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This study was to determine the main health-related reasons, age and occupation of those who took early retirement. This was done through an analysis of the data from Poland's Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) from 2000 and 2001. An analysis of these data showed an increase in the number of certificates confirming total inability to work in people over 40 years old. Over 50% of certificates work were issued to workers in 2 age-groups: 45-49 and 50-54. Diseases of the circulatory system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue as well as mental and behavioural disorders are the main causes of early inability to work. Approximately 70% of people who obtained certificates confirming total inability to work had blue- and blue-and-white-collar jobs.  相似文献   

The influx of a large number of women into the workforce involves the need for these women to combine family and work responsibilities. Multiple roles lead to work–family conflict. This study analyzes the influence of work–family conflict on the causes of minor occupational accidents suffered by working women. A survey was done on working women in the Madrid region, who had suffered a minor occupational accident in 2004. The main finding was that nearly half of the women with children considered that the stress and fatigue caused by trying to combine work and family played a part in the accident; 21% of the respondents whose accidents took place while traveling to or from work and 11% the respondents who suffered the accident in the workplace said that family reasons played a part. Additionally, 50% of the women suffered after-effects as a result of the accident; children had to change their routine in almost 1 in 4 cases; nearly a quarter of the respondents said their work situation had been temporarily modified. This point to a need for polices that encourage men and employers to contribute more to solve work–family conflicts.  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling of statements that identify when individuals consider an activity in which one is engaged to be working was conducted on representative samples of the employed labor forces in Belgium, Germany, Japan and the U.S.A. at the time period 1982–1983 and again at the time period 1989–1992. Representative samples of the employed labor forces in East Germany, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Beijing, China were studied at the time period 1991–1992 and were subjected to the same MDS analysis. The results provide empirical support that one hypothesized dimension underlying the way in which people define working ranges from burden/control to social contribution. Individuals who define working in burden/control and/or constraint terms emphasize costs to the individual. Individuals who define working largely in responsibility and exchange terms emphasize reciprocal exchange relations between the individual and the organization/society. Individuals who define working largely in social contribution terms emphasize the social benefits of working. The work definition structures in each of the four countries with replication samples are quite stable over time. In total, the work definition responses of over 18,000 individuals were studied.  相似文献   

The environmental safety of an underground mine depends strongly on its ventilation system. An efficient ventilation system provides fresh air, removes hazardous gases and dust, and maintains the temperature and humidity at appropriate levels. One of the most important factors in removing hazardous gases and dust is the dispersion behaviour in the mine network. This factor determines the longitudinal spreading and the average air residence time of gases or particulate matter throughout the mine. This paper describes tracer gas measurement in an underground mine and the utilisation and analysis of the dispersion characteristics using numerical simulations. The concentration–time curve obtained from the measurement is simulated to evaluate the effective diffusion coefficient that reflects the general dispersion characteristic of an entire mine. The evaluated values of effective diffusion coefficient are then compared to other data from several studies. The diffusivities obtained in this study were higher than other analytical and empirical results. More research is still required to identify the main factors causing such higher diffusivities. However, the results from the present work can be an important standpoint for future work. Numerical simulation conducted in this research was confirmed to be effective in detecting several leakage paths occurring in the mine ventilation network.  相似文献   

This study developed a moderated mediation model to investigate how family‐supportive paid leave and supervision affect employees' satisfaction with work–family balance and in turn their affective organizational commitment and supervisor‐directed organizational citizenship behavior depending on their perceived insider status in the organization. Our analysis of data collected from 118 employee–supervisor dyads in Korean organizations revealed that satisfaction with work–family balance mediated the linkages from family‐supportive supervision to affective organizational commitment and supervisor‐directed organizational citizenship behavior, and the linkage from family‐supportive paid leave to affective organizational commitment. Results further showed that the entire mediational process for family‐supportive supervision was more pronounced for those who perceived themselves to be an insider of their organizations, while the same pattern was not found for the meditational process related to family‐supportive paid leave. Our findings provide theoretical implications for work–family balance research and offer practical suggestions to make employees satisfied with work–family balance.  相似文献   

