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To explore the current situation and distribution of fish in the eight major estuaries of the Pearl River Estuary in China, acoustic detection and water quality monitoring were conducted in 2018. The results showed that almost living in eight major estuaries were juvenile, the proportion of strong echo was higher in winter, and Jiaomen and Modaomen Estuary were relatively rich in adult fish. In winter, the Humen, Jiaomen, and Yamen Estuary had a high density relatively, for 46.05 (± 50.30), 33.12 (± 93), and 32 (± 78) ind/103 m3, respectively. However, the fish densities of the Hengmen, Modaomen, and Hutiaomen estuaries were higher in summer at 55.72 (± 83.23), 37.52 (± 55) and 36 (± 99) ind/103 m3, respectively. Thus, fish are mainly concentrated in the flood tidal estuary in winter and in the ebb tidal estuary in summer. In addition, fish density was higher in flood tide than in ebb tide, and the strong echo proportion was lower. In winter, the key water quality factors affecting the biodiversity of estuary fish Shannon were chlorophyll a (P < 0.05), while what affected the fish density were turbidity and salinity (P < 0.05). This study showed that the Pearl River estuary was still the main habitat for juvenile fish. However, habitat variability is obvious; hence, it is important to flexibly carry out the delimitation of estuarine fish reserves and ecological restoration. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Increasing concentrations of chloride ions (Cl-) in the atmosphere is one of the most important global environmental factors influencing processes in terrestrial ecosystems. To understand the roles played by plantations in intercepting atmospheric Cl- in mountainous regions, a one-year field observation of precipitation and throughfall was conducted in a subalpine artificial Picea asperata plantation in western Sichuan and the dynamics of Cl- concentrations in rainfall, snowfall, and throughfall, and canopy interception on atmospheric Cl- were investigated from August 2015 to July 2016. During the observational year, 27 rainfalls and 6 snowfalls were observed and sampled. The average concentration of Cl- in the precipitation was 1.33 mg/L and the average concentrations of Cl- in rainfall and snowfall were 1.41 mg/L and 0.98 mg/L, respectively. Correspondingly, the total input of Cl- by the precipitation processes was 7.56 kg/hm2, which included 6.31 kg/ hm2 by rainfall and the remainder by snowfall. In one entire year, the total canopy interception of Cl- was 2.61 kg/hm2 and the average interception rate was 38.08%. During the rainy season, the canopy interception of Cl- was 2.20 kg/hm2 and the average rate was 38.90%, whereas during the snow season, the canopy interception of Cl- was 0.41 kg/hm2 and the average rate was 34.39%. The maximum and minimum interception rates occurred in August and September, respectively. Significantly negative correlation was found between the interception rate of Cl- and precipitation. In summary, the P. asperata plantation in the subalpine forest region of western Sichuan exerts an important role in intercepting atmospheric Cl-, which is of great significance for maintaining and improving the environment of the water conservation region in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Furthermore, changes in the precipitation pattern caused by global changes might affect the role of the artificial forest canopy interception on atmospheric Cl-. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Squaliobarbus curriculus is one of the most economically important edible freshwater fish in the Pearl River. To assess the level of genetic diversity and genetic variation of S. curriculus populations w ithin t he Pearl R iver, samples were collected from six geographical populations from six drainages. 978 base pairs of the D-loop sequence were obtained as a molecular marker. 106 haplotypes were defined among 170 S. curriculus individuals. Populations of S. curriculus in the Pearl River displayed a high haplotypic diversity index (h = 0.9820) and high nucleotide diversity index (π = 0.01353). T he results of genetic distance and genetic differentiation index show that genetic differentiation among S. curriculus populations is not significant. The neighbor-joining tree shows two clades. Clade A is composed of most haplotypes of S. curriculus. Clade B includes two private haplotypes from the Xijiang River. Haplotype network analysis is consistent with the results of genetic distance and genetic differentiation. The results of AMOVA analysis showed that most variation was found within populations (99.36%). Neutral test analysis explained that there was population expansion in the history of S. curriculus in the Pearl River. Xijiang River could be the center of origin, as supported by all the results. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

