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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of arm posture and holding time on human holding capability and resulting muscle activity. Fifteen healthy young males were recruited as participants. Maximum holding capacity was examined at 0 (degrees of shoulder forward flexion angle)/90 (degrees of elbow angle), 30/120 and 90/180 arm postures. Maximum acceptable weight of holding was evaluated in three arm postures (0/90, 30/120, 90/180) by three holding times (10?s, 20?s, 30?s). The greatest and lowest maximum holding capacity or maximum acceptable weight of holding occurred at 0/90 and 90/180 arm postures, respectively. Maximum acceptable weight of holding decreased with increasing holding time. While holding maximum acceptable weights, the % of maximum voluntary contraction of brachioradialis, biceps brachii and erector spinae ranged from 14 to 44%, from 14 to 53% and from 25 to 36%, respectively.  相似文献   

Purpose. The current research was carried out to determine grip strength (GS) with change in posture and upper-limb muscle activity of manual workers and investigate the impacts of these changes. Methods. For the current research, 120 male and 80 female participants were selected and GS was assessed using a digital hand grip dynamometer in various conditions. Results. The outcomes showed that male participants had higher GS as compared to female participants. Maximum GS was found in a standing posture with the fixed forward shoulder at 45°, elbow at 90° and a neutral position of the wrist and forearm for all participants. Conclusions. Higher values of GS were attained in standing postures which may result in attainment of higher performance levels by the workers. The outcomes justify the importance of correct postures during manual work in industries employing traditional methods.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of lower back pain (LBP) and its association with whole-body vibration (WBV) and manual materials handling (MMH). We studied 110 commercial vehicle drivers using a self-administered questionnaire and the VI-400Pro human vibration monitor. Prevalence of LBP was 66.4%. The percentage of drivers who had frequent manual handling of heavy loads was 45.5% and those who handled heavy loads in awkward postures accounted for 86.4%. Daily vibration A(8) averaged on the z axis was 0.25 (0.06) m·s?2 and at vector sum was 0.29 (0.07) m·s?2. Daily vibration exposures on the z axis, frequent manual handling of heavy loads and awkward posture during MMH were significantly associated with LBP. Drivers who are exposed to WBV and frequently handle heavy loads manually and with awkward postures probably have more LBP than drivers who are exposed to only one of these risk factors.  相似文献   

Potters and sculptors perform their work in very awkward postures. The purpose of this study was to analyse these postures. The modified Nordic questionnaire was used to analyse musculoskeletal discomfort. Rapid entire body assessment (REBA) and rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) were used to evaluate the subjects’ postures. There were no significant differences between times of discomfort and the group of subjects. However, there were significant differences in discomfort in different body parts. The analysis indicated that various body postures were harmful to the subjects and that there were profound deviations from natural curvature of various body parts due to awkward body postures. Ergonomics intervention was required to improve the quality of life.  相似文献   

综采放顶煤工作面遇到地质构造时冒顶频繁,控顶困难,严重影响采煤工作面的安全生产和经济效益。通过对工作面架前冒顶原因进行深入分析及对工作面遇地质构造时架前冒顶防治进行不断探索,在技术和管理上形成了一整套切实可行的管理方法,在遇地质构造期间,通过采用有效手段便可保证综放支架安全通过地质构造。以伯方煤矿二盘区3207工作面工程实际为例,运用具体技术和管理措施,使工作面安全通过地质构造断层。该方法可为类似构造煤层的安全开采提供参考。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨肘部支撑在视频显示终端作业过程中对背部和右手表面肌电的影响。采用Meta分析方法对以往研究资料进行筛检及汇总分析。结果发现:左右侧斜方肌的最大自主收缩百分比(MVC%)分别下降了0.83%(95%CI-1.00%--0.66%)和0.61%(95%CI-0.78%~-0.43%),对于右手食指伸指肌而言,其影响并不具有显著性。可以认为肘部支撑是一种比较简单而且有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

Purpose: This is a study of the influence of an unbelted rear occupant on the risk of severe injury to the front seat occupant ahead of them in frontal crashes. It provides an update to earlier studies.

