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Regulatory agencies are involved in analysis of plans for, and results of, virtually every environmental site investigation and remediation project. Controlling the cost of such projects is largely dependent on arriving at a reasonable scope of work. Regulatory approval is heavily influenced by the approach, cooperation, level of expertise, communication skills, preparation, and diplomacy of those who interact directly with agency personnel. Agencies also can be sources of assistance in obtaining the cooperation of other responsible parties. This article discusses a practical approach to maximize assistance, cooperation, and collaboration from regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation has recently been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an appropriate remedy for sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Because natural attenuation does not require active remediation, it is considerably less expensive than other groundwater remedies. However, as laid out in EPA's recently released guidance, careful, systematic evaluation of natural attenuation must be conducted to ensure that the remedial approach is appropriate for a given site. The guidance requires that data be collected to demonstrate that natural attenuation is occurring and a fate-and-transport model must be conducted to estimate the extent to which a contaminated plume will ultimately migrate. Finally, the proponent of natural attenuation must be prepared to conduct long-term groundwater monitoring to verify that natural attenuation is controlling plume migration and that human health and the environment are not adversely affected.  相似文献   

Towns concentrate around 50% of world-wide population and the trend is oriented to underscore an urban profile of population. In addition, towns have become important for their economic contribution to the Gross Internal Product. The negative side of towns is the environmental and social impacts as a result of productive and domestic activities, besides the lack of available data. In order to overcome these shortcomings, the United Nations has established a project of urban monitoring throughout the Global Network of Urban Observatories; Mexico joined the project in 2005. The Local Urban Observatory of Mexicali has the task to produce information about cities that is useful to design public policies. Some of this information deals with a set of environmental indicators in the United Nations Habitat Agenda, which includes solid wastes. Therefore, this paper deals with two main topics; firstly, from the Habitat Agenda, a comparative urban analysis of waste production and coverage of domestic waste collection services; secondly, from the Local Agenda, the identification and ranking of environmental problems according to public perception coming from people involved in the municipal planning and decision making process. Results will be used to develop local indicators and public environmental policies.  相似文献   

“Zero emissions” is a concept envisaging the creation of a sustainable society with minimal disposal of resources. In order to realize zero emissions for plastics, it is important to establish a method for quantitatively evaluating candidate recycling processes. In this study, the principle of the substitution factor (SF) is introduced. A quantitative evaluation of the recycling process for plastics was then carried out. The production process for monofilament plastics was examined. The recycling of plastics discarded during the production process could be substituted in small amounts for virgin materials, giving reduced CO2 emissions. Furthermore, production using recycled material mixed with virgin material was more effective in reducing CO2 emissions than when recycled materials only were used. Received: November 19, 1999 / Accepted: November 28, 2000  相似文献   

A general mathematical model has been developed as a tool for environmental evaluation of industrial chemical processes. This model is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and includes a modular and cumulative conceptual approximation. Accordingly, the model considers the potential effects on the environment caused by mass, energy and exergy flows. For environmental loads related with mass flows, two main categories are defined: pollution and perturbation environmental effects. Whereas for the environmental effect associated with energy flows, a factor defined as “energy dissipation” is employed, and similarly for exergy flows, a “exergy destruction” parameter is used. The measurement unit employed throughout the model is expressed in terms of “potential environmental impact units/hour”. As an example study case, the integrated production chain (IPC) for nitric acid production in the Colombian context is evaluated. This particular IPC includes the ammonia production plant, energy plants and main process plant. The results demonstrate that for environmental perturbation effects based on mass flows, the main contribution in the IPC corresponds to the energy plants. In the case of pollution environmental loads, the principal contribution relates to ammonia production. Regarding environmental effects associated with energy flows, the highest “energy dissipation” factor corresponds to the main process, followed in order by the ammonia process. Finally, for the effect denominated as “exergy destruction”, it could be established that Colombian energy plants show the highest contribution in the IPC.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) problems should be set as a priority in Thailand due to unpleasant operations. E-waste...  相似文献   

