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Summary Spatial relationships of white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) dams and their offspring and of littermates post-weaning were determined to evaluate if their dispersion was sufficient to prevent inbreeding. Mothers tended to leave their first nest site and establish another nest site within or near their original home range. Daughters inherited part of the maternal home range but sons dispersed. During the following breeding season, sons were not in proximity to their mothers or sisters. Daughters, however, frequently attained sexual maturity and bred within the home range of males that could have been their fathers. Differential dispersal of male and female juveniles reduces the probability of mother-son and brother-sister matings, but there is no obvious dispersal-related mechanism to prevent father-daughter matings.  相似文献   

Parasites prevent summer breeding in white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vandegrift KJ  Raffel TR  Hudson PJ 《Ecology》2008,89(8):2251-2258
Food and parasites can independently play a role in destabilizing population fluctuations of animals, and yet, more than 50 years ago, David Lack proposed that these two factors should act in concert. We examined the role of these factors on the vital rates of free-living white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) over the summer and autumn months. We used a replicated factorial experiment in which deer exclosures doubled acorn availability and anthelmintic application reduced gastrointestinal helminths. Specifically, we wanted to know if either factor or an interaction between the two accounted for the midsummer breeding hiatus observed in this species. We found no influence of habitat quality on mouse breeding, vital rates, or demography; however, anthelmintic treatment resulted in mice continuing to reproduce during the hiatus at the same rate as previously, and they also exhibited increased body condition, growth rate, and survival. These results provide evidence that gastrointestinal helminths reduce P. leucopus reproductive output in central Pennsylvania, and these effects on reproduction could play a role in the unstable dynamics of small mammals.  相似文献   

It is frequently assumed that males have an almost unlimited reproductive capacity, while access to receptive females is typically limiting. Consequently, sexual selection is expected to favor vigorous courtship behavior in males. If such behavior is associated with non-trivial costs, ample current mating opportunities should be accompanied by a reduction in future mating vigor. To test this hypothesis, three treatments differing in sex ratio were established using the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana: 50 males each were housed either with 0, 25, or 50 females. Mating trials involving the competition among males from each treatment for a single virgin female were carried out on days 3, 9, and 15 after allocation to treatments. While there was no difference on day 3, prior mating opportunity clearly reduced mating success on days 9 and 15, being lowest if identical numbers of males and females were housed together. This finding suggests accumulating costs associated with high courtship and/or mating activity. Further, older males were more active and initiated copulation earlier than the younger ones, consistent with the residual reproductive value hypothesis. We found no evidence for a survival or fertility cost of mating.  相似文献   

Summary A deterministic model is presented which shows that multiple mating reduces the conflict between workers and queen in the optimal investment ratio in each sex. The natural risk of the nuptual flights of honeybee queens fits well into the theoretically determined risk when queens tend to optimize the numbers of drones with which they mate.  相似文献   

Summary We show how mate limitation appears to be critical in determining whether or not males exercise mate choice among available females. Thalassoma bifasciatum is a Caribbean reef fish with two distinct mating patterns: group-spawning and pair-spawning. In both mating systems, female fecundity is variable and size dependent, and female availability is high. However, sperm competition among group-spawning males apparently limits the number of effective matings in which a male may engage, whereas territorial pair-spawning males have little or no such limitation. Group-spawning males should be discriminating in their choice of mates and our data confirm this: there is strong evidence for assortative mating in group-spawns, with more large males joining in mating groups around large females. In contrast, pair-spawning males show no indication of mate preferences, and spawn with all females who arrive at their territories.  相似文献   