Methods: 1997–2015 NASS-CDS data were used to investigate the risk for severe injury (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score [MAIS] 4+F) to belted drivers and front passengers in frontal crashes by the presence of a belted or unbelted passenger seated directly behind them or without a rear passenger. Frontal crashes were identified with GAD1 = F without rollover (rollover ≤ 0). Front and rear outboard occupants were included without ejection (ejection = 0). Injury severity was defined by MAIS and fatality (F) by TREATMNT = 1 or INJSEV = 4. Weighted data were determined. The risk for MAIS 4+F was determined using the number of occupants with known injury status MAIS 0+F. Standard errors were determined.

Results: The risk for severe injury was 0.803 ± 0.263% for the driver with an unbelted left rear occupant and 0.100 ± 0.039% with a belted left rear occupant. The driver's risk was thus 8.01 times greater with an unbelted rear occupant than with a belted occupant (P <.001). With an unbelted right rear occupant behind the front passenger, the risk for severe injury was 0.277 ± 0.091% for the front passenger. The corresponding risk was 0.165 ± 0.075% when the right rear occupant was belted. The front passenger's risk was 1.68 times greater with an unbelted rear occupant behind them than a belted occupant (P <.001). The driver's risk for MAIS 4+F was highest when their seat was deformed forward. The risk was 9.94 times greater with an unbelted rear occupant than with a belted rear occupant when the driver's seat deformed forward. It was 13.4 ± 12.2% with an unbelted occupant behind them and 1.35 ± 0.95% with a belted occupant behind them.

Conclusions: Consistent with prior literature, seat belt use by a rear occupant significantly lowered the risk for severe injury to belted occupants seated in front of them. The reduction was greater for drivers than for front passengers. It was 87.5% for the driver and 40.6% for the front passenger. These results emphasize the need for belt reminders in all seating positions.  相似文献   

本文研究了基于综合应用人工神经网络和演化算法的位移反演分析方法,并将此方法应用于三峡茅坪溪沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝的变形反演分析中。以茅坪溪一期工程原型观测成果为依据,反演出能够正确反映坝体变形特性的邓肯-张EB模型参数,从而预测了施工期末和蓄水期末该坝的变形特性,并基于总应力法研究了心墙水力劈裂破坏发生的可能性,为茅坪溪堆石坝运行期的安全生产提供依据。研究结果表明,茅坪溪心墙堆石坝不会发生水力劈裂破坏,该坝蓄水后虽然水压上升,但心墙仍是安全的。  相似文献   

Objective. This study evaluated the effect of different types of activities during rest-break interventions on neck and shoulder muscle activity, muscle discomfort and productivity among symptomatic video display unit (VDU) operators performing prolonged computer terminal work. Study design and setting. Randomized controlled trial was used. Thirty symptomatic VDU operators were randomly assigned to 2 active break groups (stretching and dynamic movement) and a reference group. The subjects performed the same typing task for 60 min and received 3-min breaks after each 20 min of work. Root mean square and median frequency were calculated for neck and shoulder muscle activity. Muscle discomfort was measured with Borg’s CR-10 scale. Productivity was measured by counting words. Results. There were no significant differences between the types of activities during breaks on neck and shoulder muscle activity, muscle discomfort or productivity. However, there was a significant difference in the level of muscle discomfort over time. Conclusions. Three types of activity during breaks showed a favourable effect on neck and shoulder muscle activity and productivity, and a positive effect on muscle discomfort in symptomatic VDU operators.  相似文献   

The study focuses on individual and standard visual display unit (VDU) workplaces with respect to performance and muscular load. Three different work settings were realized: The workplace was either adjusted to individual preferences or to the European standard. The third condition mirrored exactly the individual setting, however participants were told that it was set according to another standard. Dependent variables were visual performance in a search task, the rated muscular load, and individual preferences. Results show that both individual work settings yielded a superior performance as compared to the standard. However, performance and muscular comfort improved when participants knew they had adjusted the workplace. Apparently, VDU users follow a intuitive rationale adjusting their work setting minimizing muscular load and optimizing performance.  相似文献   

