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企业工伤风险分级是合理确定企业工伤保险费率,实现工伤保险事故预防功能的重要基础。在明确企业工伤风险概念的基础上,通过对企业工伤风险的特征和影响因素进行分析,提出了企业工伤风险的结构模型;通过对企业工伤风险评价的特点进行分析,提出了行业风险灰色预测评价方法和个体风险模糊综合评价方法,并对企业工伤风险分级进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

《工伤保险条例》对保护劳动者的合法权益和分散企业用人的风险起到了重要作用。但在具体执行中还存在难题,如公务员的工伤管理混乱;小微企业不规范用工人员的工伤认定难;不同政府部门关于工伤及其他社会保险政策执行政策口径不统一;工伤保险对于小额赔付的周期偏长,不够灵活等。针对这些问题,建议综合治理规范劳动关系,对有关政策规定进行修订,以及加强有关工伤政策的顶层设计和内部协调等。  相似文献   

从业人员安全卫生权利法律定位及保护问题综述   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
通过对安全卫生权本质的解析和法理学分析,明确安全卫生权的法律定位,并指出民法上的物质性人身权与劳动法上的职业安全卫生权存在的区别。根据安全卫生权的法律定位,并结合我国职业安全卫生权利法律保护研究现状,对我国职业安全卫生权利保护存在的问题进行了综述,并对法律制度的综合性调节功能欠缺,法律制度的内容不够系统、完善,侵权责任中的工伤赔偿与民事侵权赔偿等主要问题进行研讨。经过分析和归纳,可以得出如下结论:只有向着职业安全卫生法律一体化方向发展,方能从制度层面有效解决现存的问题;应采用"补充模式"解决侵权责任事故中的工伤赔偿与民事侵权赔偿问题。  相似文献   

关于工伤社会保险事故预防结合运作的思考辽宁省阜新市劳动局孙广文工伤社会保险的直接功能是对遭受职业伤害。的劳动者给付抚恤补偿,促进康复医疗,增强再就业能力。但它又有隐含在深层的对于事故预防的激励作用。工伤社会保险与职业安全监察虽然运用的手段方式不同,但...  相似文献   

安大夫:从立法原则上看,“公伤”与“工伤”既有共同点,又有不同点。《工伤保险条例》“为了保障因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病的职工获得医疗救治和经济补偿,促进工伤预防和职业康复,分散用人单位的工伤风险,制定本条例。”《烈士褒扬条例》“为了弘扬烈士精神,抚恤优待烈士遗属,制定本条例。”,由此我们可以看出,它们的共同点是保护劳动者和公民的合法权益,不同点是它们注入的机制是完全相反的:对“工伤”注入了预防事故、减少事故的导向机制;对“公伤”则注入了倡导社会良好风尚的导向机制。  相似文献   

不同地区中小企业发生的工伤事故有其自身的特点和规律。通过对江苏省某市2001—2004年发生在中小企业的工伤死亡事故进行实证分析发现:该市工伤死亡事故集中发生在非煤矿山、建筑等6行业的中小企业中,事故类别以高处坠落、物体打击等6种为主;工龄较短的中青年职工在罹难者人数中所占比例较高;工伤死亡事故的发生频率夏季高于其他3个季节;事故发生的主要原因是违反操作规程。笔者认为:应促进企业增加安全投入,尤其要重视“软”投入;监管部门要明确安全监管重点,分类分级管理企业,以控制和预防工伤事故的发生。  相似文献   

第一章总则 第一条为了保障因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病的职工获得医疗救治和经济补偿,促进工伤预防和职业康复,分散用人单位的工伤风险,制定本条例.  相似文献   

法律风险提示:工伤,又称为职业伤害、工业伤害,是指劳动者在从事职业活动或者与其相关的活动中所遭受的不良因素的伤害和职业病伤害。工伤事故与职业病时有发生,一旦发生工伤,会对工伤职工的身体、经济收入和家庭生活带来严重影响。《工伤保险条例》作为一部保护工伤职工权益的重要立法,从工伤认定、  相似文献   

法律风险提示:工伤,又称为职业伤害、工业伤害,是指劳动者在从事职业活动或者与其相关的活动中所遭受的不良因素的伤害和职业病伤害。工伤事故与职业病时有发生,一旦发生工伤,会对工伤职工的身体、经济收入和家庭生活带来严重影响。《工伤保险条例》作为一部保护工伤职工权益的重要立法,从工伤认定、  相似文献   

编辑同志 :我本人是干劳动保护工作的 ,现遇到这样一个事故案例 ,就事故受害者能否定为工伤发生争执。事故的具体经过是这样 :某单位司机王某借调到某局助勤(开车)。清明节 ,该局局长派司机开车回老家扫墓 ,局长因故未去 ,让其妻子前往 ,途中发生车祸 ,两人均为重伤 ,司机王某是否应定为工伤?按照有关规定 :“从事本岗位工作或者执行企业行政临时指定或同意的工作而造成的负伤、残废或死亡” ,可享受因工待遇。按照规定 ,该司机是属局长指派 ,又是干本岗位工作 ,应定为工伤。但有的同志提出 ,这是开公车干私事 ,规定里提到的“工作”是指…  相似文献   

1900个乡镇工业的工伤职业病医疗保障现状分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在调查的1900个乡镇工业企业中,有9.3% 的企业对职工工伤职业病没有任何保障,其中尤其是个体联户所办企业则高达15% 。按行业进行分析,最易发生工伤职业病的各种矿山采选业、建材生产业,能给予报销医疗费的企业占78.5% ,部分给予报销的企业占10.2% ,不予报销企业占11.3% 。从保障程度看,能给予全部报销医疗费的企业仍以乡办企业为最高(93.2% ),其次为村办企业(90.2% )和个体联户所办企业(88.5% )  相似文献   