To understand the short-term effects of forest gap by human harvesting on soil available nutrient in Pinus massoniana plantations, the variations of soil ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations in the gap center and gap edge during growing season were observed in seven gaps of different size (Gl: 100 m2; G2:225 m2; G3:400 m2; G4:625 m2; G5:900 m2; G6:1225 m2; G7:1600 m2) and pure understory of a 39-year-old masson pine plantation in a hilly area of the upper reaches of Yangtze River. The results showed that in the early stage of gap formation, the gap size had significant effect on NH4+-N, the season changes on NP3--N, and the interaction effect of gap size and seasonal variation on NH4+-N and NO3--N. The difference of NH4+-N and NO3--N between the gap center and gap edge was not significant. (I) The NH4+-N content was 4.30-11.99 mg kg-1, and NO3--N content was 2.57-10.81 mg kg-1. There was no obvious difference in NH4+-N and N03--N among gaps of different size in early or late growing seasons, when both increased first and decreased afterwards in the middle of growing season. The gaps of 100∼400 m2 area had a higher content of available nitrogen. (2) The seasonal dynamic differed between NH4+-N and NO3--N, with the former lower in middle growing season whereas the latter higher in the middle growing season but lower in the end of growing season. The soil NH4+-N was higher than NO3- -N in the early and late periods, but lower in the middle period. (3) The soil NH4+-N and NO3--N in parts of gaps were lower than understory in the early and late growing season. (4) Correlation analyses showed that NH4+-N had significant positive correlation with microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), and NO3--N with soil temperature, MBN and organic matter. But the impact of soil water content on available nitrogen was not significant. These results suggested that soil temperature and microbial activity variation caused by gap harvesting are the main factors affecting soil available nitrogen content of Pinus massoniana plantations.  相似文献   

苔藓是生态系统的重要组分和自然保护区的重点保护对象之一,在物种资源和生态系统功能维护中具有重要作用.通过野外标本采集和室内鉴定,对九寨沟国家级自然保护区的藓类植物的物种组成和分布特点进行研究.结果表明:(1)九寨沟共有藓类植物38科90属211种(含变种),其中优势科为青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)、丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、灰藓科(Hypnaceae)、金灰藓科(Pylaisiaceae)、提灯藓科(Mniaceae)、真藓科(Bryaceae)和羽藓科(Thuidiaceae);并且调查发现两种濒危级别的珍稀藓种.(2)九寨沟藓类植物的区系地理成分可划分为10个,优势成分为东亚分布,占34.2%,其次为北温带分布,占30.9%.(3)通过与西南地区5个自然保护区藓类植物的相似系数和区系谱主成分分析发现,九寨沟藓类植物种类与贡嘎山的共有种最多,达到94种,在区系成分上也与贡嘎山和王朗相近.本研究表明九寨沟高原喀斯特生境藓类植物物种资源丰富,虽然区系地理成分具有多样和复杂性,但主要还是以东亚分布和温带分布为主,在物种相似度和区系成分上与贡嘎山和王朗的藓类植物一致性更高.(图3表6参47)  相似文献   

Riparian zone vegetation is an important part of the riparian ecosystem and plays an important role in the riparian zone functioning. Herbs, which are one of the main types of riparian vegetation, are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and human activities and have become a hot spot of riparian vegetation research. In this study, the herbaceous communities of four representative rivers (Xiaoyi, Baohe, Fuhe, and Baigouyin River) entering Baiyangdian Lake in China were researched. The herbaceous species in their riparian zones were systematically investigated using the sample plot method. The Shannon-Wiener diversity (H’), Pielou evenness (J), and Patrick richness (R) indices were estimated to examine the species composition and diversity of the herb communities, following which redundancy analysis (RDA) was conducted. The relationship between species diversity, distribution patterns of herbaceous plant communities, and soil environmental factors in the riparian zone of the four rivers is discussed. (1) Eighty-three species of herbaceous plants belonging to 66 genera and 27 families in the riparian zone entering Baiyangdian Lake. Most herbaceous plants, including Poaceae, Compositae, and Chenopodiaceae, were weeds or associated plants. Riparian vegetation was greatly affected by human disturbance. (2) All the three estimated indices of the Xiaoyi, Baigouyin, and Fuhe rivers were better than those of the Baohe River. (3) The vegetation coverage and species diversity of riparian herbaceous communities were positively correlated with soil organic matter and water content but negatively correlated with pH, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. Therefore, these communities are conducive to the restoration of vegetation and the stability of biodiversity in the riparian core area to reduce the disturbance of human activities and increase humidity. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

