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Investigations of potential risk from biosolids generally indicate that land application does not threaten human or ecosystem health, but questions continue to arise concerning the environmental effects of this practice. This research project was initiated to evaluate ecotoxicity resulting from the amendment of soils with biosolids from municipal wastewater treatment plants. Toxicity was evaluated using standard tests, including earthworm mortality, growth, and reproduction; seedling germination and root elongation; microbial respiration; and nematode mortality and reproduction. Nineteen municipal wastewater treatment plants were identified to participate in an initial screening of toxicity, and five were chosen for a more detailed evaluation. In addition, two soils with historically high applications of high-metal biosolids were evaluated. Contaminants examined were zinc, copper, nickel, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Single applications had no effect on soil metal concentrations. Coplanar PCBs were not detectable in any of the soils or biosolids. All target organisms were sensitive to reference toxicants. Limited toxicity was observed in a small number of the amended soils, but no patterns emerged. Approximately one-half of the negative effects of biosolids on bioindicators could be attributed to routine properties, such as slight depression of pH and/or elevated salinity. None of the accumulated metal concentrations were excessive, and most would not be considered elevated. These observations suggest that current regulations for application of biosolids to soils are providing adequate ecosystem protection.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to understand the interaction between plants and microorganisms during petroleum-hydrocarbon bioremediation in Pacific Islands coastal soils. Total bacteria and hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms population dyanamics were examined in the rhizospheres of tropical trees and shrubs, which were evaluated for their phytoremediation potential in a greenhouse experiment. The respective and combined effects of plant roots and diesel contaminant on the microbial populations were determined in relation to diesel fuel depletion. An increase in the grading populations size of the hydrocarbon-degrading populations of microbes, elicited by rhizodeposition, is generally regarded as conducive to an enhanced degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in vegetated soil. METHODS: The soil was a coastal sandy loam (pH 7.8) which was artificially contaminated with 10 g of No. 2 diesel fuel/kg soil or left uncontaminated. The pots were irrigated with fertilizer and 1% NaCl. The enumerations were carried out in the contaminated and uncontaminated rhizospheres of three trees, kiawe (Prosopis pallida), milo (Thespesia populnea), and kou (Cordia subcordata) and three shrubs, beach naupaka (Scaevola sericea), false sandalwood (Myoporum sandwicense), and oleander (Nerium oleander). Unplanted control soils were included in the experiment. Total bacteria and phenanthrene-degrading bacteria were enumerated on plates. Diesel- and pristane-degrading microorganisms were enumerated by the most-probable-number technique in tissue-culture plates. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: All four types of microorganisms responded to the rhizosphere of the 6 plants in uncontaminated soil and to the diesel contaminant in unplanted soil. In contaminated rhizospheres, no effect of the plant on the hydrocarbon-degrader numbers was visible. Total bacteria responded more to the plant roots than to the contaminant. The phenanthrene-degrading bacteria and pristane-degrading microorganisms were more influenced by the contaminant than by the plants. The diesel-degrading microorganisms were equally stimulated by the plants and the contaminant. The numbers of hydrocarbon degraders were similar in the contaminated rhizospheres of the three effective plants (kiawe, kou, and milo) and in those of the three ineffective shrubs. CONCLUSION: The results suggest the quality of the rhizodeposition is plant-dependent and governs the type of diesel-degrader populations that will be enhanced by a given plant. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: In the proposed phytoremediation-benefit model plant roots maintain high levels of hydrocaron degraders in uncontaminated soil. When the root enters a contaminated zone of soil, those hydrocarbon degraders that prefer the contaminant would switch to the contaminant as a carbon source, effectively removing the hydrocarbons. If the root exudates and the contaminant are equally attractive to the hydrocarbon degraders, the contaminant degradaton would be less effective.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are recalcitrant compounds, some of which are known carcinogens, often found in high residual soil concentrations at industrial sites. Recent research has confirmed that phytoremediation holds promise as a low-cost treatment method for PAH contaminated soil. In this study, the lability of soil bound PAHs in the rhizosphere was estimated using solid phase extraction resin. An extraction time of 14 days was determined to be appropriate for this study. Resin-extractable PAHs, which are assumed to be more bioavailable, decreased during plant treatments. Significant reductions in the labile concentrations of several PAH compounds occurred over 12 months of plant growth. The differences in concentration between the unplanted and the planted soil indicate that the presence of plant roots, in addition to the passage of time, contributes to reduction in the bioavailability of target PAHs.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background.  The goal of this study was to understand the interaction between plants and microorganisms during petroleum-hydrocarbon bioremediation in Pacific Islands coastal soils. Total bacteria and hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms population dynamics were examined in the rhizospheres of tropical trees and shrubs, which were evaluated for their phytoremediation potential in a greenhouse experiment. The respective and combined effects of plant roots and diesel contaminant on the microbial populations were determined in relation to diesel fuel depletion. An increase in the size of the hydrocarbon-degrading populations of microbes, elicited by rhizodeposition, is generally regarded as conducive to an enhanced degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon polutants in veaetated soil. Conclusion  The results suggest the quality of the rhizodeposition is plant-dependent and governs the type of diesel-degrader populations that will be enhanced by a given plant. Recommendations and Outlook  In the proposed phytoremediation-benefit model plant roots maintain high levels of hydrocarbon de-graders in uncontaminated soil. When the root enters a contaminated zone of soil, those hydrocarbon degraders that prefer the contaminant would switch to the contaminant as a carbon source, effectively removing the hydrocarbons. If the root exudates and the contaminant are equally attractive to the hydrocarbon degraders, the contaminant degradation would be less effective.  相似文献   

