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<正>不同的食用油,由于脂肪酸构成不同,适宜的烹调方式也不同。橄榄油橄榄油含有丰富的单不饱和脂肪酸——油酸。油酸能够降低血胆固醇、甘油三酯和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇。橄榄油最适合用于凉拌菜,也可以用来炒、烹等,但是,注意油温不宜过高。茶籽油茶籽油是我国特有的一种优质植物油,又叫山茶油。茶籽油的脂肪酸组成与橄榄油十分相似,含有丰富的油酸,含量约为80%。茶籽油还富含维生素E、甾醇、山茶苷等功能性成分。  相似文献   

正血脂是血液中胆固醇、甘油三酯和类脂的总称。在多数医院提供的化验单中,血脂检验项目主要包括总胆固醇和甘油三酯两组指标,其中总胆固醇又被分为高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(即好胆固醇)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(即坏胆固醇)。血脂检测会受到多种因素影响,提前做好以下准备,可以保证检查结果更加可靠。1.采血前应保持平时的饮食习惯。既不能为了结果"好看"而刻意节食或吃素,也不宜大鱼大肉,否则容易影响医生对平时血脂水平的判断。  相似文献   

为了做好运输一线职工的健康管理工作,选择车辆、车务、电务、工务和机务系统参加健康体检的职工,以其2015—2016年体检数据为研究资料,分析了各系统"三类人员"健康情况。结果表明,不同系统"三类人员"总胆固醇异常率为车辆系统最高(64.9%),车务系统最低(60.0%);低密度脂蛋白胆固醇异常率最高为机务系统(53.1%),车务系统最低(45.7%);高密度脂蛋白胆固醇异常率为车辆系统最高(32.2%),工务系统最低(22.1%);空腹血糖异常率最高为机务系统(47.6%),电务系统最低(39.6%);甘油三酯异常率为工务系统最高(69.0%),车务系统最低(65.8%);舒张压异常率最高为车辆系统(93.8%),车务系统最低(78.2%);收缩压异常率最高为车辆系统(80.8%),车务系统最低(68.6%)。  相似文献   

采用自身对照试验,利用个体噪声剂量系统检测海洋石油钻井平台作业人员在作业期间生产性噪声个体暴露水平(40 h等效声级),采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)分别检测噪声暴露作业前后血清皮质醇水平,并分析血清皮质醇水平变化与噪声暴露水平和暴露时间的关系。结果表明:噪声暴露作业后,全部作业人员血清皮质醇水平明显升高(p0.05,α=0.05);不同噪声暴露水平作业人员血清皮质醇水平差别没有统计学意义(p0.05);噪声暴露20 d的作业人员血清皮质醇水平明显高于噪声暴露≤20 d者(p0.05)。血清皮质醇水平变化与噪声暴露水平没有显著关联性,而与噪声暴露时间呈明显的正相关(p0.05)。研究表明,生产性噪声慢性暴露使血清皮质醇水平升高,且暴露时间是主要影响因素。  相似文献   

北京洗染加工厂锅炉房有一台4—62—8#引风机、一台4-72—4#鼓风机。在离鼓风机 1米处噪声A、C声级高达100分贝,频谱呈中高频。引风机噪声A声级是99分贝,C声级高达102分贝.频谱呈宽带噪声。测量了四个居民住宅院,A声级最高 70分贝/声级 75分贝。三楼办公室 A声级56分贝,C声级62分贝。由于噪声严重影响职工和附近居民的身心健康,几乎每天都有人到厂里提意见,有的居民把要求解决噪声问题的大字报贴到厂门口,说如不治理就应停产。 控制措施 工人和居民的呼声,引起了厂领导的重视,对锅炉房噪声采取了消声、减振、隔声、吸声等综合控制措施。 …  相似文献   

