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Call centre workplaces are in many ways a challenge to occupational health and safety. The occupation itself can be described as an IT information technology-supported, communication-intensive form of work with often unusual working hours and a high rate of part-time employment. Data on the employee turnover as well as absenteeism related to occupational disability is quite contradictory. Occupational safety and its proponents still have to find new ways into the corporate structures and cultures of this relatively new and rapidly growing branch of industry. In a 2-year research and development project, using a holistic approach and under consideration of all the relevant disciplines, call centre workplaces were studied, and organisational measures were developed and field tested by putting them into practice. Practical help was developed for a sustainable strategy for successful and healthy work in call centres.  相似文献   

面向2020年我国安全生产的若干战略问题思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
本文简要论述了我国现代化进程中安全生产工作的现状、发展趋势和面临的主要问题;围绕2020年实现全国安全生产状况根本性好转,安全生产水平达到或接近世界中等发达国家水平的中长期目标,分析探讨了安全专业人才、科技兴安、安全生产标准、安全培训、安全文化、中小企业安全生产与职业危害预防、土地使用安全规划与厂房选址安全、农业生产安全、公共安全与应急救援保障体系建设等若干战略问题。  相似文献   

为探究露天矿区突发地质灾害公众应急安全疏散行为影响因素,基于社会认知理论视角,引入中介变量个人规范,将应急安全疏散行为划分为应急安全疏散遵守行为和参与行为,构建露天矿区突发地质灾害公众应急安全疏散行为影响因素理论模型,并以抚顺西露天矿区周边居民为调查对象,依据272份有效样本进行结构方程实证检验.结果表明:露天矿区突发...  相似文献   

为了研究实施职业安全健康管理体系(OSHMS)对企业职业安全健康管理状况的影响,对百余家已实施与未实施OSHMS的企业进行了调研,在对调研结果分析研究的基础上,采用双对照分析的方法,对已通过OSHMS认证的企业在建立OSHMS前后的职业安全健康管理状况进行对照比较,以及已建立OSHMS与未建立OSHMS的企业的职业安全健康管理状况进行对照比较,研究结果表明,实施OSHMS有利于提高企业职业安全健康管理的整体水平,改善企业的职业安全健康管理状况,使职业安全健康管理更加科学化和规范化。  相似文献   

The significance of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) and nanotechnologies grows rapidly. Nanotechnology applications may have a positive marked impact on many aspects of on human every day life, for example by providing means for the production of clean energy and pure drinking water. Hundreds of consumer nano-based products are already on the market. However, very little is known of the risks of ENM to occupational safety and health (OSH), even though workers are likely to be at extra risk, as compared with other potentially exposed groups of people, because the levels of exposure are usually higher at workplaces than in other environments. However, knowledge of the exposure to, or effects of, ENM on human health and safety in occupational environments is limited and does not allow reliable assessment of risks of ENM on workers’ health. Several issues related to ENM in the workplaces require marked attention. The most topical issues include: (1) improved understanding of ENM metrics associated with ENM toxicity; (2) development of monitoring devices for ENM exposure assessment; (3) understanding the changes of ENM structure and state of agglomeration at different concentrations in aerosols; (4) understanding translocation of ENM in the human body; (5) identifying the key health effects of ENM including pulmonary toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic effects, and effects on circulation; (6) development of tiered approaches for testing of safety of ENM; and (7) utilizing these data for health risk assessment, with a special emphasis on occupational environment. Available data on several ENM – ability to enter the body and reach almost any organ, to cause pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis, and even to cause increased risk of mesotheliomas in animal models, call for immediate action. It is crucial to identify those ENM that may cause occupational health and safety risks from those ENM which are innocent, hence allowing prioritization of regulatory and preventive actions at workplaces at national, regional and global levels.  相似文献   

