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环境法是一个新兴的部门法,对其基本原则的认定在学界观点颇多,没有形成统一的认识。环境责任原则在我国经历了一个从发展到完善的过程,体现了环境公平与正义的价值取向,反映了环境法可持续发展的本质特征,应该作为环境法的基本原则。同时,应通过法律制度的建设贯彻该原则,以发挥其对环境资源开发、利用、保护和管理等活动的指导作用。  相似文献   

环境影响评价制度(EIS)是各国环境法体系中必不可少的一项重要的基本环境法律制度。它很好地体现了环境法的预防原则,体现了环境法可持续发展的价值取向,因此为大多数国家所接受。我国环境法也确立了这项制度,但这项制度还存在问题,比如关于其适用范围的规定就有待于进一步完善  相似文献   

协调发展原则的提出标志着国家已经对原有的经济发展策略作出了重大调整,环境与发展的关系有了重新定位。在落实科学发展观过程中,环境法人才的培养成为重要环节。要确定环境法的教育体系,应首先着眼于国家的发展方向,着眼于国家对环境法人才的需求状况,从而明确环境法专业人才  相似文献   

环境污染事件频发力促环境法原则根本转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王灿发 《绿叶》2010,(9):21-28
近年来重大环境污染事件的频发.不只是与环境管理体制和机制有很大关系.更是长期粗放型经济发展累积的恶果.即从根本上来说,这是与国家整个发展战略紧密相关的。要想真正遏制环境污染事件的发生,必须从发展战略的高度来考虑问题。为此相应地要求中国环境法的基本原则要进行根本转变.即将协调发展原则转变为环境优先原则.预防为主、防治结合原则转变为风险防范原则,达标合法原则转变为不得恶化原则。  相似文献   

文章介绍了欧盟废物管理的原则和立法。  相似文献   

罚款是我国环境法中运用最为广泛的制裁方式,它对制止污染和破坏环境的行为起了较好的作用。然而,在环境管理工作中,笔者深感罚款的适用、权限、原则和数额的确定亟待研究解决。一、罚款的适用环境法中的罚款是指法律规定的国家机关依照环境保护法规,对违反环境法但尚不够给予刑事、民事处分的违法者,强制其在一定时期内缴纳一定数量金额的处罚。它与环境法制裁中法院强制缴纳一定数量金额的罚金、赔偿损失是不同的。罚金是刑罚方法,适用于严重污染、破坏环境而触犯刑律的人;赔偿损失是民事制裁方法,适用于因  相似文献   

国际环境法对我国环境保护的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了国际环境法的内涵、基本原则和发展过程,报告了我国环境保护法律体系立法趋于逐渐完善但滞后性明显的现状,从立法和执法的角度分析了我国现阶段环境保护法存在执行不利的问题,建议以推进国际环境法的实施和完善为契机,制定明细的配套法规,强化执法力度;加强各行政机关间的交流与合作,统筹应对复杂的环保形势;发达地区扶持不发达地区发展环保事业,推进我国环保事业的进步。  相似文献   

当今我国环境法的体系比以前有了很大的进步,但仍然存在着不少的问题,尤其现在我国的环境问题日益严重,加入WTO以后要应对环境问题与贸易之间的协调问题,还要与国际环境法相接轨,环境法体系在“内忧外困”的境况下,需要实现自我的完善,必须在原有的基础上进行整合和创新,本文考究国外最新的环境法立法,在我国特色社会主义法律体系下,协调环境法与其他部门法的关系,重点对环境法体系的更新进行理论探索,并提出一些环境立法建议。  相似文献   

<正>2010年,欧盟将有关工业排放的7则指令整合升级为一则指令,即《欧盟工业排放指令》(以下简称《指令》),自2011年1月起实施。该《指令》主要是制定了工业活动污染的防治一体化规定和相关规则,防止或者减少针对空气、水以及土壤的废物排放,减少废物的产生,以实现对环境更好地整体保护。《指令》旨在最大限度地减少整个欧盟范围内各种工业源的污染,对该地区的环保有着指导意义。《指令》本着一体化原则,从技术规范到实施细  相似文献   

在生态文明视野下,建设"健康中国""美丽中国""法治中国"应整体推进、相互融合。新环保法对环境污染危害健康问题予以了回应,确立了保障公众健康的立法目的和环境健康保护制度及预警机制。新环保法确立的公众健康目的符合紧迫利益优先原则与建设"健康中国"的国家战略安排,其背后隐含着"健康权优位"思想和环境健康权理论,亟待环境法回应并进行制度构建和完善。  相似文献   

Paper passes through many hands. In the present paper, key parts of this cycle in Japan were examined, using questionnaire surveys of households and paper makers. The study aimed to examine the paper makers' strategy for paper production and their attitude to recycling, in comparison with those of the consumers. The study especially focused on toilet paper because consumers have a lot of freedom in purchasing toilet paper. A total of 1242 consumers and 60 paper makers responded. The major findings were as follows. First, we compared the criteria of consumers for purchasing toilet paper with the conjectures of paper makers. Brand, advertisements and the appearance of shopping displays received 60% support from paper makers, but less than 12% of consumers selected these criteria even if we exclude those who do not buy toilet paper or do not have any particular criteria. On the other hand, multiple plies and benefit to the earth were selected by moderate numbers (between 20 and 25%) of consumers, while only 16.77 and 5.69%, respectively of paper makers marked these criteria. Paper makers strongly believe that many retailers sell toilet paper as a loss-leader. By comparing those matters considered important for recycling by consumers with those considered important by makers, it was shown that many makers have a clear awareness of the particular problem, the lack of used paper consumption, in the current paper recycling situation in Japan.  相似文献   