以处于脑发育期的新生3d大鼠为试验对象,研究不同剂量2,2',4,4'-四溴联苯醚(BDE - 47)对大鼠暴露21 d后,大鼠体内甲状腺激素内稳态、脑中谷胱甘肽及相关酶的变化.结果显示,与对照组相比,大鼠血清中总甲状腺激素(TT4)、游离甲状腺激素(FT4)、总三碘甲状腺原氨酸(TT3)无显著改变,但高暴露剂量组大鼠血清中游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)含量显著降低(p< 0.01).氧化损伤试验结果表明,与对照组相比,各暴露组大鼠脑中氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)含量显著上升(中、低剂量组p< 0.01,高剂量组p<0.05);暴露组大鼠脑中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH - px)活力变化与剂量相关,呈现低、中剂量升高,高剂量暴露下降的趋势;暴露大鼠脑中谷氨酸半胱氨酸合成酶(GCL)活性、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量无显著变化,但GCL呈明显的下降趋势.脑发育期BDE - 47暴露将造成大鼠甲状腺激素,尤其是FT3的内稳态失衡,并造成机体GSH抗氧化系统相关指标的紊乱,出现氧化应激效应.  相似文献   

工业企业职工听力保护规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一章总则第一条为保护在强噪声环境中作业职工的听力 ,降低职业性噪声聋发病率 ,根据《劳动法》及职业病防治的有关规定 ,制定本规范。第二条本规范适用于各类工业企业(以下简称“企业”)噪声作业场所职工的听力保护。凡有职工每工作日8小时暴露于等效声级大于等于85分贝(以下简称“LAeq,8≥85dB”)的企业 ,都应当执行本规范。第三条企业应根据本规范要求 ,结合自身实际情况制订本单位职工听力保护计划 ,并指定接受过专门培训的人员负责组织和实施。第二章听力保护的基本内容和要求第四条本规范所称听力保护包括噪声监测…  相似文献   

<正>随着现代工业生产和交通工具的发展,接触噪声的人群愈来愈多。长期接触强噪声会引起听力损伤和危害身体健康,噪声已成为社会公害之一。现有资料证明噪声对机体作用与诸多因素有关。为更准确地了解管内各工厂生产性噪声以何种因素为主影响职工健康,以便更好地解决一线  相似文献   

为研究高海拔矿井风机气动噪声规律,建立小型轴流风机三维物理模型,利用CFD软件对环境气压分别为1,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6及0.5 atm时的风机模型进行定常模拟、非定常模拟及噪声计算,并通过自主设计的压变实验装置对上述不同环境气压条件下风机转数分别为500,1 000,1 500和2 000 rpm时的风机噪声进行测试,分析风机叶片附近监测点噪声频谱曲线及压变环境风机噪声实验数据,结果表明:风机转数和环境气压是影响风机气动噪声的2个重要因素;环境气压P一定时,风机转数n越大,各频率下的风机气动噪声声压级SPL越大,且风机噪声总声压级Lp和平均声压级Lavg均随风机转数n的增大呈对数函数增加;风机转数n不变时,随着海拔高度的升高,环境气压P降低,各频段下风机气动噪声声压级SPL均将减小,且风机噪声总声压级Lp和平均声压级Lavg随环境气压值P的降低呈线性函数减小,环境气压每降低0.1 atm,二者分别降低1.47和1.29 dB。  相似文献   

本刊讯 在劳动部科技委1992年3月12日召开的科研成果鉴定会上,《国内职业噪声危害治理技术评价及对策》通过鉴定。该科研成果包括了国内职业噪声危害现状调查及统计分析,国内工业噪声控制水平评价,以及制订听力保护计划纲要草案等三项内容。 该课题通过调查表明,我国工业噪声造成的职业危害极为普遍且相当严重,目前大约有1000万职工在噪声超标的环境下工作,约有100万职工患有不同程度的职业性耳聋。由于噪声造成职工的心理恐惧及对报警信号的遮蔽,它常是导致工伤死亡事故的重要配合因素。此外,职业噪声危害还潜在着巨大的经济损失,按照国家…  相似文献   

