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介绍了垃圾填埋气的产生及目前国内填埋气的减排与收集利用技术现状,分析了清洁发展机制(CDM)在我国运用的前景;探索实施CDM项目引进资金和先进技术,利用垃圾填埋气发电的方案可行性。  相似文献   

During 2006 the CDM market in Malaysia became established and by December 2007 a total of 20 Malaysian projects had registered with the CDM Executive Board. The Kyoto Protocol defines the Annex 1 countries, as countries that are obliged to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the clean development mechanism (CDM) allows Annex 1 countries to develop projects, which contribute to emission reduction, in non-Annex 1 (developing) countries. Currently, two projects have been corrected due to request for review and there is one project for which review is requested. Two projects have been rejected by the Executive Board. The broad knowledge of CDM in Malaysia and the number of successful projects are partly due to the well-functioning CDM institutional framework in Malaysia. As an illustration this article focuses on a Malaysian-Danish project and describes the implementation of CDM in Malaysia and refers to this specific project. The project was registered with the CDM Executive Board in May 2007 and is a methane avoidance project in which methane is captured from a landfill and used to generate electricity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the Waste Analysis Software Tool for Environmental Decisions (WASTED) model. This model provides a comprehensive view of the environmental impacts of municipal solid waste management systems. The model consists of a number of separate submodels that describe a typical waste management process: waste collection, material recovery, composting, energy recovery from waste and landfilling. These submodels are combined to represent a complete waste management system. WASTED uses compensatory systems to account for the avoided environmental impacts derived from energy recovery and material recycling. The model is designed to provide solid waste decision-makers and environmental researchers with a tool to evaluate waste management plans and to improve the environmental performance of solid waste management strategies. The model is user-friendly and compares favourably with other earlier models.  相似文献   

According to the European Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC and the related Italian Legislation (“D. Lgs. No. 36/2003”), monitoring and control procedures of landfill gas emissions, migration and external dispersions are clearly requested. These procedures could be particularly interesting in the operational circumstance of implementing a temporary cover, as for instance permitted by the Italian legislation over worked-out landfill sections, awaiting the evaluation of expected waste settlements.A possible quantitative approach for field measurement and consequential evaluation of landfill CO2, CH4 emission rates in pairs consists of the static, non-stationary accumulation chamber technique. At the Italian level, a significant and recent situation of periodical landfill gas emission monitoring is represented by the sanitary landfill for non-hazardous waste of the “Fano” town district, where monitoring campaigns with the static chamber have been annually conducted during the last 5 years (2005-2009). For the entire multiyear monitoring period, the resulting CO2, CH4 emission rates varied on the whole up to about 13,100 g CO2 m−2 d−1 and 3800 g CH4 m−2 d−1, respectively.The elaboration of these landfill gas emission data collected at the “Fano” case-study site during the monitoring campaigns, presented and discussed in the paper, gives rise to a certain scientific evidence of the possible negative effects derivable from the implementation of a temporary HDPE cover over a worked-out landfill section, notably: the lateral migration and concentration of landfill gas emissions through adjacent, active landfill sections when hydraulically connected; and consequently, the increase of landfill gas flux velocities throughout the reduced overall soil cover surface, giving rise to a flowing through of CH4 emissions without a significant oxidation. Thus, these circumstances are expected to cause a certain increase of the overall GHG emissions from the given landfill site.  相似文献   

