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This paper deals with the decrease in the rate of accident insurance claims in the German mining industry over the last five decades. It intends to show that this process is above all the result of a prevention policy where companies and the body responsible for the legal accident insurance in the mining industry, the Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft (BBG), work hand in hand. A system like the German accident insurance scheme, combining prevention, rehabilitation, and compensation, enables successful and modern safety and health measures.  相似文献   

针对企业事故灾害预防控制的保险应急手段不健全现状,阐述了安全经济管理、风险管理、保险三者的区别与关系以及保险对企业事故灾害预防的作用。根据企业事故灾害预防控制、风险控制和发展与保险防灾的相关性、企业安全事故经济损失的社会保险补偿及其损失的商业保险补偿等问题,对与企业事故灾害预防控制相关的保险问题进行研究,以在企业事故灾害预防控制过程中,管理人员能高度认识保险的作用。  相似文献   

建立我国工业事故风险管理制度的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
简要论述工业事故风险管理的要素和风险评价方法,提出建立适合我国市场经济体制的工业事故风险管理制度,制定适合各行业特点的事故风险标准值和风险分析评价方法,将风险管理与工伤保险和事故预防有机地结合起来等建议。  相似文献   

如何建立工伤保险与工伤事故预防有机结合的机制 ,不仅是我国工伤保险制度改革的重要课题 ,也是日本工伤社会保险改革过程的重要内容之一。日本打破了每隔 3年对费率进行一次调整的惯例 ,从2 0 0 3年度开始 ,提前一年执行了平均被下调了 1‰的新的劳灾保险费率体系。笔者对此举动阐述了以下观点 :除从厚生劳动省说明的近年来劳灾事故大幅度减少及为减轻企业主的负担等原因外 ,还应从处理劳灾保险制度与劳灾事故预防工作的关系上分析提前调整费率的动机。即这个重要决策旨在强调劳灾保险与事故预防的有机结合、利用保险费率的经济杠杆作用 ,借“第 10个防止劳动灾害五年规划”启动之良机 ,全面提高劳动安全卫生管理水平。  相似文献   

德国工伤保险事故预防机制评介   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
工伤保险事故预防机制就是工伤保险制度中促进预防工伤事故和职业病的一系列的措施和办法。笔者从管理、经济、法律、技术、心理5个方面具体分析德国工伤保险事故预防机制的具体特点,其中,对管理方面的上层管理机构、研究机构、培训机构、监督机构的设置及其人员配置、企业内部的劳动安全机构及其人员配备进行了研讨;以经济途径为重点从工伤保险费的征收与支出两方面进行了评介;在安全技术方面着重对管理内容即监督事故的隐患、咨询、进行职业病预防、监测与调查、产品安全标准鉴定等进行了介绍;简述了心理方面所开展的安全宣传、教育和培训工作以及相关法律手段。综合分析了工伤保险事故预防机制的形成和运作方式,对其成功经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

为了研究多米诺效应中多事故点协同作用的后果,将并联系统概率模型运用到贝叶斯概率计算过程中,体现出多事故点协同作用对多米 诺效应传播的概率影响;后果分析部分从人、物、环境3个方面出发,对事故的后果影响以及事故预防提出建议措施。最后运用模型对实例进行 了应用分析,结果表明:多事故点协同作用下储罐的多米诺失效概率增大,罐区危险性增强,可以通过对储罐设置安全屏障等措施,有效的切 断导致事故最大概率的链条。  相似文献   

从强化事故预防,切实保障劳动生产中受伤害职工的合法权益入手,着重对工伤保险与事故预防结合运作管理机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于人工免疫原理的事故预防研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍生物免疫识别模式,分析事故预防过程的实质是抑制潜在危险转化成事故的控制过程,分析比较事故预防与生物免疫识别模式在作用、生存环境、动作触发源等的共性,构建了基于免疫识别模式的事故预防系统并建立了事故预防数学模型;定义事故预防系统的识别率、失效率、误判率并给出了数学表达式,指出监测生产系统各环节状态信息是否符合系统的安全要求就是识别潜在危险的过程,是事故预防的关键,基于人工免疫原理的事故预防数学模型具有较强的健壮性、自适应性和动态防护性等特点。  相似文献   