为解决露天煤矿顺倾层状软岩边坡稳定性这一技术难题,基于连续介质离散元数值模拟方法,从理论上探讨了降深与清帮至不同位置对顺倾软岩边坡稳定性的影响。结合白音华一号矿南帮工程实例,针对各煤层降深及清帮方案,基于CDEM数值算法对边坡稳定性进行计算,对比分析了坡体位移、应力分布及演化特征,进而阐明多个弱层对复合边坡产生的叠加效应,以及清帮减载对边坡稳定性的影响。结果表明,白音华一号矿首采区南帮边坡变形不会对南排土场稳定性造成影响,揭露多个弱层对边坡变形与稳定性下降有一定的叠加效应,清帮不能显著提高边坡稳定性,但可减小作用在弱层上的法向应力和剪切应力,进而减缓滑坡发生的过程,提高边坡动态发展过程中的安全性。  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety of horizontal curves on rural two-lane, two-way undivided roadways is not fully explored. This study investigates factors that impact injury severity of such crashes. Method: To achieve the aim of this paper, issues associated with police-reported crash data such as unobserved heterogeneity and temporal stability need to be accounted for. Hence, a mixed logit model was estimated, while heterogeneity in means and variances is investigated by considering four injury severity outcomes for drivers: severe injury, moderate injury, possible injury, and no injury. Crash data for the period between 2011 and 2016 for crashes that occurred in the state of Oregon was analyzed. Temporal stability in factors determining the injury severity was investigated by identifying three time periods through splitting crash data into 2011–2012, 2013–2014, and 2015–2016. Results: Despite some factors affecting injuries in all specified time periods, the values of the marginal effects showed relative differences. The estimation results revealed that some factors increased the risk of being involved in severe injury crashes, including head-on collisions, drunk drivers, failure to negotiate curves, older drivers, and exceeding the speed limits. Conclusions: The hypothesis that attributes of injury severity are temporally stable is rejected. For example, young drivers (30 years old and younger) and middle-aged drivers were found to be temporally instable over time. Practical applications: The findings could help transportation authorities and safety professionals to enhance the safety of horizontal curves through appropriate and effective countermeasures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate the Edholm scale (Edholm, 1966) and the ISO 8996 standard (International Organization for Standardization [ISO], 1990) by comparing the metabolic rates estimated for both methods with the actual measured metabolic rate (MMeas) in 6 manual material handling tasks simulated under laboratory conditions. The metabolic rate was calculated from oxygen consumption VO2 (19 participants) according to Standard No. ISO 8996 (ISO, 1990). Additionally, the participants estimated perceived exertion using the Borg scale. The metabolic rates derived from the Edholm scale (MEdh) overestimated 5 of 6 activities by 34-50% (α = .05). The metabolic rates derived from ISO 8996 (MISO) overestimated all activities by 7-38% (α =.05).  相似文献   

为了找出高温高湿作业环境下人员劳动强度对生理、心理指标的影响规律,在实验室建立了高温高湿环境模拟体系.试验人员选择年龄相近、身体状况相仿的50名在校大学生,设定了微风(风速小于1.5 m/s)及湿球黑球温度(WBGT)为26℃、33℃、35℃、38℃以上4种环境条件,试验人员按事先规定的运动方式从事极重体力劳动和重体力劳动负荷训练,实时监测人员心率和评价主观疲劳程度,计算人员心血管负荷(CVL)和主观疲劳程度,对数据进行相关性分析,并绘制不同劳动负荷、不同环境温度下的柱状趋势图.结果表明,在同等劳动负荷下,人员心血管负荷和主观疲劳程度与环境温度(WBGT)存在正相关性.根据人员心血管负荷预警级别,提出当作业环境温度(WBGT)达到35℃及以上时,应立即停止人员重体力和极重体力劳动负荷作业.根据试验结果,结合现场实际,提出从事高温高湿作业的人员,应合理安排劳动和作息,加强水盐及营养的补充,加强个体健康监护.  相似文献   

为揭示横采内排追踪条件下压帮至不同高度时端帮稳定性变化规律及力学成因机制,明确端帮的滑坡模式与滑坡机理,以平庄西露天煤矿端帮边坡为工程背景,应用有限差分软件FLAC3D,基于强度折减理论,对压帮不同高度时的端帮稳定性进行了三维数值模拟。结果表明:平庄西露天煤矿端帮滑坡模式为以椭球面为侧界面、以弱层为底界面的切层-顺层滑动;滑坡的力学成因机制类型为牵引式;横采内排追踪压帮高度至少为81 m端帮才能满足安全储备系数的要求;端帮稳定性系数Fs随压帮高度增大呈线性增大。  相似文献   

