用全部游客衡量,游客旅游交通的人均碳减少量处于12.548~28.516kg·人-1之间,短途客源地和中途客源地游客旅游交通的碳减少效果分别超过了50%和20%.客源地、学历、停留时间和收入对自驾游客选择旅游交通碳减排方式与选择旅游交通碳补偿方式具有显著影响.其中,个人年收入在10万元以上的自驾游客更愿意选择碳补偿方式.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of the two principal United Nations (UN) climate change mitigation finance mechanisms, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The realised abatement and costs of the two mechanisms in India and Brazil (using data from 28 GEF and 233 CDM project documents) are compared with theoretical marginal abatement cost curves, based on bottom-up technology studies. We find that both mechanisms have focused on negative and low-cost abatement potential but still leave substantial theoretical potential in this cost range untapped. CDM has more effectively harvested abatement potential of industrial gases and methane emissions, whereas GEF has more successfully targeted demand-side energy efficiency (EE) and transport emission reduction opportunities. CDM has excelled at capturing abatement potential in areas with a limited understanding of abatement, highlighting the shortcomings of theoretical estimates (such as Marginal Abatement Cost Curves) and the benefits of a market mechanism. In some sectors and technologies (particularly renewable energy), the two mechanisms overlapped, which suggests a need for better coordination in the future.  相似文献   

运用经济制度推进污染减排的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济规模的不断扩大,我国污染减排的压力持续加大,在充分运用必要的行政和法律手段的同时,应注重运用污染减排的税收制度、排污权交易制度、与金融部门共享环境信息等经济制度或手段调控社会环境行为,将环境成本内部化,增加企业直接排污成本,降低企业内部治理成本,调动减排积极性,促进污染减排计划的顺利实施。  相似文献   

Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions and related costs at Swedish iron-ore based steelmaking in Sweden have been estimated. An evaluation of the direct impact on costs for emission-reducing measures due to the inclusion in the EU ETS is also made.Two different abatement options, based on previously implemented measures at SSAB Oxelösund as well as some future measures that could be implemented at the company by 2010, have been investigated. The first option corresponds to a CO2 emission reduction of 6.5% and the second to a 13% reduction. The abatement measure with the largest reduction potential is dependent on natural gas being available at SSAB Oxelösund by 2010, which is not certain.Several of the estimated abatement costs are negative, meaning cost savings for the company if implemented. The cost estimates are strongly linked to the fuel prices. The inclusion of industries in the EU ETS increases the incentives for companies to implement CO2 abatement measures.  相似文献   

排污权交易市场中具有激励相容性的双边拍卖机制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对排污权交易市场的交易机制设计问题,描述了多个排污权出售方和购买方治污量和产量的最优决策问题,基于单边拍卖的缺点,设计出了一个激励相容的双边拍卖机制.结果表明,此机制在描述排污权交易市场竞价规则的基础上,设计出了符合排污权市场特点的出清和交易规则,不仅能保证排污权交易市场实时出清,使理性的企业披露自己真实的治污成本,而且能够使污染物平均处理成本低的企业承担更多的处理量,达到了社会治污成本最小化.最后通过算例验证了该机制的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

For linear programming problems arising in the field of acid rain abatement (in the case of a linear source-receptor relationship and linear or piecewise-linear abatement cost functions) the following properties are established.In the optimal solution, the number of sources which are not at an ‘inflection point’ of the corresponding piecewise-linear cost function is equal to the number of binding environmental constraints. (Here ‘inflection point’ denotes a point where the piecewise-linear cost function changes its slope; an environmental constrainst is called ‘binding’ if, for the optimal solution, the calculated deposition is just equal to, and not less than, the constraint.) As a consequences, several (i.e. the remaining) sources have optimum emissions which ‘get stuck’ at an inflection point. This influences the results of sensitivity analyses as well as the numerical accuracy of the optimal solution (if the piecewise-linear cost function has been obtained as a coarse approximation to a more complicated cost function).Moreover, for targets becoming more stringent, the optimum abatement costs may decrease for certain sources, although the total abatement costs increase, of course. This rather unexpected effect indicates that ‘pure’ optimization results should be applied, e.g. in negotiations, in a careful manner.  相似文献   

Deep emission cuts rely on the use of low carbon technologies like renewable energy or carbon capture and storage. There is considerable uncertainty about their future costs. We carry out a sensitivity analysis based on Gauss Quadrature for cost parameters describing these technologies in order to evaluate the effect of the uncertainty on total and marginal mitigation costs as well as composition changes in the energy system. Globally, effects in total cost often average out, but different regions are affected quite differently from the underlying uncertainty in costs for key abatement technologies. Regions can be either affected because they are well suited to deploy a technology for geophysical reasons or because of repercussions through international energy markets. The absolute impact of uncertainty on consumption increases over the time horizon and with the ambition of emission reductions. Uncertainty in abatement costs relative to expected abatement costs are however larger under a moderate ambition climate policy scenario because in this case the marginal abatement occurs in the electricity sector where the cost uncertainty is implemented. Under more ambitious climate policy in line with the two degree target, the electricity sector is always decarbonized by 2050, hence uncertainty has less effect on the electricity mix. The findings illustrate the need for regional results as global averages can hide distributional consequences on technological uncertainty.  相似文献   

Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions and related costs at Swedish petroleum refineries have been estimated. An evaluation of the direct impact on costs for emission-reducing measures due to the inclusion in the EU ETS is also made. Abatement measures possible to implement within the next 5–6 years at Shell refinery Gothenburg corresponding to a 8% reduction, and at Preemraff Lysekil corresponding to 22% of the estimated fossil CO2 emissions in 2010 have been included. Many of the estimated abatement costs are negative, meaning cost savings for the companies if implemented. The cost estimates are strongly linked to the fuel prices. The inclusion of industries in the EU ETS increases the incentives for companies to implement CO2 abatement measures.  相似文献   

The threat of release of methane sequestered in the circumpolar Arctic regions of the world creates the possibility of triggering additional feedback effects from the terrestrial and the deep ocean systems which could potentially add large amounts of carbon (C) into the atmosphere. This paper analyses the implications for C mitigation policy under the threats of a substantial permafrost methane release. Several insights emerge from the analysis. First, the presence of non-linear feedbacks creates a bifurcation zone in the C emissions-stock space, on one side of which large accumulations of atmospheric C materialize leading to significant damages. Second, the bifurcation line does not have a steep slope, implying that it would be possible to avoid falling on the wrong side of this zone even if the current atmospheric stock of C were higher than what they are today. Third, when the release of permafrost C is uncertain, there is benefit in reducing anthropogenic C more than what would be optimal under a certain release of the same. Fourth, higher abatement cost scenarios do not necessarily imply significantly reduced abatement efforts. On the contrary, abatement efforts, which are only reduced marginally under this scenario, ensure that long run carbon path is stabilized. This is done in order to avoid incurring substantial costs of abatement in the future when non-linear feedback effects kick in.  相似文献   

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