煤矿事故预防中的行为激励机制研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在分析矿业及非矿业事故现状及其原因的基础上,对人的不安全行为进行研究,激励安全行为,抑制不安全行为,将大大减少工作中产生的意外情况,提高人的可靠性,从而降低事故发生的频率。笔者以行为科学和安全激励理论为基础,分析激励与安全行为的关系,依据煤矿事故控制和预防机理,提出煤矿安全行为激励体系构建的思路和构架,该研究成果对减少事故与伤害、提高矿业安全绩效有一定的实用意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

A tool (called CESMA) was developed to carry out cost–benefit analyses and cost-effectiveness analyses of prevention investments for avoiding major accidents. A wide variety of parameters necessary to calculate both the costs of the considered preventive measures and the benefits related with the avoidance of accidents were identified in the research. The benefits are determined by estimating the difference in (hypothetical) major accident costs without and with the implementation of a preventive measure. As many relevant costs and benefits as possible were included into the tool, based on literature and expert opinion, in order to be able to deliver an all-embracing cost–benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis to assist in the investment decision process. Because major accidents are related to extremely low frequencies, the tool takes the uncertainty of the unwanted occurrence of a major accident into account through the usage of a so-called ‘disproportion factor’. Compared with existing software, the CESMA tool is innovative by striving for an as-accurate-as-possible picture of costs and benefits of major accident prevention, and taking the uncertainties accompanying disastrous events into consideration. Furthermore, an illustrative example of CESMA is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

This study provides a case example of an energy company that prioritized occupational safety and health and accident reduction as long-term, strategic development targets. Furthermore, this study describes the monetary benefits of this strategic decision. Company-specific accident indicators and monetary costs and benefits are evaluated. During the observation period (2010–2016), strategic investments in occupational safety and health cost the company EUR 0.8 million. However, EUR 1.8 million were saved in the same period, resulting in a 2.20 cost–benefit ratio. The trend in cost savings is strongly positive. Annual accident costs were EUR 0.4 million lower in 2016 compared to costs in 2010. This study demonstrates that long-term, strategic commitment to occupational safety and health provides monetary value.  相似文献   

笔者从平均基准费率水平、工伤保险基金期望的支出构成比较和工伤保险刺激事故预防的费率机制的形成 3个方面 ,对欧洲国家工伤保险费率进行了分析 ,对若干欧洲国家用工伤保险经济手段促进企业改善劳动条件的成功经验给以总结 ,并对我国新近出台的《工伤保险条例》提出一些修改建议。  相似文献   

介绍了因特摩实时智能监控及事故预报防范系统.该系统是基于因特网的实时集成分布式智能系统,能对生产过程和设备进行智能监控及对事故进行预报和防范.其超媒体显示空间分别用"公有知识显示窗口"、"私有知识显示窗口"和"实时反向推理启示窗口"为生产人员提供及时有效的操作指导.因特摩系统将人类智慧与机器智慧相集成,将私有知识和公有知识相集成,把知识集成系统(KIS)和信息处理自动化系统(如MIS和ERP系统)以及数据处理自动化系统(如DCS、PLC和SCADA系统)相集成,体现了诸多的新方法和新功能,在安全生产中发挥出了作用,实现了"信息化带动工业化,知识化推动信息化".  相似文献   

煤矿事故隐患防控技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从安全管理的理论和实践出发,在对事故隐患进行分析的基础上进行了事故隐患防控技术研究并建立了煤矿事故“五环六步”隐患防控模型。从隐患的识别、评价以及控制等方面入手,建立了基于“五环六步”防控模型的煤矿事故隐患防控技术体系,该体系中的识别子系统、评价子系统以及控制子系统分别对应“六步”中的排查、记录、汇报、整改、验收、考核等相应步骤,并制定了完备的实施步骤和管理方法。该体系在煤矿的应用表明,它不仅可明显改善煤矿的安全管理水平和提高煤矿工人的安全意识,对于更及时地发现事故隐患,更彻底地整改事故隐患有极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