The social environment of many species includes synchronous maturation of siblings in family groups, followed by limited dispersal of adults from their natal site. Under these conditions, females may experience high encounter rates with same-age siblings during mate searching, increasing their risk of inbreeding. If inbreeding depression occurs, mating with a sibling is often considered maladaptive; however, in some contexts, the inclusive fitness benefits of inbreeding may outweigh the costs, favoring females that tolerate some level of inbreeding depression. We evaluated mating patterns in the treehopper Umbonia crassicornis, a semelparous species in which females encounter same-age siblings during mate searching. A female U. crassicornis that mates with a brother suffers from inbreeding depression. We used a free-choice mating design that offered females simultaneous mating opportunities with three groups of males: siblings, same-age nonsiblings, and older nonsiblings. These groups represent the types of males typically encountered by females during mate searching. Our goal was to assess whether mating patterns were influenced by inbreeding avoidance by evaluating two hypotheses: kin discrimination and age-based mating (older males cannot be siblings in this species). There was no difference in the proportions of females mating with siblings vs nonsiblings, suggesting an absence of kin discrimination. However, females mated with a greater proportion of older vs younger males. Given that females do not avoid siblings as mates despite a cost to inbreeding, our results provide a possible example of inbreeding tolerance. We also discuss some factors that may have contributed to the mating advantage of older males.  相似文献   

The evolution of social monogamy in larger mammals is difficult to explain because males usually do not invest much in direct offspring care and might achieve greater fitness by deserting a pregnant female to reproduce with additional females elsewhere. It has been hypothesized that socially monogamous males remain with the female year-round to protect their offspring from infanticide by new immigrant males. We investigated this idea by analyzing all cases of infant loss in a wild population of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar; Primates), in which most groups were socially monogamous and some polyandrous (137.5 group years). We examined the influence of (a) male intruder pressure on male immigration rates and (b) the presence of a new male in the group on infant loss. We found no relation between intruder pressure and male immigration rates. Infant loss was lowest (4.5%) for stable monogamy (probable father stayed from conception through infancy) and intermediate (25.0%; p = 0.166) for stable polyandry. If a new male immigrated after conception, however, the infant was lost in all cases (p < 0.01) independent of the presumed father’s presence. Overall, 83.3% of infant losses were associated with the presence of a presumably unrelated male. Although the sample size is small, our results provide the first true support for the idea that the risk of infanticide is an important factor in the evolution of social monogamy in larger mammals.  相似文献   

Summary Observed changes in maternal investment due to an environmentally induced decrease in food supply (the 1983 El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation) are compared witha priori predictions for the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Changes in behavior, growth and mortality of off-spring were also examined. Data collected in the first two months postpartum for the years before (PRE), during (EN), and the two years after (POST1 and POST2) the 1983 El Ni?o indicate that females initiated postpartum feeding trips earlier during the food shortage, and spent more time away on individual feeding trips in both the El Ni?o year and the year after. Perinatal sex ratios (♀:♂) in the years PRE, EN, POST1 and POST2 were 1:1, 1.4:1, 1.1:1 and 1:1.4, respectively. Fewer copulations were observed during the El Ni?o year, but this difference was not statistically significant. Pups spent less time suckling in the food shortage year and the year following, but attempted to sneak suckle more. Pups were less active and played on land less in the El Ni?o and following year. Finally, maternal investment as measured by milk intake of offspring was decreased, pups grew more slowly, and suffered increased mortality during the food shortage year. Despite expected sex differences in maternal investment and pup behavior in response to food shortage, there were no sex-biased differences in response in either females or pups. As expected, the food shortage did not affect adult males since they migrate north during the non-breeding season where the environmental perturbation was less severe.  相似文献   

