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An expert system, PASSSFA, has been developed to help select the most appropriate variables for monitoring the effects of extensive land use activities, particularly forestry, on streams. PASSSFA was initially developed for headwater streams in the northwestern U.S. and Alaska, but the consistency of the underlying principles make it much more broadly applicable. The selection process is based on the designated beneficial uses of concern, the type of management activity, accessibility during high flows, frequency of sampling, and the costs for equipment, data collection, and sample analysis. A total of thirty potential monitoring variables are considered, and these were selected because of their sensitivity to land management activities and their effects on key designated uses. Problems in developing PASSSFA and the use of expert systems are discussed.  相似文献   

One third of the territory of Czechoslovakia is covered by forests. A substantial part of them is damaged in various degrees by air pollution. The air pollution influence on forests developed to a very serious problem during the last 40 years. The main pollutant at present is SO2 acting directly, but the improtance of soil changes due to acid deposition increases. The consequences are increased mortality and decreased increment in the forests, further consequences are the loss of valuable ecotypes, impact on water management and decreased stability of the landscape. There are limited possibilities of the forest sector to reduce the consequences.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

A new HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous determination of aminophenol isomers by means of a mixed-mode stationary phase containing both SCX and C18 moieties. All factors influencing the separation were discussed and optimized. The chromatographic conditions for the separation of aminophenols are the stationary phase duet SCX/C18, the mobile phase of aqueous phosphate buffer (pH 4.85):methanol?=?85:15 (v/v) delivered with a flow rate of 1 mL/min and a detection at 285 nm. The method proposed was validated in terms of linearity, limits of detection and quantification, accuracy and precision. The HPLC method elaborated here was applied with good results on river water samples. In order to survey the quality of surface rivers entered in treatment plants which deliver water for Bucharest, two major rivers were included in a monitoring program which last more than 1 year.  相似文献   

对旱灾造成的损失,不能仅从农业粮食减产单方面估算,而应把旱灾造成的隐性损失科学评估出来。据此提出,抗旱要处理好农业用水、工业用水和城市用水及生态用水的关系,真正实现水资源的可持续利用,并应建立自动化的干旱监测和快速评估系统,以保证及时掌握旱情,将旱灾损失减至最小。  相似文献   

环境中苯并(a)芘监测技术及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境中BaP是引起人们各类癌症的主要诱发物.叙述了环境中BaP的来源及其浓度状况,列举了国家制定的各项标准中的BaP含量的浓度限值,论述了环境水中和空气中BaP的样品采集、保存、前处理、分析测定及定量监测中应注意的几个问题,提出了监测BaP的4点建议.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to identify and quantify anthropogenic sources and sinks of greenhouse gases from forestry, land-use changes and agriculture in Tanzania. The 1990 inventory revealed that, in the land-use sector, methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the primary gases emitted. Enteric fermentation in livestock production systems is the largest source of CH4. Although deforestation results in greenhouse gas emissions, the managed forests of Tanzania are a major CO2 sink.  相似文献   

本文根据多年从事监测工作的体会和对各类监测站的调查研究,评述了当前地方监测工作和行业、企业监测工作中存在的一些问题,提出了用切实运转的监测网来深化和开拓监测工作的建议,并对监测网的组建和运转作了较为可行的建议和设想。  相似文献   

对夏季太湖野外水华蓝藻样本进行梯度稀释,将自动监测法与手工监测法(人工镜检法和分光光度法)进行比对分析,同时通过对野外样品的连续监测对实验结果进行验证.结果表明,对于以微囊藻为绝对优势种的夏季太湖水体,YSI-6600型和EXO2型便携式水质监测仪测得的叶绿素与人工镜检法测得的藻密度的调整后相关系数(R2adj)均值分...  相似文献   

简述了环境监测机构监测能力的内涵以及监测能力认定的依据。指出,监测机构应保证其各项能力的持久性,才能确保其正常运作。其中,监测人员、仪器设备、监测方法等因素会造成监测能力中断。因此,监测机构应注重人才的培养和储备,加强仪器设备的日常维护、保障仪器运维资金的投入,及时做好监测方法变更,探索新的管理模式,维持监测能力,促进监测机构稳定持续发展。  相似文献   

