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硫化物测试条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对硫化物从采样、运输、分析全过程中,特别是预处理阶段损失严重,导致测定结果经常为未测出,加标回收率低的问题,通过调查分析制定对策;对样品的采集固定、预处理吸收利用量、吹气速度等条件进行了优化选择,对硫化物预处理装置进行技术革新。减少了硫化物的吸收损失、逸散损失,提高了硫化物回收率和准确度。并通过多次实验及加标回收率的验证,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of physiological studies in the evaluation of protective clothing for work in a cold environment. The study included the examination of the dynamics of changes in chosen physiological parameters (core and skin temperatures, heart rate, pulmonary minute ventilation) as well as physical ones (the temperature and relative humidity under the clothes) during work in protective clothing with unknown thermal insulation. The experiment was conducted in extreme environmental conditions (–10 and –15°C) at a work load defined by the clothing manufacturer as moderate. Results show that thermal equilibrium was achieved and maintained throughout the investigated work time (60 min) and that the protective clothing ensures safety on the time scale of a regular 8-hour work day. It was also shown that the dynamics of thermal stress physiological parameters can be used to determine the maximum duration of exposure for cold protective clothing with unknown thermal insulation.  相似文献   

细水雾抑制熄灭室内火灾的有效性模拟实验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用模拟实验的方法,通过改变实验条件,研究室内不同种类固体可燃物,处于不同的位置时,细水雾的灭火有效性。研究发现:当火源位于细水雾的作用范围内时,灭火时间较短,灭火性能较高;当火源位于细水雾的防护区域之外时,灭火有效性显著降低。增加细水雾的流量可以减少灭火时间。但是对一定功率的火源,存在临界流量,超过了临界流量,再增加细水雾的流量,并不能有效减少灭火时间,因此设计细水雾灭火系统时,应当优化上述影响因素,达到最佳的灭火性能。  相似文献   

以某水源为中水的废水“零排放”型火电厂,设置了循环水排污水回用系统,设计处理工艺为混凝澄清预处理-超滤-反渗透,反渗透淡水作为循环水及锅炉补给水系统水源。由于采用膜技术回收利用循环水排污水的工程实例中均存在膜系统运行不稳定,甚至无法正常运行的情况,并影响锅炉供水安全。对循环水处理工艺进行了试验研究。结果表明,超滤-反渗透装置水源采用石灰处理后的中水,循环水排污水采用碱性软化旁流处理工艺,可以减缓膜污堵,确保循环水系统稳定运行及锅炉给水安全,并满足全厂废水“零排放”的要求。  相似文献   

对工业循环冷却水水垢中锌含量的测定方法进行了系统优化,主要考察了样品酸度、缓冲溶液添加量、试剂时效性、样品中铁离子量、掩蔽剂量和滴定剂浓度对锌含量检测效果的影响。结果表明:样品酸度控制在pH=4.9~5.1范围内,乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲溶液添加量为30 m L时,锌含量检出值最大,指示剂灵敏度最佳;试剂乙酸-乙酸钠在20 d内使用、二甲酚橙指示剂即配即用对滴定终点的判断效果较好;锌含量测定前应先检测样品中铁离子含量,若铁离子≥40%则应先沉淀过滤后方可进行测定;锌含量检出值随掩蔽剂添加量呈先升后降的趋势,并在3.2 g时滴定效果最佳;滴定剂浓度为0.010 mol/L时锌含量检出值最高;优化实验测定结果接近真实值,方法准确可靠。  相似文献   

为了找出高温高湿作业环境下人员劳动强度对生理、心理指标的影响规律,在实验室建立了高温高湿环境模拟体系.试验人员选择年龄相近、身体状况相仿的50名在校大学生,设定了微风(风速小于1.5 m/s)及湿球黑球温度(WBGT)为26℃、33℃、35℃、38℃以上4种环境条件,试验人员按事先规定的运动方式从事极重体力劳动和重体力劳动负荷训练,实时监测人员心率和评价主观疲劳程度,计算人员心血管负荷(CVL)和主观疲劳程度,对数据进行相关性分析,并绘制不同劳动负荷、不同环境温度下的柱状趋势图.结果表明,在同等劳动负荷下,人员心血管负荷和主观疲劳程度与环境温度(WBGT)存在正相关性.根据人员心血管负荷预警级别,提出当作业环境温度(WBGT)达到35℃及以上时,应立即停止人员重体力和极重体力劳动负荷作业.根据试验结果,结合现场实际,提出从事高温高湿作业的人员,应合理安排劳动和作息,加强水盐及营养的补充,加强个体健康监护.  相似文献   

