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The aim of this study was to investigate the synergistic effects of physical demands and shift working on low back disorders (LBDs) among nursing personnel. The study used 2 questionnaires: a self-administered questionnaire composed of parts of Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire to assess LBDs and job content questionnaire to assess physical demands. The participants were divided into 4 groups: from group 1 (low physical demands day workers) to group 4 (high physical demands shift workers). In regression analysis, high physical demands were associated with the prevalence of LBDs independently (OR 4.4, 95% CI [2.40, 8.00] and p < .05), but there was no association between shift working and LBDs (p > .05). Odds ratio in high physical demands shift workers was 9.33 compared to the reference group (p < .001). Calculated synergistic index was 7.37. Simultaneous impacts of shift working and high physical demands may increase the prevalence of LBDs among nursing personnel.  相似文献   

This study involves performing improvements in workstation specification using a three-dimensional human modeling tool and proposing well-balanced work scheduling (WBWS) to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in a small manufacturing plant. To analyze risk factors of WMSDs, various tasks at 10 different types of workstation were evaluated with detailed motion analysis using a customized checklist. Questionnaires were administered to 27 workers to evaluate symptoms related to WMSDs. Revised workstation specifications were suggested based on anthropometric characteristics of workers using before–after analyses as an engineering control. Additionally, WBWS was proposed as an administrative control to avoid continuous physical stress on specific body parts in repetitive tasks. A software tool for WBWS was developed for convenient and easy application. The results of the study may aid managers in applying ergonomic interventions with time and cost savings, and enhance worker satisfaction and motivation due to improvements in working conditions to prevent WMSDs.  相似文献   


The discussion developed in this paper is based on the results of an ergonomic work analysis carried out with attendants at call centers. Some critical issues and difficulties, like working pace, inadequate tools and workstations, and software inadequacies were detected in working situations. Operator-customer interactions are presented, attempting to put in evidence working constraints, working conditions, and their connection with health problems.

The main conclusion is that serving clients, especially when the job is to provide information, is not a simple task, as information is not always available in the computerized system and is completely fragmented. The scope of workers’ actions is very restricted and complicated and recurrent requests are redirected to others. Workers (individually or as groups) have limited possibilities to make adjustments to be able to give more adequate and personalized treatment to clients and, at the same time, to work in a less stressful environment. In periods of increased workload and work intensification, the situation is very much favorable to the incidence of health disorders, such as work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) and others. Some suggestions to improve the work situation are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study and identify ergonomic deficiencies in computer workstation design in typical offices. Physical measurements and a questionnaire were used to study 40 workstations. Major ergonomic deficiencies were found in physical design and layout of the workstations, employee postures, work practices, and training. The consequences in terms of user health and other problems were significant. Forty-five percent of the employees used nonadjustable chairs, 48% of computers faced windows, 90% of the employees used computers more than 4 hrs/day, 45% of the employees adopted bent and unsupported back postures, and 20% used office tables for computers. Major problems reported were eyestrain (58%), shoulder pain (45%), back pain (43%), arm pain (35%), wrist pain (30%), and neck pain (30%). These results indicated serious ergonomic deficiencies in office computer workstation design, layout, and usage. Strategies to reduce or eliminate ergonomic deficiencies in computer workstation design were suggested.  相似文献   

A random sample of 1 000 subjects (20–65 years old) from the national population of Sweden received a questionnaire; 70% (n = 695) replied, of whom 532 were occupationally active. Female gender, working with neck and/or body bent forward, arms above shoulders, and precision work tasks were predictors of musculoskeletal symptoms. Neck, shoulder, and upper back symptoms were more common in a strained situation at work (high demands, low control) (adjusted odds ratios [adjOR] 2.76, 2.80, and 2.26, respectively). Among females, neck and shoulder symptoms were more common in an iso-strain situation (high demands, low control and low social support) (adjOR 4.43 and 3.69, respectively), and low back symptoms were more common at low social support combined with a passive work situation (adjOR 3.35). No associations were found between iso-strain model and symptoms among males. In conclusion, iso-strain work situation was associated with neck symptoms among females, even when controlling for ergonomic factors.  相似文献   