During recent years the work environment has undergone significant changes regarding working time, years of employment, work organization, type of employment contracts and working conditions. In this paper, consequences of these changes on occupational and public health and safety are examined. These include the disruption of human biological rhythms, the increase of workers fatigue due to changes in patterns of working hours and years of employment, job insecurity and occupational stress, which have a serious impact on workers’ health and may result in an increase in occupational accidents. Unsafe work practices related to workload and time pressure, the impact of work changes on public safety and the deterioration of workers’ living conditions with respect to income, social-family life, health and insurance benefits, are also described. In this context, difficulties that occur due to the changing work environment in conducting effective occupational risk assessments and implementing OSH measures are discussed (for example, frequent changes between tasks and workplaces, underreporting of occupational accidents and diseases, lack of methodological tools, etc.). A fundamental criterion used while studying consequences on health and safety and the relative preventive measures is that health and safety must be approached as ‘the promotion and maintenance at the highest degree of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers’ and not only as retention of their work ability. Limits in combining “flexibility” at work and overall protection of occupational and public safety and health in a competitive market are put forward for discussion.  相似文献   

职业安全卫生标准体系建设初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
职业安全卫生标准体系是企业安全科研生产工作的基础 ,是推广试行职业安全卫生管理体系 (OHSMS)的有效技术支撑条件。笔者通过分析职业安全卫生标准应用的实际 ,探索性地提出建立适应企业职业安全卫生管理、研究以及 OHSMS需要的标准化管理体系 ;论述并研讨该体系建立的思路、原则和查询方法以及应用过程的管理 ;以此为职业安全卫生管理、研究和试行OHSMS奠定基础并提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

为了解国际组织职业安全健康标准状况,收集了国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准有关资料,对国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准进行了梳理,按照标准属性、适用对象和范围,对标准进行了分类归纳,梳理形成了国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准体系的整体框架,并对标准体系构成要素的主要内容作了简要的阐述,总结了国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准及标准体系的特点。  相似文献   

METHOD: A 24-week experiment was conducted to assess how first aid training affects the motivation of small business construction industry employees in avoiding occupational injuries and illnesses and its effect on their occupational health and safety behavior. A simplified multiple baseline design across workplace settings was used to evaluate the effects of first aid training. Participants' motivation to control occupational safety and health risks was explored during in-depth interviews before and after receipt of first aid training. Objective measurement of occupational safety and health behavior was conducted by a researcher directly observing the workplace before and after participants received first aid training. RESULTS: The observations at participants' worksites suggested that, for the most part, the first aid training had a positive effect on the occupational safety and health behavior of participants. First aid training appeared to reduce participants' "self--other" bias, making them more aware that their own experience of occupational safety and health risks is not beyond their control but that their own behavior is an important factor in the avoidance of occupational injury and illness. First aid training also appeared to reduce participants' willingness to accept prevailing levels of occupational safety and health risk and increase the perceived probability that they would suffer a work-related injury or illness. Participants expressed greater concern about taking risks at work after receiving first aid training. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: It appears that first aid training enhances participants' motivation to avoid occupational injuries and illnesses and improves their risk control behavior. The implications of this are that first aid training can have a positive preventive effect and could complement traditional occupational health and safety training programs. As such, there may be benefit in providing first aid training to all employees rather than limiting this training to a small number of designated "first aiders."  相似文献   

基于交通事故紧急救援的现状,阐述建立车辆事故紧急呼救系统的新需求,提出了开发基于车辆事故严重等级分类的紧急呼救系统需要实现的功能;应用车辆碰撞安全性理论和研究成果、导航定位技术及通信技术,设计了基于事故严重等级分类的车辆事故紧急呼救决策流程;探讨车辆事故自动检测和等级分类及紧急救援的实施方案,以实现车辆事故紧急自动呼救,使车辆和伤员得到及时高效的紧急救助。  相似文献   

The concept of resilience has become very popular, especially in the 21st century. This concept is applicable to many fields, from mechanics to a broad range of social sciences. Resilience has even become part of the national and global policies of the USA, the United Nations and the European Commission. The concept of resilience has also been implemented in the area of safety and health based on the criticism of the traditional approach to occupational safety and health, which does not result in a satisfactory level of occupational safety. The concept of resilience was adopted to research occupational safety and health in different fields and thus with different approaches, such as via socio-technical studies, the psychological and behavioral aspects of organizational resilience and the link with research on individual or family resilience and its influence on work.  相似文献   

笔者简要回顾了我国安全生产工作在不同时期和不同阶段所使用的劳动保护、劳动安全卫生、职业安全卫生、职业健康安全及职业安全健康等概念 ,并对各自的研究对象和内涵进行了分析和探讨 ,提出了职业健康安全和职业安全健康应使用统一术语的建议  相似文献   

