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Crimson-breasted shrikes produce duets which are used in interactions with neighbours and intruders. We examined two major hypotheses explaining duetting, the territorial defence and mate guarding hypotheses, using playback experiments. The responses of 12 pairs towards solo male, solo female and stereo duet playback were analysed using principal component analysis and ANOVA. The measures of response intensity revealed in most cases highly coordinated responses of the pair partners. Although these joint responses could suggest cooperative territorial defence or mutual mate defence, responses to the treatments differed between males and females in terms of three variables. Females increased their answer rates significantly in response to unpaired female intruders, compared to unpaired male intruders. During duet playback, females directed their responses equally at both intruding pair members. In contrast, males were equally responsive towards unpaired male intruders and intruding pairs, but in the latter case directed their responses at the male pair member. In the presence of unpaired female intruders, males increased their solo song rates, but in the presence of intruding pairs, they increased overlapping rates and duetted with their mates. These divergent responses suggest that females use duets for mate guarding against unpaired females, whereas males use solo songs for mate guarding and both solos and duets in territorial defence.  相似文献   

Signal attributes should show different degrees of variability depending on the information to be conveyed. Species identity is usually associated with stereotyped features of a signal, whereas other types of information such as individual quality and motivation are associated with signal plasticity. Lusitanian toadfish males form aggregations during the breeding season and emit a tonal advertisement call (the boatwhistle) to attract mates to their nests. We test the hypothesis that the boatwhistle can convey information both on individual identity and motivation by checking how signal parameters vary with time. We study how the physical (tide level) and social (calling alone or in a chorus) environments and male calling rate affect this advertisement signal and how all these external and internal factors (environment, social and male motivation) blend to modulate the Lusitanian toadfish’s advertisement call. Boatwhistles of each male were very stereotyped in short periods of time (minutes), but intra-male signal variability greatly increased in a longer time scale (days). Nevertheless, significant differences among males could still be found even in a long time scale. Pulse period was the acoustic feature that most contributed to discriminate among males. Tide level and male calling rate modulated boatwhistle characteristics, and there was a differential effect of tide on call attributes depending on male calling rate. Social acoustic environment only affected calling rate. These results suggest that inter-individual differences in call characteristics and call plasticity may mediate both male–male assessment and mate choice.  相似文献   

Despite numerous hypotheses proposed for the function of duets, there is currently no consensus as to why males and females should coordinate their songs in such a precise way. There is evidence indicating that duets sometimes serve in territory defence, but additional functions are rarely considered. The mate-defence hypothesis proposes that birds sing in response to their partner's song and the resulting duet repels rivals and may prevent desertion of a partner. We investigated this idea in the subdesert mesite Monias benschi using playback experiments in which we broadcast recordings of solos and duets to single birds and groups. Two predictions of the hypothesis were met: (1) the solo songs of both sexes incited aggressive responses from paired birds of the same sex; and (2) compared to solo songs, pair duets elicited weaker responses from groups and duetting pairs. However, groups responded to male duets with a vigour equal to that with which they responded to male solos. This indicated that the weaker responses of groups to pair duets compared to male solos was a function of the sex rather than number of vocalising birds. Groups responded more strongly to male solos than to either female solos or pair duets, and females' responses were generally weaker than those of males. This may reflect stronger competition among males for mates, due to a male-biased sex ratio in the population. We conclude that song serves similar functions in each sex and that duets may arise through mutual mate defence.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in animal signalling behaviour has been well documented and has contributed much to our understanding of male signals. In contrast, we know little about seasonal variation in female signals or signals produced jointly by males and females, such as the vocal duets of birds. Here, we examine how singing behaviour changes in relation to time of year and breeding stage in rufous-and-white wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus), neotropical songbirds where both males and females sing and where breeding partners coordinate songs to produce vocal duets. We recorded a colour-marked population of birds over an extended time period encompassing multiple breeding stages. Across all time frames and breeding stages, males sang at higher rates than females and male solos were more common than duets or female solos. Males and females showed divergent seasonal patterns of singing. Females sang more often early in the year, during the pre-breeding season, and female song tapered off as the breeding season progressed. Duetting followed a parallel pattern, which resulted from females showing less duet responsiveness to their partner’s songs later in the year. Male independent song rate peaked at the onset of the rainy season – a time when females become fertile – and males showed the highest level of duet responsiveness during this period. Our results suggest that early in the year, duets appear to be cooperative displays, functioning in joint territory defence and/or the coordination of breeding activities. When females are fertile, however, increased duet responsiveness by males is consistent with mate or paternity guarding.  相似文献   