An annual quarterly survey of six stations in Yantian Port, Shenzhen, China was conducted from January 2020 to October 2020 to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the surface sediment of Yantian Port. In total, 36 species representing five groups and two uncertain taxa were identified. The dominant species were Scrippsiella trochoidea, Alexandrium spp., Gymnodinium catenatum, Cochlodinium spp., and Lingulodinium polyedrum. The seasonal difference was not obvious in terms of temporal distribution. The number of species ranged from 32 to 36, and the abundance varied from 297 to 996 cysts/g. The annual average values of the diversity index, richness index, and evenness index were 3.65, 1.55, and 0.93, respectively. The annual number and abundance of heterotrophic species were higher than those of autotrophic species. The number and abundance of species at stations near the dock zone were lower than those near the adjacent area. Notably, six toxic dinoflagellate cysts were found in the surface sediment of Yantian Port, indicating a potential outbreak risk for their vegetative cells in the local coastal area. This study provides a picture of the “Seed Bank” of dinoflagellates near Yantian Port, Shenzhen, and provides a reference value for predicting the occurrence of algal blooms. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

To compare the zooplankton communities in the South Branch, North Branch, North Channel and offshore of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary, two cruises were carried out in the autumn of 2009 and the spring of 2010. A total of 27 species of zooplankton were identified in the spring, including 17 in the offshore, 11 in the south branch, 9 in the north branch, and only 5 in the North Channel. In autumn, altogether 71 species were collected, including 6 in the south branch, 11 in the north branch, 8 species in the North Channel area and 63 in the offshore. Either in the spring or autumn, the average species numbers of the offshore were the highest. Additionally, species numbers of the offshore were significantly higher than that in other areas (P < 0.05) for both seasons. There were no significant differences between the species number of the South Branch and the North Branch (P > 0.05). The species number and diversity index of the inner area were lower than that of the offshore. The average diversity index of offshore area was still the highest in both spring (1.69) and autumn (3.73). In spring, the diversity index of the North Channel was the lowest among four areas, while in autumn, that of the South Branch was the lowest (0.49). In spring, Sinocalanus sinensis was the dominant species of the South Branch, North'Branch and North Channel (> 50% of the total collection by number). The dominant species of offshore area were Tortanus vermiculus and Labidocera euchaeta. While in autumn, the dominant species were different for each area. In the South Branch, the most important species was S. dorrii (93.55% of the total collection by number). The main species was S. dorrii in the South Branch area, S. stenellus and T. vermiculusin in the North Branch and Subeucalanus subcrassus in the offshore (< 30% of the total collection by number). Numbers of species and diversity index seemed to vary among different areas of Changjiang estuary. The underline mechanisms of the regional variation in species number were mainly the salinity and suspended sediment concentrations. Generally speaking, zooplankton was more abundant in the polyhaline water. Diversity index was largely affected by both species number and abundance percentage. The zooplankton community was mainly influenced by the Changjiang diluted water and offshore water mass through affecting the salinity. In autumn, the Kuroshio flowed northward carrying polyhaline water, and brought subtropical species to the offshore of the Changjiang estuary. Since the North Channel is located in the estuarine turbidity zone, suspended sediment concentration of that area is higher than the other areas, which might limit the distribution of some species. To sum up, salinity is the most important factor causing the difference of zooplankton community among different areas in the Changjiang estuary. Besides, water masses and estuarine turbidity also influence the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