Background. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are injuries and disorders that affect the body’s movement and musculoskeletal system. Awkward postures represent one of the major ergonomic risk factors that cause WMSDs among sonographers while working with an ultrasound transducer. This study aimed to design and evaluate a new holder for the ultrasound transducer. Materials and methods. In the first phase a new holder was designed for the transducer, considering design principles. Evaluation of the new holder was then carried out by electrogoniometry and a locally perceived discomfort (LPD) scale. Results. The application of design principles to the new holder resulted in an improvement of wrist posture and comfort. Wrist angles in extension, flexion, radial deviation and ulnar deviation were lower with utilization of the new holder. The severity of discomfort based on the LPD method in the two modes of work with and without the new holder was reported with values of 1.3 and 1.8, respectively (p?<?0.05). Conclusion. Overall, this study indicated that applying ergonomics design principles was effective in minimizing wrist deviation and increasing comfort while working with the new holder.  相似文献   

安全人机工效实验室规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全人机工效学是安全工程科学的重要组成部分,而安全人机工效实验是该学科研究的重要基础,安全人机工效实验围绕作业环境与作业活动模拟、作业人员心理、生理、劳动负荷等参数变化需要通过大量实验进行研究,因此有必要建立基础性、综合性、开放性与动态性相结合的人机工效实验室。通过国内外调研,根据初步规划研究建立基础测量、虚拟仿真与监测、心理与行为分析、综合评估等4个实验室,可初步形成安全人机工效实验研究平台,为进一步实现安全与健康并重安全工程研究提供良好的基础条件。  相似文献   

Objectives. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are prevalent among airline baggage handlers due to manual materials handling. In this study, the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire (NMQ), the revised National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) lifting equation, and the University of Michigan 3D Static Strength Prediction Program? (3DSSPP) were used to analyze MSDs among baggage handlers. Methods. The NMQ was filled out by 209 baggage handlers and 46 arbitrarily selected baggage handlers were evaluated using the NIOSH method and 3DSSPP. Results. The obtained results showed that the most common MSDs occurred in the lower back region. The next risky regions included knees, neck, and upper back, respectively. The NIOSH results confirmed that the subjects lifted loads heavier than the permitted limit and their lifting postures were inappropriate. The results of the 3DSSPP also indicated that compression forces exceeded the NIOSH limit in these awkward postures. Conclusions. Relying on this study, holding compulsory ergonomic lifting training courses could be proposed for workers and regulations adjusting an upper limit for maximum baggage weight must be also enacted in order to improve occupational health and prevent the prevalence of increasing MSDs.  相似文献   

This study looked into the risk factors to musculoskeletal disorders and established anthropometric measurements of Filipino workers in 29 manufacturing industries. Anthropometric measurements of 1,805 workers were taken, and 495 workers were surveyed. Limitation of motion was found in 0.8% of the respondents, affectation in activities of daily living was seen in 1.6% and 3.2% felt discomfort in the head and neck. Upper trunk and low back pain was experienced by 23.8%. Odds ratio results (p = .05) showed that it is 29 times likely for workers to develop low back pain when they stand for 2-8 hrs a day than when they sit all the time. Anthropometry can be used for the design ofworkstations and work furniture.  相似文献   

山东煤矿安全监察局坚持与时俱进、创新监察,根据煤矿安全形势的新变化和新要求,积极探索监察执法的新思路、新方法,切实做到严格执法、规范执法、科学执法和廉洁执法,不断提高安全监察的针对性、灵活性和有效性,取得了理想效果。煤监机构成立十多年间,全省煤矿数量由2000年的492处降到现在的227处,全部取消乡镇以下办矿,平均单井生产能力达到70万吨,超过全国煤矿平均生产能力10倍以上;在煤炭产量增加50%的前提下,累计少死亡1200人以上,百万吨死亡率由2001年的1.53下降到2011年的0.30,其中2008、2009、2010连续三年控制在0.1以下,2012年1-6月份,发生事故4起、死亡5人,百万吨死亡率0.06,杜绝了3人以上事故,煤矿安全形势持续向好。  相似文献   