Summary Anuran choruses are acoustically complex assemblages of calling males. Little is known about the behavior of males or females in such natural sound environments. I studied calling behavior of males of Hyla microcephala in nature by using an interactive computer-based system that allowed me to simulate call interruptions by a number of males. I also monitored the calling behavior of groups of four to six males. When a male is interrupted by the call of another frog, he increases the spacing between the notes of his call. Responses of this kind are strongest to the loudest neighbor, and some males may ignore interruptions by all but a single close male. Interruptions using synthetic calls with silent gaps indicated that males respond vocally to reductions in sound intensity as brief as 20 ms. This ability helps to explain how males can rapidly alternate notes during pairwise interactions. Amounts of acoustic overlap between pairs of males in the choruses were usually below 10% of an individual's total calling time during bouts. The time a male spent calling that was free of acoustic interference by any other male ranged from 34–92% of his total calling time. When group size was decreased, this unobstructed calling time increased. Previous research showed that females of H. microcephala discriminate against calls that overlap so that the call pulse-train structure is degraded. Here I show that a 6 dB difference in intensity between the overlapped calls is sufficient to reduce the degradative effect of call interference. Females were also given a choice between interfering calls broadcast from two adjacent and two widely separated speakers. An angular separation between speakers of 120° was insufficient to elicit a preference for the separated sources. Together, data on behavior of males and females indicated that males actively reduce acoustic interference with those loud individuals most likely to degrade seriously the temporal structure of their calls.  相似文献   

Many socially monogamous bird species follow a genetically promiscuous reproductive strategy. Duetting birds may be an exception, as they appear to exhibit very low levels of extra pair paternity—which is thought to be connected to duetting. Duets are predicted to function either in paternity guarding or as signals of commitment to the pair bond, reciprocally reducing extra pair mating in both sexes. In this study, we used four microsatellites to document paternity loss in the Crimson-breasted Shrike (Laniarius atrococcineus), a socially monogamous subtropical duetting species. Extra pair paternity was surprisingly high, with extra pair males siring 20 % of young in 30 % of broods. Furthermore, we compared the levels of extra pair paternity of each pair to certain characteristics of their duets to test the paternity guard and the commitment hypotheses. Our results offered no support that duets function in paternity guarding, although the fact that males which had been cuckolded answered more of their female’s calls could represent an adaptation to avoid future cuckoldry. We also found no evidence for duets functioning as signal of commitment. Female vocal behaviour was in fact the reverse of that predicted: Levels of infidelity amongst social females were positively related to female answer rate of their mates’ songs. These results indicate that females may use increased answer rates as a form of manipulation, in an attempt to avoid potential costs associated with their extra pair matings.  相似文献   

Facultative traits that have evolved under sexual selection, such as the acoustic ornaments present in the advertisement signals of male túngara frogs (Physalaemus pustulosus), offer a unique opportunity to examine selection for trait exaggeration with a focus on individual differences amongst signalers. By contrast, many studies of mate choice use experimental designs that obscure the inter-individual variation amongst signalers available for selection to act on—through the use of “typical” or average signals from the population. Here, we use dichotomous female phonotaxis choice tests to determine how the value of male call embellishment varies across 20 individual males frogs recorded from the wild—a sample which captures the acoustic diversity present in the population. We tested 20 females for each male call pair (i.e., 400 females). The results show widespread preference amongst females for ornamented calls (“whine–chucks”) over simple calls (“whines”), yet also demonstrate substantial variation in the relative benefits for individual male frogs—some males enjoy appreciable benefits by using ornaments while others (30% of males in this study) do not. We also show that the relative amplitude of the chuck to the whine correlates positively with the value of call elaborations across these 20 males. Finally, by manipulating the relative amplitude of whines and chucks using both natural and synthetic calls, we demonstrate directly that this single call parameter is key to determining the relative value of call elaborations across males.  相似文献   

Many species possess multiple sexually dimorphic traits, which incorporate different sensory modalities (e.g., acoustic, olfactory and visual), although their relative roles in sexual selection and in determining reproductive success are still poorly understood for most taxa. We assessed the role of multiple male traits, including one acoustic (dominant call frequency) and one visual (yellow throat patch) trait, in residency advertisement, contest behavior, and breeding success in barking geckos (Ptenopus garrulus garrulus). We show that male barking geckos maintain largely exclusive home ranges, with a trend for larger males to maintain larger home ranges. We also show that larger males have a lower dominant calling frequency. When aggressive behavior was elicited in the field using a recorded call of average frequency, resident males with low frequency calls were more likely to respond aggressively and charge the speaker compared to males with high frequency calls. However, body size and small relative throat patch size, rather than call frequency, were the best predictors of overall aggressiveness. Body size was also the best predictor of whether males bred. We suggest that call frequency in this crepuscular species constitutes an effective long-range signal of body size, used by males for remote rival assessment and to advertise home range boundaries in low-light environments.  相似文献   

