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The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of the inoculum to substrate ratio (I/S) on the anaerobic degradation potential of municipal solid waste (MSW). Reconstituted MSW samples were thus incubated under batch anaerobic conditions and inoculated with an increasing amount of inoculum originating from a mesophilic sludge digester. I/S tested values were 0 (no inoculum added), 0.015, 0.03, 0.06, 0.12, 0.25, 1, 2 and 4 (gVMinoculum/gVMwaste). The results indicate that the apparent maximal rate of dissolved organic carbon accumulation is reached at I/S = 0.12. Under this level, the hydrolysis process is limited by the concentration of biomass and can thus be described as first order kinetics phenomena with respect to biomass for I/S ratios below 0.12. The maximum methane production rate and the minimal latency are reached at a ratio of 2. In addition to that, both methane signature and ARISA show a shift in the methanogenic populations from hydrogenotrophic to acetoclastic.  相似文献   

The mathematical formulations in a one-dimensional compartment model of the biodegradation of organic landfill components are described. The model is designed to switch between anaerobic and aerobic conditions, depending on the local oxygen concentration. The model also includes the effect of environmental factors, such as moisture content, pH, and temperature, on reaction rates. The model includes not only biodegradation processes for carbon compounds (acetate, CO2, CH4), but also for nitrogen compounds involved in nitrification and denitrification due to their significance in landfills. Two example runs to simulate anaerobic and aerobic waste were conducted for a single landfill unit cell by changing the organic content and diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

Sustainable disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) requires assurance that contaminant release will be minimized or prevented within a reasonable time frame before the landfill is abandoned so that the risk of contamination release is not passed to future generations. This could be accomplished through waste acceptance criteria such as those established by the European Union (EU) that prohibit land disposal of untreated organic matter. In the EU, mechanical, biological and/or thermal pretreatment of MSW is therefore necessary prior to landfilling which is complicated and costly. In other parts of the world, treatment within highly engineered landfills is under development, known as bioreactor landfills. However, the completed bioreactor landfill still contains material, largely nonbiodegradable carbon and ammonia that may be released to the environment over the long-term. This paper provides a conceptual analysis of an approach to ensure landfill sustainability by the rapid removal of these remaining materials, leachate treatment and recirculation combined with aeration. The analysis in this paper includes a preliminary experimental evaluation using real mature leachate and waste samples, a modeling effort using a simplified mass balance approach and input parameters from real typical bioreactor cases, and a cost estimate for the suggested treatment method.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash was allowed to be disposed of with municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfill sites in the recently enacted standard of China. In this study, three sets of simulated landfill reactors, namely, conventional MSW landfill (CL), conventional MSWI bottom ash and MSW co-disposed landfill (CCL), and leachate recirculated MSWI bottom ash and MSW co-disposed landfill (RCL), were operated to investigate the environmental impact of the co-disposal. The effect of leachate recirculation on the migration of Cu and Zn in the co-disposed landfill was also presented. The results showed that the co-disposal of MSWI bottom ash with MSW would not enhance the leaching of Cu and Zn from landfill. However, the co-disposal increased the Cu and Zn contents of the refuse in the bottom layer of the landfill from 56.7 to 65.3 mg/kg and from 210 to 236 mg/kg, respectively. The recirculation of the leachate could further increase the Cu and Zn contents of the refuse in the bottom layer of the landfill to 72.9 and 441 mg/kg, respectively. Besides these observations, the results also showed that the co-disposed landfill with leachate recirculation could facilitate the stabilization of the landfill.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes in organic matter were studied at different stages of treatment in a bioreactor designed to process leachates from a municipal solid waste landfill. The particulate matter (PM) and macromolecular fractions of the dissolved organic matter with solubility properties comparable to humic (acid-insoluble) and fulvic (acid-soluble) acid fractions (AI, AS, respectively) from the incoming black liquid, the bioreactor content, and the final processed effluent were isolated, quantified, and characterized by visible and infrared (IR) spectroscopies. The macromolecular signature either aliphatic (glycopeptides, carbohydrates) or aromatic (coinciding with infrared patterns of lignin, tannins etc.) enabled us to characterize the different organic fractions during the course of microbial transformation. The results reveal significant changes in the nitrogen speciation patterns within the different organic fractions isolated from the wastewater. The final increase in the relative proportions of nitrogen in the least aromatic AS fraction during microbial transformation could be related to protein formation inside the bioreactor. After biological treatment and ultrafiltration, the amount of organic matter was reduced by approximately 70%, whereas aromaticity increased in all fractions, indicating preferential elimination of aliphatic wastewater compounds. Most of the remaining fractions at the end of the process consisted of a yellow residue rich in low molecular weight AS fractions.  相似文献   