A new extraction procedure with cationic exchange resins is proposed for the assessment of heavy metal lability in polluted soils. This method classifies soluble metal compounds in three levels according to their lability: very labile, moderately labile and non-labile. The concept of lability is based on the use of resins with different ability to interact with metals. The proposed procedure was applied to five samples of polluted soils. In the five soils, soluble Cd was found to be very labile, soluble Ni and Pb were mostly non-labile, Mn and Zn lability depended on the soil, while Cu had a fraction of moderately labile forms in four of the five soils. The resin extraction procedure was compared with the DTPA and CaCl2 extractions.  相似文献   

The city of East St. Louis, IL, has a history of abundant industrial activities including smelters of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, a coal-fired power plant, companies that produced organic and inorganic chemicals, and petroleum refineries. Following a gross assessment of heavy metals in the community soils (see Part I of this two-part series), leaching tests were performed on specific soils to elucidate heavy metal-associated mineral fractions and general leachability. Leaching experiments, including the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TLCP) and column tests, and sequential extractions, illustrated the low leachability of metals in East St. Louis soils. The column leachate results were modeled using a formulation developed for fly ash leaching. The importance of instantaneous dissolution was evident from the model. By incorporating desorption/adsorption terms into the source term, the model was adapted very well to the time-dependent heavy metal leachate concentrations. The results demonstrate the utility of a simple model to describe heavy metal leaching from contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Sorption and cosorption of organic contaminant on surfactant-modified soils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Gao B  Wang X  Zhao J  Sheng G 《Chemosphere》2001,43(8):1095-1102
Three kinds of soils were modified with the cationic surfactants, hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) bromide and tetramethylammonium (TMA) bromide to increase their sorptive capabilities. Sorption of chlorobenzene in simulated groundwater by these soils was investigated. HDTMA-modified soil has a higher ability to sorb chlorobenzene from simulated groundwater than unmodified soil. TMA-modified soil did not show the superiority. HDTMA thus can be used to modify soil to improve its sorption capability. Cosorption of chlorobenzene in simulated groundwater in the absence or presence of nitrobenzene and dichloromethane on HDTMA-modified soil was also investigated. Nitrobenzene facilitated sorption of chlorobenzene on all HDTMA-modified soil. Dichloromethane did not influence the sorption of chlorobenzene by HDTMA-modified soil. The results suggest that HDTMA-modified soil is a highly effective sorbent for chlorobenzene and multiple organic compounds did not impede the uptake of chlorobenzene.  相似文献   

Bottom sediment and suspended sediment samples from Hamilton Harbour (western Lake Ontario) and from a major tributary were profiled using a bioassay-directed fractionation approach. Sample extracts were fractionated using an alumina/Sephadex gel clean-up procedure to afford non-polar aromatic fractions which were characterized using chemical analyses and the Ames/microsome bacterial assay in Salmonella typhimurium strains YG1025 with the addition of oxidative metabolism (S9), and YG1024 without S9. Non-polar aromatic fractions of selected samples were separated by normal phase HPLC into 1-min fractions which were subjected to bioassay analyses. The bioassays using strain YG1025+S9, a TA100-type strain, were performed to assess genotoxicity arising from the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Fractions which exhibited mutagenic activity contained PAH with molecular masses of 252, 276 and 278 amu; these fractions contained over 80% of the genotoxicity attributable to PAH. Individual compounds identified using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analyses in these active fractions included benzo[a]pyrene, indeno[cd]pyrene and dibenz[a,h]anthracene. The YG1025+S9 mutagenic activity profiles were similar for all samples. Mutagenic activity profiles generated using strain YG1024-S9, a TA98-type strain sensitive to compounds characteristic of mobile source emissions, were very different. The mutagenic activities in strain YG1024-S9 were greatest for harbour-suspended sediment samples collected from sites impacted by a major tributary. Suspended sediments collected near areas known to contain high levels of coal tar-contamination in the bottom sediments contained higher levels of genotoxic PAH than suspended sediments collected from other areas of the harbour.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was used to investigate whether ammonium sulphate, when applied in amounts comparable to those deposited in the Dutch forests, is detrimental to trees. Young coniferous trees were planted in pots and treated with artificial ammonium-enriched rainwater in a greenhouse. The deposition of ammonium resulted in a strong acidification of the soil solution, leaching of base cations and an increased solubility of aluminium, manganese and zinc. Ammonium accumulated in the soil solution, causing severe imbalances between plant nutrients. The effects of these chemical changes in the soil on tree performance are described in a second paper.  相似文献   