Shaner PJ  Bowers M  Macko S 《Ecology》2007,88(1):87-95
Dietary shifts are commonly exhibited by omnivorous consumers when foraging from variable food resources. One advantage of dietary shifts for a consumer is the ability to gain complementary resources from different foods. In addition, dietary shifts often affect food-web dynamics. Despite the importance of dietary shifts to organismal, community, and ecosystem ecology, empirical studies of the ecological mechanisms that control dietary shifts are limited in scope. In this study, we tested the effects of complementary resources on dietary shifts of an omnivorous mammal, the white-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus, in the context of depletable food patches in the natural environment. We used two complementary resources: seeds that provide a higher energy gain per unit handling time and mealworms that provide a higher protein gain per unit handling time. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (delta13C, delta15N) in mouse plasma were used to quantify dietary shifts, and we determined giving-up density (GUD), the food density at which a forager leaves a food patch (for an optimal forager, it should correspond to the quitting harvest rate that balances net fitness gain with various costs of foraging). The results showed that GUD increased most significantly when a mixture of seeds and mealworms was added, compared to when only seeds or mealworms were added. This suggests that, given a similar level of food availability, a patch with a mixture of complementary foods is of higher quality than a patch with only one type of food. Moreover, GUD measured with seeds (GUDs) correlated positively with seed availability, and GUD measured with mealworms (GUDmw) correlated positively with mealworm availability, indicating that the marginal value of seeds or mealworms decreases with their relatively availability in the environment. As GUDs increased, P. leucopus shifted their diets toward higher trophic levels, and as GUDmw increased, P. leucopus shifted their diets toward lower trophic levels, suggesting dietary shifts driven by food complementarity. This study demonstrated that the combination of giving-up density and stable-isotope analysis holds great potential for testing ecological mechanisms underlying dietary shifts.  相似文献   

Summary Tropical house wrens in lowland central Panama are, with rare exception, permanently monogamous. During a 3-year demographic study of 54–56 pairs of these brids, both males and females committed infanticide in association with takeover of breeding territories. New males and new females replaced previously identified (color-banded) parents before the termination of parental care in 13% of 328 breeding attempts. Replacement was accomplished by physical takeover in at least some if not all cases. Total nest failure at the egg, nestling, or fledgling stage occurred in 73% of the male replacements and 70% of the female replacements. Nest predation was excluded as a possible cause of nest failure. 76% of male replacements and 50% of female replacements bred in the same season. Infanticidal replacement males bred sooner than did non-infanticidal males arriving at similar stages of the nesting cycle. Contexts in which infanticide occurred included takeovers by first-year males and females of territories and mates, re-entry into the breeding population by males that had recently lost their mates, acquisition of neighboring females by bigamous males, and the elimination of one female of a bigamous male by the other. Sexually selected infanticide in these birds is promoted by a lengthy breeding season and extremely limited breeding opportunities for individuals not already part of the breeding population. Mate limitation appears to be more important than habitat or nestsite limitation in restricting new breeding opportunities once the breeding season has begun.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of frequency dependence to the marginal value theorem (MVT) model of the dung fly (Scatophaga stercoraria) male's optimal copula duration makes virtually no difference to the predicted competitive optimum (ESS). However, this evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) version allows an explicit solution for the optimum. In a general sense, MVT optima will be close to their ESS equivalent when the cycle duration (expected time between the starts of two successive patch exploitations) is long relative to the plausible patch exploitation times. The optimal copula duration for male dung flies will depend on the ratio of virgin to mated females arriving at the droppings and on whether a male can discriminate between the two sorts of female. In nature, we found only an average of 3% of the total females arriving at the droppings to be virgins, rather less than had been estimated. This means that matings away from droppings (extra-dung matings) must be much commoner than previously suspected. Cumulative gains through copulation time rise much more steeply with virgins than with mated females, and so if males are able to discriminate, on the present model, we calculate that the ESS copula durations (at 20° C) would be around 42 min for non-virgins and 11 min for virgins. If they do not discriminate, the ESS is to copulate for a fixed duration of 41.5 min, i.e. very close to the optimum for mated females. The data indicate that copula duration does not differ for the two types of mating (mated females; virgins), suggesting that males cannot discriminate (or that the copula duration with virgins is not optimised to male interests). ESS copula durations with discrimination are almost entirely independent of the frequency of virgins in the population of females arriving at the droppings; without discrimination the optimal copula duration shifts between the ESS for mated females and that for virgins as the virgin frequency increases from 0 to 1. But at their naturally occurring frequency of only 3%, virgins can be ignored from calculations of optimal copula duration without significant loss of precision.Correspondence to: G.A. Parker  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated differential attraction of estrous brown lemmings (Lemmus trimucronatus) to conspecific males recently exposed to each other for a 10-min agonistic encounter. In tests conducted 5 min, 1 h and 24 h after agonistic encounters, females preferred the oder of dominant males to that of defeated males when both odors were presented simultaneously in a Y-maze olfactometer. Defeat in an agonistic encounter did not reduce the propensity of male lemmings to initiate sexual behavior. In one-male, one-female tests conducted 5 min after agonistic encounters, dominant males achieved higher mount and thrust scores while defeated males obtained higher scores for attempted mounts. The sexual behavior of dominant and defeated males did not differ significantly in similar tests conducted 1 h and 24 h later. In contrast, females readily mated with dominant males and tended to avoid defeated males in two-male tethering tests conducted 5 min after agonistic encounters. In these tests, females still showed a preference for dominant males 1 h and 24 h after male agonistic encounters.  相似文献   

