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This paper deals with research aimed at developing a method for ergonomic analysis of the driver’s workplace in an electric locomotive. It presents the structure of the diagnosis and its assumptions, and includes a re-evaluation of the questionnaire-expert method in ergonomic research. The article presents research data on weights and evaluations including their standard deviations for particular priority features. Ergonomic levels of the studied operator’s cabin in locomotives are compared.  相似文献   

Introduction: Automobile manufacturers are developing increasingly sophisticated driving automation systems. Currently, the highest level of automation available on the market is SAE Level 2, which provides sustained assistance for both lateral and longitudinal vehicle control. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how drivers’ perceptions of what behaviors secondary to driving are safe while a Level 2 system is operating vary by system name. Methods: A nationally representative telephone survey of 2005 drivers was conducted in 2018 with questions about behaviors respondents perceived as safe while a Level 2 driving automation system is in operation. Each respondent was asked about two out of five system names at random for a balanced study design. Results: The name “Autopilot” was associated with the highest likelihood that drivers believed a behavior was safe while in operation, for every behavior measured. There was less variation observed among the other four SAE Level 2 system names when compared with each other. A limited proportion of drivers had experience with advanced driver assistance systems and fewer of these reported driving a vehicle in which Level 2 systems were available. Drivers reported that they would consult a variety of sources for information on how to use a Level 2 system. Conclusions: The names of SAE Level 2 driving automation systems influence drivers’ perceptions of how to use them, and the name “Autopilot” was associated with the strongest effect. While a name alone cannot properly instruct drivers on how to use a system, it is a piece of information and must be considered so that drivers are not misled about the correct usage of these systems. Practical Applications: Manufacturers, suppliers, and organizations regulating or evaluating SAE Level 2 automated driving systems should ensure that systems are named so as not to mislead drivers about their safe use.  相似文献   

In this research, which takes the ‘12.23’ Kaixian blowout accident in Chongqing as an example, firstly the basic information of the accident, including the affected area, the accident process and the accident consequences, was described. Secondly, the development of the accident and other correlative things were researched in detail, especially the monitoring result of concentrations of toxic gases at different times. Thirdly, the blowout accident was categorized into three stages, and the causes of each stage were analyzed in depth together with the events and causal factors charting. Lastly, the profound problems exposed in the disaster were thoroughly discussed. The analysis on ‘12.23’ Kaixian blowout accident indicates that deficiencies in the proper understanding of the hazards by the crew/management as well as inadequacies in risk assessment, management, and the absence of effective countermeasures resulted in the loss of lives.  相似文献   

Objective: Road traffic mortality takes an enormous toll in every society. Transport safety interventions play a crucial role in improving the situation. In the period 1996–2014 several road safety measures, including a complex new road traffic law in 2009, were implemented in the Slovak Republic, introducing stricter conditions for road users.

The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the trends in road user mortality in the Slovak Republic in individual age groups by sex during the study period 1996–2014.

Methods: Data on overall mortality in the Slovak Republic for the period 1996–2014 were obtained from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. Mortality rates were age-adjusted to the European standard population. Joinpoint regression was used to assess the statistical significance of change in time trends of calculated standardized mortality rates.

Results: Mortality rates of all types of road users as well as all age groups and both sexes in the Slovak Republic in the period 1996–2014 are decreasing. The male : female ratio decreased from 4:1 in 1996 to 2:1 in 2014. Motor vehicle users (other than motorcyclists) and pedestrians have the highest mortality rates among road user groups. Both of these groups show a significant decline in mortality rates over the study period. Within the age groups, people age 65 years and over have the highest mortality rates, followed by the age groups 25–64 and 15–24 years old.

Joinpoint regression confirmed a steady, significant decline in all mortality rates over the study period. A statistically significant decrease in mortality rates in the last years of the study period was observed in the age group 25–64 and in male motorcycle users.

Assessing the impact of the 2009 road traffic law, a drop was observed in the average standardized mortality rate of all road traffic users from 14.56 per 100,000 person years in the period 1996–2008 to 7.69 per 100,000 person years in the period 2009–2014. A similar drop in the average standardized mortality rate was observed in all individual road user groups.

