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Seedlings of Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) and Abies concolor (white fir) were exposed to acidic fog (pH 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0) in open-field plots for six weeks. The two species exhibited dissimilar injury responses; neither current year nor previous year needles of ponderosa pine were injured by pH 2.0 fog, but current year needles exhibited higher membrane permeability responses (i.e. needle extract conductivity, K+ concentration). In comparison, both needle age classes in white fir were significantly injured by pH 2.0 fog, but no significant effects on membrane permeability were observed. For both species, whole-study average rates of net photosynthesis in previous year needles were lower in plants exposed to pH 2.0 fog than in plants treated with pH 4.0 fog. While decreased process rates coincided with leaf necrosis in white fir, stomatal closure appeared to be the mechanism of inhibition in ponderosa pine with pH 2.0 fog (i.e. no visible injury). The findings of the present study provide evidence that frequent applications of highly acidic fog (i.e. pH 2.0-3.0) can cause temporal alterations in membrane permeability and gas exchange rates in western conifer seedlings, in the presence or absence of visible injury. However, because incipient effects on other measures of foliage health were species-specific (i.e. concentrations of starch, photosynthetic pigments, inorganic nutrients), a general mechanism of phytotoxicity could not be identified.  相似文献   

Four-week-old paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings, inoculated or non-inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch and grown in steamed or non-steamed soil, were exposed to ozone (O(3)) and/or simulated acid rain (SAR). Plants were exposed to O(3) for 7 h per day on 5 days per week for 12 weeks. O(3) concentrations were maintained between 0.06 and 0.08 ppm. SAR was applied 10 min per day on 2 days per week. O(3), SAR, soil regime and mycorrhizal treatment did not significantly affect any of the measured variables. Interactions between O(3) and SAR, SAR and mycorrhizal treatment, soil regime and mycorrhizal treatment and ozone and soil regime had significant effects. Treatment of seedlings with pH 3.5 SAR caused increases in growth which were more apparent in birch exposed to O(3). Mucorrhizal treatment caused increased growth in non-steamed soil, while growth appeared to decrease in steamed soil. Birch seedlings grew much better in steamed soil. The implications of increased growth in steamed soil may demonstrate the importance of looking at the secondary effects of pollutants on soil-borne organisms.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and pigmentation responses of mature ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) branches to ozone and acid rain exposure were investigated using three grafted clones growing in a managed seed orchard. Exposure of one-year-old foliage to twice ambient ozone (2 x AMB) resulted in significant decreases in net photosynthesis (Pn), stomatal conductance (gsw) and pigmentation relative to charcoal-filtered (CF) and ambient (AMB) ozone treatments. Ozone effects on gas exchange and pigmentation were most pronounced during late-season and differed significantly among clones. Environmental parameters (e.g. light, vapor pressure deficit, and temperature) accounted for more variation in Pn than did cumulative ozone exposure. Minimal differences in gsw and Pn among ozone treatments occurred during seasonal periods of high temperature and evaporative demand. Negative effects of 2 x AMB ozone on gsw and pigmentation were greatest for the clones having highest and lowest phenotypic vigor under ambient conditions; the clone of moderate phenotypic vigor under ambient conditions was least sensitive to ozone. Application of simulated acid rain of pH 3.0, pH 5.1 or no rain (NR) had little impact on gas exchange or pigmentation.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone (< 10, 200, or 400 microg m(-3)), on foliar nutrient concentrations of Picea abies were determined by fumigating potted grafts from mature trees (> 55 and 125 years), representing six clones, in open-top chambers at two locations in Norway. The concentration of nutrients in needles of grafted plants were significantly affected by clone and location. Generally, the concentrations of nutrients were not affected by ozone, but a significant increase in the concentrations of potassium and iron in two of the clones were found. These two clones were the only ones injured (yellow needles) by the fumigation.  相似文献   