Laboratory batch experiments were carried out to study the adsorption of arsenate on 16 Chinese soils with different physicochemical properties. Wide differences in arsenate adsorption were observed, and the Jiangxi and Hubei soils were more effective sorbents for arsenate than other soils. The Langmuir one-surface and two-surface equations were used to model the arsenate adsorption data. Except for the Jiangxi and Hubei soils, the Langmuir one-surface equation gave reasonably good fits to the arsenate adsorption data. However, the Langmuir two-surface equation generally provided a better fit than the Langmuir one-surface equation. For soils with relative high organic matter (OM), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) or extractable phosphate, the Langmuir one-surface and two-surface equations described the adsorption isotherms similarly. In contrast, for soils with relatively low contents of OM, DOC or extractable phosphate, the Langmuir two-surface equation gave the better fit to the arsenate adsorption data.  相似文献   

Sterols as a measure of fecal pollution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This theoretical study was performed to investigate the influence of soil temperature, soil water content and soil organic carbon fraction on the mobility of monoterpenes (C10HnOn') applied as pesticides to a top soil layer. This mobility was expressed as the amount volatilized and leached from the contaminated soil layer after a certain amount of time. For this, (slightly modified) published analytical solutions to a one dimensional, homogeneous medium, diffusion/advection/biodegradation mass balance equation were used. The required input-parameters were determined in a preceding study. Because the monoterpenes studied differ widely in the values for their physico-chemical properties, the relative importance of the various determinants also differed widely. Increasing soil water saturation reduced monoterpene vaporization and leaching losses although a modest increase was usually observed at high soil water contents. Organic matter served as the major retention domain, reducing volatilization and leaching losses. Increasing temperature resulted in higher volatilization and leaching losses. Monoterpene mobility was influenced by vertical water flow. Volatilization losses could be reduced by adding a clean soil layer on top of the contaminated soil. Detailed insight into the specific behaviour of different monoterpenes was obtained by discussing intermediate calculation results; the transport retardation factors and effective soil diffusion coefficients. One insight was that the air-water interface compartment is probably not an important partitioning domain for monoterpenes in most circumstances. The results further indicated that biodegradation is an important process for monoterpenes in soil.  相似文献   

The city of East St. Louis, IL, has a history of abundant industrial activities including smelters of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, a coal-fired power plant, companies that produce organic and inorganic chemicals, and petroleum refineries. A protocol for soil analysis was developed to produce sufficient information on the extent of heavy metal contamination in East St. Louis soils. Soil cores representing every borough of East St. Louis were analyzed for heavy metals--As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, and Zn. The topsoil contained heavy metal concentrations as high as 12.5 ppm Cd, 14,400 ppm Cu, ppm quantities of Hg, 1860 ppm Pb, 40 ppm Sb, 1130 ppm Sn, and 10,360 ppm Zn. Concentrations of Sb, Cu, and Cd were well correlated with Zn concentrations, suggesting a similar primary industrial source. In a sandy loam soil from a vacated rail depot near the bank of the Mississippi River, the metals were evenly distributed down to a 38-cm depth. The clay soils within a half-mile downwind of the Zn smelter and Cu products company contained elevated Cd (81 ppm), Cu (340 ppm), Pb (700 ppm), and Zn (6000 ppm) and displayed a systematic drop in concentration of these metals with depth. This study demonstrates the often high concentration of heavy metals heterogeneously distributed in the soil and provides baseline data for continuing studies of heavy metal soil leachability.  相似文献   