Odor pollution caused by municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants has become a growing public concern. Although aerobic pretreatment of MSW has advantages in accelerating landfill stabilization, the property of non-methane organic compound (NMOC) emissions from aerobically pretreated MSW (APMSW) during landfilling is unknown. To investigate NMOC emissions from anaerobic degradation of APMSW and to study the impact of organic compositions of APMSW and their decomposition stages, five simulative anaerobic bioreactors (R1-R5) were filled up with APMSW of different original organic compositions in a laboratory. For NMOC analysis, samples were collected from the gas that accumulated separately during two successive independent stages of the whole experiment. The results showed that the cumulative quantities of NMOCs from R1 to R5 were 1.11, 0.30, 0.18, 0.28, and 0.31 mg/kg DM, respectively, when volatile solid was degraded by 34.8-47.2%. As the organic content of the original waste was lower, the proportion of NMOCs generated in the early stage of anaerobic degradation became higher. Multiple linear regression analyses of the relationship between the quantities of degraded organics and generated NMOCs showed that lipid and protein have a strong effect on NMOC amount. The effect of lipid on NMOC quantity lasts longer than that of protein. This observation suggests that controlling the lipid and protein contents in MSW can reduce the odor from landfills.  相似文献   

提出了城市生活垃圾填埋处置及资源化利用的循环经济产业模式,分析论述了该模式实施的关键点及其资源化优势,并通过案例估算突出其投资优势,最后提出了该模式产业化应用的发展建议.  相似文献   

The effects of residues from municipal solid waste landfill, Khon Kaen Municipality, Thailand, on corn (Zea mays L.) yield and heavy metal content were studied. Field experiments with randomized complete block design with five treatments (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80% v/v of residues and soil) and four replications were carried out. Corn yield and heavy metal contents in corn grain were analyzed. Corn yield increased by 50, 72, 85 and 71% at 20, 40, 60 and 80% treatments as compared to the control, respectively. All heavy metals content, except cadmium, nickel and zinc, in corn grain were not significantly different from the control. Arsenic, cadmium and zinc in corn grain were strongly positively correlated with concentrations in soil. The heavy metal content in corn grain was within regulated limits for human consumption.  相似文献   

The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from municipal solid waste stored in a pilot-scale cell containing 6.4 tonnes of waste (storage facility which is left open during the first period (40 days) and then closed with recirculation of leachates during a second period (100 days)) was followed by dynamic sampling on activated carbon and analysed by GC–MS after solvent extraction. This was done in order to know the VOC emissions before the installation of a methanogenesis process for the entire waste mass. The results, expressed in reference to toluene, were exploited during the whole study on all the analyzable VOCs: alcohols, ketones and esters, alkanes, benzenic and cyclic compounds, chlorinated compounds, terpene, and organic sulphides.The results of this study on the pilot-scale cell are then compared with those concerning three biogases from a municipal waste landfill: biogas (1) coming from waste cells being filled or recently closed, biogas (2) from all the waste storage cells on site, and biogas (3) which is a residual gas from old storage cells without aspiration of the gas. The analysis of the results obtained revealed: (i) a high emission of VOCs, principally alcohols, ketones and esters during the acidogenesis; (ii) a decrease in the alkane content and an increase in the terpene content were observed in the VOCs emitted during the production of methane; (iii) the production of heavier alkanes and an increase in the average number of carbon atoms per molecule of alkane with the progression of the stabilisation/maturation process were also observed.Previous studies have concentrated almost on the analysis of biogases from landfills. Our research aimed at gaining a more complete understanding of the decomposition/degradation of municipal solid waste by measuring the VOCs emitted from the very start of the landfill process i.e. during the acidogenesis and acetogenesis phases.  相似文献   

Successful modeling of liquid and air flow and hence designing of liquid and air addition systems in the landfills are constrained by the lack of key parameters of unsaturated hydraulic properties of municipal solid waste (MSW), which are strongly dependent on the depth of burial and the degree of decomposition. In this study, water retention curves (WRC) of MSW are measured using pressure plate method on samples repacked according to the in situ unit weight measured during borehole sampling, representing the MSW in shallow, middle, and deep layers. The measured WRC of MSW is well-reproduced by the van Genuchten-Mualem model, and is used to predict the unsaturated hydraulic properties of MSW, including water retention characteristics and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The estimated model parameters are consistent with other studies, suggesting that the pressure plate method yields reproducible results. As the landfill depth and age increase, the overburden pressure, the highly decomposed organic matter and finer pore space increase, hence the capillary pressure increases, causing increases in air-entry values, field capacity and residual water content, and decreases in steepness of WRC and saturated water content. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of MSW undergo changes with landfill depth and age, showing more silt loam-like properties as the landfill age increases.  相似文献   