Microbes play an important role in material circulation and pollutant release in urban sediments, and its community structure can provide an important basis for evaluating the pollution load and ecosystem health of an urban river. In this study, bacterial communities in sediments from different locations of Tangxi River in Anhui Province were analyzed and compared, with an objective of evaluating the effects of aquatic environment on spatial characteristics of bacterial communities and the feasibility of using bacterial community composition as an indicator of urban river health. PCR-DGGE was applied to analyze the bacterial communities; fifteen major bands of 16S rDNA genes fragments from DGGE profiles of sediment samples were further eluted from gel, reamplified and sequenced. The sequences of these fragments were compared with the database in GenBank (NCBI). The collected samples were clustered based on UPGM Aanalysis. In addition, relationships between bacterial communities and environmental factors were analyzed by Monte Carlo test and redundancy analysis (RDA). The DGGE profiles indicated that upstream surface sediments had about 30 bands, but the differences in brightness were not significant. Although midstream surface sediments had only 18 bands on average, the brightness of some bands was relatively high, indicating that some dominant species of bacteria existed in these sediments. The amounts of bands in downstream sediments were between those of upstream and midstream, with some bands of high brightness. The NCBI comparison results showed that ten sequences shared 98-100% homology with known sequences, one with 97%, and the other four with uncultured bacteria. Shannon index (H) of bacterial diversity from upstream surface sediments was 3.31 on average, which was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of midstream surface sediments, and slightly higher than that of downstream surface sediments. UPGMA results showed both the distribution of bacteria communities and the diversity were strongly related with the sampling locations (Eigenvalue = 0.188, P = 0.134). Monte Carlo test and RDA analysis showed that the ion exchangeable form of nitrogen (IEF-N) was the main factor influencing the spatial characteristics of bacterial communities in the sediments. The aquatic plants had a significant effect on the richness of bacterial communities in the sediments, and the effectiveness of plant species was more notable than that of the vegetation coverage. The above results indicated that bacterial community structure and diversity in the surface sediments can well reflect the degree of urbanization development and effectiveness of ecological restoration in Tangxi River region.  相似文献   

Tamarix is widely distributed in semiarid saline regions of the upper Yellow River. The community of Tamarix affects the spatial distribution of soil water and salinity. It is important to explore the dynamic response relationship of Tamarix community and spatial distribution of soil water and salinity in order to evaluate the effects of vegetation community construction and ecological restoration in this region. The natural Tamarix community in the secondary saline-alkali land of the Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Area was investigated in July 2016. Classical statistics and geostatistics were used to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of soil water and salinity. The results showed that the soil water content was relatively low (1.98%-7.55%), whereas the soil salinity was high (average conductivity 10.28-25.38 mS/cm) in the study area. The variability coefficient range of soil water and salinity was 36.1%-83.7%, both with moderate variations. Furthermore, the variation degree of soil salinity decreased with the increase in soil depth. The soil water and salinity had obvious spatial structure characteristics, which was mainly affected by structural factors or structural factors associated with stochastic factors. The coefficients of nugget were 0.04%-49.88%, indicating the strong spatial correlation. The spatial distribution of soil water and salinity in Tamarix community showed a patchy pattern; the soil water and salinity distribution in the areas with high Tamarix growing density were considerably high. The correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between soil water and salinity in the study area. In conclusion, soil water and salinity restrict the distribution and growth of Tamarix. Furthermore, the distribution and growth of Tamarix enhanced the spatial variability of soil water and salinity. Keywords. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Research on community characteristics of riparian herbs is an important scientific basis of riparian vegetation rehabilitation. This study aimed to investigate the species diversity and quantitative characteristics of riparian herbs in Liaohe River Conservation Area and its tributaries. Herbaceous communities were investigated by sample line method. Group average clustering analysis and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were used to find the major environmental factors affecting the distribution pattern of riparian herbaceous communities. The result showed altogether 154 herbaceous species, belonging to 40 families and 96 genera. The riparian herbaceous species diversity was found to be correlated to river slope, sinuosity and stream order, being lower in rivers of mountain area than in rivers of plain area, and higher in tributaries than in Liaohe River Conservation Area. Clustering analysis classified the herbaceous communities into 23 types, being dominated by hygrophytes including communities of Echinochloa crusgalli, Oenanthe javanica, Polygonum hydropiper, Murdannia keisak, Artemisia selengensis, Scirpus triqueter, Heleocharis soloniensis, Pycreus sanguinolentus, Cyperus fuscus, Phragmites australis, Polygonum amphibium, Carex diandra + Artemisia selengensis and Carex diandra + Rorippa islandica. Correlation analysis between DCA ordination axes and environmental factors showed that the altitude, river slope, sinuosity and stream level were the major environmental factors affecting the distribution pattern of herbaceous communities in the riparian zone of Liaohe River Conservation Area and its tributaries. The results of CCA showed that the contribution ratio of stream level was the highest, followed by altitude and slope, with sinuosity the last. The results suggested that riparian herbaceous characteristics are affected by the comprehensive force of altitude, river slope, sinuosity and stream order, and that Calamagrostis epigeios, Triarrhena sacchariflora and Phragmites australis are suitable species for riparian vegetation rehabilitation.  相似文献   