With rapid development of social economies, road traffic accidents (RTAs) have continued to increase, and have become the "primary public hazard" to humans. Road traffic trauma (RTT) is a major cause of death in young people of all motorized countries. This article reviews the current advances in RTT research, in order to find some approaches to improving traffic administration and reducing RTAs and RTT. All available data were collected from government, literature, our own research, and conference proceedings. Statistical analysis from every country showed that human factors were still the main cause of RTAs, accounting for more than 90%. Vehicle and road factors caused 3-5% and less than 2% of the total RTAs, respectively. Approximately 85% of RTAs were caused by 21 to 45-year-olds. About 50% of deaths due to RTAs in the United States were related to drinking. In China, RTAs due to driver drinking accounted for 0.29-1.48%. About 6-8% of drivers were prone to RTA, causing 30-40% of RTAs. Seat belts are an effective way to prevent casualties, reducing mortality and morbidity by 13-50%. In China, about 70% of RTAs were related to bicycles. Prehospital emergency treatment is very important. About 35% of deaths may be avoided if the injured receive early and effective treatment. From 1983 to 1992 the mortality of RTT increased by 13% in 18 developing countries, while it decreased by 18% in 13 developed countries, indicating the importance of comprehensive treatment of traffic administration. In addition many advances have been made in basic scientific research of RTT, such as development of serial bioimpact machines and investigation of biomechanical and biochemical mechanisms of impact injuries. In this century, RTAs and RTT are predicted to continue to increase in many countries, especially in developing ones. Full cooperation and comprehensive treatment should be performed in order to improve traffic safety.  相似文献   

Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trend of occupational injuries in Turkey using epidemiologic criteria such as incidence mortality and fatality/all injuries recorded – rates. Materials and methods. Safety and health data were obtained from the Annual Statistic Books of the Social Insurance Institution (1988–2006) and Social Security Institution (2007–2011) of Turkey. Results. The results from the official data showed that although total employment is increasing the number of occupational injuries and incidence and mortality rates are decreasing. The results also demonstrate that occupational fatality/all injuries recorded – rate is increasing. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate per 1000 injuries increased to 25.5 in 2011 from 8.6 in 1988. Each work day an average of five people died because of occupational injuries. Discussion and conclusions. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate (the number of fatal cases per 1000 occupational injuries) is an important indicator of the injury rate for a country. Systems of occupational injury and illness surveillance constitute a critical resource for the management and reduction of occupational injuries and illness.  相似文献   

Designing fall arrest systems, which contain horizontal flexible anchor lines is an important technical problem related to the safety of people who work at a height and need horizontal freedom of movement. The article presents a numerical simulation of the dynamic performance of horizontal flexible anchor lines during fall arrest. The model of a 2-component system—a horizontal flexible anchor line and a falling rigid mass, described with a second order non-linear differential equation—is the main element of this method. This method of simulation is realised by a computer program, which allows obtaining the most important data characterising a fall arrest. The article shows laboratory tests used for the verification of this method, which turned out to be a valuable source of information and which can be used for designing fall arrest systems.  相似文献   

公钥基础设施(PKI)应用中的信任问题与安全解决方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详细论述受信证书链的替换原理、方法和过程,及其引发的用户错误受信问题。通过分析得到安全证书链的长度为小于3,但由于实际应用的业务需要和安全性需要,证书链的长度通常至少为3。最后针对上述问题给出了一种安全解决方案,通过结合存储用户个人证书的USBKEY硬件设备,采用物理信任点代替逻辑信任点来防止受信证书的替换,为用户构建安全可靠的网络信任环境。  相似文献   

