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长流程钢铁企业发展循环经济的模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钢铁工业是国家发展循环经济的优先切入点,是打造循环型产业的重点;循环经济又是钢铁工业转变增长方式的优先切入点,是打造资源节约型和环境友好型钢铁企业的重要手段.详细介绍长流程钢铁企业发展循环经济的"四四"模式,以及济钢、莱钢、鞍钢、攀钢、包钢等长流程钢铁企业多年的实践探索和经验,为其他钢铁企业发展循环经济提供借鉴.  相似文献   

2008年7月18日,天津市供销社与天津钢管集团公司签定长期合作协议,实现经营企业与利废企业的有效对接,共同打造循环经济产业链。  相似文献   

梳理有关循环经济载体研究文献,以便选择恰当的载体来推进循环经济低成本运作。梳理了近15年有关循环经济载体研究文献发现:循环经济载体研究主要有产业载体、空间载体、功能载体。产业载体研究最多的是工业,且集中于空间载体,其次是农业,而服务业循环经济载体研究主要集中于旅游业。基地和园区是我国发展点状区域循环经济的重要空间载体,而社区可以作为发展面状区域循环经济的空间载体;企业是实现循环经济的基本功能载体,而依托大企业集团打造大产业集群是实现循环经济的最佳功能载体;景区是旅游循环经济发展的重要空间载体,而循环经济技术载体研究可为其他载体运行提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

发展循环经济,建设节约型社会是当前的热点、难点问题.企业是发展循环经济的主体,它对于整个经济的可持续发展具有非常重要的作用,制定企业循环经济发展战略应该是整个经济增长中的重要环节.探讨了企业在发展循环经济中的主体地位,发展循环经济对企业的作用,分析了制约企业在循环经济中发挥作用的因素,最后提出了提高企业自身发展循环经济能力的措施.  相似文献   

探讨装备制造企业按照"装备制造4R"原则,制定循环经济发展思路、统筹规划产业发展路径、培育战略性新兴产业;实施传统产业升级和技术创新;通过组织企业内各工艺之间的物料循环,减少生产过程中物料和能源的使用量,最大限度地利用可再生资源,达到发展循环经济的目的.  相似文献   

以新疆玛纳斯进行试点实施循环经济示范县为背繁,以玛纳斯县某棉浆粕化纤厂为例,运用层次分析法、距离函数法建立棉浆粕化纤厂工业循环经济发展模式评价体系。通过实施循环经济生产模式的改造,分别对改造前和改造后的生产模式进行对比评价研究。在发展循环经济后,棉浆粕化纤厂在节能减排、资源再利用方面有了明显的改善,说明实施循环经济对棉浆粕化纤厂发展有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

宁夏工业和信息化厅认真贯彻落实习近平总书记在宁夏视察时的重要讲话精神,立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,着力推动工业技术升级、绿色化智能化改造,聚焦锰渣处置利用这一难题,助推宁夏天元锰业集团有限公司打造行业绿色发展标杆。一是管好源头降废。建立全区工业固废统计信息平台,准确掌握工业固废排放和利用情况,确定重点产废企业清单,推动企业承担降废减废消废责任。通过优化源头选矿,开展工业固废综合利用,大力发展循环经济,实现生产全过程固废全量化处置利用。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委(经委、经贸委、经信委): 党的十八大做出推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展,建设生态文明的战略部署.发展循环经济是推进生态文明建设、实现可持续发展的重要路径和基本方式.国家"十二五"规划《纲要》和《循环经济发展战略及近期行动计划》(国发[2013]5号)把实施循环经济"十百千"示范行动作为发展循环经济的重大行动,通过创建一批循环经济示范城市(县),打造城市发展的升级版.为落实这一任务要求,国家发展改革委决定组织开展循环经济示范城市(县)创建工作,现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

为进一步推广节能减排,大力发展循环经济,由山西省经济、环境等方面的专家学者、企业家共同发起的山西省循环经济促进会,日前正式成立。该机构旨在推动山西省循环经济发展,加强循环经济的理论研究和实践。同时,深入企业、困区、社区调查研究,为全省循环经济的发展提出对策和建议,并积极推广环保产业、环境标志产品、清洁生产和生态经济的发展,逐步建立循环经济信息网络。  相似文献   

天津子牙循环经济产业区在发展再生资源产业、促进循环经济方面积累了丰富的经验,取得了丰硕的建设成果。通过科学规划、延伸链条、规范管理、科技创新、多元发展,打造了循环、生态、智慧、便捷、宜居的"子牙模式"。  相似文献   

太钢的转型发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁行业是二氧化碳及其他污染物排放的重点行业之一。太原钢铁(集团)公司作为山西省最大的工业企业,以科学发展观为统领,着力转变发展方式,把发展循环经济作为企业绿色转型的内在动力,实现了跨越式发展,取得经济效益和社会效益双丰收。  相似文献   

浅议城市矿产示范基地建设的融资途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对发展循环经济的重点领域中的热点话题,在密切关注国家相关政策走向并结合本地区实际的基础上,通过开展"城市矿产"示范基地建设项目前期工作,探索性地提出了资源再生利用规模化发展的建设项目融资途径,并简述了政府推进循环经济发展的相关政策措施。  相似文献   