针对某水电工程坝址区地质条件复杂、开挖步序多的实际情况,采用三维有限元法,分析了某水电工程右岸厂房后边坡的稳定性,得到了边坡开挖卸荷、支护中的变形规律和应力分布特性,给出边坡的破坏特征和部位,提出了边坡治理方案。引入强度折减法,以安全系数的形式来分析边坡的稳定性,强度折减法可以与边坡规范相映证,同时该方法采用边坡稳定安全系数,可以直观定性的判断边坡的整体稳定性。工程实践表明,边坡工程稳定性分析结果和加固设计方案合理有效。  相似文献   

从《矿山安全和卫生公约》剖析我国矿山安全卫生立法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际劳工组织制定的劳工标准在国际上被认为具有高度的权威地位,日益成为各国制定法律法规的标准文书。176号《公约》的目的是为了促进各国在矿山职业安全和卫生方面采取行动,制定国家矿山安全和卫生政策、法规和实施制度,并要求政府、主管部门、雇主、工人承担各自的职责,确保矿山职工拥有安全与健康的工作环境和体面的工作,促进采矿业的可持续发展。通过我国矿山法律法规与176号《公约》的比对分析,本文提出了应进一步完善访协商机制,明确主管部门职责,以法律法规形式明确义务,赋予工人安全与已生权利和义务等方面完善我国矿山安全和卫生法律法规建议。  相似文献   

针对近浅埋综采面过山丘地形发生强矿压显现的问题,采用现场监测、理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法,建立山丘静载应力传递模型和不同岩层赋存特征的沙土型与土石型山丘工作面关键块体结构力学模型,分析山丘地形工作面矿压发生机理。研究表明:山丘静载向工作面传递的垂直应力呈钟形分布,山丘高静载应力易激发弱铰接结构失稳;山丘坡体中关键层的有无导致了土石型和沙土型山丘工作面矿压发生机理的差异性;坡体断裂块的倾斜回转运动是沙土型山丘工作面发生强矿压的主导因素,断裂块不同的倾斜回转方向导致工作面在上坡段矿压显现缓和而下坡段显现剧烈;土石型山丘工作面的矿压显现主要受坡体中关键块体结构稳定状态的控制,工作面在上坡初和坡顶段动载矿压强烈而下坡段后期较缓和。数值计算结果与现场监测和理论分析相符。  相似文献   

介绍了金川公司内部供电系统的概况,对供电系统的故障、事故类型及原因进行了简要分析,对降低故障率、减少一般事故、杜绝重大事故和人身伤亡事故的对策进行了探讨和实践。从企业的人──机──环境的角度提出:①依靠科技进步,提高系统装备安全可靠性;②加强管理,使员工具有较强的安全意识和行为。这两点是供电系统安全可靠运行的两个同等重要条件。  相似文献   

为最大限度回收资源,倾斜矿体开发时常采用露天与井工联合开采方式,形成露井联采逆倾边坡,由于受到双重采动效应影响,其变形破坏机理及稳定性问题变得极为复杂,是采矿工程领域研究的难题之一。以平庄西露天矿顶帮边坡为研究对象,同时考虑拉伸和剪切两种破坏判据,应用RFPA强度折减法对露井联采逆倾边坡岩移规律及稳定性进行了数值模拟。通过对比分析单一露天开采和露井联采条件下边坡岩体变形破坏规律、位移演化规律及应力分布特征的差异,揭示了地下开采对露天矿逆倾边坡岩移规律及稳定性的影响和原因。结果表明:单一露天开采时边坡发生滑移型破坏,而露井联采条件下边坡发生滑移-塌陷复合型破坏;受两种采动效应叠加的影响,地下采空区上方岩体以下沉为主,同时上山一侧岩体向露天采空区方向发生明显位移;受地下采动影响时,逆倾边坡稳定性下降,其根本原因是坡体内剪应力的大范围叠加升高,造成上部一定范围的岩体在边坡发生滑移前就遭到破坏,从而加剧了滑坡的发展。  相似文献   

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