Performances of gas engines operated with landfill gas (LFG) are affected by the impurities in the LFG, reducing the economic viability of energy recovery. The purpose of this study was to characterize the trace compounds in the LFG at the Odayeri Landfill, Istanbul, Turkey which is used for energy recovery. Composite gas samples were collected and analyzed for trace compounds (hydrocarbons, siloxanes, and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons) over a 3-year period. Trace compounds entering the gas engines, their impact on the engine performance were evaluated. The operational problems included deposit formation in the combustion chamber, turbocharger, and intercooler of engine before the scheduled maintenance times. High levels of hydrogen sulfide, as well as chlorinated and fluorinated compounds cause corrosion of the engine parts and decrease life of the engine oils. Persistence of siloxanes results in deposit formation, increasing engine maintenance costs. Pretreatment of LFG is necessary to protect the engines at the waste-to-energy facilities with persistence levels of siloxanes and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from municipal solid waste stored in a pilot-scale cell containing 6.4 tonnes of waste (storage facility which is left open during the first period (40 days) and then closed with recirculation of leachates during a second period (100 days)) was followed by dynamic sampling on activated carbon and analysed by GC–MS after solvent extraction. This was done in order to know the VOC emissions before the installation of a methanogenesis process for the entire waste mass. The results, expressed in reference to toluene, were exploited during the whole study on all the analyzable VOCs: alcohols, ketones and esters, alkanes, benzenic and cyclic compounds, chlorinated compounds, terpene, and organic sulphides.The results of this study on the pilot-scale cell are then compared with those concerning three biogases from a municipal waste landfill: biogas (1) coming from waste cells being filled or recently closed, biogas (2) from all the waste storage cells on site, and biogas (3) which is a residual gas from old storage cells without aspiration of the gas. The analysis of the results obtained revealed: (i) a high emission of VOCs, principally alcohols, ketones and esters during the acidogenesis; (ii) a decrease in the alkane content and an increase in the terpene content were observed in the VOCs emitted during the production of methane; (iii) the production of heavier alkanes and an increase in the average number of carbon atoms per molecule of alkane with the progression of the stabilisation/maturation process were also observed.Previous studies have concentrated almost on the analysis of biogases from landfills. Our research aimed at gaining a more complete understanding of the decomposition/degradation of municipal solid waste by measuring the VOCs emitted from the very start of the landfill process i.e. during the acidogenesis and acetogenesis phases.  相似文献   

Due to their broad industrial production and use as PVC-stabilisers, agro-chemicals and anti-fouling agents, organo-metal compounds are widely distributed throughout the terrestrial and marine biogeosphere. Here, we focused on the emission dynamics of various organo-metal compounds (e.g., di,- tri-, tetra-methyl tin, di-methyl mercury, tetra-methyl lead) from two different kinds of pre-treated mass waste, namely mechanically-biologically pre-treated municipal solid waste (MBP MSW) and municipal waste incineration ash (MWIA). In landfill simulation reactors, the emission of the organo-metal compounds via the leachate and gas pathway was observed over a period of 5 months simulating different environmental conditions (anaerobic with underlying soil layer/aerated/anaerobic). Both waste materials differ significantly in their initial amounts of organo-metal compounds and their environmental behaviour with regard to the accumulation and depletion rates within the solid material during incubation. For tri-methyl tin, the highest release rates in leachates were found in the incineration ash treatments, where anaerobic conditions in combination with underlying soil material significantly promoted its formation. Concerning the gas pathway, anaerobic conditions considerably favour the emission of organo-metal compounds (tetra-methyl tin, di-methyl mercury, tetra-methyl lead) in both the MBP material and especially in the incineration ash.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of the Stochastic Integrated Waste Management Simulator (SIWMS) model. SIWMS provides a detailed view of the environmental impacts and associated costs of municipal solid waste (MSW) management alternatives under conditions of uncertainty. The model follows a life-cycle inventory approach extended with compensatory systems to provide more equitable bases for comparing different alternatives. Economic performance is measured by the net present value. The model is verified against four publicly available models under deterministic conditions and then used to study the impact of uncertainty on Sydney’s MSW management ‘best practices’. Uncertainty has a significant effect on all impact categories. The greatest effect is observed in the global warming category where a reversal of impact direction is predicted. The reliability of the system is most sensitive to uncertainties in the waste processing and disposal. The results highlight the importance of incorporating uncertainty at all stages to better understand the behaviour of the MSW system.  相似文献   

The wet air oxidation (WAO) of municipal landfill leachate catalyzed by cupric ions and promoted by hydrogen peroxide was investigated. The effect of operating conditions such as WAO treatment time (15-30 min), temperature (160-200 °C), Cu2+ concentration (250-750 mg L−1) and H2O2 concentration (0-1500 mg L−1) on chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was investigated by factorial design considering a two-stage, sequential process comprising the heating-up of the reactor and the actual WAO. The leachate, at an initial COD of 4920 mg L−1, was acidified to pH 3 leading to 31% COD decrease presumably due to the coagulation/precipitation of colloidal and other organic matter. During the 45 min long heating-up period of the WAO reactor under an inert atmosphere, COD removal values up to 35% (based on the initial COD value) were recorded as a result of the catalytic decomposition of H2O2 to reactive hydroxyl radicals. WAO at 2.5 MPa oxygen partial pressure advanced treatment further; for example, 22 min of oxidation at 200 °C, 250 mg L−1 Cu2+ and 0-1500 mg L−1 H2O2 resulted in an overall (i.e. including acidification and heating-up) COD reduction of 78%. Amongst the operating variables in question, temperature had the strongest influence on both the heating-up and WAO stages, while H2O2 concentration strongly affected the former and reaction time the latter. Nonetheless, the effects of temperature and H2O2 concentration were found to depend on the concentration levels of catalyst as suggested by the significance of their 3rd order interaction term.  相似文献   