Objectives. The economic burden of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) is industry specific. The objective was to analyse compensation claims for WMSDs among restaurant workers in France taking into account the type of restaurant. Methods. Data for 2014 were obtained from the French National Health Insurance Fund for Salaried Workers. A chi-square test was used to compare claims, incapacity and lost work day rates in different types of restaurant. Results. Prevalence for WMSDs differed significantly by the type of kitchen: collective restaurant (7.2/1000 workers), traditional restaurant (1.7/1000), and fast food restaurant (1.0/1000). There were more male claimants in traditional restaurant workers (51.0%) than in collective restaurant workers (40.1%) but more female claimants in collective restaurant workers (50.1%) than in traditional restaurant workers (39.4%). Permanent incapacity was significantly more prevalent in collective restaurant workers (49.6%), than in traditional (41.9%) and fast food (8.5%) restaurant workers. In collective restaurant workers, as a percentage, claims, permanent incapacity and lost work days increased with age range or work experience. Conclusions. Prevalence for WMSDs and therefore incapacity and lost work days are different according to the type of restaurant. Preventive strategies should take these differences into consideration.  相似文献   

Background. The purpose was to study the test-retest reliability and internal consistency of questions in aquestionnaire concerning working conditions and health and the inter-rater reliability of observations andmeasurements according to an ergonomic checklist. Method. Fifty-seven operators participated in a retestquestionnaire and 58 operators participated in an inter-observer test. Results. The questions had fair to good or higher reliability in 142 of the total of 312. Twenty-seven of the total of 44 variables in the ergonomicchecklist were classified as having fair to good or higher reliability. Conclusions. About half of the questionshad fair to good or higher reliability and can be recommended for further analyses. The majority of variablesin the ergonomic checklist were classified as having fair to good or higher reliability. Low reliability does notnecessarily indicate that the reliability of the test, per se, is low but may signify that the conditions measuredvary over time or that the answers are aggregated in one part of the scale.  相似文献   

Introduction. The effect of different kinds of work on the psychosocial assessment of workers under the same management and organizational environment is investigated. Methods. A voluntary assessment in a utility company was carried out using the short version of the Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire (CoPsoQ) on two occasions, 1.5 years apart. Initially, 25 office workers (11 men and 14 women) participated, while 14 of those workers (8 women and 6 men) participated in the second assessment together with 32 field workers. The sewage, water treatment and maintenance workers, totaling 32 men, also participated in a field ergonomics assessment using the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries field work ergonomic checklist. Results. The longitudinal outlook was fairly stable, with sustained severe scores in many CoPsoQ subscales and intensification of severity of workers’ control over work and esteem for men. A significantly higher esteem score resulted for field rather than office workers. Workers subjected to foul odors showed similar severity of psychosocial factors. Discussion. For most psychosocial dimensions, the organizational design and management system in place, as well as the overall cultural environment in which it operates, create a much stronger and more decisive impact than job-specific factors.  相似文献   

This 8-week study evaluates the effects of customized foot orthoses on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of metal industry workers. These WMSDs were evaluated applying the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire (NMQ) at three different times (start, 4th week and 8th week) and additional questions were also formulated to obtain information about adaptation, fatigue, comfort and possible improvements. According to the NMQ results, statistical significance was found in the improvements after 4?weeks (p?<?0.05 in two areas, p?<?0.01 in three areas, p?<?0.001 in two areas and no significance in the other two) and after 8?weeks (p?<?0.01 in three areas, p?<?0.001 in four areas and no significance in the other two). The additional questions indicated fatigue reduction (both in general and in lower extremity), comfort level increase (after the adaptation period) and good acceptance, according to workers’ answers, suggesting customized orthoses can be effective in reducing and preventing WMSDs in several body regions.  相似文献   