In this study, three different hull-less barley varieties were used to prepare steamed cakes, and their nutritional value, sensory qualities, textural properties, and in vitro starch hydrolysis were evaluated. The results showed that the contents of total dietary fiber (4.50%-5.12%), β-glucan (2.96%-3.96%), total flavonoids (12.56-38.73 mg/100 g), and γ-aminobutyric acid (5.08-9.53 mg/100 g) in the steamed hull-less barley cakes were significantly higher than that in the steamed wheat cake, which were 0.65%, 0.23%, 3.93 mg/(100 g), and 2.63 mg/(100 g), respectively. The sensory properties of steamed ordinary hull-less barley and wheat cakes were not significantly different, but the steamed 08-1127 (waxy hull-less barley) cake was softer and out of shape. The springiness, resilience, cohesiveness, gumminess, and adhesiveness of steamed ordinary hull-less barley cakes were similar to those of steamed wheat cake, while those of steamed 08-1127 cakes were significantly lower than those of steamed ordinary hull-less barley cakes. Steamed hull-less barley cake also showed a maximum starch hydrolysis rate (38.76%-42.74%) that was lower than that of steamed wheat cake (49.92%), and the contents of rapidly (11.58%-13.16%) and slowly digested starch (5.34%-7.56%) were lower than that of steamed wheat cake (17.21% and 15.97%, respectively). In addition, the glycemic (59.37-61.67) and hydrolysis indexes (35.82-40.00) were lower than those of steamed wheat cake (76.66 and 67.30, respectively), and the contents of resistant starch (2.74%-3.55%) were higher than those of wheat steamed cake (1.68%). Therefore, the steamed cakes of ordinary hull-less barley had a higher content of nutritional components than the steamed cake of wheat, and the in vitro starch hydrolysis parameters were better than those of steamed wheat cake. When it is necessary to consider both nutritional and sensory qualities, ordinary hull-less barley can be selected as the raw material for steamed cakes, but waxy hull-less barley is not suitable for making steamed cakes. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In order to further expound the effect of soil nematodes on litter decomposition in urban forest, this study investigated the responses of soil nematodes communities to litter decomposition by litterbags technology at different mesh sizes in Dalian National Forest Park. Soil nematodes community composition, decomposition rate of litter and nutrient release were also analyzed. It found a total of 4 418 nematodes from 39 genera. Higher relative density of soil nematodes was found in the bags with 0.1 mm mesh size (1.55 individuals and 7.34 orders per g of dry litter) compared to the bags with 0.02 mm mesh size (0.21 individuals and 0.49 orders per g of dry litter). There were very few soil nematodes in the 0.02 mm litter bags. Thus we regarded that soil nematodes only affected the 0.1 mm litter bags. The mass loss rates as well as C and P release rates was higher in litter bags with 0.1 mm mesh size than in those with 0.02 mm mesh size, indicating a significant influence of soil nematodes on mass loss and nutrient release. The contribution of soil nematodes to the litter mass loss was about 24%. The effect of soil nematodes on the nutrient release rates differed among elements. The soil nematodes had a bigger influence on the release rate of N than that of other elements, whereas the influence on K release rate was the lowest. The results showed that soil nematodes communities has a significant effect on the litter decomposition and nutrient release of the forest litter in Dalian city, especially promoting the mass loss rates and N release rates.  相似文献   

Root-associated microbial communities are very important for biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur in wetland ecosystems, and help to enhance the mechanisms of plant invasions. In the estuary of Jiulong River (China), Spartina alternifiora has widely invaded Kandelia obovata-dominated habitats, making it necessary to investigate the influence of rootassociated bacteria. The endophytic and rhizosphere bacterial community structures associated with selected plant species were investigated using the barcoded Illumina paired-end sequencing technique. The diversity indices of bacteria associated with the roots of S. alterniflora were higher than those of the transition stands and K. obovata monoculture. Using principal coordinate analysis with UniFrac metrics, the comparison of diversity showed that all samples could be significantly clustered into three major groups, according to the bacterial communities of origin. Four phyla, namely, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, and Firmicutes, were abundant in the rhizoplane of the two salt marsh plants, whereas Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria were the more abundant endophytic bacteria. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, and Firmicutes in the rhizosphere bacteria of S. alterniflora accounted for 78.0%, 5.6%, 3.3%, and 1.6%, respectively. Members of the phyla Spirochaetes and Chloroflexi were found among the endophytic bacteria of S. alterniflora and K. obovata, respectively. Using linear discriminate analysis, we found some dominant rhizoplane and endophytic bacteria, including Pseudoalteromonadaceae, Vibrionaceae, Methylophilaceae, and Desulfovibrio, which could potentially affect the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles. Of interest was that endophytic bacteria were more sensitive to plant invasion than rhizosphere bacteria. Thus, the results provide evidence for the isolation of functional bacteria and the effects of root-associated microbial groups on S. alterniflora invasions. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