阐述了噪声监测中监测点位的科学设置、测量时间和监测仪器的合理安排 ,以及怎样正确地把握评估标准。  相似文献   

The Gambia has successfully completed a national greenhouse gas emissions inventory based on the results of a study funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Global Environment Facility (GEF) Country Case Study Program. The concepts of multisectoral, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary collaboration were most useful in the preparation of this inventory. New data were gathered during the study period, some through regional collaboration with institutions such as Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA-TM) Energy Program and the Ecological Monitoring Center in Dakar, Senegal, and some through national surveys and the use of remote sensing techniques, as in the Bushfires Survey. Most of the data collected are used in this paper. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/International Energy Agency (IPCC/OECD/IEA) methodology is used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions. Many of the default data in the IPCC/OECD/IEA methodology have also been used. Overall results indicate that in the biomass sectors (agriculture, forestry, and land-use change) carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted most, with a total of 1.7 Tg. This is followed by methane (CH4), 22.3 Gg; carbon monoxide (CO), 18.7 Gg; nitrogen oxides (NOx), 0.3 Gg; and nitrous oxide (N2O), 0.014 Gg. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was used as an index to describe the relative effects of the various gases reported here. Based on the emissions in The Gambia in 1993, it was found that CO2 will contribute 75%, CH4 about 24.5%, and N2O 0.2% of the warming expected in the 100-year period beginning in 1993. The results in this analysis are limited by the shortcomings of the IPCC/OECD/IEA methodology and scarce national data. Because the methodology was developed outside of the developing world, most of its emissions factors and coefficients were developed and tested in environments that are very different from The Gambia. This is likely to introduce some uncertainties into the results of the calculations. Factors and coefficients that are country-or region-specific are likely to provide more accurate results and should be developed. The surveys were conducted either during the wet season or just at the end of the wet season. This seasonal factor should contribute to variations in the results, particularly in the livestock numbers and composition survey. Use of one-time survey data is also likely to introduce uncertainty into the results.  相似文献   

日本地下水环境质量标准及监测方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在大量查阅日本法律法规、质量报告书和专题报告书的基础上,论述了日本地下水质量标准构成及监测方法.  相似文献   

针对环境监测项目的一般性要求,系统地提出环境监测边界和监测参数的设计方法。将环境监测边界划分为空间地理边界、空间生态边界、动力空间边界、项目空间边界和时间期限,并阐述了这5种划分的具体内容。同时,介绍了监测参数设计的一般流程、环境质量监测参数选择原则及选择方法。  相似文献   

CMT监测井在黑河流域地下水监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以CMT监测井在黑河流域的应用为基础,通过对监测数据和采集的水样进行分析,了解了黑河流域地下水水位动态变化,掌握了黑河流域地下水水化学垂向分布规律,为合理利用黑河流域水资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

与传统的监测技术相比,走航监测技术具有监测范围大、响应快速、机动性强的特点,在工业园区及企业废气排放的监测监控、溯源定位方面应用较为广泛。被动式傅里叶红外(FTIR)走航监测技术可以动态、立体、实时地扫描周围一定空域气体中的污染物质。采用被动式FTIR走航监测车,对不同的工业园区企业进行监测,结果表明,被动式FTIR走航监测可对实时发现的超标或异常有毒有害、易燃易爆、异味因子排放装置进行及时的定位和溯源,为环保部门和企业对污染物进行进一步精细化管控提供了有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

水质监测是开展水生态环境评价、监管的基础性工作之一。随着对水生态环境保护与管理要求的提高,人工水质监测与自动水质监测相结合的模式应用越来越普遍。以船舶为载体的水质自动监测系统开展巡测,可实现高密度样品采集、检测及信息的实时传输,在长江泸州以下干流水域的实践中取得了良好效果。系统的应用可弥补常规监测断面间距过大、人工监测频次低、固定站房式水质自动监测站近岸取样等不足,对人工监测和自动监测形成有效补充;船载水质自动监测系统能够实现定点、定深、定时监测,可以在河流污染带监测、入河排污行为的监管以及偷排行为的溯源、水污染应急动态监测等工作中发挥有效作用,既可应用于长江干流等河道较宽且水质可能存在岸别差异的河流,也可应用于滇池、太湖、丹江口等大型湖泊、水库水生态环境监管。  相似文献   

对非甲烷总烃自动连续监测系统进行示值误差、响应时间、零点漂移和量程漂移等性能测试,对非甲烷总烃便携式分析仪进行检出限、精密度、准确度等性能测试。性能测试满足相关要求后同时利用便携式催化氧化-氢火焰离子化检测器法(催化氧化-FID)、便携式气相色谱-氢火焰离子化检测器法(GC-FID)和实验室气相色谱-氢火焰离子化检测器法(GC-FID)对固定污染源非甲烷总烃自动连续监测系统进行现场比对测试。测试结果表明,在工况变动较大的情况下,便携式FID法与实验室GC-FID法测试结果相对误差为19. 6%~35. 1%,具有很好的可比性。以实验室GC-FID法为参比方法时,自动连续监测系统相对准确度为64. 1%,不满足《固定污染源废气非甲烷总烃连续监测系统技术要求及检测方法》(HJ 1013—2018)的要求。以便携式FID为参比方法时,自动连续监测系统相对准确度分别为28. 6%和35. 3%,相对《固定污染源废气总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃的测定气相色谱法》(HJ 38—2017)方法一致性更好,均能满足《HJ 1013—2018》的要求。提出,应推进便携式方法在自动连续监测系统验收和质控比对中的应用。  相似文献   

自动监测设备比对监测合格率统计方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照污染源达标率统计方法,得出自动监测设备比对监测的合格率统计方法,并具体介绍了企业单个项目合格率统计方法、区域单个项目合格率统计方法和区域综合合格率统计方法。  相似文献   

介绍了京沪高速“3.29”液氯意外泄漏污染事故的应急监测中正确确立气、土、水、植物等环境介质作为监测对象,科学确定氯、氯化氢为监测因子,并因事制宜科学地选择监测方法,为事故处理指挥部迅速正确处理事故提供了优质快速的技术支持。  相似文献   

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