Results of standard pure-tone audiometry (PTA) were collected from 25 workers, mainly females, aged 23-58 years, exposed for 2-13 years to ultrasonic noise emitted by ultrasonic welders. Hearing tests were completed by evaluation of exposure to ultrasonic noise. The subjects' actual audiometric hearing threshold levels (HTLs) were compared with theoretical predictions calculated according to ISO 1999:1990. In 60% of cases sound pressure levels in the 10-40 kHz 1/3-octave bands at workstands exceeded Polish exposure limits for ultrasonic noise. Our comparison of predicted and measured HTLs suggests that the ISO 1999:1990 method, intended for audible noise, might also make it possible to predict reliably permanent hearing loss (in the 2000-6000 Hz frequency range) after exposure to ultrasonic noise. No significant progress of hearing impairment (assessed using PTA) in the operators of ultrasonic welders was noted. Nevertheless, further studies on the hearing status of workers exposed to ultrasonic noise are needed.  相似文献   

Noise measurements and questionnaire inquiries were carried out for 124 workers of a rolling stock plant to develop a hearing conservation program. On the basis of that data, the risk of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) was evaluated. Additionally, the workers' hearing ability was assessed with the (modified) Amsterdam inventory for auditory disability and handicap, (m)AIADH. The workers had been exposed to noise at A-weighted daily noise exposure levels of 74-110 dB for 1-40 years. Almost one third of the workers complained of hearing impairment and the (m)AIADH results showed some hearing difficulties in over half of them. The estimated risk of hearing loss over 25 dB in the frequency range of 3-6 kHz was 41-50% when the standard method of predicting NIHL specified in Standard No. ISO 1999:1990 was used. This risk increased to 50-67% when noise impulsiveness, coexposure to organic solvents, elevated blood pressure and smoking were included in calculations.  相似文献   

A sample of 2458 workers exposed to average noise levels ranging from 80 to 99 dBA in different operations of three textile mills was studied with respect to their productivity, work rule violations, absenteeism, and accidents. The three mills were in rural, suburban, and urban locations. Noise exposure levels were measured in individual departments of the mills, and workers were interviewed to ascertain socioeconomic background, work history data, and health status. Workers' job attitude was rated by their supervisors, and data about their productivity, disciplinary reports, absenteeism, and accidents were collected from plant records. Results of the study suggested that workers in departments with high noise levels (above 90 dBA) had more disciplinary actions and absenteeism and lesser productivity than those in departments with low noise exposure (below 90 dBA). Disciplinary actions showed the greatest difference between the high-noise and low-noise departments followed by production incentives, production efficiency, and absenteeism. Noise appeared to affect the quality of work as reflected by disciplinary actions for material damage, and this effect was higher in weaving and spinning operations which involved vigilance tasks. The frequency and severity rates of accidents in highnoise departments were greater than in low-noise departments. Certain personal and socioeconomic factors affected high vs. low noise exposure differences found among workers for the investigated variables. These effects were most apparent for absenteeism and, to a lesser extent, productivity. Disciplinary actions did not appear to be influenced by any such individual factors. It was concluded that noise abatement in the textile industry could be beneficial to worker productivity and well being and contribute to more economically effective operation.  相似文献   

探讨铅与噪声对蓄电池制造作业工人的联合作用,为职业危害联合作用健康管理提供科学依据。依据蓄电池厂作业工人的职业史调查、环境检测和生物检测资料,将研究对象分为铅与噪声联合暴露组、单纯铅暴露组、正常组,分析比较3组作业工人的听力损伤、神经系统和消化系统症状、贫血结果。结果显示在4 000 Hz和6 000 Hz频率段,联合组听力异常率及听阈均值高于单纯铅暴露组和正常组(P0.05),与单纯铅暴露组和正常组比较,联合组的神经系统和消化系统症状率明显增多(P0.05)。表明铅和噪声联合作用可增加作业者的听觉系统、神经系统和消化系统症状患病,并提出相应管理对策。  相似文献   

我国纺织噪声暴露现状及听力损失情况预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对国内纺织业从业人员数量、工龄的统计和企业实地噪声情况的调查,借鉴ISO1999—1975(E)和其它相关方法预测我国纺织行业噪声暴露情况和从业人员的听力损失情况。经过预测,结果显示纺织从业人员暴露于85dB以下噪声的约有289.3万人,85~95dB约有381.2万人,高于95dB约有329.5万人;对于听力损失的预测,采用悲观和乐观法分别进行预测,结果表明约有100.57万人和21.61万人患有听力损失;结合实际调研情况对预测数据进行修正,结果表明目前我国纺织行业约有70.96万人患有听力损失。  相似文献   