The seedlings of Pinus armandi Franch. were exposed to ozone (O(3)) at 300 ppb for 8 h a day, 6 days a week, and simulated acid rain of pH 3.0 or 2.3, 6 times a week, alone or in combination, for 14 weeks from 15 June to 20 September 1993. The control seedlings were exposed to charcoal-filtered air and simulated rain of pH 6.8 during the same period. Significant interactive effects of O(3) and simulated acid rain on whole plant net photosynthetic rate were observed, but not on other determined parameters. The exposure of the seedlings to O(3) caused the reductions in the dry weight growth, root dry weight relative to the whole plant dry weight, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate in light, water-use efficiency and root respiration activity, and increases in shoot/root ratio, and leaf dry weight relative to the whole plant dry weight without an appearance of acute visible foliar injury, but did not affect the dark respiration rate and transpiration rate in the darkness. The decreased net photosynthetic rate was considered to be the major cause for the growth reduction of the seedlings exposed to O(3). On the other hand, the exposure of the seedlings to simulated acid rain reduced the net photosynthetic rate per unit chlorophyll a + b content, but did not induce the significant change in other determined parameters.  相似文献   

Strontium-90 ((90)Sr) is a radionuclide characteristic of fallout from nuclear reactor accidents and nuclear weapons testing. Prior studies have shown that Pinus ponderosa and P. radiata seedlings can remove appreciable quantities of (90)Sr from soil and store it in plant tissue. In this study, we inoculated P. ponderosa and P. radiata seedlings with one of five isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Inoculated and noninoculated (control) seedlings were compared for their ability to remove (90)Sr from an organic growth medium. Seedlings were grown in a growth chamber in glass tubes containing 165 cm(3) of sphagnum peat moss and perlite (1 : 1 (v/v)) and, except in the controls, the fungal inoculum. After 3 months, 5978 Bq of (90)Sr in 1 ml of sterile, distilled, deionized water was added. Seedlings were grown for an additional month and then harvested. P. ponderosa seedlings with ectomycorrhizae accumulated 3.0-6.0% of the (90)Sr; bioconcentration ratios (Bq (90)Sr cm(-3) plant tissue/Bq (90)Sr cm(-3) growth medium) ranged from 98-162. Ectomycorrhizal P. radiata seedlings accumulated 6.0-6.9% of the (90)Sr; bioconcentration ratios ranged from 88-133. Nonmycorrhizal P. ponderosa and P. radiata seedlings accumulated only 0.6 and 0.7% of the (90)Sr and had bioconcentration ratios of 28 and 27, respectively. Ectomycorrhizal P. ponderosa and P. radiata seedlings are able to remove 3-5 times more (90)Sr from contaminated soil than seedlings without ectomycorrhizae.  相似文献   

This study measured the responses of different anti-oxidants in 2-year-old birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings subjected to simulated acid rain (pH 4.0) and heavy metals (Cu/Ni), applied alone or in combination for 2 months. The applied concentrations of pollutants did not significantly affect seedling biomass or total glutathione levels. Acid rain alone increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity both in leaves and roots, while heavy metals alone inhibited SOD activity in roots. Both acid rain and heavy metals applied singly increased ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) activities in leaves but decreased activities in roots. In contrast, acid rain and heavy metal treatments increased glutathione reductase (GR) activity in roots but not in leaves. Spraying birch seedlings with a mixture of acid rain and heavy metals increased SOD, APX and GPX activities in leaves and GR activity in roots. However, the effects of mixed pollutants on enzyme activities usually were less than the summed effects of individual pollutants. Enzyme responses also depended on where pollutants were applied: spraying pollutants onto the shoots initiated higher responses in SOD, APX and GPX than did application to the soil surface, while the opposite was true for GR.  相似文献   