为研究安全风险感知对非适应性应急疏散行为的影响机制,提升应急疏散的安全性,进而保障公众生命财产安全,建立包含风险感知、心理韧性、安全氛围、群体恐慌和非适应性应急疏散行为5个变量的理论模型,采用问卷调查法研究5个变量之间的关系,应用AMOS软件搭建结构方程模型,并结合调研数据进行分析。研究结果表明:风险感知对发生突发事件后人的非适应性应急疏散行为产生主要正向作用,群体恐慌通过调节作用提高风险感知,也会对人的非适应性应急疏散行为产生相应正向影响;安全氛围和心理韧性通过风险感知的中介作用会,对人的非适应性应急疏散行为产生一定负向影响;可通过加强安全氛围建设、安全知识科普、提高现场管理人员能力等方法,减少突发事件中非适应性应急疏散行为的产生。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The most effective means of preventing and controlling occupational injuries, illness, and fatalities is to "design out" hazards and hazardous exposures from the workplace. There is a long history of designing for safety for the general public and to a lesser degree for workers. METHOD: We now have the experience and insight from thoughtful, previous efforts to call for a comprehensive national strategy to implement a Prevention through Design (PtD) Initiative. RESULTS: This paper describes that initiative in terms of four overarching areas where action can be directed: practice, policy, research, and education. To obtain stakeholder input for issues in these four areas and to focus implementation efforts, eight sector divisions of the economy will be addressed. A seven year strategy is envisioned.  相似文献   

为提高我国安全生产标准化水平,进一步发挥标准的技术支撑作用,收集了美国职业安全健康标准有关资料,对美国职业安全健康标准的分类、管理机构和管理模式、标准体系构成等进行了系统的梳理,归纳了美国金属非金属矿山(包括露天和井下)职业安全健康技术法规体系和职业安全健康技术法规体系(矿山除外)的要素构成,以及各要素规范的主要技术内容,分析了美国职业安全健康标准及标准体系的特点。为完善我国安全生产标准体系,加强标准制修订工作以及相关标准科研工作提供依据和参考  相似文献   

The musculoskeletal health among 57 operators at 1 call centre in Sweden was studied with 10 monthly follow-ups, parallel to a reference group of 1,226 professional computer users in other occupations. Operators at this call centre were more symptom-loaded than the other professional computer users in spite of their younger age and shorter exposure to computer work. Symptoms were long-lasting or recurrent. Muscle tenderness and nerve affections in the neck- shoulder region were the most common specific findings and diagnoses at medical examination of incident symptom cases. More extensive studies should be done on the working conditions and health status among call centre workers.  相似文献   

Introduction: The implications of OHSAS 18001 for substantive Occupational Health and Safety outcomes such, as a reduction in work accidents, have been under-researched in the scholarly literature. The impact of this standard on other aspects of performance, such as profitability and productivity, has attracted more attention. Method: This article aims to fill this gap by shedding light on the relationship between OHSAS 18001 certification and the rates of minor, serious, and fatal accidents per employee at work experienced in certified and non-certified companies. Results: Based on an analysis of a sample of 5,147 Spanish firms, the findings show that OHSAS 18001 certification is only loosely related with better occupational health and safety performance measured in terms of rate of accidents at work. A propensity for OHSAS 18001 certification to be found in economic sectors of activity with worse occupational health and safety outcomes in terms of rate of work-related accidents is identified. There is evidence of a negative selection-effect of the main international management standard for occupational health and safety. Potential distortions and biases that may be related to these and other findings in the scholarly literature are analyzed. Managerial implications of the main findings, implications for policy makers, and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

对乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对某市部分乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为所进行的调查看,不同状况的人群对职业安全卫生知识、态度、习惯有显著性差异。为此,提示职业安全卫生监督管理部门及企业的有关职能部门在职工的职业安全卫生教育中,要加强对文化程度低、年轻、工龄较短的职工的教育,并采用形式多样化手段。另外,职业安全监督管理部门还要加强监督外资企业做好职工的职业安全卫生教育。从职工对职业安全卫生的态度及行为结果看,提出在进行职业安全卫生教育时,要有针对性。不仅要给职工配备劳保用品,更重要的是监督职工经常和正确地使用劳保用品,并养成良好的卫生习惯  相似文献   

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