Introduction: The appearance of musculoskeletal disorders (MDs) in professional drivers due to exposition to whole-body vibration (WBV) makes it relevant to assess this exposure. The European Directive 2002/44/EC has two methods to evaluate exposure to WBV (defined in ISO2631-1:2008). These methods evaluate the exposure associated with an 8-hour working day; however, MDs due to WBV could also be caused by accumulated exposure to vibrations over long term, and hence, the methods defined in the European directive may be limited in their ability to ensure the safety of workers exposed to WBV throughout their years of employment. Method: A detailed comparison and discussion of methods defined in the European Directive and the ISO2631-5:2018 was used as a starting point of the main results of this paper. On this basis, a new methodology for the management and organization of preventive measures is proposed to consider the assessment of ISO2631-5:2018 standard and the full working life of workers. Experimental data to assess exposure to WBV in heavy equipment vehicle (HEV) drivers under different road surface conditions and range of velocities were considered to illustrate the process of the proposed methodology. Results: The methods defined in the standards provide different assessments leading to a different possible consideration of safe operations when the risks associated with them may actually be high. The proposed methodology can be used with the aim of ensuring safety of workers throughout their working lives and providing an easy implementation of the calculations of ISO2631-5:2018 standard. Conclusions: A procedure to assess the health risk probability to which the HEV worker is exposed in terms of the exposure years and a different range of operational vehicle speeds is proposed and exemplified with a study case. Practical applications: This study provides a practical tool for the management of WBV exposure related to work-tasks in HEV drivers. Safety managers should consider the global exposition to WBV throughout their working life, and this research provides an easy tool to accomplish it.  相似文献   

The thermal environment in the workplace is an important factor which affects workers’ health. During 2011 in Poland, 14,781 workers were exposed to a cold working environment, i.e., 3.8% of persons employed in hazardous work conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the cardiovascular response to continuous (4 °C for 60 min) and intermittent (10 min at 4 °C and 10 min at room temperature alternately) exposure to the cold in 30 healthy men aged 20–27 years. Peripheral blood flow was assessed with impedance plethysmography. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure were monitored with the Holter system. Having assessed the results, it is difficult to say which kind of exposure has a more severe impact on the cardiovascular system. Longer observation and a more detailed analysis would be necessary (e.g., Doppler echocardiography).  相似文献   

Aim. The aim of the present study was to identify and evaluate predominant noise sources in the cricket bat industry of Kashmir, India. Methods. Sound levels were measured at operator’s ear level in the working zone of the workers of seven cricket bat factories. The impact assessment was made through personal interviews with each worker separately during their period of rest. Results. On average, 62.5% of the workers reported difficulty in hearing and 24.1% of the workers have become patients for hypertension. Only 58.1% of the workers complained of headache due to high noise level. Conclusions. The workers engaged in the cricket bat industry of Kashmir are exposed to high noise levels. It is suggested that personal protective equipment like ear plugs and ear muffs be used by these workers as a protection against this hazard.  相似文献   

Health care staff who operate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices are exposed to a static magnetic field of significant spatial heterogenity always produced by MRI magnets during the whole shift. They can also be exposed to pulses of a time-varying magnetic field (gradient field) present only during patients’ examinations. The level of the workers’ exposure depends both on the type of the magnet and on the ergonomic design of each MRI device.

The paper presents methods used for measuring and assessing workers’ exposure. It also discusses the results of inspection measurements carried out next to approximately 20 MRI devices of approximately 0.2–2.0 T. The presented characteristic and overview of the variability of workers’ exposure to a variety of MRI devices supports the need for data on monitoring occupational exposure to MRI. International exposure assessment standards and guidelines (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection [ICNIRP], Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [IEEE], American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists [ACGIH], European Commission directive), and those established in Poland are also compared.  相似文献   

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