We studied female mate choice by Hyla versicolor in three venues to examine how acoustic and spatial complexity, background noise, and the calling behavior of males might influence preferences manifest in previous laboratory two-stimulus choice tests. Our laboratory-based two-stimulus choice tests with and without broadcasts of chorus noise demonstrated that females prefer long calls relative to short calls when calling efforts of alternatives are equivalent. Background noise impaired the ability of females to discriminate in favor of longer over shorter calls, but the magnitude of the effect was small. Captures of females at eight speakers broadcasting 6- to 27-pulse calls at the edge of a pond revealed strong discrimination against only the shortest call variant. In natural choruses, females may only rarely encounter males using such unattractive vocalizations. Female phonotaxis at an artificial pond with caged and electronically monitored calling males also indicated that consequences of female preferences for temporal aspects of calling observed in two-stimulus choice tests are much attenuated in choruses and explain only small portions (<10%) of the variation in male mating success. Nevertheless, relatively high call duration and calling effort increased male attractiveness. Acoustic interference emerged as another significant factor influencing male mating success and possibly the differences in female choice observed in laboratory and chorus settings. We suggest that the bias of females against both overlapped and very short calls may help explain why males lengthen their calls but lower their rate of delivery in response to increases in chorus size.  相似文献   

Male Xenopus laevis frogs produce underwater advertisement calls that attract gravid females and suppress calling by male competitors. Here we explore whether groups of males establish vocal ranks and whether auditory cues alone suffice for vocal suppression. Tests of male–male pairs within assigned groups reveal linear vocal dominance relations, in which each male has a defined rank. Both the duration over which males interact, as well as the number of competitive opportunities, affect linearity. Linear dominance across the group is stable for about 2 weeks; rank is dynamic. Males engage in physical interactions (clasping) while paired but clasping and vocal rank are not correlated. Playbacks of advertisement calls suppress calling and calls from high- and low-ranking males are equally effective. Thus, auditory cues alone suffice to suppress vocal behavior. Playback intensities equivalent to a nearby male advertising effectively suppress calling while low-intensity playbacks are either ineffective or stimulate vocal behavior. X. laevis advertisement calls are biphasic, composed of alternating fast and slow click trills. Approximately half the males tested are more vocally suppressed by all slow than by all fast trills; thus, these males can distinguish between the two phases. The fully aquatic family Pipidae diverged from terrestrial ancestors approximately 170 mya. Vocal suppression in the X. laevis mating system may represent the translation of an ancient anuran social strategy to underwater life.  相似文献   

Summary The advertisement calls of Geocrinia laevis are diphasic, and consist of a single introductory note, followed by a series of repeated notes; diphasy is based on differentiation in the temporal structure of the two phases. In a series of field playback tests used to investigate the functional significance of diphasy, calling males were presented with one of three types of acoustic stimulus: complete calls (introductory and repeated notes), introductory notes only, or repeated notes only. There were no marked differences in the effects of these stimuli, and all resulted in a reduction in the rates of production of introductory notes and of repeated notes. Playback at levels of 110 dB PSPL and above caused virtual cessation of calling. The results suggest that one of the functions of the advertisement call, the communication of territoriality between males, does not reside in either the introductory note or the repeated notes, so that diphasy in the advertisement call has no apparent functional basis in this context. Whether the attraction of reproductively ripe females is a particular function of either phase remains untested. The advertisement calls of G. laevis are much less diphasic than those of a closely related species, G. victoriana, for which there is a clear partitioning of the functions of communication of territoriality and the attraction of conspecific mates between the introductory notes and the repeated notes, respectively. Furthermore, the acoustic repertoire of G. laevis is less complex than that of G. victoriana in lacking a vocalisation which functions specifically in close-range aggressive encounters between males.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of male green frogs to assess the size of an opponent based on the dominant frequency of their advertisement call, which is negatively correlated with size, using synthetic stimuli to simulate intruders of different sizes. In one field playback experiment, we broadcast a pair of stimuli representing a small and a large male; in a second experiment, we broadcast calls of a medium and a large male. In both experiments, males produced calls with significantly lower dominant frequencies in response to each stimulus. Contrast analyses revealed that males lowered the dominant frequency of their calls more in response to the large-male stimulus than in responses to the small- and medium-male stimuli. In the second experiment, males also responded to the large-male stimulus by calling at higher rates. There were no differences in mean note duration or the number of moves made toward or around the playback speaker in response to any stimulus. Thus, the frequency of an opponent's calls elicits a differential modification of calling behavior, primarily in the form of differential dominant frequency alteration, suggesting that males use dominant frequency to assess the size of opponents during aggressive encounters. Received: 17 April 1998 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