依据企业生产事故管理体系结构,从事故预防、应急准备、应急响应和事故恢复4个阶段入手,阐述了企业生产事故应急预案编制的总体思路,将应急预案的编制过程分为准备和编写两个阶段,能够达到科学性、可操作性和体系化的基本要求。笔者提出由企业生产事故的一个基本预案加上应急功能程序和支持附件组成的应急预案的结构模式,提出企业应急预案编制的工作要点。  相似文献   

微重力下燃烧温度随重力变化实验数据处理的一种方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过试验飞机抛物线飞行进行了微重力燃烧实验,采集得到数组从超重到微重段一个采样点燃烧温度随重力变化的数据,以此为基础通过应用误差理论对实验数据进行了分析处理,然后采用神经网络方法拟合出了燃烧温度随重力的变化曲线,为微重力燃烧实验数据处理提供了一种新方法.  相似文献   

大型建筑内部火灾温度场的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用CFD技术对在建筑火灾情况下,温度场的变化趋势进行数值模拟。针对大型建筑内部火灾温度场数值模拟特点,考虑建筑火灾中温度、烟气扩散以及尺度较大等因素,通过小尺度数值实验,在模型的效率性和准确性方面对不同模型加以比较、分析,选取带浮力修正的模型。同时,选用国际通用CFD计算软件FLUENT6.1针对某大型建筑内部火灾温度场进行数值模拟。并结合区域模拟软件CFAST对结果进行比较分析。表明CFD场模拟软件FLUENT6.1具有较高的可靠性,可针对大型工程项目进行分析模拟。  相似文献   

根据高危工艺热爆炸事故反应速度快、爆炸威力强、物证破坏严重的特点,提出3类适合该类事故分析鉴定的模拟验证法:数学模型验证法、实测模拟验证法及热分析仪器实验验证法。通过对3种模拟验证法的由来、定义及操作程序的研讨,同时对3种方法的用药量、结果可信度、优点及缺点进行比较,从而总结出3类方法在不同事故背景、物证收集情况及前期推断基础下的适用范围。最后,通过对一起高危工艺热爆炸事故的调查鉴定,探讨热分析仪器实验验证法在调查鉴定中的应用,并给出模拟验证方法的选用技巧及运行步骤,为事故鉴定工作提供切实可用的科学参考。  相似文献   

为了深入探讨水分对煤中瓦斯解吸特性的影响,采用试验和理论分析相结合的方法,按照原煤的固有粒度配比加工制作型煤,充分干燥后使其吸附平衡以模拟原始煤体,然后利用自制的试验装置实现水分自然进入含瓦斯煤,再测试水分润湿含瓦斯煤过程中样品缸内的瓦斯压力变化情况。结果表明:水分润湿含瓦斯煤过程中样品缸内瓦斯压力不断升高,水分能置换出煤中吸附瓦斯;相同吸附平衡压力下,煤样含水率越高,水分占据的有效吸附位越多,累计瓦斯解吸量越大,当煤样含水率达到煤的极限吸水率时,累计瓦斯解吸量达到极限值;同一含水率条件下,随吸附平衡压力增长,煤样吸附饱和度逐渐增加,水分越难进入煤体内部细微孔隙,造成累计瓦斯解吸量逐渐增加,但增幅逐渐减小,随吸附平衡压力不断升高,极限瓦斯解吸量趋于一定值。  相似文献   

The rate of oxygen transport from atmospheric air into water and perfluorocarbon compound (PFC) was investigated. Static and dynamic systems with and without the presence of the lung surfactant monolayer were considered. For the case of water used as an oxygen absorbent, the monolayer activity allowed a simulation of the gas uptake into the lung hypophase. In the second case, a two-phase liquid system with water as a hypophase and PFC as the blood substitute simulated oxygen transport in the alveolus-blood system. Original experimental measurement devices gave the opportunity of determining the gas transport rate with the possibilities of indicating the role of the lung surfactant in the process and evaluating the influence of environmental conditions on the transport phenomena. Results of that work suggest a possible enhancing role of the lung surfactant in the oxygen transfer rate.  相似文献   

In recent decades, vapor cloud explosions (VCEs) have occurred frequently and resulted in numerous personnel injuries and large property losses. As a main concern in the petrochemical industry, it is of great importance to assess the consequence of VCEs. Currently, the TNT equivalency method (TNT EM), the TNO multi-energy method (TNO MEM), and the Baker-Strehlow-Tang (BST) method are widely used to estimate the blast load from VCEs. The TNO MEM and BST method determine the blast load from blast curves based on the class number and the flame speed, respectively. To quantitatively evaluate the flame speed for the BST method, the experimental data is adopted to validate the confinement specific correlation (CSC) for the determination of the class number in the TNO MEM. As a bridge, a quantitative evaluation correlation (QEC) between CSC correlation and the flame speed is established and the blast wave shapes corresponding to different flame speeds are proposed. CFD software FLACS was used to verify the quantitative correlation with the numerical models of three geometrical scales. It is found that the calculated flame speeds by the QEC are in good agreement with the simulated ones. A petrochemical plant is selected as a realistic scenario to analyze the TNT EM, TNO MEM, BST method and FLACS simulations in terms of the positive-phase side-on overpressure and impulse at different distances. Compared with the flame speed table, the predicted overpressure from BST curves determined by the proposed QEC is closer to that from FLACS and more conservative. Furthermore, the predicted results of different methods are compared with each other. It is found that the estimated positive-phase side-on overpressure and impulse by the TNO MEM are the largest, and the estimated impulse by the TNT EM is the smallest. Moreover, the estimated overpressure and impulse are larger in the higher reactivity gas.  相似文献   

