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Many thousands of tonnes of asbestos were used in buildings in the past, especially for thermal insulation of pipes and boilers in power plants. Occupational exposure to asbestos dust now mainly occurs during demolition, renovation and routine maintenance activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate occupational exposure to airborne asbestos during renovation of solid oil-shale fuelled power plants carried out in 2001-2003. Air monitoring inside and outside of the renovation area was performed. The concentration of airborne fibres in the working environment increased during renovation but the valid limit value (0.1 fibres/cm(3)) was not exceeded.  相似文献   

Exposure to methyl methacrylate (MMA), total dust and health symptoms were investigated in 20 dental laboratories located in Tehran, Iran. Time-weighted average (TWA) of MMA and peak concentrations were determined, using XAD-2 tubes followed by GC-ID analysis. Total dusts were evaluated gravimetrically. Health symptoms were asked using a questionnaire. TWA for technicians with direct and indirect exposure to MMA were 327.28 ± 79.42 and 282.9 ± 41.84 mg/m3 , respectively. Peak concentration of MMA for those technicians were 337.0 ± 36.81 and 328.88 ± 45.40 mg/m3, respectively.

There were no significant differences between TWA of MMA and peak concentration in different weekly workdays; however, within-day variations were observed (P < .05).

TWA of MMA and peak concentration correlation with the laboratory volume were 0.61-0.65. Dust exposure of technicians was 2.35 ± 2.70 mg/m3. Cough and skin dryness were the common health symptoms. Smoking and asbestos exposure history were factors influencing cough prevalence (p < .05).

It is concluded that the current Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is not low enough to protect technicians against the adverse effects caused by MMA.  相似文献   

国内给水厂常规工艺改造的必要性和措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前城市给水厂水质现状与存在问题进行讨论,分析现有常规工艺改造的主要措施,阐明我国给水厂常规工艺改造的必要性。  相似文献   

周巍  姚斌 《火灾科学》2018,27(1):23-29
生产企业常在电缆或者贵重高危机器处设置防火布来保护生产设备设施的消防安全,选取五种常用的防火布:石棉纤维防火布、陶瓷纤维防火布、硅胶防火布、涂胶防火布、碳素纤维防火布,通过锥形量热仪实验研究不同辐射强度对防火布燃烧性能的影响。结果表明:点燃时间的均方根倒数与辐射强度之间呈现线性关系;在35 kW/m~2辐射强度工况下,碳素纤维防火布的热释放速率最大,达到272.59 kW/m~2,有效燃烧热的峰值也最大,达到529.52 kJ/g;综合比较各样品的燃烧性能,防火能力强弱顺序为:硅胶防火布石棉纤维防火布陶瓷纤维防火布碳素纤维防火布涂胶防火布。  相似文献   

为评估煤电行业从业人员因遭受职业危害暴露引起的健康负担大小,根据工作暴露矩阵法对燃煤发电职业暴露程度进行估算,利用健康效应分析和伤残调整寿命年指标构建燃煤发电职业暴露健康负担评价体系,实现职业暴露健康负担的量化评价。将所构建的评价体系应用于3个燃煤电厂进行对比分析,结果表明:各类危害因素中,粉尘所致健康危害最大,人均健康负担约为8.861 a;各生产环节中,运输煤系统所致健康影响最大,约占整个生产过程的45.53%。  相似文献   

Safety issues related to work-site conditions often deal with potential worker exposure to infectious airborne microorganisms due to their dissemination in indoor air and contamination of surfaces. Germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) radiation is used in health-care settings and other occupational environments for microbial inactivation. In this study, a new methodology for determining the efficiency of GUV microbial inactivation of surfaces was developed and evaluated. The method utilizes identical chambers in which test microorganisms are irradiated on agar surfaces at different humidity and irradiation intensity levels. The effects of GUV intensity and exposure time on microbial inactivation were examined for Micrococcus luteus and Serratia marcescens. It was found that at low humidity levels (20–25%) both organisms can be inactivated with at least 95% efficiency if the GUV intensity exceeds 50 μW/cm2 for at least 3-5 min (corresponding to a dose of ~ 10 mJ/cm2). The radiation dose needed for effective inactivation of S. marcescens, as measured by a UV meter near the microbial sample, was found not to be affected by the humidity level, whereas that of M. luteus increased at higher humidities. The findings of this study can be used to determine sufficient GUV inactivation doses for occupational environments with various microbial contaminations.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results and conclusions from experimental investigations concerning filtration properties of nonwovens. The needled nonwovens were made from polyester fibres (PTE) with average fibre diameter 12 µm and polypropylene fibres (PP) with average fibre diameter 32 μm. Nonwovens were produced out of each of those fibres or out of a mixture of polyester and polypropylene fibres. This paper also presents investigations of nonwoven fabric made of polypropylene fibres (PP) with average fibre diameter 2.6 μm, which was formed according to melt-blown technology. Oil mist, as challenge aerosol, was used to evaluate the performance of filter media at various aerosol velocities. The average oil mist test aerosol particle diameter was 0.3 μm. Filter penetration was measured at oil mist concentration 0.24 g/m3.  相似文献   