我国造纸工业对环境的污染及解决方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文论述造纸工业的主要污染源及解决造纸工业对环境污染问题的关键技术和方法, 提出我国造纸工业环境保护的基本对策,认为我国的造纸工业也能成为洁净工业。  相似文献   

中国是造纸大国,制浆造纸在中国属于重污染行业。2008年国家发布的《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》对整个行业可能排放的污染物提出了要求。本文通过将该标准与国外造纸行业相关的水污染物排放标准进行比较研究,找出我国标准与国外的差别,并为完善我国造纸行业水污染物排放标准提出建议。  相似文献   

In 1992, Sweden introduced a producer responsibility ordinance which explicitly states that sorted out, collected waste paper must be material recycled. Another alternative could be to recover energy by incineration. Material recycling was prioritized, although there is no environmental consensus favouring either of the alternatives. By calculating shadow prices of waste paper for the paper industry and for the heating plants, this study tries to determine whether waste paper should be partly incinerated. The study also addresses whether the producer responsibility has contributed to an inefficient allocation of waste paper. The results find no economic support for the producer responsibility.  相似文献   

Paper and board recycling is now a central issue in papermaking. Understanding of material flows, as a part of the total production chain, as well as, fibrous and non-fibrous component flows needs further clarification. These flows are studied at a European level, with special focus on Germany and Sweden. Non-fibrous components are discussed in terms of a material which hampers the processing of paper and board. Resource-efficiency improvements, in conjunction with economic benefits, are sought and recycling has been able to fulfil both of these. The main drivers to maximize the use of recovered paper in paper and board manufacturing, have been improved over the last decades. These drivers are cost, environmental image and good technical properties to be used as raw material.The increased recycling rate has reduced the quality of the collected paper, produced recycled paper, and replaced virgin pulp. Also, recycling as a process, like deinking, produces large amounts of waste material that has challenges to find proper utilization. These problem areas are addressed in this paper, too.One focus area in the analysis of statistical information is an estimation of the share of non-fibrous components and fibre volumes of paper in Europe (EU) for the year 2010.  相似文献   

Used paper, a potential resource of alternative energy, can be recycled but mostly it forms a significant component of solid waste. Used office paper, foolscap paper, filter paper and newspaper have been treated with cellulase from Trichoderma reesei and Penicillium funiculosum to bioconvert their cellulose component into sugars. Both non-pretreated and pretreated paper was incubated successively with the two cellulases during four consecutive incubation periods of 1 h each. The amount of sugars released during this sequential treatment was compared with the total sugar produced during a 4 h period of continuous incubation with each enzyme system independently. Pre-treatment milling of paper proved to effectively increase the sugar formation under all incubation conditions. Successive incubation with the two enzyme systems of both non-pretreated and pretreated paper materials was more efficient than the corresponding continuous bioconversion. The highest relative sugar yield was experienced during successive treatment of pretreated materials when T. reesei cellulase initiated the degradation. However, maximum bioconversion of pretreated newspaper was obtained when P. funiculosum initiated degradation. Pretreated foolscap paper was the most susceptible substrate with maximum bioconversion when exposed to both forms of successive cellulase treatment.  相似文献   

本文简述运输环境和试验条件的制订。对模拟运输试验的各种方法作了简单评述 ,尤其是对利用电子─液压振动台对大型整体产品在悬臂梁状态的试验作了介绍。最后说明一种能模拟带有高峰值随机振动的试验技术 ,以改进现有数控设备的不足。  相似文献   

The international recovered paper trade serves two important functions: increasing raw material availability in the paper and board industry and providing economic incentives to recycle. The purpose of this paper is to shed further light on emerging patterns in this trade by empirically analysing the changes in the bilateral trade flows of recycled paper between 1992 and 2008. According to our estimations, two important changes occurred in the 1990s and 2000s. First, the growing importance of developing economies in global recycled paper trade plays a significant role in import demand as a determinant of trade flows. Second, the changes in global trade patterns necessitate investigating the transportation cost measures used in applied research.  相似文献   

Ecolabeled paper towels are manufactured using post-consumer recycled material and sold in markets using a recycle logo. Environmentally conscious consumers purchase these paper towels and thereby contribute to improving environmental quality. In this paper, we estimate the implicit value placed by consumers on ecolabeled paper towels using a hedonic price function and conduct an expenditure analysis using Heckman's selection model. Using the data set from the Internet-based grocery stores called as Peapod we find that some consumers recognize ecolabels on paper towels and place a substantial, positive price premium on them. The expenditure analysis indicates that for the preferred functional form, the demand for ecolabeled paper towels is inelastic for environmentally conscious consumers. The simulated results from the selection model indicate that a small subsidy for ecolabeled paper towels will not substantially change consumers' purchase decisions.  相似文献   

王保乾 《环境技术》2000,18(2):2-8,26
本文简述运输环境和试验条件的制订对模拟运输试验的各种方法作了简单评述,尤其是对利用电子--液压振动台对大型整体产品在悬臂梁状态的试验作了介绍。最后说明一种能模拟带有高峰值随机振动的试验技术,以改进现有数控设备的不足。  相似文献   

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