建筑抗浮设计水位取值方法——以北京市某工程为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着首都北京城市建设的高速发展,城市建设用地越来越少,地下空间的开发和利用成为发展的必然趋势。大量带有纯地下车库的高层建筑,以及地下管廊、下沉式广场的兴建,使抗浮问题非常突出。抗浮标准如何确定,抗浮水位如何取值,各类规范均没有明确规定,传统方法多依据经验确定抗浮水位取值,缺乏理论依据,不符合客观实际情况,使得抗浮设计存在安全隐患或增大了工程造价。笔者以北京市区某一工程为例,通过研究区域内浅层地下水的赋存与渗流特性,水位变化的历史过程和影响因素,通过渗流分析,从客观的角度提出建筑抗浮设计水位的取值方法,使得取值更具科学性和经济性。  相似文献   

In the actual work environment, a specific objective noise, like machine and industrial noises, shows impulsive fluctuation form. Furthermore, it often occurs that a specific noise is partially or completely contaminated by background noise. In that case, the fluctuation wave form of the specific noise has to be estimated moment by moment in order to evaluate and/or improve the work environment. In this study, a digital filter for estimating an impulsively fluctuating specific noise is proposed. More specifically, after introducing a generalized time series regressive model of the specific noise, a method for estimating the impulsive noise based on an observation contaminated by the background noise is theoretically derived. Furthermore, the proposed method is applied to the actual task of estimating an industrial impact noise.  相似文献   

基于仿真的交通事故机动车驾驶人识别方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为正确识别交通事故中的机动车驾驶人,借助仿真软件,提出一种基于仿真的机动车驾驶人识别方法。先根据事故现场痕迹,借助Pc-Crash软件仿真车辆的运动轨迹;再根据Pc-Crash仿真所得速度、位置等信息,借助Madymo软件仿真乘员的运动;然后通过分析车辆运动轨迹、人体损伤和人体最终停止位置等仿真结果确定驾驶人。最后用该方法识别了一例2车侧面碰撞事故中的驾驶人,所得结果与警方调查结果一致。借助仿真方法并充分利用事故现场痕迹,能够识别机动车驾驶人。  相似文献   

空中交通管制雷达管制训练分类考核方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析当前我国管制员雷达培训考核环节中存在的问题,提出一种新的雷达管制培训的考核方法——检查单式考核,根据管制过程所涉及的各个环节以及航空器在空中的运行状态,对雷达管制培训实施分类考核。并结合一个进近雷达管制考核表的实例,分析其检查单式考核表的设计思想,详细说明其考核表记录和考核结果量化的步骤和方法。  相似文献   

在自行设计和搭建的模拟湿法脱硫烟气系统中,研究了基于控制冷凝法原理的SO_3/硫酸雾采集装置对湿法脱硫后SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集性能,重点考察了螺旋管与石英棉冷凝温度、采样枪温度、采样流量、采样时间和SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度对SO_3/硫酸雾捕集性能的影响。结果表明,在研究范围内,湿法脱硫后SO_3/硫酸雾采集装置优化的操作参数为:螺旋管及石英棉冷凝温度95℃,采样枪温度280℃,采样流量17 L/min,采样时间30 min。SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度较高时,螺旋冷凝管对SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集起主要作用,其捕集的SO_3/硫酸雾比例在75.8%~80.8%,远高于螺旋冷凝管与石英棉捕集SO_3/硫酸雾的比例;SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度较低(约1mg/m3)时,采样枪对SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集起主要作用,其捕集SO_3/硫酸雾的比例大于50%。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is the application of the Method of Organizational Congruencies before and after the substitution of organic solvents with vegetable agents for the cleaning of an offset printing machine in order to assess the organizational changes. A solvent-free process is the goal of the Subsprint Project (Technology Transfer Program of the European Community). This, study shows how human and environmental health is improved by using vegetable agents, though this change may lead to some other organizational constraints such as an increase of tbe time needed, monotony, and repetitiveness of the technical actions involved. The authors underline that the knowledge of the impact of the new technology on health helps a better understanding of the resistance to the change and its further amelioration.  相似文献   

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