热浮力罩是焦化厂推焦作业时重要的环保设备,由于种种原因,该设备的运行很难达到设计目标,武钢焦化公司针对以上情况对该公司2台热浮力罩进行了设备改造,并修改了电气控制线路,使该设备可以正常工作,对该公司的改造过程及相关问题展开讨论,并着重讨论电气自动控制系统的改进。  相似文献   

为深入评估砖木旧工业厂房改造加固的脆弱性,经过基础理论研究与调研,运用VSD模型(vulnerability scoping diagram)结合该系统4项构成要素,即协同管理、结构特点、施工环境、技术方法,以交叉矩阵形式分析系统脆弱性影响因素。通过SPSS软件进行可靠性检验从而筛选指标,构建以暴露性、敏感性、适应性为核心的评估指标体系。利用熵值法求得指标权重后,结合某砖木结构厂房实例,依据云模型方法建立脆弱性评估模型,运用MATLAB软件计算指标参数,从而量化指标的不确定性。评估结果识别出保护性拆除方案、抗震构件的设置和保护性修复政策3个最脆弱因素及相应控制最有效的3个关键因素,相比灰色关联分析结果更具优越性,为今后旧工业厂房改造加固工程的施工管控提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Exposure to methyl methacrylate (MMA), total dust and health symptoms were investigated in 20 dental laboratories located in Tehran, Iran. Time-weighted average (TWA) of MMA and peak concentrations were determined, using XAD-2 tubes followed by GC-FID analysis. Total dusts were evaluated gravimetrically. Health symptoms were asked using a questionnaire. TWA for technicians with direct and indirect exposure to MMA were 327.28 +/- 79.42 and 282.9 +/- 41.84 mg/m3, respectively. Peak concentration of MMA for those technicians were 337.0 +/- 36.81 and 328.88 +/- 45.40 mg/m3, respectively. There were no significant differences between TWA of MMA and peak concentration in different weekly workdays; however, within-day variations were observed (P < .05). TWA of MMA and peak concentration correlation with the laboratory volume were 0.61-0.65. Dust exposure of technicians was 2.35 +/- 2.70 mg/m3. Cough and skin dryness were the common health symptoms. Smoking and asbestos exposure history were factors influencing cough prevalence (p < .05). It is concluded that the current Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is not low enough to protect technicians against the adverse effects caused by MMA.  相似文献   

石棉纤维对人体健康有不良影响,可致肺纤维化、肺癌、胸膜间皮瘤、胸膜斑等。目前世界上多数国家特别是发达国家都倾向于逐渐削减石棉的使用量以至禁止使用,而我国是石棉生产和使用大国,因此研究我国石棉粉尘危害情况对促进我国经济发展和预防职业病的发生具有重要意义。本文在对全国重点企业重点行业石棉加工企业充分调研的基础上,对石棉粉尘的区域危害状况、行业危害状况和不同生产环节的危害状况进行对比分析,分析了目前我国石棉粉尘危害的地区分布特征、行业分布特征以及主要工艺环节分布特征,并指出了石棉粉尘危害比较严重的地区、行业和生产环节,分析了上述地区、行业、生产环节石棉粉尘危害情况严重的的主要原因,并初步探讨了石棉粉尘的防护措施。  相似文献   

综述了空气微生物的采样方法和群落解析方法,并着重从时空变化规律、特殊事件的影响、来源和环境因子的关系这4个方面对空气细菌的研究进展进行了详细的介绍,展望了空气微生物研究的方向,以期为空气微生物领域相关的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为探究氢能电站火灾爆炸事故发展规律,采用多米诺效应对电站进行事故概率和风险研究,建立氢能电站多米诺效应定量风险分析模型。基于设备受损概率模型与多米诺理论基础,提出氢能电站多米诺效应概率计算方法,并将方法运用到实际案例,结合SAFETI软件对具体多米诺事故场景进行定量计算。研究结果表明:氢能电站易发生多米诺事故,考虑一级多米诺效应后人员潜在死亡概率增加56%。研究结果可为制定氢能电站安全防控措施以及降低火灾爆炸事故对人员和设备的危害提供依据。  相似文献   

日本、韩国、东盟与我国石棉危害预防控制现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了日本、韩国、东盟各国以及我国石棉危害预防控制工作的现状,提出我国当前形势下应开展石棉危害现状的调研,研究建立石棉使用的许可管理制度,加强温石棉及其替代品危害性研究,并加强有关领域石棉危害预防控制法规政策的制定。  相似文献   