煤炭企业粉尘控制现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用典型抽样的方法选择具有粉尘危害的5个煤炭企业作为研究现场;调查对象包括企业负责人、接尘人员、职业病防制人员、工程技术人员及粉尘监测人员。调查内容包括企业的基本情况,粉尘防治的制度和措施,接尘工人对粉尘防治知识的知信行等。调查方式为问卷调查,定性访谈和查阅档案等方式。用Epidata 3.0建立数据库,以SAS 8.0进行统计学分析。结果发现,随着诊断年代的推移,新发尘肺病例Ⅰ期所占比例呈逐渐增大趋势。各类人员对粉尘危害及其可预防性有一定程度的认识;对基本防尘措施认识程度高;对国家相关法规认识程度低。在所调查的478名接尘人员中,只有59.4%的人知道发过宣传材料。接尘人员个人防护用品使用率为72.6%,而且每次都使用者不到总人数的1/2,防护用品的舒适性差是其不使用的主要原因。企业中仍有18.8%的职工没做过岗前体检。所调查的五个煤矿防尘设施较为完备,运转情况基本良好,但防尘效果一般。粉尘浓度监测工作开展不规范,企业粉尘管理工作不完善,存在粉尘危害及预防知识的宣传力度不够、职业健康体检体系不健全、防尘措施不到位、粉尘浓度监测可能存在漏洞等问题,在粉尘管理方面仍需采取相应措施。  相似文献   

The authors tested the proposition that identification with the work role and engagement in the work role constitute different aspects of a general commitment to work. Whereas work centrality (a strictly normative attitude) represents the extent to which a person identifies with the work role, work alienation (an affect‐inclusive attitude) represents the extent to which a person is engaged in the work role. Predicated on these conceptual distinctions, the authors tested whether work centrality and work alienation exhibited theoretically‐meaningful, differential correlations with six variables reflecting various work‐related commitments. Using data from 349 employed individuals, the results of Hotelling–Williams t tests revealed that, compared to work alienation, work centrality had stronger correlations with Protestant work ethic and leisure ethic. In contrast, compared to work centrality, work alienation was more strongly correlated with work locus of control, work self‐discipline, and affective organizational commitment. Work centrality and work alienation did not differ in their correlations with job involvement–role. Taken together, the results suggest that people who are highly committed to work not only identify with the work role, they are also engaged in the work role. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

胡玉霞 《环境与发展》2020,(1):168-168,170
随着我国城市化及工业化进程的不断加快,给我们的经济带来了飞速的发展的同时,也给我们生产生活环境带来了污染。土壤污染、空气污染和水污染等污染问题极大的降低了我们的生活品质,给人们的身体健康埋下了安全隐患。因此,在当今社会中,对于环境保护的问题越来越受到大家的关注和重视。而环境监测工作和数据是环境治理的一个重要参考依据,环境监测工作对于能否做好环境管理有着十分重要的意义。本文就当前环境监测存在的一部分问题影响环境管理的情况进行简要分析。  相似文献   

由于Adhoc网络的无线分布和自组织特性 ,使得网络安全显得更为脆弱 ;同时由于Adhoc网络的无中心和计算性能受限特性 ,使得安全体系难以布设。笔者分析了传统CA体系和分布式CA体系各自的优缺点 ,提出了一种用于Adhoc网络的新型混合式CA服务体系。该混合式CA服务体系把证书颁发和证书管理分开 ,一方面具有了传统CA体系的安全性 ,另一方面减轻了Adhoc网络的计算负荷。同时对分布式证书管理中的证书撤销、证书验证、表的维护和更新作了详细的分析 ,并利用可信度系数α对证书的可信性进行描述 ,增加了分布式证书管理的可靠性和灵活性。  相似文献   

A series of medium-scale experiments on vented hydrogen deflagration was carried out at the KIT test side in a chamber of 1 × 1 × 1 m3 size with different vent areas. The experimental program was divided in three series: (1) uniform hydrogen–air mixtures; (2) stratified hydrogen–air mixtures within the enclosure; (3) a layer deflagration of uniform mixture. Different uniform hydrogen–air mixtures from 7 to 18% hydrogen were tested with variable vent areas 0.01–1.0 m2. One test was done for rich mixture with 50% H2. To vary a gradient of concentration, all the experiments with a stratified hydrogen–air mixtures had about 4%H2 at the bottom and 10 to 25% H2 at the top of the enclosure. Measurement system consisted of a set of pressure sensors and thermocouples inside and outside the enclosure. Four cameras combined with a schlieren system (BOS) for visual observation of combustion process through transparent sidewalls were used. Four experiments were selected as benchmark experiments to compare them with four times larger scale FM Global tests (Bauwens et al., 2011) and to provide experimental data for further CFD modelling. The nature of external explosion leading to the multiple pressure peak structure was investigated in details. Current work addresses knowledge gaps regarding indoor hydrogen accumulations and vented deflagrations. The experiments carried out within this work attend to contribute the data for improved criteria for hydrogen–air mixture and enclosure parameters to avoid unacceptable explosion overpressure. Based on theoretical analysis and current experimental data a further vent sizing technology for hydrogen deflagrations in confined spaces should be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of hydrogen–air mixture deflagrations in presence of obstacles, concentration gradients of hydrogen–air mixtures, dimensions of a layer of flammable cloud, vent inertia, etc.  相似文献   