四环素类抗生素(TCs)是目前我国应用广泛、用量最大的一类抗生素,畜禽粪便和土壤中存在TCs残留,影响蔬菜作物的生长发育. TCs因水溶性较高更容易被植物转运和积累,植物对TCs耐受性机理研究仍不足.为更全面探究土壤TCs对蔬菜的毒性作用,研究不同浓度四环素(TC)和土霉素(OTC)分别对生菜的抗生素残留、生长特征及抗氧化酶系统的影响.结果显示,在0(对照)、2、10、50、250 mg/kg 5个施用水平下,生菜叶片抗生素含量逐渐增加,且土霉素含量始终大于四环素含量.与对照相比,抗生素浓度在50 mg/kg以上时对生菜生长具有显著抑制作用,其中,株高、根长、地上部和地下部鲜重与叶片TC残留量具显著负相关.生菜叶片的脯氨酸含量随浓度增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,在10 mg/kg时达到最大.并且低浓度(2 mg/kg)促进抗氧化酶基因SOD、POD21和CAT的表达,高浓度抗生素(50、250 mg/kg)对其产生抑制作用,10 mg/kg的抗生素处理对SOD、POD21和CAT基因表达的影响在抗生素种类上存在差异.本研究表明抗生素浓度超过50 mg/kg对生菜生长产生抑制作用,脯氨酸和抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT的转录水平及其酶活性能快速响应抗生素胁迫,可作为生菜对抗生素抗性的辅助评价指标.(图8表3参19)  相似文献   

早期结瘤素93(ENOD93)蛋白在植物根瘤形成初期扮演着重要的角色.基于大麦基因组信息鉴定大麦ENOD93基因家族成员,分析其理化特性、进化关系、基因结构、蛋白质结构和启动子顺式作用元件;并分析ENOD93家族在不同组织和不同基因型(籽粒大小)的表达情况.结果显示,大麦ENOD93基因家族有16个成员,均含有ENOD93基因家族特有的保守结构域;编码区长度在207-627 bp之间,外显子数量有1-4个,平均2.75个,且大部分位于细胞膜上;进化树结果表明与水稻、小麦和玉米等禾本科植物ENOD93基因的亲缘关系较近;启动子顺式元件主要有植物生长发育响应元件、胁迫响应元件以及激素响应元件;大部分HvENOD93基因在灌浆期籽粒和大粒材料中表达量较高.推测大麦HvENOD93基因在籽粒大小形成中起关键性作用;另外,结合其他物种相关基因研究结果,共筛选出3个同源基因.(图4表2参45)  相似文献   

This research aimed to study the effect of ultra-micro powder Dendrobium officinale on the molecular diversity of intestinal bacteria in mice with spleen-deficiency constipation, in order to provide scientific basis for ultra-micro D. officinale therapy. The mice with spleen-deficiency constipation in treatment groups were respectively given the traditional decoction of D. officinale and 50% dose ultra-micro powder D. officinale. The metagenome DNA of intestinal flora was extracted from intestinal contents. Then ARDRA analysis was made after PCR by universal primer of bacteria. The results showed that OTUs, Shannon index and Brillouin index were the same between the normal group and the 50% dose ultra-micro powder group, and between the model group and the traditional decoction group, but greater in the former two groups than the latter ones. The similarity coefficient (0.500 0) was bigger between the 50% dose ultra-micro powder group and the normal group than between the model group and the traditional decoction group, which was 0.181 8. Both cluster analysis and principal components analysis showed that the molecular diversity of intestinal microbiotia in mice of 50% dose ultra-micro powder group was the closest to that in the normal group. The results showed that the weakened molecular diversity of intestinal bacteria in mice with spleen-deficiency constipation can be regulated by the two kinds of D. officinale treatments to different extent. The efficacy of 50% dose ultra-micro powder D. officinale is better than the traditional decoction.  相似文献   

