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METHOD: A 24-week experiment was conducted to assess how first aid training affects the motivation of small business construction industry employees in avoiding occupational injuries and illnesses and its effect on their occupational health and safety behavior. A simplified multiple baseline design across workplace settings was used to evaluate the effects of first aid training. Participants' motivation to control occupational safety and health risks was explored during in-depth interviews before and after receipt of first aid training. Objective measurement of occupational safety and health behavior was conducted by a researcher directly observing the workplace before and after participants received first aid training. RESULTS: The observations at participants' worksites suggested that, for the most part, the first aid training had a positive effect on the occupational safety and health behavior of participants. First aid training appeared to reduce participants' "self--other" bias, making them more aware that their own experience of occupational safety and health risks is not beyond their control but that their own behavior is an important factor in the avoidance of occupational injury and illness. First aid training also appeared to reduce participants' willingness to accept prevailing levels of occupational safety and health risk and increase the perceived probability that they would suffer a work-related injury or illness. Participants expressed greater concern about taking risks at work after receiving first aid training. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: It appears that first aid training enhances participants' motivation to avoid occupational injuries and illnesses and improves their risk control behavior. The implications of this are that first aid training can have a positive preventive effect and could complement traditional occupational health and safety training programs. As such, there may be benefit in providing first aid training to all employees rather than limiting this training to a small number of designated "first aiders."  相似文献   

流动人员职业健康监护存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动人口的职业健康监护问题是职业卫生工作的重点与难点,是预防控制职业病,是保障流动人口职业健康和公平劳动权益的重要环节。根据对北京、浙江、山东、湖北、内蒙等地的调研,对流动人口职业健康监护存在的问题及原因进行了总结分析,结合目前我国职业卫生资源提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

流动人员职业健康监护模式分析与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动人口的职业健康监护是职业卫生工作的重点与难点,是预防控制职业病,是保障流动人口职业健康和公平劳动权益的重要环节。根据对北京、浙江、山东、湖北、内蒙等地的调研,我们对流动人口职业健康监护现有模式进行了分析比较,并提出了新的模式框架与实施条件,以提高流动人口的职业健康监护率,保障流动人口职业健康.  相似文献   

During recent years the work environment has undergone significant changes regarding working time, years of employment, work organization, type of employment contracts and working conditions. In this paper, consequences of these changes on occupational and public health and safety are examined. These include the disruption of human biological rhythms, the increase of workers fatigue due to changes in patterns of working hours and years of employment, job insecurity and occupational stress, which have a serious impact on workers’ health and may result in an increase in occupational accidents. Unsafe work practices related to workload and time pressure, the impact of work changes on public safety and the deterioration of workers’ living conditions with respect to income, social-family life, health and insurance benefits, are also described. In this context, difficulties that occur due to the changing work environment in conducting effective occupational risk assessments and implementing OSH measures are discussed (for example, frequent changes between tasks and workplaces, underreporting of occupational accidents and diseases, lack of methodological tools, etc.). A fundamental criterion used while studying consequences on health and safety and the relative preventive measures is that health and safety must be approached as ‘the promotion and maintenance at the highest degree of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers’ and not only as retention of their work ability. Limits in combining “flexibility” at work and overall protection of occupational and public safety and health in a competitive market are put forward for discussion.  相似文献   

在概述职业卫生内涵与基本属性的基础上,对其与职业安全、职业医学与公共卫生的关系进行初探.职业卫生是影响社会经济持续发展的重要因素,是以职业人群和作业环境为服务对象,以为劳动者创造或改善劳动条件(作业环境、劳动组织与管理)为主要手段,以预防和控制职业病或职业危害事故的发生为目的的一项劳动保护工作,与职业安全密不可分,同属劳动关系中劳动保护范畴,与职业医学、公共卫生也有着密切的关系,但并不等同.职业安全卫生的一体化管理是经济社会发展的必然要求,也是我国当前安全生产管理中亟需解决的重要问题.  相似文献   

关于加强企业职业卫生与健康教育工作的实践和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对职业卫生与健康教育多方面的论述,指出:职业卫生与健康教育是企业科学管理体系的重要组成部分;强化职业卫生意识宣教,加强职业健康教育组织与管理,是控制或消除职业危害因素,保障职工身心健康,促进企业健康发展的重要动力因素。提出了企业加强职业卫生与健康教育工作的对策和途径。  相似文献   

纳米技术产业的快速发展促使纳米材料需求量不断增长,纳米材料的规模化生产及使用,增加了暴露于超细颗粒物的职业人群数量,且工种复杂多样,尤其在自动化程度低、工人职业卫生防护意识薄弱的作业场所,对接触者有潜在的职业暴露风险.从现场暴露评估策略、检测方法、接触限值以及风险评估手段,综述针对超细颗粒物这一新型职业危害因素的研究进...  相似文献   

对乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对某市部分乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为所进行的调查看,不同状况的人群对职业安全卫生知识、态度、习惯有显著性差异。为此,提示职业安全卫生监督管理部门及企业的有关职能部门在职工的职业安全卫生教育中,要加强对文化程度低、年轻、工龄较短的职工的教育,并采用形式多样化手段。另外,职业安全监督管理部门还要加强监督外资企业做好职工的职业安全卫生教育。从职工对职业安全卫生的态度及行为结果看,提出在进行职业安全卫生教育时,要有针对性。不仅要给职工配备劳保用品,更重要的是监督职工经常和正确地使用劳保用品,并养成良好的卫生习惯  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable changes in the labour markets of industrialised countries has been the increase of fixed-term employment. Naturally, the ways in which this development impacts on the quality of working life has awoken increasing scientific discussion. The aim of this paper is to examine these connections from the perspective of occupational injury. The majority of research literature in this field has shown that fixed-term workers have a risk of occupational injury that is several times higher than permanent workers.The analysis presented here is based on three large independent statistical data sets. In the Work and Health Study 10.9% of fixed-term and 10.0% of permanent workers experienced occupational injury during the previous 12 months. In The Victim Survey of Finland 5.4% of fixed-term and 6.5% of permanent workers were injured at work. In The Quality of Working Life Survey 3% of fixed-term and 5% of permanent workers were involved in occupational injury. These three data sets showed unanimously that fixed-term workers did not have a higher occupational injury rate than permanent workers. The most important explanatory factor was that in Finland fixed-term contracts are concentrated in public services such as education and health care with a predominance of female workers. Still, the connection remained after adjusting the basic background variables of age, socio-economic status and industry.  相似文献   

Objective. The objective of this study was to learn about the health and safety strategies in a sample of taxi drivers in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 138 taxi drivers. A survey was used to identify the socio-demographic and working characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and practices according to their occupational risk. Results. Eighty-five percent of the workers labored 9–15?h/day. Of those who suffered accidents, 27% were not affiliated to an occupational risk administrator (p = 0.028). Of the workers who had a work-related accident, 58% considered that the use of a cell phone while driving would not always reduce their attention, 50% always used their seat belt and 7% took active breaks and wore their seat belt (p = 0.01). Conclusions. Within this group of taxi drivers, having or believing to possess knowledge regarding an occupational risk did not ensure that they had a safe attitude or safe working practices.  相似文献   

在研究分析我国作业场所职业卫生监管现状,学习和借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,针对我国当前作业场所职业卫生监管工作机制存在的主要不足,提出从4个方面进一步完善我国作业场所职业卫生监管工作机制的建议,即"建立涵盖职业安全卫生内容的三方协商机制;完善职业卫生法律法规与标准体系;确立'国家监察、企业负责、中介服务、群众监督、劳动者遵章守纪'的职业卫生监管工作机制;完善作业场所职业卫生监管相关的若干保障体系"。笔者有针对性地提出4方面建议,以期为政府主管部门学习和借鉴国际通常做法提供参考,进一步提高我国作业场所职业卫生监管的水平,从而实现我国作业场所职业卫生监管工作的有序与高效的发展。  相似文献   

我国小企业安全生产现状与对策   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
安全生产关系人民群众的生命财产安全 ,关系改革发展和社会稳定大局。但是 ,目前我国的安全生产形势依然严峻 ,特别是改革开放以来 ,随着各种经济成分 ,尤其是三资企业、私营企业、乡镇企业和个体经济组织大量产生 ,小企业的安全生产普遍存在无人管和不会管的问题 ,重特大事故频频发生。根据国家安全生产监督管理局统计显示 ,近年来发生的特大事故中 ,70 %以上集中在小企业。笔者就中国小企业的界定标准、安全生产状况、事故频发的原因、采取的对策及取得的成绩作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

为评估煤矿井下工人面临的职业健康风险,采用特征化分析和货币化法,提出煤矿井下不同作业场所职业健康风险的定量评价方法。对井下主要作业场所进行划分,收集各作业场所粉尘、噪声和热环境的清单数据,进行特征化分析,将粉尘、噪声和热环境对工人的健康风险影响量化,最后进行货币化,使评价结果赋予经济意义。结果表明:平煤某矿的职业健康风险为715.47万元,主要作业场所职业健康风险由大到小依次为回采、掘进、煤仓口、锚喷作业点和胶带运输转载,评价结果可为煤矿职业健康管理提供更全面的决策依据。  相似文献   