The re-introduction of leachate back into the waste can play an important part in landfill management. It can encourage biodegradation by raising the water content and transporting bacteria, nutrients and waste products. It also enables leachate to be stored within the body of the landfill, for example to help minimise temporal variations in the load on a leachate treatment plant. It is helpful for a landfill operator to be able to estimate the rate at which the landfill can accept leachate (the maximum infiltration or injection rate), the storage capacity of the landfill and the leachate retention time. This paper discusses some of the insights obtained from the development and application of a simple conceptual model of leachate recirculation that can be used to estimate key parameter values on the basis of the hydraulic properties of the waste. The model is described, partly validated against a more rigorous numerical analysis, and then used to interpret data obtained from field tests on a real site. The shortcomings of the model in its current form are discussed, and suggestions are made as to how these might be addressed in the context of developing the model as a design tool.  相似文献   

利用生命周期评价(LCA)工具对城市固体废弃物管理(MSWM)的环境影响进行定量评价,能够帮助城市管理者寻找到环境成本和经济成本最小的处理方式,国内外研究者为此做了大量的研究.就生命周期评价标准(2006)的研究领域和规模、功能单位、系统边界、相关软件与数据库等方面,对国内外研究文献进行对比分析后发现:现有研究存在较大差异;缺乏透明性、规范性将制约LCA广泛应用;政府、学术组织以及团体应在数据的可获得性、完整性、研究标准的统一等方面努力,并根据本区域的资源禀赋、地理差异选择最优的废弃物管理方式.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a 2-year field test to assess the performance of a specially modified commercial phosphoric acid 200-kW fuel cell power plant to recover energy from anaerobic digester gas (ADG) which has been cleansed of contaminants (sulfur and halide compounds) using a patented gas pretreatment unit (GPU). Specific project goals include characterization of the fuel cell power plant emissions and verification of the GPU performance for removing sulfur contaminants. To remove halide contaminants from the ADG, a halide guard, consisting of a vessel with a metal oxide supported on alumina, was incorporated into the fuel cell reactant supply. This first-of-a-kind demonstration was conducted at the Yonkers, NY, wastewater treatment plant, a sewage processing facility owned and operated by Westchester County. Results have demonstrated that the ADG fuel cell power plant can produce electrical output levels close to full power (200 kW) with negligible air emissions of CO, NO(x), and SO(2). The GPU removed virtually 100% of H(2)S and 88% of organic sulfur, bringing the overall sulfur removal efficiency of the GPU to over 99%. The halide guard removed up to 96% of the halides exiting the GPU.  相似文献   

An inventory of material and energy consumption during the construction and operation (C&O) of a typical sanitary landfill site in China was calculated based on Chinese industrial standards for landfill management and design reports. The environmental impacts of landfill C&O were evaluated through life cycle assessment (LCA). The amounts of materials and energy used during this type of undertaking in China are comparable to those in developed countries, except that the consumption of concrete and asphalt is significantly higher in China. A comparison of the normalized impact potential between landfill C&O and the total landfilling technology implies that the contribution of C&O to overall landfill emissions is not negligible. The non-toxic impacts induced by C&O can be attributed mainly to the consumption of diesel used for daily operation, while the toxic impacts are primarily due to the use of mineral materials. To test the influences of different landfill C&O approaches on environmental impacts, six baseline alternatives were assessed through sensitivity analysis. If geomembranes and geonets were utilized to replace daily and intermediate soil covers and gravel drainage systems, respectively, the environmental burdens of C&O could be mitigated by between 2% and 27%. During the LCA of landfill C&O, the research scope or system boundary has to be declared when referring to material consumption values taken from the literature; for example, the misapplication of data could lead to an underestimation of diesel consumption by 60–80%.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - With over 9 million population, challenges of waste management system (WMS) of Tehran can offer some lessons to other middle-income cities. Despite...  相似文献   

Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) is an effective technique, which removes organic carbon from municipal solid waste (MSW) prior to deposition. Thereby, methane (CH4) production in the landfill is strongly mitigated. However, direct measurements of greenhouse gas emissions from full-scale MBT landfills have not been conducted so far. Thus, CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a German MBT landfill in operation as well as their concentrations in the landfill gas (LFG) were measured. High N2O emissions of 20–200 g CO2 eq. m?2 h?1 magnitude (up to 428 mg N m?2 h?1) were observed within 20 m of the working face. CH4 emissions were highest at the landfill zone located at a distance of 30–40 m from the working face, where they reached about 10 g CO2 eq. m?2 h?1. The MBT material in this area has been deposited several weeks earlier. Maximum LFG concentration for N2O was 24.000 ppmv in material below the emission hotspot. At a depth of 50 cm from the landfill surface a strong negative correlation between N2O and CH4 concentrations was observed. From this and from the distribution pattern of extractable ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate it has been concluded that strong N2O production is associated with nitrification activity and the occurrence of nitrite and nitrate, which is initiated by oxygen input during waste deposition. Therefore, CH4 mitigation measures, which often employ aeration, could result in a net increase of GHG emissions due to increased N2O emissions, especially at MBT landfills.  相似文献   

Climate change is a driving force behind some recent environmental legislation around the world. Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets have been set in many industrialised countries. A change in current practices of almost all greenhouse-emitting industrial sectors is unavoidable, if the set targets is to be achieved. Although, waste disposal contributes around 3% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in Australia (mainly due to fugitive methane emissions from landfills), the carbon credit and trading scheme set to start in 2010 presents significant challenges and opportunities to municipal solid waste practitioners. Technological advances in waste management, if adopted properly, allow the municipal solid waste sector to act as carbon sink, hence earning tradable carbon credits. However, due to the complexity of the system and its inherent uncertainties, optimizing it for carbon credits may worsen its performance under other criteria. We use an integrated, stochastic multi-criteria decision-making tool that we developed earlier to analyse the carbon credit potential of Sydney municipal solid waste under eleven possible future strategies. We find that the changing legislative environment is likely to make current practices highly non-optimal and increase pressures for a change of waste management strategy.  相似文献   

Two disposal methods for MSWI bottom ash were assessed in a new life cycle assessment (LCA) model for road construction and disposal of residues. The two scenarios evaluated in the model were: (i) landfilling of bottom ash in a coastal landfill in Denmark and (ii) recycling of bottom ash as subbase layer in an asphalted secondary road. The LCA included resource and energy consumption, and emissions associated with upgrading of bottom ash, transport, landfilling processes, incorporation of bottom ash in road, substitution of natural gravel as road construction material and leaching of heavy metals and salts from bottom ash in road as well as in landfill. Environmental impacts associated with emissions to air, fresh surface water, marine surface water, groundwater and soil were aggregated into 12 environmental impact categories: Global Warming, Photochemical Ozone Formation, Nutrient Enrichment, Acidification, Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Human Toxicity via air/water/soil, Ecotoxicity in water/soil, and a new impact category, Stored Ecotoxicity to water/soil that accounts for the presence of heavy metals and very persistent organic compounds that in the long-term might leach. Leaching of heavy metals and salts from bottom ash was estimated from a series of laboratory leaching tests. For both scenarios, Ecotoxicity(water) was, when evaluated for the first 100 yr, the most important among the twelve impact categories involved in the assessment. Human Toxicity(soil) was also important, especially for the Road scenario. When the long-term leaching of heavy metals from bottom ash was evaluated, based on the total content of heavy metals in bottom ash, all impact categories became negligible compared to the potential Stored Ecotoxicity, which was two orders of magnitudes greater than Ecotoxicity(water). Copper was the constituent that gave the strongest contributions to the ecotoxicities. The most important resources consumed were clay as liner in landfill and the groundwater resource which was potentially spoiled due to leaching of salts from bottom ash in road. The difference in environmental impacts between landfilling and utilization of bottom ash in road was marginal when these alternatives were assessed in a life cycle perspective.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is mainly used for sewage sludge stabilization and for treatment of waste that has a high organic content. It also represents a powerful method for obtaining energy by means of natural gas production. Co-digestion particularly combines different organic substrates to generate a homogeneous mixture as input to the anaerobic reactor in order to increase process performance. Reactions kinetics and knowledge of process analysis represent the keys for good planning and correct management. In this paper a model to simulate the main reactions involved in anaerobic co-digestion is presented. The model was created to analyse the possible performance of the treatment plant in Olmeto, Marsciano (Perugia) in Italy. The plant is still in an experimental phase with regard to the co-digestion process and numerical simulations represent a useful tool during development of the correct management procedures for the operational phase and a good methodoly for addressing further pilot plant experiments.  相似文献   

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