Conclusions: The implementation of the new traffic regulations may have contributed significantly to the observed decrease in mortality rates of road users in the Slovak Republic. A significant decrease in mortality was observed in all population groups and in all groups of road users. The introduction of a new comprehensive road traffic law may have expedited the decrease of road fatalities, especially in the age group 25–64 years old. This type of evidence-based epidemiology data can be used for improved targeting of future public health measures for road traffic injury prevention.  相似文献   

Although the social exchange relationships between employers and employees are increasingly important to the performance of safety management systems, the psychological effects of work attitudes on this relationship have been less studied. Using a sample of first-line operators and their supervisors from 188 facilities in Taiwan which had Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18000 (OHSAS 18000) certification, the current research conducted an empirical investigation of the influence of safety climate on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Work attitude was used to disclose the psychological effect. Research results indicated that (a) safety climate was a significant predicator of OCB, (b) the psychological effect significantly influenced social exchange relationships, and (c) job satisfaction showed a stronger mediating influence than organizational commitment due to the frequent top management turnover. Discussions and implications are also addressed.  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce accidents in seafaring have led to a proliferation of procedures such as workplace assessments and checklists. Unfortunately, the demand for written procedures is perceived by many seafarers as counteracting the use of common sense, experience, and professional knowledge epitomized in the concept of seamanship. Their objections suits well in Dreyfus and Dreyfus’ model of skill acquisition: while novices steadily follow context-independent rules, the expert’s behaviour goes beyond analytical rationality, and is situational, experience-based, and intuitive. The Aristotelian concept of phronesis brings us further by adding a reflexive, social and ethical dimension to the expert’s knowledge. Phronesis is, like expertise, contextual, experience-based knowledge; but it is also value- and action-oriented. While phronesis rests on value rationality, ‘techne’ (know how’), another Aristotelian concept, is based on instrumental rationality and is production-oriented. Phronesis is, inter alia, choosing the proper techne for the circumstances. However, the seamen fear a development where techne predominates at the expanse of phronesis. The case raises issues on which conditions are enabling or hindering written procedures to be perceived as a tool at the service of safety.  相似文献   

The concept of muscular stabilization refers to imposing active muscular constraints on the joint degrees of freedom that are not used in a given motor task and the stabilization of unstable working objects. The human organism bears considerable cost due to the realization of this process, which in the case of muscular static force developed in relation to an unstable working object reaches approximately 24%. The aim of this article is twofold: (a) to determine the useful efficiency of the hand-working object system with an unstable handle in relation to the released muscular force and power dynamics and (b) to identify the relative contribution of the upper extremity muscles engaged in the realization of motor or stabilizing functions in the electromyography (EMG) sphere.  相似文献   

Ross Sparks 《Safety Science》2011,49(6):794-806
Spatio-temporal surveillance methods for detecting outbreaks of disease are fairly common in the literature, with the SCAN statistic setting the benchmark. Spatio-temporal surveillance methods are less commonly described in relation to detection of outbreaks in motor vehicle crashes. The exponential two-pass CUSUM (E2PC) plan designed to detect age-clustered outbreaks is here compared to the SCAN statistic for early detection of spatially clustered outbreaks in crashes. If the shape and size of the outbreaks are known in advance, then the SCAN statistic has advantages over the E2PC plan. However, if outbreaks vary significantly in terms of size but are roughly rectangular in shape then the E2PC plan as outlined in this paper has advantages over the SCAN statistic.  相似文献   

To assess and plan future risk-analysis research projects, 275 documents describing methods and tools for assessing the risks associated with industrial machines or with other sectors such as the military, and the nuclear and aeronautics industries, etc., were collected. These documents were in the format of published books or papers, standards, technical guides and company procedures collected throughout industry. From the collected documents, 112 documents were selected for analysis; 108 methods applied or potentially applicable for assessing the risks associated with industrial machines were analyzed and classified. This paper presents the main quantitative results of the analysis of the methods and tools.  相似文献   

Introduction: Intersections are the most dangerous locations in urban traffic. The present study aims to investigate drivers’ visual scanning behavior at signalized and unsignalized intersections. Method: Naturalistic driving data at 318 green phase signalized intersections and 300 unsignalized ones were collected. Drivers’ glance allocations were manually categorized into 10 areas of interest (AOIs), based on which three feature subsets were extracted including glance allocation frequencies, durations and AOI transition probabilities. The extracted features at signalized and unsignalized intersections were compared. Features with statistical significances were integrated to characterize drivers’ scanning patterns using the hierarchical clustering method. Andrews Curve was adopted to visually illustrate the clustering results of high-dimensional data. Results: Results showed that drivers going straight across signalized intersections had more often glances at the left view mirror and longer fixation on the near left area. When turning left, drivers near signalized intersections had more frequent glances at the left view mirror, fixated much longer on the forward and rearview mirror area, and had higher transition probabilities from near left to far left. Compared with drivers’ scanning patterns in left turning maneuver at signalized intersections, drivers with higher situation awareness levels would divide more attention to the forward and right areas than at unsignalized intersections. Conclusions: This study revealed that intersection types made differences on drivers’ scanning behavior. Practical applications: These findings suggest that future applications in advanced driver assistance systems and driver training programs should recommend different scanning strategies to drivers at different types of intersections.  相似文献   