A two-resistance exchange interface model (TREIM) was developed to simulate gaseous mercury (Hg) emissions from soils measured by dynamic flux chamber (DFC) operations. The model is based on mass balance principles and a Hg air/soil exchange theory that considers the influence of flushing flow rate on Hg air/soil exchange. We used this model to examine the effect of the flushing flow rate and understand the optimum conditions for DFC measurements of Hg emission fluxes over soils. Our model simulations indicate that the flushing flow rate is a most critical operation condition. We recommend adoption of high flushing flow rates (e.g., ∼15–40 l min−1 for DFCs of common design) based on our simulation findings that underestimation of actual emission fluxes can occur at low flushing flow rates. The biased low fluxes are caused by suppression of emission potential resulting from internal accumulation of emitted Hg and by higher exchange resistance both at low flushing flow rates. This model provides a useful means for estimating maximum steady-state fluxes and soil air Hg concentrations and for adjustment of the fluxes measured under different operating conditions. The model also finds its value in understanding mechanical processes of Hg emissions from soils.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to elucidate the effects of soil properties on arsenate adsorption by modeling the relationships between adsorption capacity and the properties of 16 Chinese soils. The model produced was validated against three Australian and three American soils. The results showed that nearly 93.8% of the variability in arsenate adsorption on the low-energy surface could be described by citrate-dithionite extractable Fe (Fe(CD)), clay content, organic matter content (OM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC); nearly 87.6% of the variability in arsenate adsorption on the high-energy surface could be described by Fe(CD), DOC and total arsenic in soils. Fe(CD) exhibited the most important positive influence on arsenate adsorption. Oxalate extractable Al (Al(OX)), citrate-dithionite extractable Al (Al(CD)), extractable P and soil pH appeared relatively unimportant for adsorption of arsenate by soils.  相似文献   

Hydrotalcite-like materials, or otherwise termed layered double hydroxides, are clays with an ability to remove anions. As they usually are in powder form, these sorbents often present appreciable problems in the solid/liquid separation process following the sorption stage. Sorptive flotation of metal-loaded particles was investigated in this paper, as an alternative two-stage process. In the sorption process, satisfactory removals of arsenic(V) were obtained onto synthetic hydrotalcite particles from water. The effect of some parameters, like the solution ionic strength, concentrations, temperature, etc. was examined. During the second stage of the process, hydrotalcite fine particles were removed from the liquid phase by dispersed-air flotation; various surfactants were tested in relation to the ionic strength of the solution. The combined process of sorptive flotation provides promising results for arsenic removal.  相似文献   

Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are environmental contaminants found in aquatic ecosystems throughout the world as a result of both anthropogenic and natural production. The ecological risk posed by these compounds to organisms in freshwater environments, with a specific focus on aquatic macrophytes, was characterized. The plants evaluated were Lemna gibba, Myriophyllum spicatum and M. sibiricum and the HAAs screened were monochloroacetic acid (MCA), dichloroacetic acid (DCA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and chlorodifluoroacetic acid (CDFA). Laboratory toxicity data formed the basis of the risk assessment, but field studies were also utilized. The estimated risk was calculated using hazard quotients (HQ), as well as effect measure distributions (EMD) in a modified probabilistic ecological risk assessment. EMDs were used to estimate HAA thresholds of toxicity for use in HQ assessments. This threshold was found to be a more sensitive measure of low toxicity than the no observed effect concentrations (NOEC) or the effective concentration (EC10). Using both deterministic and probabilistic methods, it was found that HAAs do not pose a significant risk to freshwater macrophytes at current environmental concentrations in Canada, Europe or Africa for both single compound and mixture exposures. Still, HAAs are generally found as mixtures and their potential interactions are not fully understood, rendering this phase of the assessment uncertain and justifying further effects characterization. TCA in some environments poses a slight risk to phytoplankton and future concentrations of TFA and CDFA are likely to increase due to their recalcitrant nature, warranting continued environmental surveillance of HAAs.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we demonstrated that the main mechanism of degradation of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) biodegradable mulch films when exposed to field conditions was crosslinking due to the photodegradation from solar radiation. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of crosslinking on the biodegradability of PBAT samples. PBAT films were subjected to UV photodegradation in laboratory simulated conditions to investigate the effects of crosslinking and other major changes in the structure and mechanical properties of the films. Crosslinking caused the films to become more brittle and produced a reduction of the tensile strength and percent elongation. Besides the crosslinking degradation mechanism, chain scission also occurred in the samples. After 45d of biodegradation test, the non-crosslinked PBAT sample reached 60% of mineralization. However, the percent mineralization was reduced when samples were crosslinked. The percent mineralization of samples with 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70% gel content was 36%, 43%, 21%, and 24%, respectively. Our results indicate that crosslinking is a key process underlying the degradation of the PBAT film and did affect the biodegradability of the films, since the samples with greater amount of gel content generally showed less percent mineralization in the biodegradation tests.  相似文献   

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