In haplodiploid insects, males develop from unfertilized eggs; consequently, unmated females can reproduce. In a patchy, highly structured population, where brothers compete for mates and the reproductive return through sons is lower, females should minimize the number of male offspring. Consequently, unmated females are likely to have a reduced fitness compared to mated females. Here, we tested the oviposition behaviour of the haplodiploid beetle Coccotrypes dactyliperda. In this species, the unmated female can mate with her son to produce daughters. We predicted that unmated females could increase their fitness by (1) producing only few and small sons sufficient for mother–son mating and (2) dispersing to a patch occupied by conspecific females in order to increase their or their sons’ chance of mating. We demonstrate that (1) unmated females are common (23 % of all females), (2) they oviposit more frequently than mated females in occupied patches, (3) unmated females oviposit more eggs than mated females—this is in spite of the trade-offs, evident in this study, between the number of sons and the number of the mother’s future offspring after mating, (4) unmated females have a higher proportion of dispersing sons, and (5) sons of unmated females are smaller than sons of mated females. We conclude that the incidence of unmated females in the structured populations of C. dactyliperda is explained by plasticity in their oviposition behaviour. We discuss conditions where a high incidence of unmated females can persist as a successful strategy in structured populations.  相似文献   

Naturally-occurring infanticide was observed in a population of California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). In four seasons, 40 infanticides were observed. All victims were post-emergent pups. Of 37 killings in which the killer was sexed 36 were by females. All infanticidal females were mothers at the time they killed, but in no case was a mother seen to kill or harm her own young. The victim was cannibalized in 22 cases and taken immediately into the killer’s burrow in 16 others. In no case did killers gain access to the victimized mother’s burrow or territory and female pups were not killed preferentially over males. In light of evolutionary explanations, infanticide in this population may best fit the resource exploitation hypothesis, in which killers commit infanticide to gain a nutritional benefit. Resource competition is a possible auxiliary explanation, since any time a female kills unrelated young she is eliminating possible competitors to her own offspring. This behavior could confer a fitness advantage on killers or it could be an adaptively neutral, alternative feeding strategy. More data are necessary to distinguish between these hypotheses. Received: 26 January 1995/Accepted after revision: 9 September 1995  相似文献   

Males frequently mate multiply, but are there negative fitness consequences for their later mates? Potential costs include less sperm and less nutrition. In most hymenopterans, daughters, but not sons, are produced sexually. This mean that effects of being a later mate on sperm received versus on nutrients received should be distinguishable. If later mates receive less sperm, it should manifest as a reduction in daughter production, whereas a reduction in nutrients should affect production of both sexes. Any cost to being a later mate may in turn select for polyandry or for female choice of virgin males. Males of the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius were presented with up to five females in succession. Offspring production was compared among first, third, and fifth females; and it did not differ. However, about half of fifth females had begun producing only sons by their tenth day, whereas first and third females rarely had. Despite the reduction in daughter production, even fifth females rarely remated. However, females tended to mate with virgin males rather than mated males when given a choice. This tendency was dependent on male, not female, behavior, but should benefit the female nevertheless. Sex ratios in this species are one male for every one and a half to three females. Thus, the number of times that males could mate before daughter production was reduced coincided roughly with the mean number of times that males likely mate in this species. Nevertheless, some females are likely to experience the cost of being a fifth female because of skewed mating success among males.  相似文献   