Many federal, state, and private agencies deal with long‐term environmental problems within a transition framework where political administrations, funds, regulators, regulatory requirements, environmental conditions, and tribal and stakeholder concerns change. In this article, we examine the types of transitions, as well as important stabilities, that agencies face, the interactions with stakeholders that are vulnerable to disruption or failure, and some of the problems that develop as a result of these conditions, using the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE's) Office of Environmental Management (EM) as a case study. Transitions, or instabilities, include changes in administrations at the federal, state, and local level; public perceptions and concerns; political climate; available funds; environmental conditions (e.g., global climate change, global contaminant transport, local and regional contamination); international and national business conditions; and site conditions (physical, chemical, biological). Governmental agencies operate under several different kinds of uncertainties, including scientific, fiscal‐year economic, technological, and societal. Not all information can be known, and the outcomes from scientific issues or technologies cannot always be predicted. The authors believe that transitions from one set of conditions to another can be more effectively integrated with the long‐term stability of environmental laws and regulations, and with the stability of the treaty rights and concerns of tribal nations, as well as the shorter‐term stability of career personnel and established programs. A sense of stability for government agencies allowing maintenance of ongoing environmental management programs can also be achieved through processes and programs, such as establishing long‐term contracts (for remediation or restoration work), schedule and scope documents, future land‐use documents, National Environmental Research Parks (which obligate lands to study and conservation), and other programs that set the direction of work and activities for many years. Further, two other factors are essential for success within any agency facing transitions: (1) expectations should be both forward‐looking and realistic, and (2) there must be flexibility in both programs and processes. The authors conclude that several features are essential to addressing some of the problems created by transitions, including information, integration, iteration, interaction, and inclusion. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The province of Siena, Italy, enacted a new garbage plan (NGP) with the objective of increasing separate waste collection (SWC), shutting down six landfills and increasing incineration. The aim of the paper is to evaluate costs and benefits of the NGP. The hypothesis is that willingness to pay (WTP) should reflect the value to the community of having better environmental quality, according to the Contingent Valuation literature. The paper reports the results of a contingent valuation (CV). The sample was divided into two subsets: firms and households. Through the information gathered via a detailed questionnaire, parametric and non-parametric estimates were elaborated to analyse the WTP of the population for the benefits flowing from increased SWC, increased incineration and shutting down of landfills. These values were expressed as a share of the tax actually paid. Although a small subset of firms and households valued increasing incineration less positively, requesting compensation, on the whole interviewees (with large differences between firms and households) had a net positive WTP for the provisions included in NGP. Parametric estimation procedures enabled us to analyse the economic as well as social and demographic factors affecting these results. These elements are useful for computing a value for the waste charge that also reflects external effects. Finally, we estimated household income elasticity of WTP for the increase in SWC and found less than one: environmental quality is not a luxury good.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy is conducting a project to accelerate remediation through the use of monitored natural attenuation and enhanced attenuation for chlorinated ethenes in soils and groundwater. Better monitoring practices, improved scientific understanding, and an advanced regulatory framework are being sought through a team effort that engages technology developers from academia, private industry, and government laboratories; site cleanup managers; stakeholders; and federal and state regulators. The team works collaboratively toward the common goals of reducing risk, accelerating cleanup, reducing cost, and minimizing environmental disruption. Cutting‐edge scientific advances are being combined with experience and sound environmental engineering in a broadly integrated and comprehensive approach that exemplifies socalled “third‐generation R&D.” The project is potentially a model for other cleanup activities. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Vacuum evaporation consists in the boiling of a liquid substrate at negative pressure, at a temperature lower than typical boiling temperature at atmospheric conditions. Condensed vapor represents the so called condensate, while the remaining substrate represents the concentrate.This technology is derived from other sectors and is mainly dedicated to the recovery of chemicals from industrial by-products, while it has not been widely implemented yet in the field of agricultural digestate treatment. The present paper relates on experimental tests performed in pilot-scale vacuum evaporation plants (0.100 and 0.025 m3), treating filtered digestate (liquid fraction of digestate filtered by a screw-press separator). Digestate was produced by a 1 MWe anaerobic digestion plant fed with swine manure, corn silage and other biomasses. Different system and process configurations were tested (single-stage and two-stage, with and without acidification) with the main objectives of assessing the technical feasibility and of optimizing process parameters for an eventual technology transfer to full scale systems.The inputs and outputs of the process were subject to characterization and mass and nutrients balances were determined.The vacuum evaporation process determined a relevant mass reduction of digestate.The single stage configuration determined the production of a concentrate, still in liquid phase, with a total solid (TS) mean concentration of 15.0%, representing, in terms of mass, 20.2% of the input; the remaining 79.8% was represented by condensate. The introduction of the second stage allowed to obtain a solid concentrate, characterized by a content of TS of 59.0% and representing 5.6% of initial mass.Nitrogen balance was influenced by digestate pH: in order to limit the stripping of ammonia and its transfer to condensate it was necessary to reduce the pH. At pH 5, 97.5% of total nitrogen remained in the concentrate. This product was characterized by very high concentrations of total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), 55,000 mg/kg as average.Condensate, instead, represented 94.4% of input mass, containing 2.5% of TKN. This fraction could be discharged into surface water, after purification to meet the criteria imposed by Italian regulation. Most likely, condensate could be used as dilution water for digestion input, for cleaning floor and surfaces of animal housings or for crop irrigation.The research showed the great effectiveness of the vacuum evaporation process, especially in the two stage configuration with acidification. In fact, the concentration of nutrients in a small volume determines easier transportation and reduction of related management costs. In full scale plants energy consumption is estimated to be 5–8 kWhe/m3 of digestate and 350 kWht/m3 of evaporated water.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) geophysical tools have been widely used in the petroleum exploration industry since the 1960s and have improved significantly in the last two decades. These tools can provide estimates of bulk porosity and fluid content, quantification of bound versus mobile fluids, and estimates of hydraulic conductivity (K). Although the size and cost of oil‐field tools historically limited their use for near‐surface applications, smaller and more economical downhole NMR logging tools are now available for detecting and characterizing the formation water content and K to support environmental and groundwater resource investigations. These tools can be deployed using direct‐push drilling techniques or they can be lowered into existing open borings or wells with nonconductive polyvinyl chloride casings and screens. In many cases, using the tool in existing wells offers a safer and more cost‐effective alternative compared to drilling new boreholes. For environmental investigations, NMR can provide useful high‐resolution quantitative hydrostratigraphic information that can provide additional valuable data to further inform and refine the conceptual site model. This paper highlights several NMR field investigations that demonstrate the viability of this technology as a site characterization tool for near‐surface investigations. NMR measurements were compared to data from lithologic logs, cone penetrometer testing data, and prior field hydraulic tests. Use of NMR to detect vadose zone water, including previously unidentified perched groundwater zones, provided hydrostratigraphic details that could not be gleaned from historical well drilling logs and were used to evaluate drainable pore water versus pore water bound in small pores by capillary forces or electrochemically clay‐bond water. NMR also produced K estimates similar to those from conventional hydraulic tests, but the improved vertical resolution from NMR provided additional information regarding the vertical heterogeneity of the formation along the entire length of the well or borehole. Additionally, bench‐scale tests are presented that confirm the capability for NMR to reliably detect and quantify light nonaqueous phase liquid saturation (specifically diesel fuel and weathered gasoline) in situ. The field tests combined with bench‐scale testing results affirm the applicability and potential for NMR as a practical characterization tool that should increasingly be utilized in environmental investigations.  相似文献   