This investigation presents the results of leaching tests, using the multiple-batch procedure, on cadmium, zinc, copper, lead, and chromium from copper blasting grit waste generated from a shipbuilding and repair company in Bahrain. The leaching test results have demonstrated that the metals tested were generally released in low concentrations except for copper and zinc. Metal leachability appeared to be dependent upon the pH and composition of the leaching medium.  相似文献   

从废弃电器电子产品资源化的潜在价值、产业政策、环保政策等方面,分析了废弃电器电子产品回收及资源化基地建设的必要性。重点论述了大宗废弃电器电子产品的资源化方法及工艺,同时说明了这些技术及工艺应用的优缺点、产污环节及其控制方式。以佛山市废弃电器电子产品绿色回收拆解及资源循环利用示范基地为例,分析了废旧家电集中处理的可行性和优越性,同时介绍了该基地的建设情况、经济效益和环境效益。该基地的实施为其他城市同类废物回收提供了一个借鉴模板。  相似文献   

This work focuses on processing of anodic slimes obtained from an Egyptian copper electrorefining plant. The anodic slimes are characterized by high concentrations of copper, lead, tin and silver. The proposed hydrometallurgical process consists of two leaching stages for the extraction of copper (H(2)SO(4)-O(2)) and silver (thiourea-Fe3+), and pyrometallurgical treatment of the remaining slimes for production of Pb-Sn soldering alloy. Factors affecting both the leaching and smelting stages were studied.  相似文献   

Implementation of stricter environmental laws and economic reasons has forced all the metallurgical industries to go for eco-friendly technologies to produce metal and other related products. However, generation of wastes is an integral part of metallurgical industries. If the wastes/residues are hazardous in nature, they generally have to be treated or/and disposed of in safe and designated dumping sites. If these wastes/residues are non-hazardous in nature, then they may be suitable for use as secondary raw material to recover metals such as lead, copper etc., which are in growing demand all over the world. The processing of lead secondaries is important because of their relative high metal content, as well as the low energy and cost involved in recovering the metal. This paper mainly focuses on the current practices and recent trends in the secondary processing of lead. Various processes, particularly hydrometallurgical ones, already developed or in the development stages, are discussed. Attempts made by various Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Laboratories including the National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML) and industries such as Binani Zinc to develop eco-friendly processes for the recovery of lead from secondary raw materials are also described.  相似文献   

This article makes an attempt to answer the three questions of why China is devoting its full effort to promoting a circular economy, what a circular economy is, and how to implement a circular economy in China. The evolutionary process of a circular economy in China, from introduction of the concept and the relevant actions of national decision making to demonstration of the system nationwide, has taken only around 6 years, with strong encouragement from politicians and the urgent need to cope with environmental pollution and a severe shortage of natural resources. The circular economy in China is now being actively implemented at three levels: enterprises, eco-industrial parks, and regions. The consolidated theoretical bases of ecology and economics have helped the circular economy to define its position as a new economic model to effectively resolve the problems of resources and the environment. In this regard, material flow management is naturally a unique planning and management method for implementation of a circular economy, and eco-efficiency is a good indicator to measure circular economic activities. Of particular significance has been initiation of the legislative process for the Circular Economy Law, which is among a number of initiatives developing core policies for a circular economy in China. Stringent enforcement of a set of policies for energy saving and pollution abatement nowadays in China will certainly create an enabling environment for the development of a circular economy.  相似文献   

The circular economy has been developing rapidly in recent years in China. A legislative system has been created to provide legal protection for the development of a circular economy, including a series of price and tax measures in the waste management area. These measures form the basic foundation for promoting better waste management under the circular economic model. Many challenges, however, remain. For instance, the legal system needs to incorporate more sophisticated science, and China lacks key waste treatment technology that could support the further development of a circular economy. There is also a need to educate the public about the concept of the circular economy and its benefits. Specific suggestions are made for the development and implementation of the circular economic model.  相似文献   

Enforcement of the Automobile Recycling Law in Japan requires utilization of automobile shredder residue (ASR). However, the high contents of copper (∼5%) and chlorine (∼1%) in ASR stand in the way of practical application. We studied methods for the removal of copper and chlorine from ASR so that it could be utilized as a fuel. By compression of the ASR for solidification with an extruder, the polyvinylchloride (PVC) that covered electrical cables was softened and stripped from the copper wire. The solidified ASR was comminuted with cutter mills and classified by dry density separation. The copper content of the obtained light products was 0.2%–0.5%. Furthermore, we studied the possibility of dechlorination of the ASR by mechanochemical (MC) activation. The light product of the ASR was milled with CaO or CaCO3. The chlorine content decreased to about one-tenth of the original value after MC activation over 8 h. Therefore, the combined processing of softening–stripping and comminution liberated the PVC-covered cables and decreased the copper content of the ASR. In addition, dechlorination of the ASR was also possible by MC activation with the addition of calcium compounds.  相似文献   

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