Males in many chorusing anuran species use aggressive calls during defense of calling spaces from other males. The minimal intensity of another male’s vocalizations that elicits an aggressive call response has been termed the aggressive threshold. Previous studies of aggressive thresholds have shown that they are plastic: males habituated (increased their aggressive thresholds) in response to repeated presentation of stimuli above initial threshold levels. Habituation likely contributes to the stable chorus structure of these species, in which aggressive calling is rare compared to advertisement calls. I have observed high levels of aggressive calling in the treefrog Dendropsophus ebraccatus, suggesting that males of this species do not habituate. In this study, I investigated the plasticity of aggressive thresholds in D. ebraccatus. I measured the aggressive thresholds of males before and after suprathreshold stimulation by both advertisement and aggressive calls. I found that the different call types had different effects: males habituated to advertisement calls but lowered their aggressive thresholds in response to aggressive calls. I consider the latter response to be an example of sensitization, a behavior that has been documented infrequently in vocalizing anurans. Sensitization is a plausible mechanism responsible for the high levels of aggressive calling observed in this species. Given the high costs of aggressive calling, however, it is unclear why a mechanism that increases aggressive call output would be maintained.  相似文献   

In most sexually reproducing animals, the behavior of one or both sexes during courtship critically influences the success at mating of the opposite sex. This behavior is often interpreted as “mate choice,” and there is great interest in why such choices are exercised. The explanation for the evolution of mate choice that has received the most attention and generated the most controversy is based on assumed genetic effects. In this study, we investigated whether female túngara frogs, which choose mates based on acoustic cues, have a preference for genetically less related males. Specifically, we determine if there is disassortive mating based on microsatellite markers, if there is information in the advertisement call that could be used to assess genetic similarity, and if females exhibit acoustic-based mating preferences that would promote choice for genetic diversity. Using seven microsatellite markers, we found no correlation of male call similarity and male genetic relatedness. Female choice experiments showed no female preference for calls of less related males, and there was no evidence for inbreeding avoidance in the field. Our results do not support the hypothesis of mate choice based on information about genetic relatedness conveyed by acoustic signals in túngara frogs.  相似文献   

Chorusing males of the neotropical treefrog Hyla microcephala call in distinct bouts punctuated by periods of silence, a pattern known as unison bout singing. Schwartz (1991) previously tested and refuted the hypotheses that males periodically stop calling either because of a female preference for males that call cyclically, or because high ambient noise levels inhibit vocal activity. Males of H. microcephala are vocally responsive to the calls of other males, and during calling bouts their rate of note production can exceed 10,000 per hour. In natural choruses females preferentially pair with males that call at the higher rates. Because females can pair with males over many hours, males may stop calling periodically to save energy so they can continue to call for the entire period that females are available. We directly tested this energy conservation hypothesis by collecting samples of males early in the evening just after chorusing commenced and later when chorusing had ended for the night. Trunk muscles (internal and external oblique), which are responsible for the airflow associated with note production, were dissected, frozen, and their glycogen content measured. Data on calling behavior were obtained for late-evening samples. Individual calling behavior was not correlated with a males final glycogen level. In addition, many males ended their calling before glycogen reserves were exhausted, indicating that factors other than energy can determine when males finally stop chorusing, However, the biochemical assays supported the energy conservation hypothesis. Unless chorusing was punctuated by pauses, most males would have been unable to sustain high rates of calling for an entire evening without exhausting glycogen reserves in their trunk muscles. Because the time females pair with males is probably unpredictable to males, the ability to call for long periods may improve a males chances of mating.  相似文献   