Pesticides are widely used in modern agriculture to minimize financial losses and maintain food supplies. In southeast Asia, where agriculture is the principal economic activity, pesticides are considered essential, particularly in tropical regions seeking to enter the global economy by providing off-season fresh fruits and vegetables. The absence of a strong legal framework for pesticides facilitated a significant increase in the use of low-quality pesticides. Farmers ignore the risks, safety instructions, and protective directives when using pesticides. They are only concerned about the effectiveness of the pesticides for killing pests, without paying attention to the effects on their health and the environment. The improper usage of pesticides and the incorrect disposal of pesticide wastes contributed to the pollution of groundwater, surface water, and soil, and induced health problems in local communities. This paper describes the impact of the exposure of pesticides on human health and water resources in connection with the usage of pesticides and their management. Because of availability, the data are mainly taken for Northern Vietnam, and applied to the water quality in the delta; nevertheless, the problem relates to all countries in the delta, and similar situations may be found in other regions, particularly in Asia.  相似文献   

About 70% of all of the liquid and solid hazardous wastes commercially incinerated in the United States is being burned in cement kilns. The process inevitably results in residues, primarily heavy metals, entering the clinker and waste dusts (cement kiln dust, CKD) produced by these kilns. The effects of this trend on the nature and chemical composition of cement, actual and future, are discussed. The wastes burned by cement kilns are expected to increasingly have higher levels of heavy metals per Btu. In general, the effects are very simple to describe but have as yet unknown consequences. The present American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard does not effectively control hazardous waste burning residues in Portland Cement.The regulatory and economic pressures on CKD disposal suggest that much of it, and its heavy metal residues, will, in time, end up in the clinker and the resultant cement. The end point to the trend is the ability to make cement that passes the performance specifications while containing high levels of heavy metals. The only other alternative is to maximize the levels of heavy metals in the CKD, minimize the amount of CKD, and dispose of its as a hazardous waste.It is recommended that an effort to correlate heavy metal levels in clinker with adverse effects be undertaken, a new standard for cement containing hazardous and other waste residuals be developed, and labeling be required.  相似文献   

Recycling of paper and glass from household waste is an integrated part of waste management in Denmark, however, increased recycling is a legislative target. The questions are: how much more can the recycling rate be increased through improvements of collection schemes when organisational and technical limitations are respected, and what will the environmental and economic consequences be? This was investigated in a case study of a municipal waste management system. Five scenarios with alternative collection systems for recyclables (paper, glass, metal and plastic packaging) were assessed by means of a life cycle assessment and an assessment of the municipality’s costs. Kerbside collection would provide the highest recycling rate, 31% compared to 25% in the baseline scenario, but bring schemes with drop-off containers would also be a reasonable solution. Collection of recyclables at recycling centres was not recommendable because the recycling rate would decrease to 20%. In general, the results showed that enhancing recycling and avoiding incineration was recommendable because the environmental performance was improved in several impact categories. The municipal costs for collection and treatment of waste were reduced with increasing recycling, mainly because the high cost for incineration was avoided. However, solutions for mitigation of air pollution caused by increased collection and transport should be sought.  相似文献   

Landfill site selection is a complicated multi criteria land use planning that should convince all related stakeholders with different insights. This paper addresses an integrating approach for landfill siting based on conflicting opinions among environmental, economical and socio-cultural expertise. In order to gain optimized siting decision, the issue was investigated in different viewpoints. At first step based on opinion sampling and questionnaire results of 35 experts familiar with local situations, the national environmental legislations and international practices, 13 constraints and 15 factors were built in hierarchical structure. Factors divided into three environmental, economical and socio-cultural groups. In the next step, the GIS-database was developed based on the designated criteria. In the third stage, the criteria standardization and criteria weighting were accomplished. The relative importance weights of criteria and subcriteria were estimated, respectively, using analytical hierarchy process and rank ordering methods based on different experts opinions. Thereafter, by using simple additive weighting method, the suitability maps for landfill siting in Marvdasht, Iran, was evaluated in environmental, economical and socio-cultural visions. The importance of each group of criteria in its own vision was assigned to be higher than two other groups. In the fourth stage, the final suitability map was obtained after crossing three resulted maps in different visions and reported in five suitability classes for landfill construction. This map indicated that almost 1224 ha of the study area can be considered as best suitable class for landfill siting considering all visions. In the last stage, a comprehensive field visit was performed to verify the selected site obtained from the proposed model. This field inspection has confirmed the proposed integrating approach for the landfill siting.  相似文献   

The identification of significant pollutants emitted from the contamination source is the first step in evaluating the impact associated with anthropic activity. Municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators are still generally perceived as great pollutant sources, in particular due to their gaseous emissions from the stack, which constitute the major effluent from the plant. In this work a life cycle assessment and an integrated environmental monitoring system were applied together, in order to obtain complete information about the incineration process and its environmental impact. The former is a proven methodology, but its application to waste management systems constitutes a relatively new field of application with a great developmental potential. The contribution of the incineration process to the different environmental impact categories was investigated, finding many avoided impacts due to energy recovery. The latter is an innovative approach that allows a remarkable understanding of impact due to a contamination source; interesting correlations were found between heavy metals both in gas emissions and in natural matrices in the surroundings.  相似文献   

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