针对我国乡镇工业职业卫生面临的“高需求、低服务”。以及与农村初级卫生保健(PHC)相脱节问题。提出实施乡镇企业职业卫生与PHC相结合的必要性和迫切性。结合WHO职业卫生合作中心(上海)在华东地区的试点探索,提出两者结合的内容和方式的若干设想,强调从更新观念全面认识PHC和把职业卫生与安全作为PHC组成部分入手,深入实践,共同为卫生部领导下的全国性探索作贡献。  相似文献   

为进一步开展城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估工作,运用文献调研方法对国内外城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估研究现状进行综述和展望。研究结果表明:目前,污水处理厂职业健康风险评估主要针对有毒有害气体和生物气溶胶2类危害因素;主要采用问卷调查、矩阵法和剂量-反应模型等3种评估方法;噪声和人机工程等职业危害因素的健康风险评估、暴露特征污染物的识别、复合污染物的健康风险评估、职业与非职业危害因素对工人健康影响等研究工作还有待开展。  相似文献   

为了解听力防护用品使用过程中的问题,提高我国噪声暴露工人听力防护用品的使用率和有效率,选择噪声危害较大的某飞机维修公司的员工,进行听力防护用品使用情况的问卷调查。结果显示:该公司为员工提供耳塞和耳罩两种听力防护用品;员工的听力保护意识、使用情况较好,使用率达95%,但对听力防护用品相关知识的了解不够全面;能够在工作中一直坚持使用的工人较少,仅占11%,影响工人工作时间使用听力防护用品时间长短的因素主要是其舒适性。调查分析提示:在未来听力防护用品的生产过程中,需要进一步加强和改善舒适性的技术;政府、企业和个人3方面共同参与,降低职业性噪声暴露对工人听力的损伤。  相似文献   

Given that no specific provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act explicitly deal with psychosocial risk factors, in Québec, occupational health and safety inspectors employed by the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) address psychosocial hazards under the Act’s general duty clause. This general duty clause and related provisions require that all employers eliminate hazards at source and protect the health of workers. More specifically, they are required to ensure that the organisation of work does not adversely affect the safety or health of the worker. Since 2004, Québec minimum standards legislation has also provided for the right of workers to an environment that is free from psychological harassment.Written from both a legal and public health perspective, this paper has two primary objectives: first, to better understand the potential and limits of the current legislative framework for the protection of the mental health of workers and second, to describe how scientific knowledge related to high risk situations for the mental health of workers might inform interventions by inspectors for the protection of workers’ mental health.  相似文献   

中美职业安全健康法对比   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对中美职业安全健康立法目的和背景的考察,对比分析职业安全健康法涉及的6项具体内容,即体例结构、适用范围、监管方式、监管体制、教育与培训、法律责任,并指出国情不同是造成中美职业安全健康法立法巨大差异的原因之一。经对比分析,可得出几点结论:从中国国情出发,走逐步完善的职业安全健康立法路径,建立独立的职业安全健康法律体系,是我国安全生产的治本之策;对从业人员的职业安全健康保护具有首要性,须明晰保护劳动者的上层法律要求,《安全生产法》并不能代替《职业安全健康法》;完善中国职业安全健康法律制度须走一体化整合的道路。  相似文献   

噪声是纺织业的主要职业危害之一。纺织企业生产车间的噪声不仅会影响到纺织生产的效率、工人的工作能力及安全,还会对纺织工人的健康造成危害,甚至导致职业病。以南方某纺织企业为研究对象,对其生产车间的噪声进行了调查测量,并采用职业病作业危害、职业接触风险评估二种评价方法,对该企业各生产工序的噪声职业危害进行风险评价,得出评价结论,从声源、声传播途径、个体防护及管理制度四个方面提出了降噪措施,以便更好地加强防治,预防减少噪声职业危害。  相似文献   

This study reports the general health and safety (HS) conditions in the Turkish construction industry from the perspective of construction labor. Toward this aim, a questionnaire survey was carried out with 800 workers employed in 32 construction projects in Turkey. Contractors were found to neglect their legal liabilities in paying workers’ insurance premiums. Also, they overlooked safety training and were reluctant to hiring physicians at construction sites and investing in personal protective equipment (PPE). As the real constructors of projects, workers did not attach adequate importance to occupational training. In addition, they were not willing to use some PPE. Key participants of HS affairs such as workers, contractors, unions, and government should comprehend their drawbacks to overcome the current dangerous view of the industry. In this regard, related government bodies should compel contractors and workers to adapt to the relatively new regulations on occupational HS.  相似文献   

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