Objectives: Understanding how lower extremity injuries from automotive intrusion and underbody blast (UBB) differ is of key importance when determining whether automotive injury criteria can be applied to blast rate scenarios. This article provides a review of existing injury risk analyses and outlines an approach to improve injury prediction for an expanded range of loading rates. This analysis will address issues with existing injury risk functions including inaccuracies due to inertial and potential viscous resistance at higher loading rates.

Methods: This survival analysis attempts to minimize these errors by considering injury location statistics and a predictor variable selection process dependent upon failure mechanisms of bone. Distribution of foot/ankle/leg injuries induced by axial impact loading at rates characteristic of UBB as well as automotive intrusion was studied and calcaneus injuries were found to be the most common injury; thus, footplate force was chosen as the main predictor variable because of its proximity to injury location to prevent inaccuracies associated with inertial differences due to loading rate. A survival analysis was then performed with age, sex, dorsiflexion angle, and mass as covariates. This statistical analysis uses data from previous axial postmortem human surrogate (PMHS) component leg tests to provide perspectives on how proximal boundary conditions and loading rate affect injury probability in the foot/ankle/leg (n = 82).

Results: Tibia force-at-fracture proved to be up to 20% inaccurate in previous analyses because of viscous resistance and inertial effects within the data set used, suggesting that previous injury criteria are accurate only for specific rates of loading and boundary conditions. The statistical model presented in this article predicts 50% probability of injury for a plantar force of 10.2 kN for a 50th percentile male with a neutral ankle position. Force rate was found to be an insignificant covariate because of the limited range of loading rate differences within the data set; however, compensation for inertial effects caused by measuring the force-at-fracture in a location closer to expected injury location improved the model's predictive capabilities for the entire data set.

Conclusions: This study provides better injury prediction capabilities for both automotive and blast rates because of reduced sensitivity to inertial effects and tibia–fibula load sharing. Further, a framework is provided for future injury criteria generation for high rate loading scenarios. This analysis also suggests key improvements to be made to existing anthropomorphic test device (ATD) lower extremities to provide accurate injury prediction for high rate applications such as UBB.  相似文献   

ProblemReports of incidents in dangerous work environments can be analysed to identify common hazards, in turn aiding in the prevention of future accidents. Whilst studies exist that do this, most focus on causes that involve physical risks. In this paper we propose an alternative approach, and illustrate causes of forestry incidents from the perspective of worker-failure and fatigue. Method This paper outlines the analysis of eight years’ worth of New Zealand forestry incident data, with a focus on the cause of, and time that, incidents occur. Results This has resulted in two main findings. First, 70% of incidents can be attributed, at least in part, to worker-failures. Second, 78% of worker-failure based causes show indications of fatigue. This indicates that a significant number of forestry incidents are caused by worker-fatigue. Finally, this dataset showed inconsistencies in data quality, similar to those that exist in other datasets. This did not affect our analysis. However, these types of errors have the potential to affect the data quality in the national reporting system. Impact on industry The results from this study will be used in a larger project on detecting fatigue in forestry workers for injury and incident prevention. It is also our hope that other researchers may find these results of interest for further fatigue prevention research in hazardous industries.  相似文献   