Summary Single females and pairs of Nicrophorus orbicollis Say were established as residents on carcasses to investigate interactions with intruders under natural conditions. When carcasses were exhumed 10–12 days later, one or more intruders were found on 19% of nests. Intruders expelled one or both of the residents and sometimes paired with a resident or another intruder of the opposite sex. An intruder tended to be larger than the same-sex adult it replaced on a carcass. A male intruder that joined a single female, on the other hand, was not necessarily larger than the resident female. There was indirect evident that intruders committed infanticide and then started their own reproductive attempt on the carcass. Follow-up experiments in the laboratory indicated that interactions between intruders and residents were agonistic and that infanticide regularly occurred as a consequence of a takeover. Use of a genetic marker demonstrated that male and female intruders obtained reproductive benefits from infanticide. However, intruders sometimes cared for mixed broods consisting of their own young and young of a prior resident.  相似文献   

In the meerkat (Suricata suricatta), a cooperative mongoose, pups follow potential feeders while the group is foraging and emit incessant calls when soliciting food from them. In contrast to a ’stationary’ brood of chicks, in which nestlings are fed at a fixed location, meerkat pups are ’mobile’ and become spread out. The question arises whether meerkat pups that experience different constraints to those facing chicks have evolved similar begging strategies. This paper describes the vocalisations that meerkat pups emit in the context of begging and investigates the influence of these calls on food allocation by older group members and on the behaviour of littermates. Meerkat pups use two types of calls when soliciting food from a potential feeder. The most common is a ’repeat’ call, which pups emit continuously when following an older forager over several hours a day. In addition, when a potential feeder finds a prey item, the pups next to it emit a bout of calls with increased calling rate, amplitude and fundamental frequency, termed ’high-pitched’ calls. Observations, together with playback experiments, showed that more prey was allocated to pups that called longer and more intensely. The pup closest to a feeder was almost always fed. The probability of emitting high-pitched calls did not depend on the time since a pup had received food, and the change from repeat to high-pitched calls occurred suddenly. The main function of the high-pitched call, therefore, does not appear to be to signal a pup’s hunger state. More likely, the two calls, in the context of begging, may be an adaptation to energetic constraints in a mobile feeding system. Pups, which are dispersed during foraging, may emit repeat calls over long periods to prevent potential feeders from eating all the prey themselves. At the moment a potential feeder finds prey, pups may give the more intense high-pitched calls to direct feeders to bring the food item to them and not to a littermate. Therefore, unlike the stationary feeding system where chicks emit one type of begging call when the feeder approaches the nest, meerkats, with a mobile feeding system, have evolved two discrete types of vocalisations in the context of begging. Received: 22 November 1999 / Revised: 1 July 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in male genitalia may affect copulation behaviour, which can have important fitness consequences for males. Male genitalia commonly possess traits that increase male control over copulation, but in species where females control mating, a poor functional understanding often prevents insight into the processes responsible for such effects. Here, I investigate the effect of male genital length on copulation behaviour in the earwig Euborellia brunneri, where both sexes exhibit extremely elongated genitalia that correspond in shape. This model system is particularly suitable because pairs mate repeatedly and females can limit both the number and duration of copulations. I used both virgin and mated males and females in a double-mating design because longer male genitalia confer benefits in sperm competition. Consistent with a greater predicted male mating effort in mated females, the duration of individual copulations increased, but this traded off against mating frequency as cumulative mating duration remained unchanged. In contrast, male genital length increased both individual and cumulative mating duration, regardless of mating status. This difference suggests that, while males may modify copulation duration in response to mating status, females facultatively adjust mating frequency to prevent mating excessively or express preferences for increased male genital length. Notably, this study demonstrates that male genital phenotypes that are successful in sperm competition also enjoy female-mediated mating benefits.  相似文献   

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