Spacecrafts need to strictly control microorganisms before entering space flight. The Spacecraft Assembly, Integration, and Test Center (AITC) is an important environmental source for spacecrafts to carry microorganisms. The assembly clean room has characteristics of ventilation, dryness, and lack of nutrients that are not conducive to the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, except for extremophiles. In this study, based on the internal air and surface environment of the AITC in China, 13 strains of bacteria were identified by plate culture and 16S sequence analysis, and their extreme environmental tolerance, antibiotic resistance, and film-forming ability were tested. All these bacteria belonged to the Firmicutes and Proteobacteria phyla, and nine strains belonged to the Bacillus genus. All 13 strains of bacteria were salt-tolerant, acid-tolerant, and alkali-tolerant, and 69.2% of the bacteria survived heat shock at 80 ℃. Among these, one strain of Sphingomonas sp. JCM7513 isolated from the surface environment was insensitive to all the tested antibiotics and had strong drug resistance, while the other 12 strains were sensitive to most β-lactam antibiotics but had strong resistance to tetracyclic antibiotics and erythromycin. Most of the isolated bacteria exhibited strong biofilm-forming abilities. The study showed that there are a certain number of extremophiles in the spacecraft assembly environment. To protect spacecrafts from biological corrosion and planetary protection forward pollution, more effective monitoring and elimination methods are needed. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The rhizospheric soils of Tieguanyin at different ages were used as the study materials, and terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) was used to analyze the changes in bacterial diversity. The results showed that the number of T-RFs, Simpson index, and Shannon index decreased significantly with the age of the tea tree. Results of correlation analysis showed that 9 T-RFs from the bacterial community were significantly and positively correlated with the age of the tea tree, and included 34 species of microbes belonging to 10 classes. The 34 microbes were divided into 6 types according to their functional attributes, and included pathogenic bacteria, bacteria that improved soil texture or inhibited pathogenic bacteria, and bacteria associated with the carbon, nitrogen, or sulfur cycles, in which the percentage of pathogenic bacteria was 58.82%. Seventeen T-RFs were significantly and negatively correlated with the age of the tea tree, and included 38 species of bacteria belonging to 12 classes. The 38 bacterial species were divided into 5 types according to their functional attributes, and included pathogenic bacteria, bacteria that improved soil quality or inhibited pathogenic bacteria, and bacteria associated with the carbon cycle or nitrogen cycle, in which all the others, barring the pathogenic bacteria, accounted for 78.95% of the bacterial population. In brief, the diversity and function of bacteria in the rhizospheric soil of tea tree changed significantly with the age of the tea tree, which provides a theoretical basis for studying the interactions of bacterial communities. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This research aimed to screen Bacillus spp. to prevent the production of fly maggot on kitchen wastes from soil in the experimental bases of the South China Agricultural University. A nutrient-rich medium was used to isolate the Bacillus spp. with high temperature treatment. The seventeen Bacillus strains were obtained and assigned to three groups by using Insertion Sequence based PCR (IS-PCR) DNA fingerprinting patterns. The homology of the 16S rDNA gene was 100% between Group I and Bacillus methylotrophicus CBMB 205T, 99.61% between Group II and Bacillus aerophilus 28KT, and 99.87% between Group III and Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579T. The results of kitchen waste tests proved that the representative bacteria of Group I RF2 had the ability to prevent fly maggot production on kitchen wastes. Furthermore, the results of physiological and biochemical tests, carbon utilization tests, and antagonists against plant pathogen tests showed that the bacteria from Group I RF2 had the ability to decompose glucose into pyruvate and then decarboxylate pyruvate to diacetyl under alkaline conditions, convert ammonia to intracellular amino acids or other kinds of nitrogenous compounds, use many kinds of carbon source for self-growth, and be antagonistic against plant pathogenic rice sheath blight disease, banana fusarium wilt, and Fusarium oxysporum. Besides, the bacteria from RF2 could secret organic acids to dissolve insoluble phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2] for its own growth by decreasing the pH. Group I RF2 was a strong plant-promotion bacterium, and had good prospects of application for preventing fly maggot production on kitchen wastes. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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