为了给污水处理厂微生物气溶胶的健康风险评价提供定量依据,于2011年6—7月利用Andersen 6级撞击式空气微生物采样仪对西安市第三污水处理厂氧化沟单元内不同距离处的细菌气溶胶进行现场采样,利用平皿培养和菌落计数对细菌进行分析。选用适于我国国情的暴露因子参数,建立暴露风险评价模型,对污水处理厂的工人及周围居民的健康风险进行评价。评价点的细菌气溶胶浓度采用修正的高斯模型计算。结果表明,呼吸吸入是人体(儿童和成人)摄入微生物气溶胶的主要途径,暴露非致癌风险商随距离的增加而逐渐降低。同种途径在同样位置,儿童的风险商是成年男性或成年女性的2~3倍。经呼吸途径的风险商从大到小为儿童、成年男性、成年女性,经皮肤接触途径的风险商从大到小为儿童、成年女性、成年男性。  相似文献   

我国石棉的安全性分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
石棉作为当今社会应用极为广泛的建筑材料与人们接触密切。我国现在不仅有一百多万人直接从事与石棉相关的行业,而且几乎所有的房屋建筑中都不同程度的使用含有石棉成分的建筑材料。有害石棉纤维一旦进入人体很难去除,并且导致间皮瘤、石棉肺等潜伏期长、治愈率低、死亡率高的多种疾病。正视石棉及其制品存在的安全隐患,正确对待和处理人类与石棉的关系,是实现石棉的可持续利用的保证。本文从石棉的开采、加工、使用、拆除、废弃处理处置等各个环节以及各环节间的运输入手,分析石棉对环境的安全隐患,结合国内外石棉行业的现状,提出符合我国国情的石棉对策建议。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍欧盟及其成员国有关石棉的法律法规,阐述了如何对接触石棉带来的风险进行识别、评估和管理,并提出了建筑维修中石棉安全与防护措施。  相似文献   

Today, the world's energy needs are still supplied mainly from fossil fuel based resources. This is true for electricity generation as well, thus making the power sector responsible for 45% of greenhouse gas emissions. The present climate crisis has made it necessary to minimise emissions in power generation, with low-carbon energy sources taking on greater significance in recent years. However, most low-carbon sources have inherent problems, like intermittency and high capital expenditure. A suitable alternative is carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology which allows continued fossil fuel-based electricity generation at much lower rates of emission. Two approaches are possible in the deployment of CCS technology. The first is to introduce new power plants equipped for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, while systematically shutting down existing coal power plants. Another is to retrofit existing power plants for CO2 capture. These approaches are compared in this work. The study shows that allowing CCS retrofitting of existing power plants can reduce the overall cost requirement significantly. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is also done to study the effect of nuclear energy on the overall energy mix.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and monitoring are the major tasks of an operator in main control room of nuclear power plants (NPPs). The operator’s mental workload influences his/her performance, and furthermore, affects the system safety and operations. This study investigated the operator’s mental workload and work performance of the NPP in Taiwan. An experiment including primary and secondary tasks was designed to simulate the reactor shutdown procedure of the fourth nuclear power plant (FNPP). The performance of the secondary tasks (error rate), subjective mental workload (NASA Task Load Index, NASA-TLX) as well as seven physiological indices were assessed and measured. The group method of data handling (GMDH) was applied to integrate these physiological indices to develop a work performance predictive model. The validity of the proposed model is very well with R2 = 0.84 and its prediction capability is high (95% confidence interval). The proposed model is expected to provide control room operators a reference value of their work performance by giving physiological indices. Besides NPPs, the proposed model can be applied to many other fields, e.g. aviation, air transportation control, driving and radar vigilance, etc.  相似文献   

Widespread chemical plants render human life more vulnerable to major natural disasters such as earthquakes. Recognizing the potential cascading threats initiated by a devastating earthquake, a general methodology for assessing the life loss risks introduced by airborne hazardous chemical dispersion following seismically induced chemical release (SICR) was proposed. With a 600 km × 600 km region in North China as a demonstrative study area, the dispersion of ammonia released from multiple relevant chemical plants that were supposed to be damaged by a devastating earthquake was simulated in a probabilistic manner. Using an ammonia toxicity-fatality relationship and its toxicity concentration threshold, regional life loss and spatial spread were evaluated. The life loss risk was found to be non-prominent but would be very contingent on unfavorable meteorological conditions. Non-parametric correlation analysis revealed that the respective effects of meteorological mixing parameters on the risk exhibit new features in a disaster context, that is, stronger mixing would cause elevation of risk in a region. This preliminary research implied that the risk of chemical-induced life loss after a devastating earthquake deserves attention and a thorough uncertainty evaluation in the future.  相似文献   

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