Seedling growth and nutritional status have been shown to be sensitive to ozone, but the influence of multi-season ozone exposure on mature tree growth and nutrition has not been examined. To determine if seedlings and mature trees were similarly affected by ozone exposure, growth and nutrient concentrations in northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) 4-year-old seedlings and 32-year-old mature trees were examined after treatment with subambient, ambient and twice ambient concentrations of ozone for three growing seasons. SUM00 values summed over the three growing seasons were 147, 255 and 507 ppm-h, respectively, for the subambient, ambient and twice ambient exposures. For mature trees, no influence of ozone treatment on lower stem diameter growth, stem growth within the mid-canopy and foliar biomass was observed. Seedling height was increased by ozone, but biomass and diameter were unaffected. A reduction in the specific leaf weight of leaves in response to ozone coincident with the loss of recurrent flushing was observed in seedlings. Ozone exposure reduced foliar nitrogen concentrations and increased woody tissue nutrient concentrations in seedlings and mature trees at the end of the third growing season. These results suggest an influence of ozone on retranslocation processes in seedlings and mature trees.  相似文献   

Formation of ectomycorrhizae of red spruce (Picea rubens) grown in natural soil was measured after seedlings were exposed to 25 or 50 applications of simulated rain of pH 5.5, 3.5 or 2.5. Ectomycorrhizae were quantified as the total number of ectomycorrhizal tips per centimeter, and as the number of ectomycorrhizal tips for each morphotype and for Cenococcum geophilum. Rain solutions were applied to the soil alone, to foliage and stem alone, or to entire potted seedlings. Final soil pH was linearly related to rain solution acidity. Lower base saturation, calcium and zinc content, and higher exchangeable acidity were observed after pH 2.5 treatments if the soil was exposed. Rain solutions and the subsequent changes in soil characteristics did not affect the total numbers of ectomycorrhizal tips. Four morphotypes of ectomycorrhizae observed for these seedlings were unaffected by simulated rain. However, the numbers of ectomycorrhizal tips formed by C. geophilum tended to increase with rain solution acidity after 50 applications. Method of rain deposition did not affect ectomycorrhizae, suggesting both plant and soil mediated responses may favor certain mycobionts. The results of this study indicate that short-term acidic deposition does not induce significant changes in the frequency of ectomycorrhizae, but higher numbers of C. geophilum tips suggest there may be changes in the relative occurrence of specific morphotypes of fungus species.  相似文献   

Viability, germination and tube length were investigated in pollen grains of field-grown 'Summerred' apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh) exposed to deionized water, rainfall or simulated acid rain at pH 5.6, 4.0 and 3.0. Pollen viability and germination significantly decreased with lower values of pH and with increasing number of treatments. The effects of pH 5.6 and natural rainfall were not significant. Electron microscope investigation of vegetative pollen cells of plants exposed to acid rain at pH 4.0 and 3.0 showed modified features in mitochondria, plastids and endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Growing juveniles of the spruce-living spider Pityohyphantes phrygianus were sprayed with water of different acidity--pH approximately 7 (control), 4.0 (acid rain) and 2.2-in a 2.5-month laboratory experiment. The growth rates did not differ between control and pH 4.0, while there was a significant growth reduction at pH 2.2. A low mortality occurred only in the pH 2.2 group. P. phrygianus seems to be resistant against acid rain although negative long-term effects cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws) were exposed to ambient concentrations of photochemical smog (AA) and clean air (CA) during a single field season at Tanbark Flat of the San Gabriel Mountains in the Los Angeles Basin. The seedlings were grown in a perlite-vermiculite medium with full supply of nutrients (based on modified Hoagland solution); reduced to 50% supply of N; reduced to 50% supply of Mg; and reduced to 50% supply of N+Mg. No significant effects of air pollution exposures on injury development, stem growth and concentrations of plant pigments were determined. The seedlings in the AA treatment had decreased N concentration in current year needles compared with CA seedlings; however, the needle concentrations of other elements did not change. Reduction of N supply in the growing medium caused decreased N, P, Ca, K and chlorophyll a concentrations in needles. Stem growth of the seedlings with reduced N supply was significantly decreased as well. No changes in stem growth or chemical composition of plants with reduced Mg supply were noted. Reduction of supply of nutrients did not change responses of trees to the air pollution exposures.  相似文献   