Introduction: Employers engaged in similar business activities demonstrate a range of workers' compensation claim rates. Workplace injuries and illnesses could be prevented if employers with high claim rates achieved the claim rates of their safer peers. Methods: We used Washington workers' compensation claims data for years 2013–2015 to calculate rates of compensable claims (eligible for disability or time loss benefits, if unable to work four days after injury) and total accepted claims (compensable plus medical-aid only claims) for each employer. We estimated the number and cost of claims to occur if employers with high claim rates reduced them to the rates of employers at the 25th percentile, adjusted for insurance risk class, employer size, and injury type. To evaluate the impact of setting more or less ambitious goals, we also estimated reductions based on claim rates at the 10th and 50th percentiles. Results: Over 43% of claims and claim costs would be prevented if employers with higher claim rates lowered them to the 25th percentile using either total accepted or compensable claim rates as the benchmark outcome. The estimated claim cost savings from benchmarking to compensable claims was nearly as great as the estimate based on benchmarking to total accepted claims ($308.5 mil annually based on compensable claims vs. $332.4 mil based on total accepted claims). Restaurants and Taverns had the greatest number of potentially prevented compensable claims. Colleges and Universities and Wood Frame and Building Construction had the greatest potential reduction in compensable claim costs among larger and smaller employers, respectively. Conclusion: Substantial reductions in workers' compensation claims and costs are possible if employers achieve the injury rates experienced by their safer peers. Practical application: Evaluating the range of workplace injury rates among employers within industry groups identifies opportunities for injury prevention and offers another approach to resource allocation.  相似文献   

简要介绍了印度、德国、美国、加拿大等国矿山事故预防与救护机制,与我国的矿山事故预防和救护机制进行了对比分析,指出我国矿山伤亡事故的严峻形势,提出了我国矿山事故预防与救护的建议,对减少矿山事故、发展矿山经济具有指导意义。  相似文献   

针对目前对道路交通事故的预防研究仍停留于技术装备研发、事故起因分析、预防措施探讨的层面,缺乏从整个体系的层面对道路交通事故预防的内在机制与结构框架进行分析和讨论的现状。笔者提出,沿着事故预防体系规划、事故预防管理、事故预防实施为横向研究轴,以规划、管理、实施各阶段的理论体系、技术体系与管理实施体系为纵向探研轴,并在纵横研究的基础上对各子体系间相互关系及各体系的具体研究内容及框架结构进行了分析讨论,从而从体系框架上对道路交通事故预防的研究内容及层次结构予以搭建界定。该体系的建立为现实道路交通事故预防系统的规划、设计、管理与实施提供了参考与依据。  相似文献   

German employers' liability insurance associations or Berufsgenossenschaften (BGs)--institutions for statutory accident insurance--maintain a measurement system for hazardous substances, the so-called BGMG. The aim of the BGMG is to determine and document valid results of measurements of exposure primarily for prevention purposes. The data are collected systematically, in parallel to the sampling in a company. Parameters which are supposed to have a visible effect on exposure levels are documented. The MEGA database (documentation of measurement data relating to workplace exposure to hazardous substances) holds 1,629 million measurement values, which have been compiled in since 1972. The database offers a host of selection possibilities for assessments depending on the evaluation strategy.  相似文献   

李威君 《安全》2019,40(9):41-45,6
复杂系统事故发生模式具有多样性、不确定性的特点。传统的被动式、以失效因果分析为导向的事故预防模型虽然能够较为有效地防止或者减少同类事故的发生,但无法预防未发生过的新事故,因此并不适用于事故模式多样的复杂系统的事故预防。为了更加系统、全面地降低复杂系统的事故风险,需从更加主动的、前瞻性的视角分析如何使系统保持正常的功能。根据控制系统中的功能约束原理,并以功能分解与共振分析模型(ACAT/FRAM)为建模工具,提出一种主动功能约束视域下的复杂系统事故预防模型。该模型通过将复杂系统进行功能分解与抽象,以闭环控制关系对功能进行耦合关联,得到复杂系统要素的正常功能约束结构。基于该模型的事故预防机制在于保证系统各要素以及要素间的正常功能,据此可制定面向多种事故模式的事故预防措施。  相似文献   

建立工伤保险与事故预防相结合的机制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
工伤保险能否与企业的事故预防工作有机结合,直接影响工伤保险效能的发挥及企业参与工伤保险的积极性。通过国内企业工伤保险现状分析,参照国外发达国家的经验,指出国内企业在工伤保险与工伤预防结合上存在的问题,提出了建立工伤保险与事故预防相结合机制的建议,为本地区、本单位工伤保险的推行和完善提供参考。  相似文献   

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