We examined multiple mate choice criteria in Cophixalus ornatus, a terrestrial breeding, microhylid frog. Mate choice consisted of three stages: mate attraction (male calling), courtship (male behavior between the call site and the nest), and nest site selection by the female. For male C. ornatus, the possession of a call with low dominant frequency relative to calling neighbors increased the probability that they would attract females. Dominant frequency was negatively correlated with age independent of male mass and snout vent length. When escorting the female from the call site to their nest, males traveled along more convoluted paths than when returning to the nest alone. The convolution of the path was, therefore, considered an aspect of courtship. Females released eggs into nests with structural characteristics typical of nests constructed by older males. Thus, females increased their chances of locating an acceptable nest by preferentially approaching males with lower dominant frequencies. This study is the first to demonstrate that age, independent of mass or snout-vent length, can influence call characteristics in anurans, and it is also the first to demonstrate the importance of male age to female mate choice in an amphibian.  相似文献   

In katydids such as Kawanaphilanartee, a female bias in the operational sex ratio (OSR) results in female competition for mates and male choice of mates. Previous work showed that the excess of sexually active females occurs when food availability is low, in part because less food increases the propensity of females to mate as they forage for the large edible spermatophores produced by males. In this study with K.nartee, a pollen-feeding species, we estimate natural variation in numbers of sexually active males and females by assessing male calling activity and the propensity of females to respond to experimental calling males. We found an excess of sexually active males at a site with many flowers and an excess of sexually active females at a site with few flowers about 900 m away. Between-site differences in gut masses of calling males were consistent with the hypothesis that pollen availability controls OSR. Finally, at a third site where flowers were at first scarce, we found that the initial excess in sexually active females changed to an excess of sexually active males after a clump of grass-trees flowered. The mean gut mass of all sampled males from this site increased after flowering. The large variation in OSR that we document for K. nartee highlights the importance of identifying the appropriate spatial and temporal scales over which OSRs are measured in studies of factors controlling sexual selection. Received: 13 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1997  相似文献   

Summary Variation in seasonal mating success among male natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) was influenced by the number of nights that males spent at the pond and by male body size. Large males produced louder and lower frequency calls than small males, and maintained larger acoustic territories. After arriving at the pond, one half of all observed females mated with the first male they encountered. The remainder visited several males before initiating amplexus, but no criteria could be identified that females might have used when deciding whether to accept or reject a male. Movements between several males seem to be best explained by low female responsiveness to male advertisement calls on cold nights which were nonoptimal for oviposition. Females attempted to reject non-calling males both before and after amplexus, but this may be a mechanism to avoid mismating with males of the common toad (Bufo bufo), an explosive breeder that utilised the same pond. In two-choice playback experiments using synthetic advertisement calls, females showed no preference for calls based on their frequency. Females preferred calls of intermediate pulse repetition rate equivalent to those produced by a male at the same body temperature. Pulse rate is thus potentially subject to stabilishing selection and may be an important character for species-recognition. Females preferred fast rather than slow call rates, but only when the alternative rates were extreme. They also preferred calls which they perceived at the highest sound pressure level, but did not discriminate between absolute sound pressure levels of alternative stimuli at different distances. Since females that delay mating and oviposition may suffer predation, it is suggested that female preference for loud, rapidly repeated calls may be adaptive in the sense of minimizing the costs of locating conspecific males, rather than maximizing the probability of obtaining a high quality mate. Competition between males to maintain large acoustic territories and produce calls that can be easily detected by females would seem to be a sufficient mechanism to explain the evolution of the striking calls produced by male natterjacks.  相似文献   

Summary I simulated territorial intrusions by mated pairs, solitary males and solitary females through song playback to investigate the behaviors that agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) use to maintain territoriality and monogamy. Mated male and female gibbons approached and duetted in response to a simulated territorial intrusion by a neighboring group. Strange solitary females elicited similar approach and singing responses from mated pairs. In contrast, the simulated presence of a solitary male consistently evoked approaches by mated males only. Females and males did not contribute equally to pair movements or to answering songs; males led the majority of approaches, while females initiated all duets. I hypothesize that carrying small, vulnerable infants may inhibit females from leading approaches. These results are consistent with previous studies which suggest that female territoriality prevents male gibbons from becoming polygynous.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between mating success, male size and variation in the advertisement call in the frog Crinia georgiana under field conditions. Mating success in 91 males was determined by following 32 females as they moved through the chorus. Our analyses indicated that successful males had a higher number of pulses in the first note and/or called at a higher rate. However, we did not detect a significant relationship between mating success and dominant frequency, the property that varied most strongly with body size, suggesting that size is not an important influence on mate choice in this species. Even so, smaller males were more successful if they called at a higher rate whereas larger males were more successful if they had more pulses in their first note. Accordingly, males of different size may use different calling tactics to attract females. These results provide a framework for further experimental studies aimed at investigating the independent impacts of both inter- and intra-sexual selection on the advertisement call and body size of C. georgiana.  相似文献   

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