The first-order decay (FOD) model is widely used to estimate landfill gas generation for emissions inventories, life cycle assessments, and regulation. The FOD model has inherent uncertainty due to underlying uncertainty in model parameters and a lack of opportunities to validate it with complete field-scale landfill data sets. The objectives of this paper were to estimate methane generation, fugitive methane emissions, and aggregated collection efficiency for landfills through a mass balance approach using the FOD model for gas generation coupled with literature values for cover-specific collection efficiency and methane oxidation. This study is unique and valuable because actual field data were used in comparison with modeled data. The magnitude and variation of emissions were estimated for three landfills using site-specific model parameters and gas collection data, and compared to vertical radial plume mapping emissions measurements. For the three landfills, the modeling approach slightly under-predicted measured emissions and over-estimated aggregated collection efficiency, but the two approaches yielded statistically equivalent uncertainties expressed as coefficients of variation. Sources of uncertainty include challenges in large-scale field measurement of emissions and spatial and temporal fluctuations in methane flow balance components (generated, collected, oxidized, and emitted methane). Additional publication of sets of field-scale measurement data and methane flow balance components will reduce the uncertainty in future estimates of fugitive emissions.  相似文献   

The influence of particle size and organic matter content of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in the overall kinetics of dry (30% total solids) thermophilic (55 °C) anaerobic digestion have been studied in a semi-continuous stirred tank reactor (SSTR). Two types of wastes were used: synthetic OFMSW (average particle size of 1 mm; 0.71 g Volatile Solids/g waste), and OFMSW coming from a composting full scale plant (average particle size of 30 mm; 0.16 g Volatile Solids/g waste).A modification of a widely-validated product-generation kinetic model has been proposed. Results obtained from the modified-model parameterization at steady-state (that include new kinetic parameters as K, YpMAX and θMIN) indicate that the features of the feedstock strongly influence the kinetics of the process. The overall specific growth rate of microorganisms (μmax) with synthetic OFMSW is 43% higher compared to OFMSW coming from a composting full scale plant: 0.238 d−1 (K = 1.391 d−1; YpMAX = 1.167 L CH4/gDOCc; θMIN = 7.924 days) vs. 0.135 d−1 (K = 1.282 d−1; YpMAX = 1.150 L CH4/gDOCc; θMIN = 9.997 days) respectively.Finally, it could be emphasized that the validation of proposed modified-model has been performed successfully by means of the simulation of non-steady state data for the different SRTs tested with each waste.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to compare the performance of two laboratory-scale, mesophilic systems aiming at the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW). The first system consisted of two coupled reactors packed with OFMSW (PBR1.1-PBR1.2) and the second system consisted of an upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor (UASB) coupled to a packed reactor (UASB2.1-PBR2.2). For the start-up phase, both reactors PBR 1.1 and the UASB 2.1 (also called leading reactors) were inoculated with a mixture of non-anaerobic inocula and worked with leachate and effluent full recirculation, respectively. Once a full methanogenic regime was achieved in the leading reactors, their effluents were fed to the fresh-packed reactors PBR1.2 and PBR2.2, respectively. The leading PBR 1.1 reached its full methanogenic regime after 118 days (Tm, time to achieve methanogenesis) whereas the other leading UASB 2.1 reactor reached its full methanogenesis regime after only 34 days. After coupling the leading reactors to the corresponding packed reactors, it was found that both coupled anaerobic systems showed similar performances regarding the degradation of the OFMSW. Removal efficiencies of volatile solids and cellulose and the methane pseudo-yield were 85.95%, 80.88% and 0.109 NL CH4 g(-1) VS(fed) in the PBR-PBR system; and 88.75%, 82.61% and 0.115 NL CH4 g(-1) VS(fed0 in the UASB-PBR system [NL, normalized litre (273 degrees K, 1 ata basis)]. Yet, the second system UASB-PBR system showed a faster overall start-up.  相似文献   