The musculoskeletal health among 57 operators at 1 call centre in Sweden was studied with 10 monthly follow-ups, parallel to a reference group of 1,226 professional computer users in other occupations. Operators at this call centre were more symptom-loaded than the other professional computer users in spite of their younger age and shorter exposure to computer work. Symptoms were long-lasting or recurrent. Muscle tenderness and nerve affections in the neck- shoulder region were the most common specific findings and diagnoses at medical examination of incident symptom cases. More extensive studies should be done on the working conditions and health status among call centre workers.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of Michigan’s graduated driver licensing (GDL) program in terms of nighttime driving restriction. The research uses the quasi-induced exposure technique to capture and represent the exposure and accident risk change of the impacted driver groups due to the implementation of the GDL program. Six years of Michigan accident data were used, including three years before the GDL implementation and three years after. The effectiveness of Michigan’s GDL program in terms of nighttime driving is reflected in several dimensions: for the impacted drivers (16- and 17-year-olds), there is a significant reduction of exposure compared to the reference group and a decrease in the relative accident involvement ratio (thus a reduced accident risk); and examination of time of day distributions of impacted teenage drivers shows that there is a conspicuous percentage drop of impacted teenage drivers at the point where the nighttime curfew starts. With the implementation of the GDL program, the affected group tends to drive increasingly more in the several hours prior to the restricted time period to avoid violating the curfew law. As opposed to the traditional exposure measurements such as population or licensed drivers, quasi-induced exposure technique has the capability of depicting the accident propensity and quantifying exposure change from different age groups.  相似文献   

Five students of a rescue training school cycled at 50 W for 20 min at 20 °C before walking at 5 km/hr up to 30 min in a climatic chamber at 55 °C and 30% relative humidity. 4 different types of clothing ensembles differing in terms of thickness and thermal insulation value were tested on separate days. All subjects completed 28–30 min in light clothing, but quit after 20–27 min in 3 firefighter ensembles due to a rectal temperature of 39 °C or subjective fatigue. No difference in the evolution of mean skin or rectal temperature was seen for the 3 turnout ensembles. Sweat production amounted to about 1000 g in the turnout gears of which less than 20% evaporated. It was concluded that the small differences between the turnout gears in terms of design, thickness and insulation value had no effect on the resulting heat physiological strain for the given experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of wearing an ice-vest (ca 1 kg) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighters. The experiments were carried out on a treadmill in a hot-dry environment. The physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal manikin. The ice-vest effectively reduced skin temperatures under the vest. On average, heart rate was 10 beats/min lower, the amount of sweating was reduced by 13%, and subjective sensations of effort and warmth were lower during work with the ice-vest compared to work without it. Thermal manikin tests indicated that the useful energy available from the vest for body cooling was rather high (58%). In conclusion, the ice-vest reduces physiological and subjective strain responses during heavy work in the heat, and may promote efficient work time by 10%.  相似文献   

Introduction: Young drivers are the most vulnerable road users and most likely to use a smartphone illegally while driving. Although when compared with drink-driving, attitudes to illegal smartphone risk are nearly identical, smartphone use among young drivers continues to increase. Method: Four in-depth focus groups were conducted with 13 young (18–25 years) drivers to gain insight into their perceptions of the risks associated with the behavior. Our aim was to determine how drivers navigate that risk and if their behavior shapes and informs perceptions of norms. Results: Three key themes emerged: (a) participants perceived illegal smartphone use as commonplace, easy, and benign; (b) self-regulatory behaviors that compensate for risk are pervasive among illegal smartphone users; and (c) risk-compensation strategies rationalize risks and perceived norms, reducing the seriousness of transgression when compared with drink-driving. Young drivers rationalized their own use by comparing their selfregulatory smartphone and driving skills with those of “bad drivers,” not law abiders. Practical Applications: These findings suggest that smartphone behaviors shape attitudes to risk, highlighting the importance for any countermeasure aimed at reducing illegal use to acknowledge how a young person’s continued engagement in illegal smartphone use is justified by the dynamic composition of use, risk assessment and the perceived norms.  相似文献   