Incidents at U.S. onshore hazardous liquid pipeline systems were analyzed with an emphasis on natural hazards. Incidents triggered by natural hazards (natechs) were identified by keyword-based data mining and expert review supplemented by various data sources. The analysis covered about 7000 incidents in 1986–2012, 3800 of which were regarded as significant based on their consequences. 5.5% of all and 6.2% of the significant incidents were found to be natechs that resulted in a total hazardous substance release of 317,700 bbl. Although there is no trend in the long-term yearly occurrence of significant natechs, importance is found to be increasing due to the overall decreasing trend of the incidents. Meteorological hazards triggered 36% of the significant natechs, followed by geological and climatic hazards with 26% and 24%. While they occurred less frequently, hydrological hazards caused the highest amount of release which is about 102,000 bbl. The total economic cost of significant natechs was 597 million USD, corresponding to about 18% of all incident costs in the same period. More than 50% of this cost was due to meteorological hazards, mainly tropical cyclones. Natech vulnerabilities of the system parts vary notably with respect to natural hazard types. For some natural hazards damage is limited possibly due to implemented protection measures. The geographical distribution of the natechs indicated that they occurred more in some states, such as Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. About 50% of the releases was to the ground, followed by water bodies with 28%. Significant consequences to human health were not observed although more than 20% of the incidents resulted in fires. In general, the study indicated that natural hazards are a non-negligible threat to the onshore hazardous liquid pipeline network in the U.S. It also highlighted problems such as underreporting of natural hazards as incident causes, data completeness, and explicit data limitations.  相似文献   

Dynamic risk assessment using failure assessment and Bayesian theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To ensure the safety of a process system, engineers use different methods to identify the potential hazards that may cause severe consequences. One of the most popular methods used is quantitative risk assessment (QRA) which quantifies the risk associated with a particular process activity. One of QRA's major disadvantages is its inability to update risk during the life of a process. As the process operates, abnormal events will result in incidents and near misses. These events are often called accident precursors. A conventional QRA process is unable to use the accident precursor information to revise the risk profile. To overcome this, a methodology has been proposed based on the work of Meel and Seider (2006). Similar to Meel and Seider (2006) work, this methodology uses Bayesian theory to update the likelihood of the event occurrence and also failure probability of the safety system. In this paper the proposed methodology is outlined and its application is demonstrated using a simple case study. First, potential accident scenarios are identified and represented in terms of an event tree, next, using the event tree and available failure data end-state probabilities are estimated. Subsequently, using the available accident precursor data, safety system failure likelihood and event tree end-state probabilities are revised. The methodology has been simulated using deterministic (point value) as well as probabilistic approach. This Methodology is applied to a case study demonstrating a storage tank containing highly hazardous chemicals. The comparison between conventional QRA and the results from dynamic failure assessment approach shows the significant deviation in system failure frequency throughout the life time of the process unit.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This paper analyzes the effect on road safety of 95 roundabouts that were built in Flanders between 1994 and 1999. RESULTS: The study shows that the effect on the number and severity of road accidents adjusted for the trend and regression to the mean is significant, but varies considerably in accordance with the speed limit regime on the intersection. Roundabouts are most effective on intersections of a main road with a high speed limit (90 km/h) and an adjacent road with a lower speed limit (50 or 70 km/h). The empirical analysis reveals a reduction of 34% (varying between 15% and 59%) for the total number of injury accidents, 30% (7%-45%) for light injury accidents, and 38% (27%-72%) for serious injury accidents. This study also takes a closer look at the impact of different post-implementation periods using accident data of 1-, 3-, or 6-years after the construction of a roundabout on the calculated effectiveness results and warns for a severe underestimation when a one-year period is used. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: An effective traffic safety policy based on scientific results thus requires some patience from the policy-makers.  相似文献   

Activation of back musculature during work tasks leads to fatigue and potential injury. This is especially prevalent in dentists who perform much of their work from a seated position. We examined the use of an ergonomic dental stool with mid-sternum chest support for reducing lower back muscle activation. Electromyography of lower back extensors was assessed from 30 dental students for 20?s during three conditions in random order: (a) sitting upright at 90° of hip flexion on a standard stool, (b) leaning forward at 80° of hip flexion on a standard stool, and (c) leaning forward at 80° of hip flexion while sitting on an ergonomic stool. Muscular activity of the back extensors was reduced when using the ergonomic stool compared to the standard stool, by 33–50% (p?相似文献   

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