Effects of an office ergonomics workplace and training intervention on workers’ knowledge and self-reported musculoskeletal pain and discomfort were investigated. An instructional systems design process was used to develop an office ergonomics training program and the evaluation tools used to measure the effectiveness of the training program on workers’ office ergonomics knowledge and skills. It was hypothesized that the training and workplace intervention would allow the worker to more effectively use their workplace through increased office ergonomics knowledge and skills. Following the intervention, there was a significant increase in workers’ office ergonomics knowledge and awareness. Self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders significantly decreased for the group who had a workplace change and received ergonomic training relative to a workplace change-only group and a no intervention control group.  相似文献   

介绍了火工药剂的概念及其发展趋势,重点阐述了新型火工药剂的几种技术,分别对国内外火工药剂的情况进行了分析,随着火工药剂在工业、国防等领域中的发展,各个领域对火工药剂技术提出了新要求.  相似文献   

安全生产标准化激励约束机制的建立探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
安全生产标准化建设是规范安全生产管理,完善安全生产条件,提高安全生产水平,改进安全生产绩效,建立安全生产长效机制,促进企业在装备、管理和人员三方面得到全面提升的重要举措。明确了安全生产标准化的主要目的和工作内容;介绍了安全生产标准化开展的背景;分析了安全生产标准化开展过程中存在的认识不足、氛围不浓厚、长效机制未建立等主要问题;从贯彻国务院要求、落实文件规范、真正取得实效、完善工作机制等四个方面阐述了建立安全生产标准化激励约束机制的必要性;对建立安全生产标准化激励约束机制的具体做法进行了探究,提出了加大宣传、明确责任、政策先行、经济激励、深入调研等五个方面的具体措施;最后给作为引导者的政府和作为执行者的企业提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Purpose. The aim of this study was to investigate musculoskeletal symptoms and working conditions of university workers with and without contact with an Erggi action model. Methods. A quasi-experimental and longitudinal field study design examined effects of the Erggi action model with 3 types of questionnaires filled by 1000 university workers. The statistical analyses used logistic regression. Results. Subjects who had contact with the Erggi action model had a higher probability of weekly musculoskeletal symptoms impairing their work, perceived more possibilities to influence their musculoskeletal symptoms and had lower risk for sick leave compared to those without contact with the Erggi action model. Conclusions. The Erggi action model increases the probability of influencing workers’ musculoskeletal symptoms, decreases the number of sick leave and increases awareness of musculoskeletal symptoms and working conditions.  相似文献   

选取我国东部和中部两省份安全生产监管监察机构、企业和安全生产专业服务机构的安全生产人才为调研对象,通过发放调查表、集中座谈和资料收集,对两省份安全生产人才现状进行调研.根据统计结果,对两省份安全生产监管监察人才、企业安全生产管理人才、安全生产专业服务人才的数量、受教育程度和行业分布情况等进行量化比对分析.结合现场调研座谈情况,从人才数量、培养机制、保障措施等方面对两省份安全生产人才建设存在的主要问题及其原因进行了深入探讨,以期为我国安全生产人才政策措施的完善提供现实依据.  相似文献   

Objective. This study assessed the association between worker characteristics, workplace factors, and work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in Nigeria’s construction industry. Methods. A cross-sectional site-by-site survey was conducted in 5 existing construction companies in Uyo, Nigeria. The subjects (n = 1200 males), aged 18-55 years, filled in the semistructured Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire and the job content questionnaire on demographics, work and lifestyle characteristics, and workplace risk factors for WMSDs. Results. The overall prevalence of WMSDs was 39.25%. Differences in age, race, weight, body mass index (BMI), education status, and employment status were significantly associated with the prevalence of WMSDs. Prevalence according to trade was as follows: ironworkers highest at 49% and administrative staff lowest at 31%. Ironworkers (55.7%), administrative staff (53.3%), and security staff (38.7%) scored higher on physical, psychosocial, and individual risk factors, respectively. Workplace factors with increased odds for WMSDs were psychological demands and mental workload, age, BMI, low work experience, low education status, awkward movement of head and arms, working against force or vibration, fast work pace, and race. Conclusion. The recorded high prevalence was multifactorial in etiology; hence, multi-intervention strategies are required.  相似文献   

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