Introduction: The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between parents’ work-related injuries and their children’s mental health, and whether children’s work centrality – the extent to which a child believes work will play an important part in their life – exacerbates or buffers this relationship. Method: We argue that high work centrality can exacerbate the relationship between parental work injuries and children’s mental health, with parental work injuries acting as identity-threatening stressors; in contrast, high work centrality may buffer this relationship, with parental work injuries acting as identity-confirming stressors. We test this relationship with a sample of Canadian children (N = 4,884, 46.2% female, M age = 13.67 years). Results:Children whose parents had experienced more frequent lost-time work-related injuries reported worse mental health with high work centrality buffering this negative relationship. Conclusions: Our study highlights the vicarious effects of work injuries on salient others, specifically parental work injuries on children’s mental health, as well as the role of work centrality in shaping children’s sense-making and expectations about the consequences of work.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at exploring the characteristics of fatal occupational injuries in Korea’s construction industry and comparing the causes in various occupations within that industry. There were 10,276 fatal occupational injury victims in Korea over 8 years (1997–2004). The mortality risk due to injuries in construction and non-construction industries was calculated, and their causes were compared. The number of victims of fatal occupational injuries in the construction industry was 4333 (42.2% of the total fatal occupational injuries), and the 1 year mortality risk was higher (23.7/100,000 persons) than in non-construction industries (10.4). Falling was the most frequent (52.7%) cause of fatal injuries. In addition, deaths due to structural collapse and electric shock were significantly higher than in other industries. When the distribution of the causal factors in various occupations within the construction industry was investigated, some factors appeared more frequently in certain occupations than in others. As the construction industry encompasses a large proportion of occupational injuries, a reduction in this field alone will substantially contribute to an overall reduction of occupational injuries in Korea. Further research for effective prevention is needed.  相似文献   

Miners' unsafe behavior (UB) is the main cause of coal mine accidents. Previous research has suggested that excessive noise in tunnels impacts miners' temperaments and safe production behavior. To explore the influence of noise on UB, four different dimensions of noise annoyance were identified: cognitive, emotional, communication, and physical mechanism annoyance. The coal mine noise annoyance scale, miners' unsafe behavior intention (UBI) scale, and miners’ UB scale were developed according to different dimensions. In the first survey, a total of 200 questionnaires were distributed in the two coal mines, and 193 valid questionnaires were recovered. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted, and invalid items were removed according to the analysis results to form the final scale. Then, 500 final scales were distributed in two Chinese coal mines, and 482 valid questionnaires were collected. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted by collating the data of the second questionnaire. Based upon the structural equation model (SEM), the SEM of the influence of noise annoyance degree on UB and the path analysis with latent variable path analysis with the latent variables (PA-LVs) mediating model of the effect of UBI on UB were established, and the path coefficients with fitting data of the model were analyzed. The results indicated that the four dimensions of coal mine noise annoyance had a strong positive impact on UB, which was reduced by less noise annoyance. In addition, the Bootstrap method was used to verify the mediating method among the four dimensions of noise annoyance, cognitive annoyance, emotional annoyance, with communication annoyance indirectly affecting UB through UBI. The research results provide theoretical support for reducing the UB of miners and improving coal mine safety levels.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate occupational exposure to electric fields during the task ‘maintenance of an operating device of circuit breaker from a service platform’ at 110-kV substations. The aim was also to compare the results to Directive 2013/35/EU. At 16 substations, 255 electric field measurements were performed. The highest mean value of the electric fields was 9.6?kV?m?1. At 63% of substations the maximum values were over 10.0?kV?m?1, and at 31% of the substations the 75th percentiles were over 10.0?kV?m?1, which is the low action level (AL) according to Directive 2013/35/EU. All measured values were below the high AL (20.0?kV?m?1). In the future, it is important to take into account that the measurements were only taken at Finnish 110-kV substations; therefore, it is not possible to generalize these results to other countries and different types of substations.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to evaluate the impact of risk factors from the container security initiative (CSI) on the maritime supply chain in Taiwan, employs a loss exposure matrix to identify the severity and frequency of security risk, and uses a bowtie diagram to investigate appropriate risk management strategies to deal with maritime security risks.This paper’s findings consist of the following: (1) the leading categories of CSI risk factors are operational risk, physical risk and financial risk; (2) apart from two security risks comprising high-risk level, the majority of risk exposure is at the medium level; risk management strategies include loss prevention, loss reduction, avoidance, and non-insurance transfer; and (3) all maritime security regulations and measures should consider the balance among cost, time, security, efficiency and competition; failure to do so may lead to additional burdens for maritime supply chain service providers.  相似文献   

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