The effects of seasonal temperature change on the quality of easily degradable organic matter in municipal solid waste was monitored and the related influence on the anaerobic digester performance examined. It was verified that increased external temperature caused the transformation of the ethanol contained in the source—sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste fed to the digester, into acetate. This transformation has been associated with a remarkable effect on the process kinetics of substrate utilization. Thus, the kinetic constant for the first order substrate utilization model in the summer (external temperature greater than 18–20 °C) doubled with respect to the winter, although the digester was held at 35 ± 2 °C throughout.  相似文献   

Poor performance of leachbed reactors (LBRs) is attributed to channelling, compaction from waste loading, unidirectional water addition and leachate flow causing reduced hydraulic conductivity and leachate flow blockage. Performance enhancement was evaluated in three LBRs M, D and U at 22 ± 3 °C using three water addition and leachate recycle strategies; water addition was downflow in D throughout, intermittently upflow and downflow in M and U with 77% volume downflow in M, 54% volume downflow in U while the rest were upflow. Leachate recycle was downflow in D, alternately downflow and upflow in M and upflow in U. The strategy adopted in U led to more water addition (30.3%), leachate production (33%) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) solubilisation (33%; 1609 g against 1210 g) compared to D (control). The total and volatile solids (TS and VS) reductions were similar but the highest COD yield (g-COD/g-TS and g-COD/g-VS removed) was in U (1.6 and 1.9); the values were 1.33 and 1.57 for M, and 1.18 and 1.41 for D respectively. The strategy adopted in U showed superior performance with more COD and leachate production compared to reactors M and D.  相似文献   

An intermittent aerated semi-aerobic bioreactor landfill has the advantages such as accelerating stabilization of municipal solid waste (MSW), reducing methane, and in situ nitrogen removal. However, the introduction of air into a nutrient rich environment induces nitrification and denitrification processes, as well as the potential to generate N species at intermediate oxidation states, including nitrous oxide (N2O). In this study, a simulated intermittent aerated semi-aerobic bioreactor landfill was designed and operated for 262 d in order to establish the production characteristics of N2O. The N2O concentration changed significantly with the degree of MSW stabilization, a low concentration level ranged from undetectable to 100 ppm in the initial stabilization period, then one or two orders of magnitude higher in the later stabilization period compared with the initial period. It is clear that N2O production is relevant to the biodegradable organics in leachate and refuse. Once the biodegradable carbon sources were insufficient, which limited the activity of denitrifying organisms, higher N2O production began.  相似文献   

The optimization of anaerobic digestion aims to maximize organic waste stabilization after a short digestion period. This paper presents the optimization performance of the combined anaerobic digestion and sequential staging concept in a thermophilic, solid-state batch system as a treatment technology prior to landfill. The former involves enhanced pre-stage flushing with the addition of microaeration and inoculum in the methane phase. The latter involves leachate cross-recirculation between the mature and fresh waste reactors without conducting a pre-stage operation. The optimized process for combined anaerobic digestion showed that reducing the pre-stage operation with the maximum removal of organics from the waste bed is beneficial. Moreover, the sequential staging concept offers an improved process over the combined anaerobic digestion wherein the specific methane yield of 11.9 and 7.2 L CH4 kg(-1) volatile solids (VS) per day was achieved, respectively. After 28 days of operation, the sequential staging process showed an improved waste stabilization with 86 and 79% mass and volume reduction, respectively. A higher methane yield of 334 L CH4 kg(-1) VS with 86% VS reduction, which is equivalent to 84% process efficiency was obtained.  相似文献   

This report is based on several years of co-operation between our research groups and Danish biogas plants. Throughout the years, there has been a fruitful exchange of know-how and experiences in laboratory scale on the one hand and large scale on the other, leading to a better understanding of the principles of the anaerobic digestion process and to an optimization of its large-scale implementation. In order to get an overview of the current situation concerning the treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in Denmark, interviews were carried out with operators of the biogas plants where OFMSW is treated and the municipality staff responsible for waste management. With the aim of fulfilling the governmental goal to treat 150,000 tons of OFMSW by the year 2004 mainly by anaerobic digestion, the different municipalities are investigating different concepts of waste collection and treatment. The quality of the OFMSW treated is the key to smooth operation of the biogas process including a high biogas yield and production of an effluent that is feasible for use as fertilizer on agricultural land. Comparison of the different concepts leads to the conclusion that source-sorting of OFMSW in paper bags is preferable to collection in plastic bags and successive separation of plastics in a waste processing treatment plant.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are the third largest source of global methane emissions as biogas (11%). In developing countries, MSW...  相似文献   

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