Seedlings of a sorghum x sudangrass hybrid in pots of non-sterile soil-sand mix were exposed to ozone (O(3)) at 0, 0.15, or 0.30 microl litre(-1) (7 h day(-1), 3 days week(-1)) and simulated rain (SR) adjusted with H(2)SO(4) + HNO(3) to pH 5.5, 4.0, or 2.5 (2 cm in 1.5 h per event; 2 events week(-1)) over 3 weeks in a greenhouse. Ozone suppressed shoot and root growth, but increased acid content (i.e. pH < 5.5) of SR stimulated shoot growth and had inconsistent effects on root growth. Ozone x SR chemistry interactions significantly affected plant growth. Data for 'total' bacterial populations in the rhizosphere (number of colony-forming units per gram of rhizosphere soil) exhibited a curvilinear relationship with O(3) (maximum at 0.15 microl liter(-1)). Increased acid content of SR stimulated numbers of 'total' bacteria but suppressed populations of amylolytic bacteria. Ozone and acid content of SR tended to stimulate numbers of fungal propagules in the rhizosphere, but this effect was not significant. Numbers of rhizosphere bacteria capable of phosphatase activity increased linearly with O(3), but only when SR chemistry was characterised by pH 4.0. Data for other populations of rhizosphere microorganisms did not exhibit significant relationships to O3 x SR chemistry interactions.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated acid rain on the phyllosphere microflora of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied experimentally in northern Finland during the summer of 1988. Trees were irrigated with artificial acid rain of pH4 and pH3 (H(2)SO(4) and HNO(3), weight ratio of S:N=2.86:1). Untreated trees and trees irrigated with spring water (pH6) were used as controls. Two sampling heights (0.5m and 2m) were used. The needles were colonized exclusively by epiphytic fungi, mainly Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) Arnaud. The lower branches had significantly more epiphytic fungi than the upper branches. Compared to the control trees, the numbers of epiphytic fungi were significantly decreased on the needles of trees irrigated with acid rain. Acid rain affected the number of epiphytic fungi equally at both sampling heights. The species composition of the epiphytic fungi was not affected by the acid treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged simulated acid rain on the biochemistry of Scots pine needles were studied in Finnish Lapland. Pine trees were exposed by spraying the foliage and soil with either clean water or simulated acid rain (SAR; both sulphuric and nitric acids) over the period 1985-1991. The concentrations of carbohydrates (starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose) in one-year-old pine needles were not affected by SAR-treatments. The SAR-treatments did not have significant effects on protein bound amino acids, which was true also for most of the free amino acids. However, the citrulline concentration was over three-fold greater in the foliage of pines exposed to SAR of pH 3 compared to irrigated controls. The concentrations of total phenolics, individual low molecular weight phenolics and soluble proanthocyanidins were not affected by the treatments, but insoluble proanthocyanidins had increased in acid-treated trees. Some of the studied biochemical compounds showed significant differences between two sub-areas (similar treatments) only 120 m apart.  相似文献   

Water-stressed and well-watered soybean (Glycine max cvs. Williams and Corsoy) plants were exposed to increasing seasonal doses of ozone (O(3)) using open-top field chambers and ambient air plots. Chamber O(3) treatments included charcoal filtered (CF) air, non-filtered (NF) air, NF + 0.03, NF + 0.06 and NF + 0.09 microl litre(-1) O(3). Soil water potentials measured at 25 and 45 cm averaged -0.40 MPa and -0.05 MPa, respectively, for the plots in the water-stressed and well-watered series. Total root length/core, root length densities, and biomasses (dry weights) were determined. With Williams, a very popular cultivar in recent years, total root length for all O(3) treatments averaged 58% more under water-stress conditions than in well-watered plots, but the range was from 136% to 11% more for NF air and NF + 0.09 microl litre(-1) O(3), respectively. Increasing the O(3) exposure dose did not affect root lengths or weights in the well-watered series. With Corsoy, water stress did not significantly increase root development. In both soil moisture regimes, with both cultivars, there was a linear decrease in seed yield and top dry weight as the O(3) exposure dose increased.  相似文献   