目前我国常见的社会保险制度排序是养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险,工伤保险制度位列第四位;而在计划经济时期的劳动保险制度系列中,工伤待遇规定曾位居第一位,尔后才是医疗待遇规定、养老待遇规定和生育待遇规定。上述排序变化的出现不会是立法者的偶然随意之为,而是以实行市场经济体制改革后我国劳动者-企业-国家之"三方关系"出现的根本性变化为背景原因的,与制度本身从一种面向牺牲了个人安全和健康的建设功臣们实施的国家慰谢待遇向以分散风险、损失共担为机理的保险制度发生的转化密切相关。针对近年来极端劳资纠纷事件增多的趋势,我国的劳动安全管理及工伤保险立法决策还应更加注重向弱势劳动者的倾斜。  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of head injury criteria and determines an assessment criterion for test results. Parameters characterizing the protection properties of off-central impacted industrial helmets are chosen and the test stands used in the Central Institute for Labour Protection to test those parameters are presented. The idea of damping 2 selected industrial helmets used in Poland is discussed. The test results of the parameters characterizing the protection properties are compared for damped and not damped helmets.  相似文献   

由于我国现行工伤保险赔付机制的不完善,致使农民工在出现工伤之后由于企业没有缴费而得不到救助。为改变这种状况,现在政府推行的扩大工伤缴费覆盖面和简化工伤受理补偿的程序,固然能够取得一些成效,而配套实行先行赔付的机制,会更为便于操作和更为直接有效。这种机制的实质是,克服传统行政管理的不足,真正运用社会化的方式,实现工伤员工享受工伤补偿的普惠性,促使用人单位、政府和司法有关部门能够把工伤社会保障的责任切实承担起来。  相似文献   

Introduction. The majority of industrial accidents occur because of human errors. Human error has different causes, however, in all cases cognitive abilities and limitations of human play an important role. Occupational cognitive failures are cognitively-based human errors that occur at work. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between occupational cognitive failures and safety consequences. Method. Personnel of a large industrial company in Iran filled out an occupational cognitive failure questionnaire (OCFQ) and answered questions on accidents. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between cognitive failures and safety consequences. Results. According to developed regression models, personnel with a high rate of cognitive failure, in comparison to low rate, have a high risk of minor injury involvement (OR 5.1, 95% CI [2.62, 10.3]); similar results were for major injury and near miss. Discussion. The results of this study revealed usefulness of the OCFQ as a tool of predicting safety-related consequences and planning preventive actions.  相似文献   

The current study used Mintzberg's (1983) conceptualization of political will and political skill to evaluate the predictors and consequences of political behavior at work. As elements of political will, we hypothesized that need for achievement and intrinsic motivation would predict the use of political behavior at work. Furthermore, we argued that political skill would moderate the relationship between political behavior and emotional labor. Data gathered from employees (N = 193) representing a wide array of organizations substantiated the proposed relationships. Specifically, need for achievement and intrinsic motivation were positively associated with political behavior. In turn, those opting to employ political behavior at work experienced a higher degree of emotional labor, but this relationship was found to operate differently at low and high levels of political skill. Specifically, emotional labor was a consequence of political behavior for those low in political skill, but emotional labor reactions from political behavior were neutralized for individuals high in political skill. Implications of these results, strengths and limitations, and directions for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(4):349-358
Epidemiological studies of occupational injury document the incidence rates of the main structures as type of workplace and the work departments. The specific work processes within the departments represent an internal structure where the injury rates have not been given much attention before.The purpose of the present study was to relate the length of the working time to the number of injuries for the specific working processes in fishing. Time measurements were performed during participation in fishing trips with four different kinds of vessels. Risk index numbers for the specific working processes were calculated by dividing the number of injuries within a 5-year period with the total sum of minutes used for each working process as measured during one fishing trip for each type of fishing. The highest risk index numbers were found for embarking and disembarking the vessel, which only takes a minimum of time for the fishermen. Also for other working processes, especially working with the gear and nets, the index numbers were high and relevant for the prevention. This can be used as a supplemental tool of injury prevention to point out working processes that need high attention for prevention. The method can be applied for other industries.  相似文献   

就国家有关法律、劳动法规及劳动规章 ,阐述了工伤的保险待遇、工伤认定、工伤评残的合法权益及工伤保险待遇的请求与给付  相似文献   



The current study explored the association between the business cycle and the incidence of workplace injuries to identify cyclically sensitive industries and the relative contribution of physical capital and labor utilization within industries.


Bureau of Labor Statistics nonfatal injury rates from 1976 through 2007 were examined across five industry sectors with respect to several macroeconomic indicators. Within industries, injury associations with utilization of labor and physical capital over time were tested using time series regression methods.


Pro-cyclical associations between business cycle indicators and injury incidence were observed in mining, construction, and manufacturing but not in agriculture or trade. Physical capital utilization was the highest potential contributor to injuries in mining while labor utilization was the highest potential contributor in construction. In manufacturing each effect had a similar association with injuries.


The incidence of workplace injury is associated with the business cycle. However, the degree of association and the mechanisms through with the business cycle affects the incidence of workplace injuries was not the same across industries.

Impact on Industry

The results suggest that firms in the construction, manufacturing, and mining industries should take additional precautionary safety measures during cyclical upturns. Potential differences among industries in the mechanisms through which the business cycle affects injury incidence suggest different protective strategies for those industries. For example, in construction, additional efforts might be undertaken to ensure workers are adequately trained and not excessively fatigued, while safety procedures continue to be followed even during boom times.  相似文献   

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