Impacts of simulated acid rain on recalcitrance of two different soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Laboratory experiments were conducted to estimate the impacts of simulated acid rain (SAR) on recalcitrance in a Plinthudult and a Paleudalfs soil in south China, which were a variable and a permanent charge soil, respectively. Simulated acid rains were prepared at pH 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 6.0, by additions of different volumes of H2SO4 plus HNO3 at a ratio of 6 to 1. The leaching period was designed to represent 5 years of local annual rainfall (1,200 mm) with a 33 % surface runoff loss. Both soils underwent both acidification stages of (1) cation exchange and (2) mineral weathering at SAR pH?2.0, whereas only cation exchange occurred above SAR pH?3.5, i.e., weathering did not commence. The cation exchange stage was more easily changed into that of mineral weathering in the Plinthudult than in the Paleudalfs soil, and there were some K+ and Mg2+ ions released on the stages of mineral weathering in the Paleudalfs soil. During the leaching, the release of exchangeable base cations followed the order Ca2+?>?K+?>?Mg2+?>?Na+ for the Plinthudult and Ca2+?>?Mg2+?>?Na+?>?K+ for the Paleudalfs soil. The SARs above pH?3.5 did not decrease soil pH or pH buffering capacity, while the SAR at pH?2.0 decreased soil pH and the buffering capacity significantly. We conclude that acid rain, which always has a pH from 3.5 to 5.6, only makes a small contribution to the acidification of agricultural soils of south China in the short term of 5 years. Also, Paleudalfs soils are more resistant to acid rain than Plinthudult soils. The different abilities to prevent leaching by acid rain depend upon the parent materials, types of clay minerals, and soil development degrees.  相似文献   

Mature grafts of five clones of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Sarg.) were exposed to simulated acid mist composed of an equimolar mixture of sulphuric acid and ammonium nitrate at pH 2.5 and pH 5.0 in open-top chambers from May to November 1991. Treatments were applied on consecutive days, four times a week. The pH 2.5 treatment provided an overall dose three times higher than that received by forests in upland areas of Britain. Frost hardiness was assessed in November by freezing detached current year shoots at a range of temperatures and assessing the rate of electrolyte leakage Foliar nutrient concentrations were determined on the same shoots. Acid mist at pH 2.5 significantly reduced frost hardiness in four of the five clones; the temperature causing 50% shoot death (LT50) was increased by 0 to 7 degrees C. The clones varied in their level of hardiness, one clone being exceptionally frost sensitive. The frost hardiness of the frost sensitive clone was found to be less perturbed by acid mist than the hardiness of the more frost resistant clones. Mature grafts showed a smaller reduction in hardiness at an equivalent dose than that found previously with Sitka spruce seedlings. Compared with seedlings, grafts had lower absolute concentrations of foliar sulphur. Exposure to acid mist at pH 2.5 increased %S in current year foliage by <0.05% compared with absolute increases of more than 0.10% in current year foliage of seedlings. We conclude that the effect of acid mist on frost hardiness is likely to be less on mature trees than on seedlings and that the increased frost risk to mature trees of Sitka spruce from occult deposition alone is small.  相似文献   

Rare earth pollution and acid rain pollution are both important environmental issues worldwide. In regions which simultaneously occur, the combined pollution of rare earth and acid rain becomes a new environmental issue, and the relevant research is rarely reported. Accordingly, we investigated the combined effects and mechanisms of lanthanum ion (La3+) and acid rain on the root phenotype of soybean seedlings. The combined pollution of low-concentration La3+ and acid rain exerted deleterious effects on the phenotype and growth of roots, which were aggravated by the combined pollution of high-concentration La3+ and acid rain. The deleterious effects of the combined pollution were stronger than those of single La3+ or acid rain pollution. These stronger deleterious effects on the root phenotype and growth of roots were due to the increased disturbance of absorption and utilization of mineral nutrients in roots.  相似文献   

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